⚠️ Player Warps ⚠️ ➢ Set your warps!  [1.7-1.20.4] icon

⚠️ Player Warps ⚠️ ➢ Set your warps! [1.7-1.20.4] -----

Let your players set warps, supports your favorite plugins, cross-server support and more.

Release 6.9.0
We are back with another huge update for Player Warps, we hope everyone has enjoyed their summer break and we hope you enjoy this update too! :)

Fixed config updater not escaping the \n in lists
Fixed an issue with the menu updater not updating item names if only the item name was changed
Fixed a bug if you used the sound action it would also dispatch that as a server command
Fixed a bug if you had the category menu disabled, it'll not auto complete the other menus
Fixed mywarps updating on lock
Fixed an issue with mysql server not updating properly in updater
Fixed the getPlayers ConcurrentModificationException
Fixed an error in the search menu for MySQL users
Fixed BlueMap errors
Fixed the expiring functions (never expiring) if they expired when the server was offline
Fixed /pwarp removeall concurrent errors
Fixed world loading after playerwarps would cause warps not to load at all
Fixed lands erroring on deletion
Fixed the sign warp event
Fixed rate rounding
Fixed my warps menu not updating with password update
Fixed an issue with the tab complete on the description command if you changed the "set" sub command in config
Added JSON formatting (check the docs on how to use it)
Added the ability to specify the lore and named needed when required to use an item for economy
Added the ability to move the sponsor warp items to the player warp menu
Added ability to add NBT data to items
Added the ability to add enchantments to items
Added pw.open.admin to be able to open menus for other players
Added automatic server detection for mysql (no longer need to list them)
Added the the ability to set a default teleport price per category
Added an option to be able to change the password max length
Added an addon API for PW
You can now enter \n in the description for it to go onto the next line
Now using my new framework
Now using an entire new addon system woah
Now using the new cdn for my webserver to fix some servers not being able to connect to it
You can now choose on how to format your dates in player warps
Changed ids and limits to long.
Changed how purging worked, now uses commands instead of just removing the warp (more flexibility)
Grief prevention events have now been altered
Updated the PlotSquared V6 API again...
Pl3xmap errors have been fixed
You can now use regex in blacklisted name
Open the visit edit menu when right clicking a claimed sponsor warp
Fixed an issue with the sorting cooldown when disabling some sort types
Fixed an issue if you're using MySQL sponsor warps could be overridden
A complete recode of the GUI system and caching. Uses less memory! :)
Now supports offline messages
Set owner command now has a confirmation to the receiver ~ does change command syntax
Ability to change the formatter for numbers
Ability to change the locked icon with more itemmeta
Now using an entire new converter system (also add a new plugin to the converter)
Configuration Sections are now less delicate and so are configuration strings
Removed the deprecation of setWarpDate in the Warp object
----------, Sep 1, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 127,420
First Release: Apr 19, 2019
Last Update: Jul 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
21 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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