⚠️ Player Warps ⚠️ ➢ Set your warps!  [1.7-1.20.4] icon

⚠️ Player Warps ⚠️ ➢ Set your warps! [1.7-1.20.4] -----

Let your players set warps, supports your favorite plugins, cross-server support and more.

Release 3.9
I've finally added a feature for unsafe blocks, so if any blocks you have listed. The player cannot teleport to them unless the player clicks again to verify! Also fixed some commands, that wern't working and some null pointers.

If you have any problems join our discord!

You will need to reset your config.yml and lang.yml or:

Please add the following to your config.yml in the settings section:
Code (Text):

  # The plugin will check before they warp to see if the warp is unsafe, these are the blocks that get checked below the warp.
  # Valid material names: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
    - LAVA
    - AIR
    - MAGMA # This is a 1.12+ block, so this wont work for 1.11- so remove it :)
  # How many seconds, show the timer expire for the unsafe warp. This means how many seconds do they have to click
  # the warp again to teleport to an unsafe warp. Recommended is 3.
  time-expire-unsafe: 3
Please add the following to your lang.yml in the errors section:
Code (Text):
    warp-not-safe-command: '&cThis warp is not safe. If you want to teleport, type in the command again.'
    warp-not-safe-gui: '&cThis warp is not safe. If you want to teleport, click again.'
Fixed /pwarp reload in the console, it wasn't actually reloading the configs.
----------, Jul 13, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 127,420
First Release: Apr 19, 2019
Last Update: Jul 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
21 ratings
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