Thank you so much for using Player Warps, it means so much to the Olzie Development team. I know we haven't released an update for a while. This update is a huge one and loads of features have been recoded!
I hope everyone enjoys this update and Happy New Year!
- Added permissions for commands pw.admin.command to bypass for any warp
- Added cost for re-setting a warp
- GUI refresh doesn't break anymore
- Fixed some issues
- Being able to teleport to your warp if it is locked via /pwarp <warp>
- Rename command now removes colours
- Using the new PlotSquared listener API
- Icon setting, tool durability is now always 0
- Manager now uses isClosed if isValid is not available in runtime (outdated SQLite?)
- Added a new action [chat_wait] message:command [chat_wait] is it will send the message to the player, then whatever they enter can be used in the command with the variable %value%
- Added player side variables liked [banned]
- Added search option (search warps either via the full player name or similar warp names)
- Added favourite warps
- Added a extra menu when right-clicking a warp for "managing your visit" - rate warps, favourite via a menu
- Added a filter sort option player side instead of global
- Recoded visits warp menu, very glitchy?
- Changed some defaults gui configuration
- Changed how PlayerWarp icon data works
- Fixed confirmation and pay once
- Fixed all dynmap issues