Tidy the code
Added a removal delay to pending warps on mysql
Fixed PAPI on plugin reload
Added placeholder-condition to purge
Fixed sorting cooldown
Try to add some sort of queue schedule system for the sponsor.
Fixed warp discord not working - you now need to use % instead of []
Fixed errors throwing when using /pwarp reload twice in a row attachment:
if u wanna grab gui data only, run it as async for sqlite data
Added more scheduler stuff to the AP
Dont unready on GUI close
Setowner command
Fixed the sign flashing in 1.20
Take into consideration for paper servers with 1.12 and below
Fixed MySQL driver for 1.8 servers
Add action on click for page icons
Fixed sponsor items
Sign checks
New event API
Added %category% to commands
Fixed double coloured warps, the heck?
use PDC when can
Fixed invisible warp names
Parse placeholders before colour, fixed locked section i think
Ignore banner meta