⚠️ Player Warps ⚠️ ➢ Set your warps!  [1.7-1.20.4] icon

⚠️ Player Warps ⚠️ ➢ Set your warps! [1.7-1.20.4] -----

Let your players set warps, supports your favorite plugins, cross-server support and more.

Release 6.11.0
Changed the papi placeholders for selecting modifiers for specific warps
Fixed data file for myql users
Fixed [warp] not working in visitedit menu
Fixed \n not working in safe placeholder but others were working
Added a option to intherit the category icon
Added sponsor placeholders to papi (check docs)
Fixed sponsor warps not working if you had it enabled in the main GUI
Added reminders for renting warps
Fixed renting not working after when using /pw reload
Fixed being able to create warps as empty by adding just colour codes in it, thus resulting in not being able to remove the warp as well
Added a check for player being null in protocolib event receiving?
PlaceholderAPI reloads no longer breaks placeholders from PW
Added an option for you to be able to disable giving money back to the player when warping
Fixed confusion in the GUIs with skulls, version mix-up
Fixed an error that you may get with timers "Timer already cancelled...", now using ExecutorService instead.
Added an option for you to disable the managewarp menu
Fixed how player warps detects numbers in commands
Added a isowner placeholder
Added default prompt category
Updated to using 1.18 dependency and added support
Allowed skulls to work with offline servers using SkinRestorer
Added menu checks if menu was disabled for some menus instead of throwing error
Fixed owner pay not working no matter what for item economy
Fixed locked items not using the warp placeholders
Added husktowns support
Fixed an error when using reload command with mysql
Fixed concurrent issue with getting a warp on startup (repeat of errors)
You can now use /pwarp removeall <server/console> so remove all the warps owned by the server
----------, Dec 18, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 127,420
First Release: Apr 19, 2019
Last Update: Jul 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
21 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings