⚠️ Player Warps ⚠️ ➢ Set your warps!  [1.7-1.20.4] icon

⚠️ Player Warps ⚠️ ➢ Set your warps! [1.7-1.20.4] -----

Let your players set warps, supports your favorite plugins, cross-server support and more.

Release 6.10.0
Wow! We have probably the biggest update changelog ever produced by Olzie Development. We really hope you enjoy our updates, we've worked really hard as the team and community to make this the most stable build ever updated on spigot. Thank you!

Fixed config updater resetting configuration sections like "ranks-pay".
Recoded the open command, now uses an entire new option system (read the docs).
The ability to specify a required permission to sponsor a warp.
Recoded the entire way warp visits work, you can now purge warp visits. So you can have a total amount of visits and a purged visits, (purged every x days).
Cleaned addwarps command (mainly for negatives to allow -result > static).
Fixed how sponsor warps checking out of sync cache works.
Added %displayname% placeholder to all messages that %player% uses (only works when online, otherwise will show players name if offline).
Fixed search menu not opening properly.
Fixed menu framework not ignoring clicks in the players inventory.
Fixed signs clicking if you didn't have protocollib, a error would of been thrown instead of a message.
Added PlaceholderAPI support the warps in the warp menu (some placeholders may not work if the player is offline, not my fault).
Fixed where the sign items would reset every config update.
Fixed warp renting showing up as they couldn't afford it, even though they could.
Now executing vault auctions sync like withdrawing.
Fixed managemenu not replacing [warp].
Fixed commands not be used on the right item when they're being overridden.
Fixed commands not working in the main menu.
Added an option in the config.yml for players to bypass warp passwords if they're the owner.
Fixed 1.8 support not working for messages.
Fixed visits cooldown not working due to me missing an "s" in the string.
Added a new debug log level system.
You can now specify needed items for you to teleport to a warp.
You can now choose if players need to have "pw.set" for /pw set, disabled by default in the config.yml.
Fixed a bug with /pwarp reload not closing the gui before startup sequence is called again.
You can now add aliases to your commands in the config.yml.
1.17 users now use the proper minecraft nbt tag system for items.
Also moved the server option for databases to avoid confusion, you may wanna update that.
Improved menu performance by miles.
Fixed other advanced item meta not applying to skulls.
You can now use ranges in slots, for example "0-8".
Fixed some warps being unsafe due to some of the new air, you can now mark what will be safe at the players head (potential suffocation)
PAPI placeholders can now be used in menu titles.
Fixed NPE throwing when creating a warp through the API with a null callback (mainly pw addons).
Fixed multiple addons being enabled in the config.yml causing to ignore some addons depending on the order it was checking
Added a option for you to disable page items if there is no valid page. For example it wont show the previous page if you're on page 1
Fixed an issue if you had MySQL enabled, then disable it. it would throw an error using /pwarp reload
Fixed sponsor warps not working if you had a chat plugin making the warp have colour when you type it in chat
Added more commands to the config.yml for setting & removing warps.
Fixed some errors occurring when using tab complete in console.
Optimised skulls, now loads async while the menu is open and doesn't need the player to log onto the server for it to appear properly.
Introduced searching for the mywarps menu.
Cooldown properly now working for sorting items (still loading inv).
Fixed refresh spam page lag.
Ability to change server warp skulls in lang file
Fixed players inventory getting updated all the time for not even my menus.
Added !color tag to chat_wait action.
Adjusted how signs were placed on the client side to prevent some issues.
Add an option to be able to set set warps in either a member or owner region for worldguard
Fix option "amount" not working for some clickable items
Fixed open command not working for categories with spaces
Fixed an issue where if you didn't have legacy startup in console before pw loaded it would do it when opening search signs
Added action tags, check the docs for more info
You can now add custom world names to make them look more prettier to the player in the world type section.
Added %reason% to the permission message so the player knows why they dont have permission.
Fixed an error when setting a warp using the /pwarp set <warp> server command.
Added an option to be able to teleport to warps using signs just like EssentialsX' sign system for warps.
----------, Oct 23, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 127,420
First Release: Apr 19, 2019
Last Update: Jul 10, 2024
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All-Time Rating:
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