Lands ⭕ Land claim plugin ✅ Grief Prevention Protection GUI Management Nations Wars - 1.21 Support icon

Lands ⭕ Land claim plugin ✅ Grief Prevention Protection GUI Management Nations Wars - 1.21 Support -----

Feature rich GUI, Taxes, Settings, Flags, Easy to use, Titles, Rewards, Dynmap, Upkeep, Rent, Wars

- Fixed: Crafter being able to opened by visitors
----------, Feb 26, 2025

- Fixed: CREAKING not affected by monster spawn flag
- Fixed: Issue with linked Bedrock and Java account via geyser open bedrock menu
----------, Feb 24, 2025

+ Changed: Deny entity interaction while in selection mode
- Fixed: Default locale for tnt griefing flag
----------, Feb 11, 2025

+ Added: /lands admin land <land or *> removespawn
- Fixed: Fly counter task error
- Fixed: Auto spawn creation
----------, Jan 22, 2025

- Fixed: Creepers not exploding
- Fixed: Flags that aren't managed by nation kept reseting randomly
----------, Jan 21, 2025

- Fixed: Invalid material for some player skins
- Fixed: Players were able to move their own items into GUI if menu had icon item
----------, Jan 14, 2025

Lands now requires Java 21 or newer.

+ Added: Support for Nexo items, blocks and furniture
You can use them in the GUI, for the mainblock and tools etc. for every item or block in Lands

How to use them:

+ Changed: /lands trust <player> no longer trusts a player to all subareas unless specified via the area parameter: /lands trust <player> <area or * for all subareas>
The same applies to untrust, ban, unban, setrole
----------, Jan 9, 2025

- Fixed: 1.20.1 WindCharge error
- Fixed: Error at container deletion in rare cases
----------, Jan 6, 2025

- Fixed: Some checks enforcing relation limits
- Fixed: Some issues regarding the relations API
- Fixed: Vehicle use flag minor issue
+ Changed: Prevent explosions at prime stage
- Fixed: Inbox message not broadcasted to everyone
----------, Jan 3, 2025

- Fixed: ProjectileHitEvent error
----------, Jan 1, 2025

- Fixed: Only auto place mainblock insice claim not on border
- Fixed: Tp error result not set
- Fixed: Windcharge entity push bypass
+ Improved: Redis cross server tp faster
----------, Dec 31, 2024

+ Added: Bedrock forms for banned players
- Fixed: Missing claimblock_claim item GUI
- Fixed: Land storage should be disabled when using Redis
- Fixed: Essentials invsee causing issues with container protection on Folia
----------, Dec 18, 2024

+ Added: View effect to CMI holo
- Fixed: Ignore already claimed chunks for cost calc and max perms at collection claim (radius etc.)
- Fixed: Caching between bedrock and java menu context
- Fixed: Some typos - thanks @HydraByte
----------, Dec 11, 2024

+ Added: [Suggestion] Ability to give claimblocks with a claim radius via /lands admin player <player> give claimblock <radius> <amount>
You can also set a claim radius for the initial claimblock item given to new players in config.yml.
----------, Dec 10, 2024

+ Added: You can now disable claiming for regular players in specific worlds, while still being able to create admin lands as a server admin.
Code (YAML):
  # Worlds where players should be able to claim. You can add all worlds by adding * to the list.
  # You can also set optional parameters such as, if claiming should be enabled for regular players without admin perms (permission: lands.admin.disabled-features)
  # and the minimum and maximum claim height. The format is a follows: <worldname>:<claiming>:<min-height>:<max-height>
  # NOTE: Minimum height can't be lower than your server's min height and maximum height can't be higher than your servers maximum height. The claim height of admin lands will always be maxed out.
  # NOTE: This setting requires server reload / restart.
  # Examples:
  #   'world' -> This results in the max claim height and claiming enabled for players.
  #   'world:true:30:319' -> This results in a claim height of 30 to 319 and claiming enabled for players.
  #   'world:false' -> Only server admins can claim in this world to create admin lands etc.
   - 'world'
- Fixed: CMI hologram interaction
----------, Dec 9, 2024

+ Added: Chat tags for land and nation chat:
The easiest way to chat with land members is by just sending a message in the normal chat with the following format:
Code (Text):
@land <message>
Just make sure to replace <message> with the message of your choice.

+ Changed: Map Menu -> current position make clickable
----------, Dec 7, 2024

- Fixed: Initial land spawn with redis not immediately sync
- Fixed: Spawn not set if mainblock didn't have space enough - still attempt to fit spawn
----------, Dec 6, 2024

- Fixed: Issue where saved icons would cause a request to be made for the session servers to mojang at the server startup, since the servers inbuilt serialization would not take the profile URL into account.
If you're having this issue and getting rate limit messages after startup, try the following:

1. Stop server
2. Download and install **at least version 7.11.1 of Lands**
3. Start server
4. Stop server
5. Enable force-save in config.yml under logging (at the bottom of the config)
6. Start server
7. Stop server. Shutdown will take longer this time.
8. Disable force-save in config.yml under logging (at the bottom of the config)
----------, Dec 3, 2024

+ Added: New menu that opens when you click the mainblock of a land. In this menu
you can open the land menu, main menu, map or edit the mainblock.
----------, Nov 29, 2024

+ Added: API -> new methods to CaptureFlag interface, to set firework spawn interval and time to hold
- Fixed: Respawn anchor was able to damage entities in claims
----------, Nov 28, 2024

If you set the `only-claimworld` option for flight control in config.yml to false, you may need to adjust the config after updating to version 7.10.12. The new version added a list to define whether flight control is enabled in non-claim worlds.

+ Added: Option to define flight control state in non-claim worlds

Code (YAML):

# This option only affects worlds that aren't in claim-worlds_list.
# For worlds of claim-worlds_list this option is irrelevant, since flight is controlled via the FLY flag.
# To toggle flight control in wilderness of claim worlds, just execute /lands admin menu while standing in the world.
# This list allows you to deny or allow flight in worlds that aren't in claim-worlds_list. This is important if players are switching worlds.
# You can use wildcard (*) to add all worlds to this list.
# Entry format is as follows: "worldName:allowFly"
# Example:
#   world:false -> if world isn't part of claim-worlds_list, flight will be disabled in this world.
#   world:true -> if world isn't part of claim-worlds_list, flight won't be disabled when players enter this world.
#   If world is part of claim-worlds_list, the flight control will be controlled via the FLY flag in /lands admin menu or the menu of claims.
: [ ]
----------, Nov 27, 2024

+ Added: _ulid value to events.yml
+ Added: [Suggestion] You can now disable the Redis log messages in the config: "database.redis.log"
+ Changed: [Suggestion] prompt to delete whole land, if /lands delete here is executed in the default area.
----------, Nov 26, 2024

+ Added: [Suggestion] /lands map link to open dynmap
You can change the link in web.yml.
----------, Nov 23, 2024

- Fixed: Don't send upkeep collected message, if land and nation upkeep is disabled.
- Fixed: Floodgate player auto land creation invalid character
- Fixed: Hex color for actionbars
----------, Nov 22, 2024

+ Changed: All references to the wiki for the new wiki:
----------, Nov 16, 2024

- Fixed: Rental holograms
----------, Nov 12, 2024

+ Added: API: LandBlockInteractEvent
+ Added: API: MemberHolderRelationChangedEvent
+ Added: API: RoleFlagToggleEvent
----------, Nov 11, 2024

- Fixed: Issue on some servers with claim loading if the previous world was deleted by a server admin
----------, Nov 5, 2024

+ Added: [Suggestion] Being able to toggle bedrock menus
# Provide bedrock forms for bedrock players, instead of the normal GUI?
bedrock-forms: true

+ Added: [Suggestion] Added {date} placeholder to chunk message in chat locale file
----------, Nov 4, 2024

+ Added: You can now change the type of the camp block
+ Added: [Suggestion] Random teleportation not respects the size of your world border and not just config
----------, Nov 2, 2024

+ Added: [Suggestion] Send selection reminder immediately when completing the selection the first time
+ Added: [Suggestion] %lands_nation_name_cmd% PlaceholderAPI placeholder
+ Added: [Suggestion] You can now define combat tag worlds
Code (YAML):
      # Configure worlds in which combat tags should be enabled.
      # NOTE: If empty, it's enabled in all claim worlds from claim-worlds_list.
: [ ]

- Fixed: War kills point
----------, Oct 31, 2024

+ Added: New string for land title, if levels are disabled
You might need to adjust your locale file, if you don't want the default:
normal: '&7%level% &7of&3 %owner%&7.'
levels-disabled: '&7of&3 %owner%&7.'

- Fixed: /lands wild
----------, Oct 30, 2024

+ Added: Players tab complete now cross server when using redis
+ Added: Players now receive messages cross server at /lands trust etc. when using redis
+ Added: You can now disable dynmap popups by setting the entry in locale file to ""

- Fixed: Land expiration bulk
- Fixed: RTP min and max radius option
- Fixed: Redis TELEPORTATION topic
----------, Oct 29, 2024

- Fixed: LandCreateEvent cancellation issue
- Fixed: Added server-name.yml to override Redis values from config.yml
----------, Oct 16, 2024

+ Added: [Suggestion] You can now define min and max distance for each world at rtp
Code (YAML):
  # Worlds where players should be able to use /lands wild.
  # You can use '*' as an entry, to allow all worlds.
  # Entry format: worldName:minDistance:maxDistance
  # The minimum and maximum distance is measured from the world spawn (/setworldspawn).
   - "world:800:30000"
- Fixed: LandCreateEvent cancellation issue
- Fixed: Multi locale setup
----------, Oct 11, 2024

+ Added: [Suggestion] Inbox message to inform land members about changes in /lands storage
----------, Oct 7, 2024

+ Added: Mohist: protect mod blocks via interact_general flag
- Fixed: SkinsRestorer integration error
----------, Sep 30, 2024

+ Added: API to unclaim chunks
----------, Sep 23, 2024

- Fixed: Event logging error
----------, Sep 22, 2024

- Fixed: Startup with invalid skulls in GUI locale
If you receive a warning about this in console, you need to update your GUI locale file:
----------, Sep 20, 2024

+ Changed: Elytra flag now also affects flying using the riptide enchantment
- Fixed: denied message with GSit plugin
+ Added: Name threads
- Fixed: Drop items if dispenser exploding
- Fixed: Auto spawn and mainblock creation of /claim without land
- Fixed: -1 spawn teleport if no spawn set and admin
- Fixed: Don't allow players without lands.command.claim perm to claim via the map
----------, Sep 19, 2024

- Fixed: Hide item attributes in menu
- Fixed: item currency item
+ Added: API for flags to Role and Area
----------, Sep 7, 2024

- Fixed: /lands deposit all - with item eco
- Fixed: Area creator becoming member
----------, Sep 2, 2024

- Fixed: High amount of async tasks due to TTL cache
----------, Sep 2, 2024

- Fixed: no-claims land deletion option not working of owner inactivity disabled
- Fixed: Some tenant related issues
----------, Aug 30, 2024

- Fixed: Error at paper item move event
----------, Aug 27, 2024

- Fixed: Virtual storage hopper items being moved to the vanilla barrel
The virtual storage currently does not allow hoppers. This may be changed in a future version.
----------, Aug 26, 2024

- Fixed: Issue with sell sign causing error in menu
- Fixed: RTP error with Folia
- Fixed: Some other issues I forgot to log...
----------, Aug 19, 2024

- Fixed: Issue with RoseStacker and monster spawn flag in lands
- Fixed: High usage with minecart
- Fixed: Error with scoreboard on Folia, since Folia does not support them
- Fixed: Cashback calc with ADD mode
----------, Aug 17, 2024

- Fixed: Getting tpd out of claim on login despite ally role having enter flag
- Fixed: Default camp name
+ Changed: Default camp name now includes a space
- Fixed: Camp name in menu
----------, Aug 15, 2024

- Fixed: Wrong flag for tnt minecart explosion
----------, Aug 12, 2024

- Fixed: Mohist chat action input
+ Changed: Allow max name length for auto land creations to allow using player name as land name
----------, Aug 10, 2024

- Fixed: {blocks} placeholder for sell signs
- Fixed: /lands leave - should only lands youre trusted in
- Fixed: Rental validation check causing bought areas to fail to load
- Fixed: Managed by nation item
- Fixed: Minecart protection check - performance
- Fixed: Infinite symbol for potion effects inside nation not displaying
- Fixed: Potion effect not getting removed when disabling in nation menu
----------, Aug 9, 2024

The name options (name length etc.) for land and nation names have changed. You may need to re-configure them in config.yml and nations.yml.

+ Added: The name options for lands and nations were changed to give you more freedom and flexibility.
Also nations now have their own name config in nations.yml

Code (YAML):
            # Land name options
            # Should spaces be allowed in land names?
              # Spaces will be replaced with an underscore, when being displayed as a command parameter.
              # Disabling this option at a later time, will also remove spaces from existing lands.
: false
              # Maximum land name length
              # The maximum possible length is 80 when using MySQL and 32 when using SQLite (including color codes).
              # How to filter names:
: 24
              # Should colors be allowed in land names?
              # Disabling this option at a later time, will also remove color from existing lands.
: true
              # Should land names be allowed to include formatting, such as bold, underlined etc.?
: true
              # Should numbers be allowed in land names?
: true
              # Allow only latin letters for land names?
              # If enabled: They won't be able to use chinese letters etc.
: false

+ Added: Option to only allow latin characters for land/nation names

+ Added: Option to remove combat tag upon death
# Remove the combat tag upon death?
death-remove: true

- Fixed: Chat input for Folia
----------, Aug 2, 2024

- Fixed: Potion effects in nation not persisting over restart
----------, Jul 31, 2024

+ Added: [Suggestion] %lands_land_name_cmd% PAPI placeholder
- Fixed: Wait for player data to load before initializing tp - redis
----------, Jul 30, 2024

+ Added: [Suggestion] {land} placeholder for storage menu title
- Fixed: Unknown message: area-not-exist
- Fixed: Upkeep alter being sent, even if upkeep disabled
- Fixed: /lands wild - action not disabling in rare cases
----------, Jul 29, 2024

- Fixed: Tenant not persisting between restart
----------, Jul 26, 2024

+ Changed: /lands delete
It now accepts a land parameter: /lands delete <land | here>
If you provide "here", it will delete the subarea you're standing in.

+ Changed: /lands leave
It now accepts a land parameter: /lands leave <land | here>
If you provide "here", it will remove you from the area you're standing in.
----------, Jul 25, 2024

+ Added: parse hex color from 3rd party papi placeholders
- Fixed: Minor issues with bedrock menu
----------, Jul 24, 2024

- Fixed: Placeholder parsing
- Fixed: /lands relations input
----------, Jul 23, 2024

+ Added: Upkeep reminder broadcast message
----------, Jul 21, 2024

- Fixed: Fly disable
- Fixed: Inbox parsing
----------, Jul 20, 2024

+ Added: Specific mainblock for camps
+ Added: API to create camp etc. items
- Fixed: /lands deposit - cost display
- Fixed: Unhandled tp result if cancelled by 3rd party plugin
- Fixed: Disable fly
- Fixed: Turtle egg growth being limited by plant growth flag
----------, Jul 19, 2024

- Fixed: Display of next upkeep collection in rare cases
----------, Jul 15, 2024

+ Added: Broadcast message when upkeep for upkeep collection
- Fixed: Insufficient funds upkeep reminder
----------, Jul 14, 2024

- Fixed: Time format comma in rare cases
- Fixed: Hex color for roles.yml
----------, Jul 13, 2024

+ Added: API to add your own inbox messages, change role priorities, add or delete roles and check config values
- Fixed: Upkeep, taxes not collecting
----------, Jul 11, 2024

+ Changed: Only allow land owners to change the mainblock
+ Changed: Apply spawn teleport cost to sub areas as well
- Fixed: /lands admin resetworld
----------, Jul 10, 2024

- Fixed: /lands storage not saving in case of server crash
- Fixed: PlaceholderAPI placeholders with {} in it
- Fixed: Issue with tenant not removable
----------, Jul 9, 2024

+ Added: Option to disable personal fallback:
Code (YAML):
# Should money be taken from the players personal balance, if they for example try to claim, but the land bank doesn't have enough money?
# If disabled and they don't have enough money in the land bank during upkeep collection, they won't be able to pay the upkeep.
: true
----------, Jul 8, 2024

+ Improved: Unclaim during upkeep task collection
----------, Jul 8, 2024

+ Added: /wars list - opens menu with active wars
+ Improved: Handling of thousands of land updates via Redis. This is important for upkeep, taxes etc.
where almost always all lands are altered
+ Improved: Default GUI locale for wars


----------, Jul 5, 2024

- Fixed: Issue with /lands balance and gold blocks
----------, Jul 4, 2024

+ Added: You can now choose between two different chunk buffer zone types

Code (Text):
    # Available distance modes: EUCLIDEAN, DIAMOND_SHAPE
    # EUCLIDEAN - measures Euclidean distance
    # DIAMOND_SHAPE - creates buffer zone in form of a diamond around claims
    mode_3: "EUCLIDEAN"
----------, Jul 4, 2024

- Fixed: Land name parsing
- Fixed: Wars spawn teleport
----------, Jul 3, 2024

+ Added: [Suggestion] %lands_land_category% PAPI placeholder
+ Added: You can now use #hexText instead of {#hex}Text
----------, Jul 3, 2024

Attention: The old SQLite and MySQL database schemas are no longer supported, please migrate to the new ones, if you don't
use SQLite-v2 or MySQL-v2 in the configuration. The plugin will send you a warning at startup, if this is the case.

While the old schema still works, it's recommended to migrate to the new one for better performance and future features.

+ Added: New flag BLOCK_SPREADING:
----------, Jul 2, 2024

- Fixed: /war admin start command
----------, Jun 30, 2024

+ Added: Multi locale support for inbox messages
+ Changed: Allow placement of landblock in non-solid blocks
- Fixed: Error when forcefully deleting land while area being rented
- Fixed: War start broadcast didn't get sent
- Fixed: Land enter title
----------, Jun 28, 2024

+ Changed: chunk-distance option behaviour for the "nation" option. Read:
Code (YAML):
  # Set the minimum Euclidean distance in chunks (16 blocks).
  # Players can bypass this restriction, if their role has the LAND_CLAIM_BORDER flag in the neighboring land.
    # Set the minimum distance in chunks (16 blocks) between two lands that aren't part of any nation.
: 1
    # Set the minimum distance between a land that tries to expand to a neighbouring nation.
    # This value only applies to surrounding lands. That means that if a nation tries to expand and the
    # neighbouring claim isn't part of a nation, the "land_2" value from above will be used instead.
: 3
+ Added: [Suggestion] {player_display} placeholder for messages in lands and nation chat
----------, Jun 27, 2024

- Fixed: Error while parsing enter message
----------, Jun 27, 2024

+ Added: A menu that displays all online members of an area, land or nation
For lands it's accessible in the player management menu. For nations it's accessible in the lands menu.


----------, Jun 26, 2024

+ Changed: Allow chunk-distance buffer zone to be Euclidean distance instead of square
----------, Jun 25, 2024

- Fixed: Sending mutual declaration via Redis
- Fixed: War timeout display at /war info
----------, Jun 23, 2024

- Fixed: Don't open menu of deleted land
+ Changed: Chunk buffer zone is now a square around claim instead of euclidean distance
----------, Jun 21, 2024

- Fixed: Error message not displaying correctly when trying to delete role in bedrock menu
- Fixed: Toggle error message when missing perm for flag in bedrock menu
----------, Jun 20, 2024

- Fixed: Chat mode not synchronizing between servers
----------, Jun 19, 2024

- Fixed: Sending wrong /lands map on 1.21
----------, Jun 18, 2024

+ Added: Minecraft 1.21 support
- Fixed: Spawn cost sent to bank, not saving
- Fixed: Players were able to confirm teleports despite having moved. Also, unsafe teleport destinations will expire in 30 seconds
----------, Jun 17, 2024

- Fixed: Issue with redis topics in rare cases
- Fixed: Loading stats with redis in specific cases
----------, Jun 12, 2024

+ Added: Option to define who should pay spawn teleport fee:

Code (YAML):
       pay :
          # Should untrusted players pay the teleport costs?
: false
          # Should trusted players pay the teleport costs?
: true
----------, Jun 11, 2024

- Fixed: Potion effects not adding or removing correctly
- Fixed: Claim initial world option
- Fixed: Dont allow trusting players in areas you don't have player_trust flag
----------, Jun 8, 2024

+ Added: Support for ShreddedPaper
----------, Jun 5, 2024

+ Added: Sync claim limits from other servers (if not using multipaper)
+ Added: Support for Nova

- Fixed: Allies count in menu
- Fixed: Dynmap nation players count display
----------, Jun 4, 2024

Please read the complete changelog.

+ Changed how the following commands work:
- /lands trust
- /lands untrust
- /lands setrole
- /lands ban
- /lands unban

When no <area> argument is provided, the command is executed for the whole land instead of just the default area.

+ Changed: /lands leave now removes the player from the whole land, if the "here" argument isn't provided

+ Added: You can now configure two different chunk distance options for buffer zones between lands.
If you had an existing configuration, you need to re-configure it.

Code (YAML):
  # Set the minimum distance in chunks (16 blocks).
  # Players can bypass this restriction, if their role has the LAND_CLAIM_BORDER flag in the neighboring land.
    # Set the minimum distance in chunks (16 blocks) between two lands that aren't part of any nation.
: 1
    # Set the minimum distance between a land and a nation or two nations.
: 3
- Fixed: Tenant UUID if sold
----------, May 30, 2024

+ Improved: Order in which lands looks for chunk-distance option nearby lands at claiming
+ Improved: Delay tp failure message on redis upon server join
----------, May 25, 2024

+ Added: Support for capture flags on multipaper
----------, May 22, 2024

- Fixed: Error at land creation on folia
- Fixed: Saving wars when using SQLite
- Fixed: /lands claim,unclaim auto not disabling
----------, May 21, 2024

+ Added: You can now also expire rental offers via the menu
- Fixed: Rental offers not displaying in menu for selling land
----------, May 21, 2024

+ Added: [Suggestion] You can now setup area for rental in the area menu
- Fixed: /lands wild - teleporting into caves


----------, May 17, 2024

- Fixed: /lands map - claim
- Fixed: New flags available message appearing after every server restart, if mysql-v2 used
- Fixed: Error with NPC interaction
----------, May 16, 2024

+ Improved: Further improved anti command/action spam and added it to all actions
- Fixed: Spawn teleportation with mutli server sync, if not on multipaper
----------, May 15, 2024

+ Improved: Commands such as /lands wild will be blocked until the teleportation is complete
----------, May 13, 2024

+ Added: Support for wars to be synchronized across servers
Capture Flags are not yet supported.

- Fixed: Some chat plugins had an incompatibility with chat inputs in Lands

- Fixed: lands_wars_relation placeholder should not return NEUTRAL
- Fixed: selection tool dropping at death
----------, May 12, 2024

+ Improved: Role menu - description of roles
- Fixed: Parsing cache.json in rare cases
+ Added: API: PlayerDataLoadedEvent
- Fixed: /lands setrole - misleading messages and tab completion
----------, May 6, 2024

- Fixed: Players displaying as "Steve" after server restart, if using multipaper
- Fixed: Players being able to edit deleted land if they opened menu beforehand
----------, May 4, 2024

+ Added: Option to disable relations broadcast
Code (YAML):
# Options for /lands relations and /nations relations
  # Broadcast new relations to all players on the server?
: true

- Fixed: Players displaying as "Steve" after server restart
----------, May 3, 2024

+ Added: Support for relations to be synchronized across servers

+ Added: PlaceholderAPI placeholders:
Description: Amount of members of the land that are online.

Description: Names of the land members that are currently online.

- Fixed: Upkeep not being collected on non-multipaper servers
- Fixed: /lands selection, if selection tool being disabled in config.yml
- Fixed: Level up triggers level down commands and title
----------, May 2, 2024

- Fixed: Capture flag recipe on 1.20.5
----------, Apr 29, 2024

+ Added: Support for 1.20.5
----------, Apr 28, 2024

- Fixed: Retrieving offline player data
- Fixed: Migration if you merge multiple databases into one
----------, Apr 27, 2024

- Fixed: Saving war declarations
----------, Apr 26, 2024

+ Added: Support for levels to be synchronized across multiple servers. This includes level calculation.
+ Improved: How level calculation works - performance
+ Improved: Level implementation for nations
- Fixed: Requesting membership ends up being sent invite
----------, Apr 26, 2024

+ Added: Support for synchronizing rent/sell areas
----------, Apr 24, 2024

+ Added: Support for nations to be synchronized across servers using Redis
- Fixed: Several bugs that aren't listed in this changelog
- Fixed: /lands map displaying wrong directions
- Fixed: Visualizations and selection tool on multipaper
- Fixed: Membership auto accept not respecting land limits
----------, Apr 23, 2024

Before updating to this version, please make sure to make a backup of your current SQL database.
Also, downgrading from this version to an older one will not work!

This version adds support for synchronizing lands and claims across servers.

If you want to synchronize claims across servers, read the setup instructions here:

+ Added: Being able to sync lands and claims across servers
+ Added: Update the menu view if another player, for example, toggles flags etc.
+ Added: Redis TTL cache, if Redis enabled in config.yml
+ Improved: Several anti grief protections
- Fixed: Several bugs that aren't listed in this changelog

If you use the Lands API:
- All getId methods for lands, nations, wars, areas, roles are deprecated. The numerical ID isn't unique across multiple servers and should no longer be used. Use getULID instead. This is a universally unique lexicographically sortable identifier, which is unique across all servers. It's also better for SQL queries in comparison to UUID, as it's b-tree friendly for sorting. Doc:
----------, Apr 19, 2024

It's not recommended to use this version on production / live servers. Please wait for 7.1.0 to be released.

This update adds support for running Lands on multiple servers while synchronizing claims on each of these servers. Additionally, support for multipaper ( has been added.

This is currently only supported for new installations. So it won't work for existing servers right now. A database migration will be added later.

More info:

Fixes to this beta version will be published under the same version without any notifications.
----------, Apr 9, 2024

+ Added: [Suggestion] Toggle formatting in land names

Code (YAML):
    # Should land names be allowed to include formatting, such as bold, underlined etc.?
: true
----------, Mar 30, 2024

+ Added: [Suggestion] Lands/Logs/events.log to log land creations, deletions and similar events
- Fixed: Target block protection
----------, Mar 28, 2024

- Fixed: /lands create response
----------, Mar 26, 2024

- Fixed: Error if world not lands world at interaction or claim
----------, Mar 25, 2024

+ Added: [Suggestion] Area argument to /lands spawn [land] [area]
Allows players to teleport to sub areas of lands.
----------, Mar 21, 2024

+ Added: API Rent and sell API for information
+ Added: API PlayerRentalEvent, RentalExpireEvent, RentalOfferCreateEvent, LandPostCreateEvent
----------, Mar 18, 2024

+ Added: Claim response in /lands map is now being sent into the menu instead of the chat.
+ Added: Map item in main menu for java and bedrock edition
----------, Mar 16, 2024

- Fixed: Wrong land/nation name in menu of received or sent relationship offers
- Fixed: Shift + left click to open land info in relationship menus
- Fixed: Banning players on Folia and general teleportation
----------, Mar 12, 2024

+ Added: [Suggestion] Toggeling refunding claimblocks
Code (YAML):
    # Should claimblocks be refunded, if players unclaim a chunk that was claimed with a claimblock?
: true
- Fixed: Nation deletion throwing error

+ Added: [Suggestion] Being able to search lands and nations in /lands list and /nations list
----------, Mar 7, 2024

+ Added: %lands_nation_name_plain% PAPI placeholder

- Fixed: /lands map error in world where claims are disabled
- Fixed: Missing slots warning on startup
----------, Mar 4, 2024

+ Added: [Suggestion] Support for CMI's vanish feature
+ Added: [Suggestion] Current position item in map menu
- Fixed: BlueMap integration enable error in some cases
----------, Mar 2, 2024

+ Added: [Suggestion] /lands map will now open a menu instead and /lands map chat will print the current map into chat, just like in previous versions

+ Added: /lands map chat command

----------, Mar 1, 2024

- Fixed: Rentable areas etc. not displaying in /lands rent list after server reboot
- Fixed: /lands setrole
----------, Feb 29, 2024

- Fixed: /lands wild
- Fixed: Error at /war admin start
- Fixed: Cases where team eval was invalid for wars
- Fixed: Capture flag claiming chunks failing in some cases
+ Improved: Mojang API rate limiter handler
----------, Feb 26, 2024

+ Added: You can now disable every teleportation by unsetting the following permissions:
----------, Feb 23, 2024

+ Added: [Suggestion] Being able to allow visitors to tp to spawn in the land menu
+ Added: Being able to set spawn via land menu

You might need to update the item in your GUI (land menu):
Code (YAML):
         - '&8✖ &bLEFT CLICK'
          - '   &7Teleport to the land spawn.'
          - '&8✖ &bSHIFT + LEFT CLICK'
          - '   &7Set the spawn.'
          - '&8✖ &9SHIFT + RIGHT CLICK'
          - '   &7Allow visitors to teleport
: {teleport }'
          - '   &8• This can be edited in the role menu as well.'
: '&6&lSpawn'
: 9
----------, Feb 20, 2024

- Fixed: [#2525] error at membership request
- Fixed: [#2524] monster_spawn spawner option
----------, Feb 17, 2024

+ Added: API: area getId
- Fixed: lands.admin.command.wild permission message at /lands wild
----------, Feb 12, 2024

- Fixed: [#2514] scoreboards are not supported by Folia
- Fixed: Error on requesting membership in /lands list
----------, Feb 8, 2024

Please install, if you're on 6.44.5.

+ Added: API: System flag states:
- Fixed: [#2512] Error on block break
- Fixed: [#2510] keep-inventory only on claimed
----------, Feb 3, 2024

- Fixed: [#2506] check role edit flag at deletion
----------, Feb 2, 2024

- Fixed: [#2504] possible free claims overflow
- Fixed: [#2506] show_inbox for enabling
----------, Jan 30, 2024

- Fixed: [#2502] Issues with retrieving skin data for heads, etc. This finally removes errors printed by the server's API. Which might
occur if Mojangs API is down etc.
----------, Jan 24, 2024

- Fixed: [#2499] dropped exp with keep-inv
- Fixed: [#2498] init on moist
- Fixed: [#2497] detecting cave air with extensive check
----------, Jan 23, 2024

- Fixed: [#2489] edit tenant flag
- Fixed: [#2492] keep exp if keep-inventory
+ Added: WarHandler to API to allow 3rd party developers to add their own elements to wars
----------, Jan 15, 2024

- Fixed: [#2487] don't create tenant role if rent AND sell is disabled
----------, Jan 13, 2024

+ Added: [Suggestion] option for keeping inventory inside land:
Code (YAML):
  # Should players keep their inventory, if they die inside a land?
: false
+ Added: [Suggestion] /lands unclaim radius <radius>
+ Added: [Suggestion] support for new hologram type in CMI for 1.20+

- Fixed: [#2482] spawner disable option in config.yml
----------, Jan 12, 2024

+ Added: [Suggestion] short-unit format

Code (YAML):
    # The short format will use the normal format if the value is lower than 1000.
    # This format is only used in cases where there is not much space, like on signs.
    # This will convert balances like the following:
    # 1000000000 = 1B whereas {value} = 1 and {unit} = B
    # 1000000 = 1M
    # 1000 = 1k
: '$ {value } {unit }'
----------, Jan 5, 2024

- Fixed: 3rd party plugins not able to set default state for flag
----------, Jan 4, 2024

- Fixed: [#2481] [#2483] rental time resetting at rent interaction
----------, Dec 30, 2023

+ Added: [Suggestion] warning before upkeep collection if funds are insufficient
Code (YAML):
    # Altert the land or nation, if their funds are insufficient for upkeep.
    # Default: Alerts them 5 hours before upkeep collection, if their balance is insufficient.
: 5h

- Fixed: [#2480] rent sign removal sets it back
----------, Dec 29, 2023

- Fixed: [#2474] [#2454] rented time reset at reboot
- Fixed: [#2448] camp expiration delayed
----------, Dec 27, 2023

- Fixed: Mohist startup
+ Improved: Storage saving
----------, Dec 24, 2023

- Fixed: [#2467] error on 1.18 at boat handling
- Fixed: database init on mohist
----------, Dec 23, 2023

- Fixed: [#2462] rental time ticking too fast
----------, Dec 22, 2023

- Fixed: [#2460] [#2459] /land view particles not showing
----------, Dec 21, 2023

+ Added: API for the new landblocks
- Removed: Deprecated CaptureFlagBreakEvent in favor of LandBlockRemoveEvent
- Removed: Deprecated CaptureFlagPlaceEvent in favor of LandBlockPlaceEvent
- Fixed: [#2451] Error at AsyncTabCompleteEvent
----------, Dec 19, 2023

- Fixed: [#2447] fly flag display state warning
- Fixed: Only allow players with the correct flag to open the land storage
- Fixed: [#2442] active teleportation at cmd execution
----------, Dec 15, 2023

+ Added: You can now specify flags to be toggleable for the tenant role (roles.yml)
Code (YAML):
      # Allow lands to toggle specific flags for this role? They can only do this while the area is NOT rented.
      # WARNING: Keep in mind that this could allow lands to rent out areas, in which tenants can't do much or nothing depending
      # on the "allow-edit" list. You can add "all" to the list to allow them to toggle all flags for this role.
      # NOTE: They still need the generl toggle permission for the flags. These can be found in the wiki:
: [ ]
- Fixed: [#2240] assigning areas for an admin land
----------, Dec 11, 2023

It is recommended to update, if you use the land storage.

- Fixed: [#2437] error at /lands unclaim all
- Fixed: Land storage item grouping at save
----------, Dec 7, 2023

- Fixed: [#2436] Top leaderboard hologram only displaying 9
- Fixed: Some minor issues regarding rent signs
----------, Dec 5, 2023

This update migrates the land rent and sell signs and holograms to the new landblock system. It's recommended to backup your database, if
you use the rent system.

- Fixed: [#2435] Don't show player inbox on join, if player has inbox disabled
- Fixed: [#2433] Entering boats counts as interact_general
- Fixed: [#2429] Wither animal attack flag bound to entity griefing flag
- Fixed: [#2429] Spawner spawn flag setting
- Fixed: [#2425] rent signs disappearing in rare cases
----------, Dec 4, 2023

+ Added: Option to toggle land storage
Code (YAML):
  # If enabled, allows land members to store items in the /lands storage command.
  # The storage can also be accessed by clicking on the land mainblock's barrel.
  # WARNING: If you disable this option, all items in all land storages will be deleted.
: true
+ Added: Land's can now toggle the mainblock hologram
You may want to update this item in the GUI file:

Code (YAML):
: '&c&lEdit Mainblock'
: '&8✖ &bLEFT CLICK [newline ]   &7Remove or reposition the mainblock. [newline ]    &8• &7Placing it again costs:&c {cost } [newline ]&8✖ &9RIGHT CLICK [newline ]   &7Toggle the hologram : {hologram }'
----------, Nov 30, 2023

+ Added: [Suggestion] Land members can now add inbox messages of the type "POST"
Land members will also get notified upon login if there are any new posts.
Also the land mainblock will prefer posts for the {inbox} placeholder.

+ Added: API: PlayerCooldown:
----------, Nov 29, 2023

This update adds a new permission, which should be set accordingly, if you use the rent system.

+ Added: Permission to limit the amount of areas a player can rent or buy per land:<number>
----------, Nov 28, 2023

+ Added: [Suggestion] You can now configure the interval of the /view particles

Code (YAML):
    # The interval of the particles appearing.
    # The minimum is one second.
: 1s
----------, Nov 27, 2023

+ Added: [Suggestion] Land item storage
+ Added: [Suggestion] /lands storage - opens the storage inventory
+ Added: [Suggestion] Open the storage inventory by clicking on the land block barrel
----------, Nov 25, 2023

- Fixed: [#2412] Tenant role duplicating
+ Added: [#2406] Option to disable player skin fetching
----------, Nov 20, 2023

- Fixed: [#2411] levels.yml: upkeep attribute
+ Added: sorting context value: level
----------, Nov 20, 2023

+ Added: wither_attack_animal natural flag for farms
+ Added: [Suggestion] PlaceholderAPI placeholder: lands_nation_bool
+ Improved: Saving large amounts of lands, nations etc.
- Fixed: /lands delete
----------, Nov 18, 2023

+ Improved: Saving large amounts of lands, nations etc.
+ Improved: Reduced shutdown time for database
----------, Nov 16, 2023

- Fixed: [#2402] [#2401] SkinsRestorer hook enable
- Fixed: [#2422] nation save and war info
----------, Nov 11, 2023

This version contains significant internal changes. Please note that while all changes have been tested, there could be something I overlooked in specific environments. If you encounter any issue, please open a bugreport in the Discord server or send a private messages. Also, you're always able to downgrade to 6.38.3.

+ Improved: Internal region and claim logic. This is especially useful for servers that have tens of thousands of lands.
+ Improved: Internal claim and unclaim management

+ Added: [#2422] player info menu
+ Added: [Suggestion] fly reactivate permission
Code (YAML):
    # Set a permission to check before Lands reactivates flight for a player.
    # Lands only reactivates flight, if Lands previously disabled it for the player and they're now allowed to fly again
    # at their current location. This permission just adds another requirement, besides the fly role flag.
: ''

+ Added: [Suggestion] /lands list [category]
+ Added: SkinsRestorer support
- Fixed: [#2422] missing player self failure response for bedrock forms
- Fixed: [#2400] Player skulls not updating immediately
----------, Nov 10, 2023

- Fixed: Invalid skin URL for default
----------, Nov 6, 2023

- Fixed: error when setting area spawn in bedrock menu
- Fixed: [#2420] Error at startup when on spigot
- Fixed: [#2419] Wrong placeholder values in /lands list

[#2418] [#2413] [#2423]
----------, Nov 6, 2023

- Fixed: [#2416] bedrock forms error missing title

The old custom head textures are no longer supported by the server.
Therefore, you need to change any custom heads in your GUI and roles.yml files to the new
skin URLs.

If you don't do this, you'll receive lots of spam from the server in your console log.

+ Added: Support for new skin player profiles
----------, Nov 2, 2023

The old custom head textures are no longer supported by the server.
Therefore, you need to change any custom heads in your GUI and roles.yml files to the new
skin URLs.

If you don't do this, you'll receive lots of spam from the server in your console log.

+ Added: Support for new skin player profiles
----------, Nov 2, 2023

- Fixed: [#2408] error at shutdown if nations disabled
- Fixed: [#2407] {mode} placeholder in rentables menu
----------, Oct 31, 2023

+ Improved: Amount of needed queries/updates at data save during shutdown
----------, Oct 30, 2023

- Fixed: Issues with icon loading
[#2398] [#2399] [#2408]
----------, Oct 27, 2023

+ Improved: [#2406] Needed amount of database queries on startup
----------, Oct 27, 2023

+ Added: general.permission-stacking option

Code (YAML):
  # If enabled, limit permissions will be combined instead of just taking the highest value.
  # Example: A player has the permission lands.chunks.5 and lands.chunks.2.
  #          If enabled: This will result in a limit of 7 chunks.
  #          If disabled: This will result in a limit of 5 chunks.
: false
----------, Oct 26, 2023

- Fixed: [#2400] time parsing at war admin command
- Fixed: [#2398] area spawn teleportation

----------, Oct 23, 2023

- Fixed: [#2395] tenant name on rent sign
- Fixed: Rental natural flags reset
- Fixed: [#2397] model data for icons in list menus
----------, Oct 20, 2023

- Fixed: [#2394] land icon load in some cases
----------, Oct 18, 2023

+ Added: [Suggestion] You can now specify a preparation time at /war admin start land1 land2 <time>
+ Added: [Suggestion] show_inbox flag to toggle receiving inbox notifications in chat
- Fixed: tenant role not recognized from roles.yml
----------, Oct 17, 2023

- Fixed: [#2387] wrong placeholder value at /lands rent remove tenant
- Fixed: [#2387] don't reset tenant role for admin lands
----------, Oct 16, 2023

- Fixed: First join items
----------, Oct 14, 2023

+ Added: [Suggestion] Tenant role for areas that are being rented. This role is only editable in admin lands. For regular lands this role will always have the flags from roles.yml. Please add this role to roles.yml:
Code (YAML):
    # This role can't be deleted, but is only visible if an area is rented or in admin lands.
: '&6&lTenant'
      # The icon supports texture values (example: and normal material values.
: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvM2UzZmVhODhlMmI4NWNjZGZiMWIzODcyOTgyZWFlMTY0ODlhODRjNjgxYmQ5ZmU0ZmU5YmM4YmNjMmU1In19fQ=='
      # Default flag values. Please note that these only apply to new rentals.
      # Only admin lands can change these flags ingame. This prevents lands abusing this and selling areas where the tanant would have no permission to do anything.
       - BLOCK_PLACE
        - BLOCK_BREAK
        - PLANT
        - HARVEST
        - SHEAR
        - BLOCK_IGNITE
        - FLY
        - ELYTRA
        - LAND_ENTER
        - ENDER_PEARL
        - VEHICLE_USE
        - ITEM_PICKUP
        - PLAYER_TRUST
        - PLAYER_BAN

- Fixed: first join items not given
- Fixed: [#2384] funds error message
----------, Oct 14, 2023

- Fixed: leaderboard parse placed off by 1
- Fixed: leaderboard head wrong orientation if there's no land or nation on that place

tag [#2383]
----------, Oct 10, 2023

+ Added: [Suggestion] You can now manually set spawns for sub areas
Code (YAML):
         lore : '&8✖ &bLEFT CLICK [newline ]   &7Teleport to the spawn of this area. [newline ]&8✖ &9RIGHT CLICK [newline ]   &7Set the spawn.'
: '&6&lTeleport'
- Fixed: [#2382] /lands chat messages sometimes not received
- Fixed: monster animal remove option not working
----------, Oct 9, 2023

- Fixed: [#2380] leaderboards signs start at 2 not 1.
- Fixed: [#2377] capture flag bossbar not being removed from land members that aren't inside the capture area
- Fixed: locale spelling error
----------, Oct 3, 2023

- Fixed: [#2375] /lands confirmtp
- Fixed: Level requirement display color
----------, Sep 28, 2023

- Fixed: [#2365] Hitting shulker bullet wrong flag
- Fixed: Item eco bank withdraw
----------, Sep 27, 2023

+ Added: Multi locale support for GUIs
- Fixed: [#2368] Mainblock reposition cost
- Fixed: Init error with experimental papermc 1.20.2
- Fixed: Land merging
- Fixed: Empty message being sent if message land enter, leave title is disabled
----------, Sep 25, 2023

+ Improved: Multi locale support for API
- Fixed: Combat tag bossbars
----------, Sep 18, 2023

- Fixed: Locale error on spigot
----------, Sep 16, 2023

+ Added: Multi language support.
Just place the language files for each language in the Language folder.
This currently only supports the chat messages, but support for the GUI will be added soon as well.

+ Improved: Towny claim import
----------, Sep 13, 2023

- Fixed: [#2353] Being able to place land mainblock in different land
- Fixed: [#2357] Wrong placement of glass pane on claim flag
----------, Sep 9, 2023

- Fixed: [#2395] Error if no land spawn set (bedrock spawn teleport button)
----------, Sep 7, 2023

+ Added: [Suggestion] being able to limit when a war declaration can be sent:

Code (YAML):
  # "from" and "to" define the hours of each day between which a declaration can be sent.
  # Minimum: 0 (00:00 AM)
  # Maximum: 23 (11:00 PM)
  # Setting one of these to -1 will disable this option.
: -1
: -1
----------, Sep 6, 2023

+ Added: [Suggestion] Option to disable land mainblocks
Code (YAML):
   mainblock :
      # Disable the placement of NEW mainblocks. This doesn't remove existing ones.
: true
      # Cost to repositon the mainblock after land creation.
: 0

+ Added: [Suggestion] /lands deposit all and /lands withdraw all
- Fixed: top lands hologram only showing place 2-10
- Fixed: [#2390] folia playtime reward task error
----------, Sep 5, 2023

- Fixed: [#2382] attached melon and pumpkin stem not counted towards harvest flag
- Fixed: [#2385] land deletion not removing land from menu immediately
----------, Sep 1, 2023

+ Added: land mainblocks that open the land menu on interaction
These blocks also have a hologram. In the future, this might as well include a storage. These blocks aren't destructible.



If you want to charge your players for repositioning the mainblock (config.yml):
Code (YAML):
        # Cost to repositon the mainblock after land creation.
: 0

+ Added: API -> a lot of documentation
+ Added: API -> LandClaimSelectionEvent
+ Improved: Several improvements related to capture flags
- Fixed: {object} placeholder for currently engaged in war message
----------, Aug 31, 2023

+ Improved: GUI menus now update their titles
- Fixed: events.yml haspermission check
----------, Aug 25, 2023

+ Added: [Suggestion] Block AreaEffectCloudApplyEvent
+ Added: [Suggestion] Hide icon item attributes in menus
+ Added: [Suggestion] PlaceholderAPI placeholders: lands_lands_trusted, lands_lands_own, lands_lands
- Fixed: [#2368] /lands view issue with space in land name. Correction:

Code (YAML):
info : |
        &7&m━━━━━━━━━<━&r &5&lLand View &7&m━>━━━━━━━━━
        [T]&8• &7Land: &2{land} &8[&8CLICK&8][H]&7Click here to get more information about this land.[/H][C]{cmd}[/C][/T]
        &8• &7Level: {level}
        &8• &7Nation: {nation}
        &8• &7Chunk &7X: {x} Z: {z}
        &7&lArea:&6 {area}
         &8• &7Tax:&c {tax}
         &8• &7Players:&7 {players}
         &8• &7Description:&r {description}
        &7&m━━━━━━━━━<━&r &5&lLand View &7&m━>━━━━━━━━━
----------, Aug 23, 2023

- Fixed: SQL select max id error
+ Improved: Bedrock menu disable items depending on config
----------, Aug 22, 2023

+ Added: API -> area member management, trusting etc.
+ Improved: Hide disabled commands from tab completion such as /wars
- Fixed: [2357] Taxes, upkeep not executing at expected interval
- Fixed: [#2363] Papi top place validation
----------, Aug 21, 2023

This version relocates a few options to make it easier to toggle them. Lands is very customizable and has many options. This change intends to make it easier for you to easily toggle major features. Please make sure to re-configure them to your liking after updating.

+ Added: Features section in config.yml to faster toggle major features
Code (YAML):
# Here you can quickly toggle some major features.
# NOTE: These settings require server reload / restart.
  # Ukeep can be further configured in the upkeep section (this file).
: true
  # Ukeep can be further configured in the taxes section (this file).
: true
  # Lands and nations can be in relations, such as ally, enemy and neutral.
  # If you disable this option, all existing relations will be deleted.
  # This is useful in combination with wars. However, you can also use it with wars disabled.
: true

+ Added: "usage" option to each first-join item to disable them completely if wanted to
----------, Aug 16, 2023

+ Added: Some first images for bedrock menus for the land menu
+ Changed: [Suggestion] Display infinite symbol for potion effects from levels instead of numbers
----------, Aug 15, 2023

- Fixed: [#2356] Land creation id assignment
- Fixed: Time not exist: declaration.min-age.attacker
+ Changed: [Suggestion] Capture flags now actually need to be captured back by the defenders if they're not captured fully yet
The invaders can only capture the flag if there are more invaders than defenders in the area
+ Changed: [Suggestion] Prevent entity damage from exploded tnt or creeper if flag disabled
+ Added: [Suggestion] /war info captureflag command to show captureflag recipe
+ Added: [Suggestion] Display new balance at upkeep payment in inbox / discord
- Fixed: PAPI top lands / nations placeholders
----------, Aug 14, 2023

+ Added: Support for papers async tab completion
- Fixed: Missing category description
- Fixed: [#2351] tab completion at /lands spawn
- Fixed: [#2350] nottrusted command blacklist filtering commands
----------, Aug 8, 2023

+ Added: Natural flags menu for bedrock forms
+ Improved: Better handling of command tab completions that have results over 50 entries (for example, 15000)
- Fixed: [#2379] Land delete broadcast not sent
- Fixed: Error in role menu
----------, Aug 5, 2023

- Fixed: [#2378] Error bedrock form response at untrust
+ Added: [Suggestion] Display nation members as ally
+ Added: [Suggestion] Title placeholder to rentables menu
----------, Aug 2, 2023

+ Added: [Suggestion] Being able to set items such as banners as land and area icon
+ Added: [Suggestion] Being able to reset role icon
+ Changed: [Suggestion] Change order of inbox messags to newest to oldest
+ Added: [Suggestion] New lands_nation_level_index and lands_nation_level_next_index PlaceholderAPI placeholders

+ Added: API war Stats.modifyPoints
+ Added: API war getTimeLeft
----------, Jul 29, 2023

+ Added: Player Bedrock menu and role menu
+ Improved: Playtime seconds
----------, Jul 27, 2023

+ Added: player-management and members menu to Bedrock forms
- Fixed [#2370]: Playtime wrong unit
----------, Jul 26, 2023

+ Added: Bedrock forms roles and role menu
- Fixed: [#2370] Invites menu and others not displaying list of no entries
----------, Jul 24, 2023

- Added: You can now use the placeholders of the stats item for the land description in dynmap, bluemap etc.

- Fixed: [#2364] Areas menu
- Fixed: Camp placement takes location of player instead of placed camp
- Fixed: [#2385] Sculk vein generation despite plant growth disabled
- Fixed: [#2347] BlueMap wrong label being set
- Fixed: Selection not removing item correctly
----------, Jul 21, 2023

+ Added: A few menus will now appear as Bedrock forms for Bedrock players
More menus will be added for bedrock players over the upcoming versions.
Please note that these menus are subject to change. Translating them is currently discouraged.

- Fixed: Area deletion in menu
----------, Jul 20, 2023

+ Added: A few menus will now appear as Bedrock forms for Bedrock players
More menus will be added for bedrock players over the upcoming versions.
Please note that these menus are subject to change. Translating them is currently discouraged.

- Fixed: Areas menu
----------, Jul 20, 2023

- Fixed: [#2354] Unknown snow field on 1.16.5
- Fixed: [#2353] Error at teleporting to ground
- Fixed: [#2358] Players being able to change redstone wire state
----------, Jul 19, 2023

- Fixed: [#2351] Error at enabling on 1.16
----------, Jul 12, 2023

+ Added: [Suggestion] land_level_index and land_level_next_index papi placeholders

- Fixed: [#2341] Ice still forming, despite melt flag disabled
- Fixed: [#2341] [#2335] /lands unstuck
----------, Jul 8, 2023

+ Added: [Suggestion] Cancel all rentals at /lands leave
+ Added: [Suggestion] Prevent untrusted players being able to place items on campfire
+ Added: [Suggestion] Roles with spaces in their name are now possible
----------, Jul 5, 2023

- Fixed: categories.yml not loading categories
----------, Jul 4, 2023

+ Added: Option to toggle vehicles plugin integration:
Code (YAML):
# Options for vehicles of the Vehicles plugin. This doesn't affect Minecraft vanilla vehicles.
# If enabled:
# Disallows the placement of vehicles in a land if the player isn't allowed to use vehicles in it.
# Allow land members to pickup vehicles from other players in the land, even if they don't own the vehicle.
# If disabled, untrusted players can place vehicles, which can't be removed by land members, in lands.
: true
- Fixed: Calling LandOwnerChangeEvent too early at selling land
- Fixed: /wars spawn teleporting at -1
- Fixed: [#2336] Teleport out of land since enter flag changed - ally role
- Fixed: Sub area teleport cooldown
----------, Jul 3, 2023

- Fixed: [#2332] Untrusted players being able to edit signs
----------, Jun 29, 2023

+ Added: Support for /lands wild on folia
+ Changed: Display clickable commands in chats, not just [CLICK], but the actual command. This applies to the default translation file.
- Fixed: Error on teleportation on spigot
----------, Jun 24, 2023

+ Added: Folia support.
+ Changed: /lands unclaimall is now /lands unclaim all
- Fixed: [#2358] Pistons could move non solid blocks into claim
- Fixed: [#2361] Players could activate tripwires even if redstone disallowed
----------, Jun 23, 2023

+ Added: basic-mode option in config.yml, which does disable all advanced features, except claiming and trusting players.
Code (YAML):
    # Enabling this option will disable all advanced features. Meaning that only the bare
    # minimum of features will be enabled. This option is meant for servers that want to
    # have a very simple setup and only want players to use the claiming and trusting players
    # feature of the plugin. Enabling this option will forcefully disable some features, that
    # can't be turned back on as long as basic-mode is enabled.
    # NOTE: This setting requires server reload / restart.
: false
+ Added: Don't register sub commands, if their features are disabled in config
+ Improved: Auto disabling items of features, if they're disabled in config.yml
----------, Jun 22, 2023

+ Improved: 1.20 new entities support
- Fixed: invalid command in comments in config.yml
- Fixed: Error at startup for 1.16.5
----------, Jun 12, 2023

+ Added: Support for Minecraft 1.20
More tweaks and additions for 1.20 are coming next week.

Please consider leaving a review if you enjoy Lands.
----------, Jun 7, 2023

+ Added: API: CaptureFlagPlace and CaptureFlagBreak Event
+ Added: API: CaptureFlagCapturedEvent
- Fixed: [#2346] Untrusted players were able to teleport dragon egg with left click
- Fixed: [#2347] Breaking a flowering azala results in HARVEST flag instead of BLOCK_BREAK flag
----------, Jun 1, 2023

- Fixed: [#2340] Declaration timeout option wars.yml
----------, May 22, 2023

+ Added: [Suggestion] Support for Pl3xMap in web.yml

Code (YAML):
: true
    # Set the spawn icon
    # You can disable this by setting icon to ''
      # Set the icon
      # NOTE: This needs to be the absolute image address. Recommended imgage size: 32 x 32 pixels
      # Example: 'path-to-server\bluemap\web\assets\steve.png'
: ''
      # Set the icon for a nations capital.
      # NOTE: This needs to be the absolute image address. Recommended imgage size: 32 x 32 pixels
      # Example: 'path-to-server\bluemap\web\assets\steve.png'
: ''
      # Opactiy of the land. Needs to be between 0 (lowest) and 1 (highest).
: 0.6
      # Opactiy of the land border. Needs to be between 0 (lowest) and 1 (highest).
: 0.9
      # Thickness of the border.
: 2
----------, May 19, 2023

+ Added: [Suggestion] Capture capture flag if defenders all logout while being in the capture area
+ Changed: Don't allow throwing lingering potions in claim, if pvp disabled, even if no animal or player is near
- Fixed: LandOwnerChangeEvent not called if initated by admin
----------, May 13, 2023

- Fixed: [#2317] lands shouldn't have a category set by default
- Fixed: [#2317] /l top balance placeholder
- Fixed: [#2327] error at capturing area on paper
----------, May 6, 2023

- Fixed: [#2322] hex color considered as text - max lore length option in config
- Fixed: [#2323] Default eco format for items and exp
- Fixed: [#2321] Bed respawn bypasses banned player status
----------, May 5, 2023

+ Added: [#2317] Players from parent roles (add to new area) aren't added to new areas
- Fixed: Not being able to teleport dragon eggs in claim
----------, Apr 29, 2023

+ Added: [#2317] Role flags are now sorted by the display list in roles.yml

- Fixed: Wrong placeholders for war surrender
- Fixed: /l trust admin bypass
- Fixed: [#2319] Untrusted players being able to trigger respawn anchors
----------, Apr 29, 2023

- Fixed: [#2314] Land params with spaces in menus
- Fixed: [#2310] Fixed bed dupe items caused by event handler in bukkit
- Fixed: Option in wars.yml: "invading.flags.role-flags"
----------, Apr 22, 2023

+ Added: {uuid} placeholder to permission-plugin commands in config.yml
+ Added: [Suggestion] Max distance for nation members (lands) to the capital of the nation
# Set a maximum distance between the capital and the land that they want to invite to their nation.
# 0 disables this option.
max-distance: 0
----------, Apr 12, 2023

+ Added: [Suggestion] Don't allow transferring of land ownership if players max chunks limit is too low for the land. Takes level and nation into account.
+ Added: [Suggestion] Return none from translation file for %lands_land_role% if wilderness
----------, Mar 31, 2023

This update contains some important changes. Please read the changelog and make adjustments to the config, if needed.

+ Added: [Suggestion] Remind players that their chest isn't protected.
By default this is enabled.

Code (YAML):
# Introduce new players to claiming.
  # Notify these players until they reached this playtime.
  # 0 disabled this section completely.
: 10m
  # Reminders can be sent multiple times, but they have a cooldown to prevent spam and annoyance.
    # Send a warning that the placed container isn't protected when placing it in wilderness.
    # Will only be sent if the player isn't part of any land already.
: true

+ Changed: [Suggestion] Since the old pillage/invading section in wars.yml was a bit confusing, it has been restructured with
better names and organized. You may need to re-configure this section if you want to change something.

Code (YAML):
# Invading means that the enemy is invading their opponent. Depending on the options "role-settings_list", "block-place_list" and "block-break_list"
# they will be able to do certain actions in these lands, like opening chests.
# If you want to limit what they're able to do, edit "role-settings_list", "block-place_list" and "block-break_list" in this section.
  # Limit when invading enemies are able to do certain actions (editable in the "flags" section below).
    # Set a minimum amount of players of the defenders, which need to be online before the attackers can interact in the land.
    # This value is applied to the land that is currently being invaded. Not the whole team (collection of lands).
    # NOTE: If you want to allow pillages WHILE no defender is online, set this option to 0.
    # NOTE: This setting requires server reload / restart.
: 1
    # Set a time period where players are still able to attack the land after the last player of the target land left the server.
: 1m

  # Limit what invading enemies are able to do.
    # Allow players doing the following things in the enemy land (only during war).
    # Available actions:
    # NOTE: Adding BLOCK_PLACE or BLOCK_BREAK to this list will allow invaders to break, place ALL blocks. If you want to specify blocks, please use the lists below.
    # NOTE: In war the attackers and defenders also have the flags of the untrusted role of the area they're invading.
      - LAND_ENTER

    # Allow the placement of specific blocks if the land part of a war.
    # NOTE: This is only needed if BLOCK_PLACE is NOT in the role-settings_list above.
    # Values:
     - LADDER
      - VINE

    # Allow breaking of specific blocks if the land part of a war.
    # NOTE: This is only needed if BLOCK_BREAK is NOT in the role-settings_list above.
    # Values:
     - LADDER
      - VINE
+ Added: /lands unclaim all command
/lands unclaimall might be removed in the future.

+ Added: [Suggestion] /lands selection expand <y-min> <y-max> command
+ Added: [Suggestion] %lands_land_icon% PlaceholderAPI placeholder
+ Added: [Suggestion] Bamboo is now covered by plant growth flag
----------, Mar 28, 2023

- Fixed: [#2279] /l setowner cooldown
- Fixed: [#2283] Ally role flags for newly created lands
----------, Mar 23, 2023

- Fixed: Declaration timeout time missing in wars.yml
- Fixed: Interaction with enchanting table
- Fixed: Eating in claims you're not trusted in
----------, Mar 17, 2023

+ Improved: [#2291] Protection for unsupported blocks from mods (hybrid servers)
- Fixed: [#2298] Role color name comparison in /l admin land * resetflag
- Fixed: Missing default slots for invite accept menu
----------, Mar 6, 2023

+ Changed: Auto set spawn anyway, even if loc is not safe
- Fixed: [#2306] Error
----------, Mar 5, 2023

+ Changed: Respect banned status even if players are in combat (combat tag)
- Fixed: [#2299] Sign update for rented areas
- Fixed: [#2305] Invites menu missing item
----------, Mar 3, 2023

- Fixed: [#2302] Error at adjusting land spawn loc
----------, Feb 27, 2023

+ Added: API Selection and selection.claim
- Fixed: Missing argument translations
- Fixed: [#2294] Vault deposit response at bank withdraw
- Fixed: [#2293] Ally sync for players
----------, Feb 27, 2023

- Fixed: Missing parameter translation: amount
- Fixed: [#2286] Missing relations option in config
+ Improved: [#2317] safe loc detection
+ Improved: Teleportation destination load speed
----------, Feb 22, 2023

This update fixes an issue caused by the previous version

- Fixed: [#2282] [#2281] [#2280] [#2279] Error when saving player related data
----------, Feb 20, 2023

- Fixed: WarDeclareEvent cancellation
+ Added: API LandSpawnSetEvent, LandSpawnRemoveEvent, LandSpawnTeleportEvent
+ Added: API LandPlayer: getChatMode and setChatMode
----------, Feb 18, 2023

+ Added: API - LandBankDepositEvent, LandBankWithdrawEvent, LandBankBalanceChangedEvent
also works in events.yml
+ Added: Remove balance as sorting option in lands and nations menu, if is set to false
+ Added: Option to disable luckperms context in case you don't need / want it:
# Being able to use Luckperms context:
luckperms-context: true
----------, Feb 7, 2023

+ Added: Skip set owner cooldown if editor is server admin
+ Added: /lands menu close command:
+ Added: /nations spawn <nation> command
- Fixed: Wrong remaining setowner cooldown displayed at /l setowner
----------, Feb 4, 2023

This update doesn't add any features, but fixes an issue with the update notification sending due to invalid version resolution. So if you're annoyed by it, feel free to update.
----------, Feb 3, 2023

- Fixed: Being able to set combat tag on self and therefore not expiring
----------, Jan 31, 2023

+ Added: Combat tag API:
- Fixed: [#2283] Land expiration with replace owner not taking max own lands into account
- Fixed: [#2286] Merging two lands could result into the merged part disappearing
- Fixed: [#2290] Dispenser spawn
----------, Jan 30, 2023

- Fixed: [#2275] Combat tag not being removed completely
----------, Jan 26, 2023

+ Added: [Suggestion] Ignore invite owner etc. requirements for admin editors at /lands trust
- Fixed: [#2277] Unclaim
----------, Jan 25, 2023

- Fixed: [#2275] Combat tag not being removed correctly
- Fixed: [#2277] Claim loading in combination with selection and map
----------, Jan 24, 2023

- Fixed: [#2269] Error at time reward clalc due to async
- Fixed: [#2267] Missing help message and argument translations
- Fixed: Time not found:
- Fixed: [#2273] High tick usage at hanging break in combination with 3rd party plugins
----------, Jan 23, 2023

+ Added: [Suggestion] /lands setowner must now be accepted by the player via /lands accept or via their invites menu
+ Added: Option to toggle armor removal during selection mode
Code (YAML):
      # Should a players armor be removed during selection mode (/lands selection)?
: false

+ Added: Cooldown for owner change

Code (YAML):
  # Set a owner change cooldown. Changing the owner of a land will also affect claim limits.
  # To prevent abusal, you can enforce a cooldown. Owner changes through selling land,
  # will affect this cooldown.
: 7d
----------, Jan 20, 2023

+ Added: [Suggestion] Combat tag is now being applied to both attacker and target, not just target
+ Changed: [#] Allow player to enter land if they have a combat tag (engaged with a player that is trusted in the land)
- Fixed: [#2263] Not being able to release entities out of bucket
- Fixed: [#2266] Missing argument translation
- Fixed: [#2258] Banning player shouldn't require them to wait for teleportation
----------, Jan 18, 2023

+ Added: [Suggestion] Permission for land owners, to define the maximum amount of disconnected parts per land.
  • Example:
  • Description: Set the max. amount of disconnected collections of claims for the players owned lands. This will only take effect, if the option treat-as-new is disabled in config.yml. This permission allows players to claim collections of chunks that are disconnected from the original land, but the force-near option will still be enforced once the maximum amount is reached.
----------, Jan 16, 2023

+ Added: [Suggestion] Allow toggling of snowman trails. If the snow_melt flag is disabled, then snowmans won't
create any trails
+ Added: [Suggestion] You can now define which channel permissions are set in LandsDiscordBot for land/nation owners and members
+ Changed: [Suggestion] Don't send auto claim chat message every few secs if message type isn't actionbar or title
----------, Jan 14, 2023

+ Added: [Suggestion] Allow toggling of snowman trails. If the snow_melt flag is disabled, then snowmans won't
create any trails
+ Added: [Suggestion] You can now define which channel permissions are set in LandsDiscordBot for land/nation owners and members
+ Changed: [Suggestion] Don't send auto claim chat message every few secs if message type isn't actionbar or title
----------, Jan 14, 2023

- Fixed: [#2254] Event method deprecated
- Fixed: [#2248] Using spawner eggs inside water could bypass protection
----------, Jan 13, 2023

- Fixed: Missing radius argument translation
- Fixed: [#2241] Entity damage not being done at first explosion
----------, Jan 9, 2023

+ Added: [Suggestion] You can now limit the length of PlaceholderAPI placeholders by adding "_length(number)" to the placeholder
----------, Jan 7, 2023

+ Added: Message: noaccess.area
+ Changed: Adjusted listener priority for command process event - cmi related
- Fixed: [#2242] Prevent usage of spawn eggs by untrusted players
----------, Jan 6, 2023

+ Added: [Suggestion] Additional war declaration requirements
Code (YAML):
  # Set the minimum amount of chunks that a team needs to have, in order to declare war against an enemy.
: 0
: 0
  # Set the minimum age of a team.
: 0s
: 0s

+ Added: Support for additional lore format (gui items)
lore: 'line1[newline]line2'
----------, Jan 5, 2023

+ Added: [Suggestion] Don't spawn task for eco, if upkeep, taxes, nations upkeep are disabled
- Fixed: [#2234] Error because of missing level requirement
- Fixed: [#2239] Error at tab completion when edit land = null
----------, Jan 4, 2023

+ Added: Option to disable relations

Code (YAML):
    # Relations
      # If you disable this option, all existing relations will be deleted.
      # NOTE: This setting requires server reload / restart.
: true
----------, Jan 2, 2023

+ Added: API: PlayerRandomTeleportEvent: called whenever a player teleports via /lands wild
- Fixed: [#2231] Being able to store tool in armor via 3rd party plugins in selection mode
----------, Dec 30, 2022

- Fixed: Typo in API and implementation
----------, Dec 29, 2022

- Fixed: Snowman being able to make snow trail on claimed land
----------, Dec 28, 2022

+ Added: [#2230] [#2229] Backward compatibility with flag state checks
----------, Dec 28, 2022

- Fixed: Init issue from prev version

+ Added: [#2225] [#2224] Backward compatibility with older API versions at flag usage
----------, Dec 27, 2022

+ Added: [#2225] [#2224] Backward compatibility with older API versions at flag usage
----------, Dec 27, 2022

- Fixed: CachedRequirement modification for levels

Merry Christmas!
----------, Dec 24, 2022

- Fixed: Minor API issues
- Fixed: Framework shading
----------, Dec 23, 2022

This isn't a feature update. However, this update makes some necessary changes
under the hood that are required to provide maintainability and automation in
the feature.

If you install this update and use some of my other plugins, make sure to update them as well.

- Removed: API: Methods and classes from the API that were deprecated for years now.
+ Added: API: Disconnected API usage from actual implementation
While the old "way" is still supported, it's recommended that 3rd party developers update
in the future. If you have any plugin that uses this deprecated class or flags, you'll
get an info in your console.

+ Added: API: Separated flag creation from implementation.

+ Improved: Configuration and documentation files are now automatically updated

- Fixed: Missing radius argument in lang file
----------, Dec 22, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] pillage.min-players is now being applied to the invaded land, not team
Code (YAML):
    # Set a minimum amount of players of the defenders, which need to be online before the attackers can interact in the land.
    # This value is applied to the land that is currently being invaded. Not the whole team (collection of lands).
    # NOTE: If you want to allow pillages WHILE no defender is online, set this option to 0.
    # NOTE: This setting requires server reload / restart.
: 1
+ Added: [Suggestion] PlaceholderAPI placeholder: %lands_land_balance_short%
----------, Dec 17, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Provide death reason for combat tag death, because of player left server while being engaged in a fight.
- Fixed: [#2214] Interaction errors with NPCs
----------, Dec 13, 2022

- Fixed: [#2210] Opening natural flags admin menu for wilderness
----------, Dec 10, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] /lands admin land <* | land> syncPermissions
More info:

- Fixed: [#2210] Wilderness flags menu not opening
- Fixed: Warning about "all" natural flag
- Fixed: Minor issue with rtp auto height finding
----------, Dec 9, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Land owners can now toggle their own role flags, but only action flags not management flags
- Fixed: [#2180] Argument translations
----------, Dec 3, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Level economy changed to EXP economy.
Prices are now set by exp not levels. So you might want to adjust your cost options in config.yml
if you are currently using levels economy. Also you'll need to enable it again. This change fixes issues with the previous level economy.

+ Added: {balance} placeholder for failure.personal message. Helpful to display exp balance for players

- Fixed: [#2205] Missing enum
----------, Dec 2, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Being able to use display all for natural flags
Code (Text):
    # Natural flags which should be visible in the flags menu.
    # Default: Displays all player related natural flags.
      - 'all'
+ Added: [Suggestion] Ability to translate argument types and argument format

- Fixed: [#2204] Candle protection
----------, Nov 28, 2022

It is recommended to take a backup of your SQL database before updating.

+ Added: [#2199] Playtime and offline time info to time item in player menu
+ Added: [Suggestion] /l admin deleteinactive: Deletes inactive players/lands according to your expiration settings in config.yml.
----------, Nov 26, 2022

- Fixed: [#2201] Error at item eco provider init
- Fixed: [#2200] Trust target msg being sent to initiator
----------, Nov 25, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Being able to use spaces in land and nation names:

Code (YAML):
    # Should spaces be allowed in land and nation names?
    # Spaces will be replaced with an underscore, when being displayed as a command parameter.
    # Disabling this option at a later time, will also remove spaces from existing lands and nations.
: false
----------, Nov 22, 2022

+ Added: Inbox message when denying mutual declaration
- Fixed: [#2190] Surrendered war declaration not deleted from db.
- Fixed: [#2197] Typo related to levels
----------, Nov 21, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Strict eco currency item comparison
Code (Text):
    # Item currency is used when all other economy options are disabled or unavailable.
    # The currency item can be edited in the GUI language file at the "currency" item.
      # If enabled, only items that have the same name, lore etc. will belong to the currency.
      # Not just items of the same type or items with the same model-data.
      strict: false
- Fixed: [#2189] Missing message: trust.banned
- Fixed: [#2184] Error printing war info to players
----------, Nov 19, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Being able to execute /l edit and all land related commands from the console (/lands trust etc.)
This doesn't include commands that open a menu, like /lands menu.
----------, Nov 18, 2022

- Fixed: [#2186] Issue with plugin load if specific formatting mistake was made in the gui file
----------, Nov 16, 2022

- Fixed: [#2183] Playtime conversion mistake leading to land not expiring
- Improved: [#2183] Config comments about land spawn cooldown and costs
Code (YAML):
          # Cost for teleportation to a land spawn, if the player is not trusted in the land.
          # Player will only pay the cost, if they're not trusted in the land.
: 0.0
            # Should the cost of teleportation be given to the land?
: false
          # Cooldown for teleportation to a land spawn, if a player is trusted in the land.
          # This cooldown won't apply to players that aren't trusted in the land.
: 0s
- Fixed: Item name, lore etc. not applying to currency item
----------, Nov 14, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Option to set the maximum balance of a land bank:
Code (YAML):
    # Set a maximum balance. Players won't be deposit more than that.
    # If the value is lower than a land's upkeep, it will automatically be adjusted to the land's upkeep.
    # Use 0 to disable this option completely.
: 0
+ Added: [Suggestion] Being able to teleport to areas of your land.
If you want to remove this feature, just disable the teleport item
in the area's menu:

+ Added: [Suggestion] Being able to set fade in, stay and fade out times for titles:
----------, Nov 11, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Initial support for the plugin Vehicles
This update adds initial support, but is not complete yet as I can't proceed right now.

- Fixed: papi placeholder "lands_land_chunks_max" returning 0 if player not part of any land
- Fixed: [#2176] War not getting removed from player at leaving land
----------, Nov 7, 2022

- Fixed: printing ttl cache

+ Added: [Suggestion] getWinner and getLoser to WarEndEvent
+ Added: API: cache behind unloaded chunk owner lookup
+ Added: [Suggestion] /lands admin land <* | land> addrole <role from roles.yml>
Push custom roles.yml to existing lands.

- Fixed: no color for default roles from roles.yml
----------, Nov 5, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] getWinner and getLoser to WarEndEvent
+ Added: API: cache behind unloaded chunk owner lookup
+ Added: [Suggestion] /lands admin land <* | land> addrole <role from roles.yml>
Push custom roles.yml to existing lands.

- Fixed: no color for default roles from roles.yml
----------, Nov 5, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Remove all inbox messages by clicking on a new "clear inbox" item
----------, Nov 4, 2022

This update adds an internal addition behind the API to allow 3rd party plugins processing features more efficiently. BetterFarming etc., will automatically utilize this in their next version.

+ Added: Two new events to the API and events.yml: LandUnclaimAllEvent and LandUnclaimSelectionEvent
+ Improved: Deleting process in combination with BetterFarming, UpgradeableHoppers, ChestProtect, UpgradeableSpawners
----------, Oct 31, 2022

+ Added: New item to land info menu, to request membership if possible
- Fixed: [#2167] world param should be optional at /l wild
- Fixed: Missing time warning config
----------, Oct 29, 2022

- Fixed: [#2164] Upkeep and taxes reminder not sending
- Fixed: Wrong next upkeep run value (only display), if land is in nopay_time from config.yml
- Fixed: [#2152] Missing message: wars.declare.min-balance.attacker
+ Changed: Some time values from config and wars.yml had to be adjusted and their time values will be reset to default
You can view the changes in changelog.txt and adjust options if needed.
----------, Oct 28, 2022

+ Added: Wildcard for random-teleport worlds
+ Added: [Suggestion] SCULK_VEIN to plant growth flag
+ Added: [Suggestion] Minimum balance option for war declarations
Code (YAML):
 min-balance :
    # Set the minimum land balance for attackers to be able to start a war.
: 5000
    # Set the minimum balance for defenders to have war declared against them directly.
    # They can still be engaged in war, if they're part of a nation that has a balance higher than this.
: 0
- Fixed: /l claim fill can't find shape if shape too large due to fallback

----------, Oct 24, 2022

+ Added: API: WarStartEvent

- Fixed: Auto land selection at /l claim, if no land but edit land selected
- Fixed: [#2148] /lands claim fill shape not found
+ Improved: Instant update /map view if claimed using other methods other than /lands map
+ Improved: Dynmap data prep and generation
----------, Oct 21, 2022

+ Changed: Enabled first join items for new installations
- Fixed: [#2143] Player not removed correctly from captureflag region on logout, in specific environments
- Fixed: Issue where players were not correctly added as online to their lands at server reload
- Fixed: Some typos
----------, Oct 15, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] /lands menu can now be executed from the console:
/lands menu <menu> args:{player:<player>,silent:<false | true>}

+ Added: [Suggestion] Wiki page with recommended player permission setup

- Fixed: [#2139] Not being able to trust player's to other player's lands using /l edit
- Fixed: [#2143] Double bossbar when logging into the capture area of a capture flag as a defender (capture area bossbar and land bossbar)
- Fixed: Invalid message at /wars declare, if mutual
----------, Oct 14, 2022

- Fixed: [#2141] Eco task last interval resetting on server restart
- Fixed: [#2139] Not being able to trust player's to other player's lands using /l edit
- Fixed: Eco format not applied at /lands taxes
----------, Oct 13, 2022

+ Added: Eco fallback option now also supports land and nation upkeep
Code (YAML):
    # Should players pay with their personal account instead if their land bank does not have enough balance to pay the cost.
    # This does only involve actions where the player is physically involved, like claiming or setting a land spawn or upkeep.
    # If true and the player has enough balance on his personal account, this will also send a notice to the player that the balance has been taken from his personal account.
: true

+ Added: [Suggestion] Minimum tax value for lands (areas)
Code (YAML):
  # Set the minimum tax value.
: 0

+ Added: Minimum tax value per chunk for nations (taxing lands)
Code (YAML):
  # Set the minimum tax value per chunk.
: 0

+ Changed: [#2136] Don't attempt Vault bank account creation, if bank name is empty in config.yml
----------, Oct 10, 2022

- Fixed: Selection tool does stay after auto when used drop key (Q) to selection corner
----------, Oct 8, 2022

- Fixed: Empty value for Luckperms context
- Fixed: Player skins never updating if server has invalid UUIDs stored in the playerdata folder
----------, Oct 8, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Luckperms context: lands_land_area_role_name
+ Added: You can now use placeholderAPI placeholders in events.yml

- Fixed: Untrusted players being able to tame mobs, depending if the mob is considered an animal or monster, the
flag ATTACK_ANIMAL or ATTACK_MONSTER will be checked.
- Fixed: Untrusted players being able to use vehicles, other than lores and boats.
----------, Oct 7, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] You can now define a allies and enemies limit:

Code (Text):
        description: Maximum amount of allies per land / nation.
        description: Maximum amount of enemies per land / nation.
----------, Oct 4, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Being able to change the first line of rent and sell signs
Those signs have been moved to the list section to make this possible.

+ Added: [Suggestion] You can now give claimblocks on first join

+ Added: More options to giving items on first join
Code (YAML):
  # Give players items at first join.
  # Setting the slot of an item to a value lower than 1, will not give the item on first join.
  # But this does not disable those items completely. To completely disable those items
  # follow the instructions here:
    # The selection tool allows them to claim.
: 0
: 1
    # The info tool shows information about a claim when clicking on it.
: 0
: 1
    # The camp block creates a temporary claim at placement.
: 0
: 1
    # Claim blocks claim the chunk they were placed into permanently, until the player unclaims the chunk.
: 0
: 4
+ Changed: [Suggestion] Do not close all inv views on plugin reload.
+ Changed: Only send pvp warning for untrusted players
----------, Oct 1, 2022

- Fixed: [#2100] Potential issue with economic task execution if days > 1
- Fixed: [#2106] Monsters that shoot projectiles not able to attack creeper in claim
- Fixed: [#2112] Wrong camp radius upon placement since data holder not saved
- Fixed: player's personal flags not loading in some cases
- Fixed: no message at /war declare, if mutual
- Fixed: [#2121] bossbar messages not updating correctly and not being removed
----------, Sep 30, 2022

- Fixed: value typo in config
----------, Sep 24, 2022

+ Added: events.yml -> haspermission([p1, p2]) check
- Fixed: [#2106] Snowman not able to attack monsters in claims
- Fixed: [#2107] Weeping vines ignoring plant growth flag
- Fixed: [#2110] /l spawn not sending message when player hasn't enough money
- Fixed: Rental expiration not calling untrust event
- Fixed: Natural flags not showing in menu
----------, Sep 24, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Four new Luckperms contexts
NOTE: Old ones were renamed to match the gernal name space.
Please see the wiki and update accordingly:
----------, Sep 20, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] being able to check permissions in conditions in event.yml
Please read the wiki for more info.

+ Added: [Suggestion] Warning message at /lands assign, if selection height is smaller than 2.

- Fixed: [#2096] Grouping and decimal seperator linked to language, not enforced
- Fixed: [#2103] Taxes info for untrusted
- Fixed: [#2105] Error on startup due to missing rent sign
----------, Sep 19, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Being able to display claims as 3d markers at BlueMap
# Should 3D markers be used to visualize claims? That means that they extend to the min and max height of the claim.
3d: true

- Fixed: [#2098] Pays taxes option for role not enabled by default
- Fixed: Wrong target for LandOwnerChangeEvent
----------, Sep 17, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] New option in membership requests menu to auto accept membership requests

- Fixed: Squaremap color error
- Fixed: show-lands in some setups for dynmap
- Fixed: Combat tag time
- Fixed: [#2097] Previous time reward permission not getting removed from LuckPerms
----------, Sep 16, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] PAPI placeholders for land and nation id

+ Added: [Suggestion] Ignore /l setowner requirements if player has lands.admin.land_edit permission

+ Added: [Suggestion] Option to kill player, if they log out while having combat tag set on them

Code (YAML):
      # If a player attacks another player, he will be tagged for x (timeunit) so that, regardless of land settings,
      # other players can attack him.
      # 0s = disabled
: 0s
      # Should a player be killed, if they log out while having a combat tag set on them?
: false
----------, Sep 14, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] File with dedicated options for dynmap, bluemap, squaremap to allow them to work better together.
File: web.yml

- Fixed: [#2094] {nation} placeholder dynmap
----------, Sep 13, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Can't invite player that is banned.
+ Added: [Suggestion] Can't accept invite from area, where player is banned
+ Added: [Suggestion] Can't ask to join land, that is looking for members, if banned.
+ Added: [Suggestion] Don't allow spawn teleport if not trusted and land is engaged in war.
- Fixed: [#2088] Unknown message: not-exist
- Fixed: [#2111] Max chunks amount offset at claim
- Fixed: [#2070] Capture flag not removed correctly
----------, Sep 10, 2022

+ Improved: Make sure destination is safe when disabling fly and therefore teleporting
- Fixed: [#2086] API event error unknown method 3rd party
- Fixed: [#2084] Wrong teams at declaration event if mutual enabled
----------, Sep 6, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Being able to manually specify animals and monsters in config:
Code (YAML):
entities :
  # You can specify here which entities should be considered an animal or monster.
  # This affects all parts of the plugin, that involves these entity groups.
  # If the list contains "default": New entities of future updates, that are part of this category will be added automatically.
   - 'default'
   - 'default'
+ Added: player_target player group for events.yml for those events that involve a target player.
See the default file on github for reference. The player group isn't added automatically.
+ Added: war_loser_online, war_loser_trusted player group for warendevent in events.yml
+ Improved: [#2081] Comments about bank.enabled in config.yml
- Fixed: [#2083] WarDeclareEvent called before acception, if mutual
- Fixed: [#2082] Sorting context error if nations disabled
----------, Sep 3, 2022

+ Improved: Fertilization check when using bone meal.
- Fixed: [#2104] Not recognizing nether world with different names
----------, Aug 29, 2022

+ Added: API: Container additions, such as claims and areas
Required for latest BetterFarming.

+ Added: Ignore claim limit and costs at /l merge, if editor is server admin editor
----------, Aug 27, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] %lands_relation% placeholder

+ Added: New permission to allow usage of disabled features, such as setting areas up for rental.
description: Allow to use disabled features, such as setting areas up for rental.

+ Improved: Use playtime from server stats to take whole playtime into account. Thanks @Verum
- Fixed: [#2099] Error at config validation
----------, Aug 26, 2022

+ Added: events.yml: You can now use lists in conditions:
condition: '["abc", "def"] contains "abc"'

+ Added: events.yml: Two new text operators:
----------, Aug 25, 2022

+ Changed: moved /l admin give to /l admin player <player> give
- Fixed: [#2089] Wrong points to win placeholder value
- Fixed: [#2090] Error when opening all nation's menu when nations disabled
- Fixed: [#2091] Fixed command async execution for events
- Fixed: [#2070] Being able to place multiple capture flags in one capture region
----------, Aug 23, 2022

+ Added: Support for new BlueMap version
Older versions are no longer supported.
+ Added: [Suggestion] events.yml file where you can cancel events and execute commands
when these events happen.
----------, Aug 22, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Permissions to restrict teleportation
If some teleportation is missing, and you would like to restrict it, #suggestions channel in the Discord server.
+ Added: [Suggestion] New flag for shearing entities: shear
Please make wanted changes in roles.yml to make it apply to new land creations in the future.

- Fixed: [Suggestion] Players falling down when fly is disabled, instead of being teleported safely to the ground
- Fixed: issue with land_enter flag when at the time of claiming players were inside the claim
- Fixed: [#2080] [#2081] Wrong flag for damaging iron golems
----------, Aug 19, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] mobhunting_rewards flag for admin lands
For the plugin called MobHunting​
----------, Aug 17, 2022

+ Added: Translate color codes for papi placeholders when used in menus or chat
+ Improved: Only save player flags when they differ from default
- Fixed: [#2062] Error when adding new flags column
- Fixed: [#2072] Unknown message: player-not-exist
----------, Aug 15, 2022

+ Added: Top lands and nations sorting to "all" menu
+ Added: Personal settings menu
+ Added: [Suggestion] Personal flag to toggle receiving invites
+ Added: [Suggestion] Personal flag to toggle seeing land enter and leave messages
+ Added: [Suggestion] API: land.claimChunk method to claim chunks
+ Added: [Suggestion] API: getNations method to retrieve a list of all nations
----------, Aug 13, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Lands can now set an icon in the various options menu
This icon will display everywhere the land is represented in the menu.
- Fixed: [#2058] War end even asynchronous error
- Fixed: Icon error

----------, Aug 10, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Being able to change icons by just dragging an item to the slot
- Fixed: [#2051] Being able to modify relations during war
- Fixed: [#2053] Issue with temporary failure items not getting reset when changing page
----------, Aug 8, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Inactive players categories to specify different behaviour depending on their playtime. Disabled by default.

Code (YAML):
  # Delete inactive Lands, if the owner is offline since x days.
  # NOTE: When changing any of these settings, it's recommended to take a backup of the database, in case you misconfigure anything accidentally.
  #       Otherwise, you're risking irreversible land deletion.
  # NOTE: These settings require server reload / restart.
    # How long does an owner need to be offline, to be considered inactive?
    # This option allows you to create different categories of inactive players depending on their playtime.
    # Format: 'playtime:offline-time'
    # Example:
    # owner_list:
    #  - '15m:7d'
    #  - '30m:14d'
    #  - '12h:30d'
    #  - '1d:60d'
    #  - '2d:80d'
    # '15m:7d' and '30m:14d' means that land owners that have less than 15 minutes of playtime, will be considered inactive, if they're offline since at least 7 days.
    # Owners that have more than 15 minutes of playtime and less than 30 minutes will be considered as inactive, if they're offline since at least 14 days.
    # And so on...
    # Inactive land owners get, depending on your configuration, either untrusted and a new owner is set or their land get's deleted.
    # An empty list disables this option.
: [ ]

    # How long does a land member need to be offline, to be considered inactive?
    # Inactive land members get untrusted.
: [ ]

- Fixed: [#2044] Error at accepting membership request
----------, Aug 4, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Players can now request membership through the /lands list menu, if the land has the looking for members category set.
+ Added: Menu to manage player related things such as: members, banned players, invites, membership requests
So this moves the members and invitees item of the land menu to this menu. You might want to adjust item slots in the land menu
to prevent empty spaces. You can do so in the GUI file.

+ Added: Menu to manage membership requests
- Fixed: Flag descriptions of 3rd party plugins

----------, Aug 1, 2022

- Fixed: Issue with listener registration
If you're currently using 6.8.0, you're advised to update.
----------, Jul 30, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Role attribute to decide which role are paying taxes
+ Added: [Suggestion] API: WarEndEvent

- Fixed: [#2030] Error at /lands delete with item eco enabled in rare cases
- Fixed: [#2034] Error: no-item
- Fixed: [#2025] Click sounds
- Fixed: [#2025] Rent holo sign drop
----------, Jul 30, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] PlaceholderAPI placeholder to show max lands etc.:

- Fixed: [#2013] Sounds not playing for some items
- Fixed: [#2021] Hoglins not covered by monster spawn flag
----------, Jul 22, 2022

+ Added: PlaceholderAPI placeholder lands_land_name_plain

- Fixed: Issue with capture block removal
----------, Jul 18, 2022

- Fixed: [#2010] Not able to read book from lectern if interact_container not set
- Fixed: [#2011] Time not found
- Fixed: [#2016] Anvil protection
----------, Jul 15, 2022

+ Added: Option to disable mythic mobs spawn cancellation
Code (YAML):
  # Should the spawning of mythic mobs be cancelled, if the affected area has spawning disabled?
  # It's not possible to distingush between hostile and friendly mobs with MythicMobs, so this might
  # lead to unexpected results, depending on your use-case.
: false
- Fixed: [#2005] Fire spreading into wilderness, even if disabled
----------, Jul 13, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] [#2004] Execute menu item command as console

- Fixed: [#2016] Able to declare at allies already in a war
----------, Jul 11, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Separate points for capture block breaking and explosion
Code (Text):
  # Capture block points
    # Get x points, if you capture a capture block.
    capture: 5
    # Get x points, if you break a capture block of the enemy.
    break: 3
    # Get x points, if you explode a capture block of the enemy.
    explode: 5

- Fixed: [#2027] /lands menu here opening menu for owner instead of executor
- Fixed: Sorting context not found: ratio_kd and ratio_wl. Use ration-dk and ratio-wl instead.
----------, Jul 9, 2022

- Fixed: [#2001] per world numbered permissions not updating on world change in cache
- Fixed: eco-format not applied to two messages related to rental
----------, Jul 1, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] [#2014] Make /lands merge cost equal to claiming a selection of chunks
+ Added: [Suggestion] Automatically claim when selection complete and player has no lands (no own or trusted)
----------, Jun 27, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Send message to tenant if he gets removed.
+ Added: [Suggestion] Option to override /view radius
# Set the view distance in chunks.
# 0 = your server's view distance
chunk-radius: 0

+ Improved: Default complete selection title
----------, Jun 24, 2022

- Fixed: Wrong flag for hitting piglins
----------, Jun 15, 2022

+ Added: [#1987] Option to disable sign leaderboard head placement:
Code (YAML):
  # Sign leaderboard settings
: true
      # Place the head of the landowner on top of the block, where the leaderboard sign is?
: false
+ Added: Option to play a sound whenever an item is applied to a menu

+ Added: Ability to define common sounds for menus

+ Changed: Renamed click sound option

+ Changed: Time zone now defaults to the time zone of the machine your server is running on
Code (YAML):
    # Set the time zone for date text outputs.
    # Example: America/Los_Angeles or GMT-8:00
    # List of time zones:
    # If empty, it uses the time zone of the machine your server is running on.
: ''
- Fixed: menu item sound volume = 0
- Fixed: Temp menu item not removing if either sound or cmd is set
----------, Jun 11, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Being able to collect taxes, upkeep etc. in a fixed interval (every 24 hours)
Code (YAML):
# General options for economic tasks, that apply to taxes, upkeep and nation upkeep.
# Each task has it's own section, in this file and nations.yml, with specified options.
  # Default configuration: taxes, upkeep and nation upkeep are collected every day at midnight.
    # Collect taxes, upkeep and nation upkeep at midnight.
    # Format: 24 hour format.
: '24:00:00'
    # Set amount of days between each payment.
    # 1 doesn't have any effect. 2 would make it execute every second day at "time" (specified above).
: 1
    # Set the minimum time between a player's attempt to change the tax or upkeep and the next collection.
: 12h

+ Changed: Set claimblock of to the player that unclaimed them
- Fixed: Nation not deleting when failing upkeep
----------, Jun 10, 2022

-Fixed: Startup error
----------, Jun 8, 2022

+ Added: Support for new items and blocks
+ Added: Support for new entity types
----------, Jun 8, 2022

Please don't worry about when this plugin will add 1.19 support. It's designed to run just fine on new versions. An update with version specific additions will be posted once 1.19 is released.

+ Added: [Suggestion] Define sounds for GUI items
+ Changed: [Suggestion] When using the selection tool, make left click = first pos and right click = second pos instead of cycle.
The Q key will always set the position that is left not set. If all are set, it will cycle.
- Fixed: [Suggestion] distinguish between hostile and non-hostile mobs of MythicMobs.
- Fixed: Missing message: claimblock.not-owner
----------, Jun 7, 2022

- Fixed: [#1977] Webmap color resolution
----------, Jun 4, 2022

+ Added: Option for Vault bank account for upkeep
Code (YAML):
      # Server bank account name. Upkeep will go here. Empty means, that this feature is disabled.
: ''
+ Added: [Suggestion] Permission for: /lands claim auto ->
+ Added: [Suggestion] Permission for: /lands unclaim auto ->

+ Added: API: Sorting context
+ Improved: Do not limit args length for direct help messages
- Fixed: W/L wars ratio in menu
- Fixed: K/D wars ratio in menu
- Fixed: Error at /lands setrole
----------, Jun 3, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Customizeable bossbar messages
+ Added: You can now send any message as a bossbar
+ Added: [Suggestion] Dynmap border from-name options
Code (Text):
  # Set the color depending on the land's name?
  land_5: false
  # Set the color depending on the nation's name?
  nation_2: true
+ Added: Ally role deleteable, even post update (if removed from roles.yml)
+ Added: [Suggestion] You can now remove /lands menu <menu> shortcusts

- Fixed: Cake protection
- Fixed: [#1974] Issues with claimblock.ignore-max option (not ignoring max in edge cases and some validation issue)
- Fixed: [#1976] Error when floodgate missing
- Fixed: [#1976] Confirm input error
----------, May 30, 2022

+ Added: Set offline players as land owner if the executor has admin perms
- Fixed: Respawn Anchor protection
----------, May 25, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] /nations list
+ Added: [Suggestion] Nations list menu
+ Improved: Lands and nations list spawn toggle filtering
+ Changed: The owner is no longer included in lands.members.<number> and all other related options
- Fixed: confirm menu error
- Removed: "normal" category from default categories.yml
The default category is now just none.
+ Improved: Mojang API skin updating rate limit handling
----------, May 2, 2022

+ Added: Click to open info menu in relations list menu
- Fixed: Typo in en-US_gui file
- Fixed: land_info menu not found
----------, Apr 30, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Option for free teleportation after first join
Code (Text):
# General Teleportation Settings[/INDENT]
# Command specific teleportation options can be find in their sections.
  # Set the cost of any teleportation to 0 for players that joined the server for the first time.
  # You can define a time span here. Example: 1d = players that joined the server 23 hours ago, won't pay for any teleportation.
  first-join_time: 0h
  # Wait time
  # Time unit: seconds
  wait: 3

- Fixed: [#1929] /nation delete confirm message
- Fixed: [#1929] /nations help​
----------, Apr 29, 2022

+ Added: Option to automatically fix overflowing slot ranges:
Code (YAML):
  # Automatically correct slots if menus, that inherit items from this section, have a smaller size?
  # If this is disabled, items, which slots go over the menu size, will be set to slot 0 instead.
  # To manually override the slots for a common item in a menu, just define this item in the custom section of the menu.
: true
- Fixed: ignore-max option counting towards claim limit in some cases
- Fixed: [#1926] min-players option in wars.yml at /wars declare
----------, Apr 28, 2022

+ Added: Confirm menu prompt for geyser players when executing commands
+ Added: Input menu prompt for geyser players for GUI input
+ Added: /nations info [nation] command
+ Added: object_info, object_info_relations menu
To view relations via /lands info, /nations info
- Fixed: Menu page not resetting to 0, when clicking filter items
----------, Apr 27, 2022

- Fixed: Item not found "level_camp"
- Fixed: [#1922] /lands admin land * menu error
- Fixed: Item attributes showing in menu
- Fixed: Invalid placeholder {roel} -> {role} in default language
----------, Apr 26, 2022

+ Changed: Do not respawn to land spawn if player dies in non lands world
- Fixed: [#1917] War end message spam if capture block captures whole land
- Fixed: Custom GUI menus
----------, Apr 25, 2022

- Fixed: [#1917] Any player can manage the relations, there's no management flag designated apparently for this.
- Fixed: [#1917] Claims within nations can declare their own nation as enemy.
- Fixed: [#1917] Capital lands can declare its own nation as enemy.
- Fixed: [#1917] You can spam declaring a claim/nation as enemy.
- Fixed: Message at /lands menu with edit by loc enabled
----------, Apr 25, 2022

If you're not updating from 6.1.0:
Update instructions:
  1. Update to 6.0.8 first ( Start the server once and then stop it using /stop.
  2. Take a backup of your language files located under: /plugins/Lands/Language
  3. Replace the 6.0.8 jar file with this one. Start the server. The plugin will now migrate your language files into the new format.

This version migrates your language files into a new format. Existing translations are kept. Please take a backup of your translation files anyway.

+ Added: [Suggestion] You can now delete the ally role from roles.yml ,if you don't want it
+ Added: You can now delete the nation role from roles.yml, if you don't want it
- Fixed: [#1913] Error at /lands menu
- Fixed: [#1912] Error at /lands list
- Fixed: [#1903] Fawe integration
----------, Apr 23, 2022

Update instructions:
  1. Update to 6.0.8 first ( Start the server once and then stop it using /stop.
  2. Take a backup of your language files located under: /plugins/Lands/Language
  3. Replace the 6.0.8 jar file with this one. Start the server. The plugin will now migrate your language files into the new format.

This version migrates your language files into a new format. Existing translations are kept. Please take a backup of your translation files anyway.

This update is a complete overhaul of the GUI menu framework. It contains several improvements and
suggestions that we received in the past. While this version has been tested, there might still be
minor issues that might affect the usability of a menu.

+ Added: PlaceholderAPI support for all GUI menus
+ Added: You can now define multiple slots for items in menus
+ Added: You can now define entry ranges for list menus
+ Added: You can now define common items to be set in each menu
+ Added: Define commands to be executed on item click

+ Added: /lands admin listperms
- Fixed: [#1816] Auto claim creating new land if treat as new enabled
----------, Apr 22, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Induvidual confirm messages for commands like /lands delete
+ Changed: Untrust owner at expiration, even if replace-owner enabled
- Fixed: Error at interaction due to missing physical-item
----------, Apr 14, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Make flag explosions give points to the defending team, if they're in range
- Fixed: TNT damage not possible against monsters, animals inside claims making farms using tnt impossible
----------, Apr 11, 2022

+ Added: /lands admin land <land | *> resetflag - has been temp removed previously
+ Changed: levels: chunk attribute of nation now adds instead of overrides
+ Changed: Make /lands confirmtp require no permission
- Fixed: Error at executing /lands admin land <land | *> setflag
- Fixed: Missing message: wars.declare.enemy
----------, Apr 5, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] {nation} placeholder to player-lands menu for land items
+ Added: [Suggestion] Verbose option:
Code (YAML):
  # If false, chat message parts that are enclosed by [V]text[/T] will only be sent to players
  # that have the lands.admin.verbose permission.
: true
- Fixed: Error in combination with the role apply item in the "role" menu
- Fixed [#1861]: /lands claim auto sending creation message over and over
- Fixed: Land not getting unclaimed if /lands claim auto and /lands delete used in combination
- Fixed: Beacon not covered by interact_container flag
----------, Apr 4, 2022

+ Changed: Moved all admin translations into their corresponding files: en-US and en-US_gui
Note: Not all admin messages are translateable at the current time. This is planned in the future.

+ Changed: Always allow pillager raids in wilderness
- Fixed: [#1850] Not able to open menu of other player due to edit land check
- Fixed: [#1853] Ally role not active after relog in some cases
- Fixed: Nation state not removed correctly from lands
----------, Apr 2, 2022

+ Added: "war.shield" inbox message
- Fixed: [#1842] Error at parsing lands argument: /lands admin land <land> menu
- Fixed: [#1842] Deleting war state does not apply to allies
- Fixed: Able to edit relations during war
- Fixed: Managed by nation error in relation menu
- Fixed: Add/remove buttons not responding in specific cases in relation menu
----------, Mar 31, 2022

- Fixed: [#1837] Error at opening wars menu
- Fixed: Error at executing sub commands as console in some specific cases
----------, Mar 30, 2022

+ Added: command: /lands confirmtp

- Fixed: {nation} placeholder at ally remove item
- Fixed: typo at failure_none item
- Fixed: [#1832] Unknown message: word-disabled
- Fixed: [#1811] Item amount not working in some menus
- Fixed: [#1834] Missing help message entries

See previous changelog:
Relations, Commands Framework
----------, Mar 29, 2022

What to expect:
  1. This update contains many internal changes. While these are not critical. They may influence the user experience, if there are unknown bugs. Everything has been tested, but there might still be issues that went under the radar.
  2. This update contains some important changes in the configuration. The plugin will attempt to reset these options:
    - The following menus: player_lands, land, nation
    - All help messages / command usage messages. Path in language file: help.command

This update contains two major changes:
  • A new relations system that allows you to add allies and enemies. A land can decide what allies can do in their land by editing the allies role.
  • The command framework has be refactored.
    • All admin (!) commands have been moved to /lands admin and /wars admin
    • The tab completion has been improved and consistency across all commands is ensured.
    • The permissions for /lands admin <subcmd> subcommands have changed.
      • Example: /lands admin land <land> bank modify 1 Permission:
      • It follows the same format for each sub command of /lands admin. No further explanation needed.

=== Changes regarding Relations ===
+ Added: Command: /lands relations
+ Added: Command: /nations relations
+ Added: menu: "relations"
+ Added: menu: "relation"
+ Changed: /lands about is now /lands admin about
+ Changed: /lands debug is now /lands admin debug
+ Changed: /lands reload is now /lands admin reload
+ Changed: /lands chatspy is now /lands admin chatspy

=== Other Changes and Fixes ===
+ Added: Conflicting slot ranges and their items are no detected and a warning is printed into console.
Lands will attempt the conflicting slot ranges automatically.
+ Added: lands menu: shift + left click lets you select your /lands edit land.
The current edit land is visualized.
+ Added: Dedicated teleport to spawn item in the land and nation menu
+ Added: API: getCreationTime (land, nation)

+ Changed: Reorganized the default land menu
+ Changed: Allow untrusted players to use /lands balance [land]
- Fixed: [#1808] Member's amount for level requirement is one less than the actual value
- Fixed: [#1823] Bee nest and hive protection
- Fixed: [#....] More stuff, the changelog with fixes got lost
----------, Mar 28, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] "lands_land_bool" placeholder for PAPI

+ Updated: MythicMobs integration to new API
- Fixed: [#1794] global-lands allowing spawn teleport if player not trusted
- Fixed: Main menu limitation head skin not applying
----------, Mar 14, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Split fly and elytra usage in two flags: FLY and ELYTRA (new flag)
+ Added: [Suggestion] Automatically disable elytra gliding, like fly, on land enter
+ Improved: /lands admin menu - flags visualization and descriptions
- Fixed: [#1785] Elytra fly flag
- Fixed: [#1788] Respawn error
----------, Mar 12, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Disable bossbar messages by setting them to ''
+ Added: [Suggetion] {category} placeholder to land in global_lands menu
+ Added: [Suggestion] Disallow elytra usage, if player doesn't have the fly flag
+ Added: [Suggestion] New "plant" flag to allow or disallow planting crops, saplings etc.
+ Added: [Suggestion] Disable freeze damage if player is not allowed to break powdered snow block
- Fixed: [#1771] Capture point possible to overlap with wilderness
- Fixed: [#1777] Error due to missing failure item
- Fixed: [#1778] /lands admin convert not accepting sqlite
- Fixed: [#1764] Members amount off by one in trusted players menu
+ Changed: /lands admin convert is now /lands admin migratedb
----------, Mar 11, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Option for /wild teleportation being free for players that joined the first time:
Code (YAML):
  # Should the teleportation be free for players that joined the first time?
: false
+ Added: [Suggestion] Failure items for spawn or nation capital teleport in the menus

+ Added: [Suggestion] /lands menu land <land> command
+ Added: [Suggestion] /lands menu nation <nation> command
You can also use these commands for other lands as a server admin with lands.admin.land_edit and nations.admin.nation_edit

+ Added: You can now specify additional admin parameter at the /lands menu <menu> command. Example:
/lands menu <menu> args:{player :playerName,silent:true}
player defined the player and silent defines if a message should be sent if the player does not have a land etc.

- Fixed: Some messages not being set at /lands menu <menu> due to invalid silent param
- Fixed: [#1765] Some GUI items not accepting custom heads
- Fixed: [#1693] Since 1.18 middle click is no longer supported, if a player is in survival mode.
All MIDDLE CLICK actions have been replayed with a <any-click> mapping.
The promote/demote action is not triggered by using SHIFT + LEFT/RIGHT click
Affected menu items will be reset.
----------, Mar 7, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Remove color from /lands admin land <land> parameter to allow papi + console commands
+ Added: [Suggestion] DecentHolograms Support
Note: This does not support clickable holograms.​

- Fixed: Wrong claim fail message, if not allowed to claim
- Fixed: [#1738] Empty bossbar message causing teleport to fail
- Fixed: Double region warning message at selection
- Fixed: [#1737] Category not saving when using JSON
- Fixed: eco-format not applied to /unclaim and a few other messages
----------, Mar 5, 2022

+ Added: Don't send bossbar if text is empty
+ Added: {world}, {x}, {y}, {z} placeholders to capture point bossbars
+ Changed: [#1730] Include bank balance in cashback placeholder at /lands delete
- Fixed: [#1723] own lands counting towards lands.lands in invite menu
- Fixed: [#1733] Cancel interaction on selection
- Fixed: Combat tag time not extending
----------, Feb 28, 2022

- Fixed: Land creation date issue when using JSON
- Fixed: Land load issue because of creation date overlap
----------, Feb 25, 2022

- Fixed: Issue that caused lands to not load
----------, Feb 25, 2022

You might need to adjust the position of the new item in the global-lands GUI.

+ Added: Allow everyone to read books of lecterns, but not take it, unless they have block_break
+ Added: [Suggestion] categories.yml: You can now add categories.
A land can choose a category to make it easier for players to find the correct one
in /lands list. For example, if you're looking for shops.
Players can edit the category, by open the various options menu of their land or via
/lands menu options​
+ Added /lands menu main shortcut back
----------, Feb 25, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Take land upkeep no-pay time into account in menu and /lands upkeep
+ Added: [Suggestion] Take nation upkeep no-pay time into account in menu
+ Added: [Suggestion] API: MemberHolderUpkeepEvent: called when a land or nation needs to pay upkeep
+ Added: [Suggestion] API: PlayerTaxEvent: called when a land members needs to pay taxes.
+ Added: [Suggestion] Menu shortcuts to open via /lands menu <shortcut>
To open a menu for a different player use /lands menu <shortcut> <player>
This command can be executed from the console.​
+ Added: [Suggestion] Menu shortcuts to open via /nations menu <shortcut>
To open a menu for a different player use /lands menu <shortcut> <player>
This command can be executed from the console.​
+ Added: [Suggestion] Menu shortcuts to open via /wars menu <shortcut>
To open a menu for a different player use /lands menu <shortcut> <player>
This command can be executed from the console.​
+ Improved: Adjusted nation menus size to match the rest
- Removed: /lands menu <player>
You can now use /lands admin land <land> edit instead.
or just use /lands menu main <player = yourself>​
- Fixed: [#1714] /lands claim mlc for map error
- Fixed: [#1708] not able to change color for list replace in lores
- Fixed: [#1704] top-lands.divide not applied to top lands leaderboards
----------, Feb 24, 2022

+ Updated: Spanish language by @C4BR3R4
- Fixed: [#1659] Flight control flag warning due to configuration
- Fixed: [#1677] Nation effects not getting removed when activating and leaving right after
- Fixed: [#1690] squaremap error due to no longer implemented method
----------, Feb 16, 2022

- Fixed: [#1670] Worldguard region detection off by one block
----------, Feb 11, 2022

+ Added: WorldGuard: lands-claim flag for global regions
Code (YAML):
    # Apply the lands-claim flag also to global regions in world manager plugins, like WorldGuard?
    # This option requires server reload / restart.
: false
- Fixed: [#1675] 3rd party region protection warning at selection position set
- Fixed: [#1680] Capture point recipe not showing up in menu
----------, Feb 10, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Regenerate chunks at unclaim
Code (YAML):
    # Should chunks be regenerated at unclaim?
: false
+ Added: /lands admin give <player> members command
- Fixed: [#1668] Dynmap description line break
- Fixed: [#1661] Claim failing due to worldguard region - flip of coordinates
----------, Feb 8, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Additional dynmap spawn icon option for nation capitals
+ Added: Additional dynmap description for lands that are part of a nation
+ Added: Additional dynmap spawn description for a nations capital
+ Added: API -> Area #toggleFlag for natural flags
+ Improved: Use "unlimited" (internal = 80; complies with SQL column) name length for automatic land creation
+ Updated: Swedish language by @Broken_arrow
- Fixed: /lands merge not triggering land delete event
- Fixed: [#1653] Rental compensation not getting transferred when offer removed before
- Fixed: [#1657] Levels item still being displayed, if land levels disabled
----------, Feb 4, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestions] Able to register custom squaremap spawn icon
Please see your config on how to do that.
+ Added: Luckperms server scope for time rewards
+ Changed: Jukebox is now under the interact_container flag
- Fixed: Flower pot protection
- Fixed: [#1652] Rent signs or holograms not getting removed on land deletion
----------, Feb 1, 2022

+ Added: Squaremap spawn icon hover and click tooltip support
+ Changed: Remove enchantment table, anvil, cartography table and grindstone from interact_container flag

I received some suggestions to make enchantment tables and others public instead of binding it to this flag. Please let me know on Discord, if you would prefer an additional flag for these tools to be added instead of making them accessible by visitors.

- Removed: permission as it's no longer needed
You can turn off auto claim in config instead, if you wish to
- Fixed: Villager interaction cancelled if flag container interaction not set
- Fixed: Typo in default en-US lang file
----------, Jan 31, 2022

- Fixed: no-claims invertion issue
----------, Jan 30, 2022

+ Added: [API] #getPosition method for me.angeschossen.lands.api.levels.Level
+ Changed: Cancel entity damage from tnt_griefing completely if tnt_griefing is disabled
- Fixed: Extra space in eco-format
- Fixed: [#1648] interact_container overriding interact_villager
- Fixed: interact_mechanism overriding interact_door
----------, Jan 30, 2022

+ Added: Russian language (ru-RU) by @_sil3nce
- Fixed: Able to create a nation with a camp as the capital
- Fixed: Camps limit failing due to invalid comp check
- Fixed: [#1643] Error trying to disable war_info menu item, that does not exist
- Fixed: [#1644] Able to move selection toll when selection is active
It will now disable the selection mode, if you move the tool​
- Fixed: Missing eco format for next chunk cost papi placeholder
- Fixed: Missing eco format for upcoming upkeep payments
- Fixed: [#1646] Missing message: merge.nation
----------, Jan 28, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Option to only display nations on the dynmap:
Code (YAML):
      # Should only lands, that are part of a nation, appear on the map?
      # Note: This option requires server reload / restart.
: false
+ Added: {cmd} and {subcmd} placeholder to help messages
+ Changed: Disabled inactive player and land deletion in the default configuration @Bettanation
- Fixed: Towny import: Didn't import townblock, if town world not same as townblock
- Fixed: If teleportation destination was below 0, destination would be marked as unsafe (since 1.18)
----------, Jan 25, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] You can now use color codes in the "eco-format" option
+ Improved: The default GUI menu translation got a overhaul
Changes were only made to the default language file. No steps from your side a needed,
if you want to keep your current translation.​
+ Improved: All GUI menus now use the same size by default: 45
+ Improved: Added visual indicators in the menus: which items are clickable
+ Improved: Group information in the menu: making it easier to read
- Fixed: Nation menu not opening the war menu, if state is preparation
- Fixed: Some invalid items in the GUI menus: The default translation was wrong
----------, Jan 24, 2022

+ Added: confirm autocompletion to /lands unclaimall
+ Added: /unclaimall shortcut
+ Added: [Suggestion] Don't show lands in /lands list, which have no claims
+ Added: [Suggestion] Delete lands that have no claims and are older than x days
Code (YAML):
    # Should lands, which have no claims, be deleted if they're at least x days old?
    # You can disable this option by using 0.
: 0
+ Improved: Made /lands admin convert more intuitive
- Fixed: Eco format for war menu and tribute menu
- Fixed: [#1627] Renaming land in menu would take /edit land instead of the current one
- Fixed: [#1627] /lands unclaimall not refunding claimblocks
- Fixed: Eco format at sending declaration (wars)
- Fixed: Role members menu of role is not opening
----------, Jan 22, 2022

+ Added: [Suggestion] Disallow claiming for a player, if he's engaged in a war
+ Added: [Suggestion] Make points needed to win a war dynamic
# How many points does a team need to win?
# Calculation: <team with the smallest amount of members> * towin-per-player
per-player: 5
# Set a minimum amount of required points. This will be used if the calculation is smaller than minimum.
min_2: 100
- Fixed: [#1615] land cost being invalid at first land creation
- Fixed: Players being able to ban invaders from their land/area, so the invaders get temporarily teleported out of the land
----------, Jan 18, 2022

- Fixed: Invalid cashback value due to claim-radius = 0 value
- Fixed: Invalid claim cost value due to claim-radius = 0 value
- Fixed: [#1601] Don't cancel inventory openings with no inventory holder
----------, Jan 15, 2022

- Fixed: Task registering error at enable
----------, Oct 20, 2021

+ Added: Sorting by level: /lands top level
+ Added: Clickable messages for /lands top
+ Added: More info hovers to /lands top
+ Added: {level} placeholder to lands list menu
- Fixed: Error at /lands help
----------, Oct 19, 2021

+ Added: No delay at /wild world player if executed from console
- Fixed: Error at /lands help
----------, Oct 18, 2021

+ Added: Option to ignore max claims at claimblocks
# Should claimblocks ignore the lands.chunks.<number> permission?
ignore-max: false
+ Added: Visualization y offset
# Set a y offset (adjust height of visulization)
offset: 0

- Fixed: vehicle_usage flag
- Fixed: recipe registration error
----------, Oct 16, 2021

+ Added: /lands merge <land> command
+ Added: /lands unclaimall command
More info:

- Fixed: Capture point recipe not showing after /lands reload
----------, Oct 15, 2021

+ Added: Option to enable / disable capture point drops at removal:
# Should a capture point item be dropped at removal of the capture point?
drop: false
+ Added: Automatically create land, if the player has lands, but is not allowed to claim for them
Requires auto land creation to be enabled.
+ Added: Setting for /lands chat
# Settings for /lands chat
# Should /lands chat messages be forwarded to console?
forward: false
# Should global chat be muted for a player if they have /lands chat toggle enabled?
mute-global: false
----------, Oct 14, 2021

+ Added: {land} placeholder in area menu title
+ Added: Option to disable capture points (wars): "capture.enabled"
+ Updated: Swedish language by @broken_arrow1
- Fixed: NullPointerException at level calculation in very rare cases
----------, Oct 12, 2021

- Fixed: Capture point drop at explosion
----------, Oct 9, 2021

- Fixed: Eventhandler registration error
- Fixed: Error at list menus, because GUI was not setup correctly
- Fixed: All reported issues
----------, Oct 8, 2021

+ Added: Option to limit y levels where capture blocks can be placed: "capture.y.min" and "capture.y.max"
- Fixed: Vehicles not getting damage from natural environment (in claim)
- Fixed: Capture point not unloaded at explosions
- Fixed: Error that caused capture points to not save in rare conditions
- Fixed: Claimblock base64 mat
----------, Oct 5, 2021

This update adds capture points to wars. Huge thanks to @Verum, @Rollph and @Sorzys for their testing and feedback of this feature!


For more info see "capture" and "points" section in wars.yml

+ Added: Place a beacon inside the enemy land to create a capture point
+ Added: War points -> default: 1 kill = 1 point, 1 capture = 5 points
These are editable in your wars.yml config file.
Also some important messages have changed regarding wars. You might want to compare your file accordingly.​

+ Added: capture.unclaim option
+ Added: capture.claim option -> claim captured area
+ Added: "firework.time" option to spawn a firework every x

+ Added: Capture points need to be crafted:
Code (YAML):
recipe_list :

+ Added: New menu -> war_info
This menu explains players how they can win the war and how
to craft a capture point.​

+ Changed: The 'duration' option is now called 'timeout' in wars.yml

----------, Oct 1, 2021

- Fixed: Chat actions not being stopped at logout
----------, Sep 28, 2021

- Changed: Don't show visualization, if trying to claim in WG area
- Fixed: Error at PlayerItemHeldEvent
----------, Sep 25, 2021

+ Added: Containers from mods are now protected against other players opening them
+ Added: You can now use model-data for the selection and info tool
- Improved: /lands unstuck and /lands ban teleportation
- Fixed: Vanilla selection, info tools not being recognized
- Fixed: Nation role changes reflected to other lands, but shouldn't in this case
----------, Sep 24, 2021

- Fixed: Issue with event handlers
----------, Sep 18, 2021

+ Added: New attributes for nation levels. These can be active within their nations territory.
They can be edited through the nations menu: /nations
# Allow nations to activate a specific amount of effects in their nation. Effects can be unlocked through level progression.
description: '&a+ Unlock effects: {value}'
# Configure a list of unlocked effects for this level. Valid effects:
# The amiplifier is the strength (level) of the effect. Example: JUMP:2 -> Jump II
# Modify how many effects can be active at the same time.
description: '&a+ Have {value} effects active at once'
value: 1
- Fixed: CMI holos
----------, Sep 17, 2021

- Fixed: Error on startup at CMI Holo integration

+ Added: Upkeep reminder. Reminds players that can deposit money into the land bank about upcoming upkeep payments, until the deposited enough money.
# Remind land members, which can deposit money into their lands, about upcoming upkeep payments.
reminder: 2h

+ Added: '/lands upkeep' command to view upcoming upkeep payments

- Fixed: roles.yml -> 'default: all' not including 3rd party plugin flags
- Fixed: New roles addition detection notification
- Fixed: Vehicle destructible by tnt cannons
----------, Sep 15, 2021

+ Added: Upkeep reminder. Reminds players that can deposit money into the land bank about upcoming upkeep payments, until the deposited enough money.
# Remind land members, which can deposit money into their lands, about upcoming upkeep payments.
reminder: 2h

+ Added: '/lands upkeep' command to view upcoming upkeep payments

- Fixed: roles.yml -> 'default: all' not including 3rd party plugin flags
- Fixed: New roles addition detection notification
- Fixed: Vehicle destructible by tnt cannons
----------, Sep 15, 2021

+ Added: Clickable CMI holograms support
+ Added: API -> Land#getArea method
----------, Sep 14, 2021

+ Added: '/lands admin land <* | land> resetBank' command
+ Added: Sounds: create-land_sound, claim_sound, notification_sound, invite-sent_sound, banned_sound and more
Feel free to suggest more on Discord.

- Fixed: Players could shoot arrows with dispensers onto item frames to destroy them
- Fixed: Snow balls destroying item frames
- Fixed: Boat pushing destroying item frames
- Fixed: TNT damage for item frames
- Fixed: TNT damage for vehicles
----------, Sep 13, 2021

+ Added: Nations can now toggle specific role flags of the "Nation" role. In roles.yml you can edit
the toggleable-by-nation to configure which flags of the nation role, the nation can actually change.
These changes will automatically also apply to each nation role of the lands that are part of the nation.
This allows the nation to have a bit more centralized control. The nation role can be edited in the nation menu -> /nations

Code (YAML):
      # A nation has control over the nation role of its lands.
      # Here you can specify flags which the nation should be able to toggle for the Nation role of its lands.
        - FLY
        - ENDER_PEARL
        - LAND_ENTER
        - VEHICLE_USE
        - ITEM_PICKUP

+ Added: API -> war.end method
- Fixed: {cost} placeholder not replaced for holograms
- Fixed: Min level setting at /nation setcapital

----------, Sep 11, 2021

+ Added: If rent hologram is removed, drop sign [Suggestion]
+ Added: %lands_claimed% papi placeholder [Suggestion]
more info:
+ Added: /lands listperms <player> to check which Lands permissions a player has
- Changed: If player is banned and logs into the area he is banned: Teleport to the nearest wilderness location instead of world spawn
- Fixed: Duplicate config option "wait"
- Fixed: Error when setting item material to AIR
- Fixed: Not giving cashback on land deletion
----------, Sep 7, 2021

+ Added: "_any" option to nation papi placeholders. See the wiki for more information:

+ Added: Options to customize the teleportation through the
/lands rentlist menu
Code (Text):
    # Teleportation through the /lands rentlist command.
      # Wait time until the player gets teleported.
      # Note: Time unit is seconds.
      wait: 3
      # Cost for teleportation to a rentable area.
      costs_7: 0.0
      # Cooldown for teleportation to a rentable area.
      cooldown_6: 0s
- Updated: Swedish language by @Broken_arrow
- Fixed: Players being able to activate pressure plates by shooting arrows since latest versions
- Fixed: Players could use fishing rod to move armor stands
- Fixed: "Server" placeholder player trusted to new area creations
----------, Sep 4, 2021

+ Added: You can now use holograms instead of signs for the rental system
# Use holograms instead of sings? If enabled, after setting up the rent or sell sign, the sign will disappear and a clickable hologram will appear.
# Only available when using HolographicDisplays. CMI does not support clickable holograms.
holograms: false​

+ Added: Prevent untrusted players to change sign colors or glow
- Fixed: Error at 3rd party plugins when hooking into levels and levels are disabled in Lands
----------, Sep 2, 2021

+ Added: You can now untrust players in the menu by using the "Q" key
+ Added: You can now revoke invites in the menu by using the "Q" key
+ Added: You can now delete roles in the menu by pressing the "Q" Key
+ Added: "/lands unclaim auto" command
+ Added: auto-action timeout
# After how long should the auto-action be stopped?
timeout: 2m
- Changed: "/lands ban" -> teleport players to the edge of the land instead of to world spawn
----------, Aug 31, 2021

- Fixed: Players lands not showing up in menu, if was trusted while they were offline or trusted by 3rd party plugins
This issue was only existent in recent versions.​
- Fixed: Mutual declaration state not persistent
- Updated: French language by @ detrakeurr
----------, Aug 28, 2021

- Fixed: eco format not applying to not enough money personal account message
- Fixed: Cancelling ChunkDeleteEvent at land deletion would not stop land deletion
- Fixed: Issue with unclaiming large amount of chunks
- Fixed: Issue with selection message spam
----------, Aug 26, 2021

- Fixed: Issue with cancelling ChunkDeleteEvent
- Fixed: Issue when using multiple web map plugins
- Fixed: Mutual declaration state not beeing saved
- Fixed: Selection issue
----------, Aug 23, 2021

- Fixed: Issue with /assign and unloaded regions, saying it conflicts with wilderness
----------, Aug 20, 2021

- Fixed: from-name option not taking effect if the land is part of a nation, even if from nation color is disabled
+ Added: API -> NationCreateEvent
+ Added: API -> NationDeleteEvent
+ Added: API -> NationRenameEvent
+ Added: API -> NationTrustLandEvent
+ Added: API -> NationUntrustLandEvent
----------, Aug 19, 2021

- Fixed: Minor issue with level calculation of requirements that aren't cached yet

+ Added: API -> 3rd party plugins can now register their own requirements
The levels.yml will be regenerated.

+ Added: New menu to view the progress of unlocking the next level.
These can be opened via /lands level, /nations level or via the land or nation menu.

+ Added: New requirement for nation level up: "lands"
+ Added: New requirement for land and nation level up: "farms" of plugin BetterFarming
+ Added: New requirement for land and nation level up: "hoppers" of plugin UpgradeableHoppers
+ Added: New requirement for land and nation level up: "spawners" of plugin UpgradeableSpawners

+ Added: Allow players without the interact_continer flag to open lecterns, but not taking the book.
+ Added: Protection against hopper minecarts
It was possible to spawn a hopper minecart and then push it into other lands to steal items from chests.
This is no longer possible.​

+ Added: Suggestion -> don't return anything for "%rel_lands_war_relation%" if there is no war between the two players.
+ Added: Suggestion -> don't allow monsters to teleport into claims, if the "monster_spawn" flag is disabled
+ Added: Border for untrusted neighbour lands
+ Added: No longer send pvp warning if previous area was also pvp
+ Added: Suggestion -> API: wild method to rtp players
* Randomly teleport a player in the given world.
* @Param landPlayer The player
* @Param world The destination world
void wild( @NotNull LandPlayer landPlayer, @NotNull World world);​

- Fixed: Some minor issues with level progression
- Fixed: API: Wrong delete reason at /unclaim
- Fixed: edit-by-loc option: players could select lands for editing in which they're not trusted.
They couldn't edit them tough.​
- Fixed: Error when tab completing in console
- Fixed: Skins not applying to leaderboard heads since on latest spigot, paper
- Fixed: Wrong level name at level down
- Fixed: Declare flag not working at /wars declare -> for nations if the executor is not the capital owner

----------, Aug 18, 2021

+ Added: API -> 3rd party plugins can now register their own requirements
The levels.yml will be regenerated.

+ Added: New menu to view the progress of unlocking the next level.
These can be opened via /lands level, /nations level or via the land or nation menu.

+ Added: New requirement for nation level up: "lands"
+ Added: New requirement for land and nation level up: "farms" of plugin BetterFarming
+ Added: New requirement for land and nation level up: "hoppers" of plugin UpgradeableHoppers
+ Added: New requirement for land and nation level up: "spawners" of plugin UpgradeableSpawners

+ Added: Allow players without the interact_continer flag to open lecterns, but not taking the book.
+ Added: Protection against hopper minecarts
It was possible to spawn a hopper minecart and then push it into other lands to steal items from chests.
This is no longer possible.​

+ Added: Suggestion -> don't return anything for "%rel_lands_war_relation%" if there is no war between the two players.
+ Added: Suggestion -> don't allow monsters to teleport into claims, if the "monster_spawn" flag is disabled
+ Added: Border for untrusted neighbour lands
+ Added: No longer send pvp warning if previous area was also pvp
+ Added: Suggestion -> API: wild method to rtp players
* Randomly teleport a player in the given world.
* @Param landPlayer The player
* @Param world The destination world
void wild( @NotNull LandPlayer landPlayer, @NotNull World world);​

- Fixed: Some minor issues with level progression
- Fixed: API: Wrong delete reason at /unclaim
- Fixed: edit-by-loc option: players could select lands for editing in which they're not trusted.
They couldn't edit them tough.​
- Fixed: Error when tab completing in console
- Fixed: Skins not applying to leaderboard heads since on latest spigot, paper
- Fixed: Wrong level name at level down
- Fixed: Declare flag not working at /wars declare -> for nations if the executor is not the capital owner

----------, Aug 18, 2021

+ Added: You can now configure the slots for the tools
# The tool used to create selections and claim, unclaim or assign them.
# Lands will automatically give the tool to new players and set it to the slot.
slot: 0
# Enable / disable the visualization / info tool.
# Should Lands give every new player a information tool, which is defined in your gui language file?
# This tool will send the /lands view information for the location the player is pointing at by using the tool.
slot_2: 1

- Fixed: Error at luckperms cacl event
- Fixed: Invalid help message
----------, Aug 9, 2021

- Fixed: Getting selection tool and info tool on each join

+ Added: You can now disable the information tool
# Enable / disable the visualization / info tool.
# Should Lands give every new player a information tool, which is defined in your gui language file?
# This tool will send the /lands view information for the location the player is pointing at by using the tool.
info: true

+ Added: Entry "server" in the language file to translate the owner for admin lands
+ Added: War declaration option:
# Should attackers only be able to send war declarations to lands or nations where at least one player is online?
online: false

- Fixed: Nations warshield not reducing
- Fixed: Teleportation ignored yaw and pitch since latest versions
----------, Aug 7, 2021

+ Added: You can now disable the information tool
# Enable / disable the visualization / info tool.
# Should Lands give every new player a information tool, which is defined in your gui language file?
# This tool will send the /lands view information for the location the player is pointing at by using the tool.
info: true

+ Added: Entry "server" in the language file to translate the owner for admin lands
+ Added: War declaration option:
# Should attackers only be able to send war declarations to lands or nations where at least one player is online?
online: false

- Fixed: Nations warshield not reducing
- Fixed: Teleportation ignored yaw and pitch since latest versions
----------, Aug 7, 2021

+ Improved: How selections are done.
Corners will not be set in a cycle. The selection tool still exists, but now alternatively the key "Q" can be used to set a corner
at the players position. Because of this addition the commands /selection pos1 and /selection pos2 have been removed. You can find a
screenshot below.

While this update may seem like a small change, changing the way of the claiming process always needs to be considered carefully. If you have any
feedback about that, please let us know on Discord or via pm.

+ Improved: Default colour scheme.
Improved usability.

+ Added: API: onLoad method, which calls the runnable, once Lands is loaded.

- Fixed: Exception at visualizations
- Fixed: War shields not applied at draw
- Fixed: 'lands' detected as Lands sign instead of [lands]
- Fixed: Pressure plates protection
- Fixed: Some tab completions not working as expected
- Fixed: Minor issues with task scheduling

----------, Aug 4, 2021

+ Added: API: war.getTeam
- Fixed: Incompatibilities with other plugins that listen to teleportation on /lands spawn or /wild, which in some setups could lead to a server crash
----------, Jul 30, 2021

+ Added: Dynmap option:
# Should it also apply the color of the name to the border?
border: true

+ Added: %rel_lands_war_relation% placeholder for PlaceholderAPI, which displays the relation of two players during a war.

- Changed: First claim is only free on first /claim not on /unclaim -> /claim
----------, Jul 28, 2021

+ Added: claimblock placement will now automatically detect the claimland if the /edit land is not a neighbour of the current chunk
----------, Jul 23, 2021

- Fixed: Nations upkeep not being taken in some cases
- Changed: Default upkeep nopay-time (config.yml)
----------, Jul 22, 2021

+ Added: This version just adds support for the new LandsDiscordBot plugin version. Some new API methods are included in this version that are required by the latest LandsDiscordBot plugin.
----------, Jul 21, 2021

Having suggestions or feature requests? Let us know on Discord. Feature updates are coming in august!

- Updated: Swedish language file by @Broken_arrow !
+ Added: API: landPlayer.getWars()
+ Added: API: landPlayer.getInvites()
----------, Jul 19, 2021

+ Added: lands_land_level_next papi placeholder
+ Added: lands_nation_level_next papi placeholder
More info:

+ Added: Time-rewards: Setting luckperms permission silently
+ Added: API: getTitleMessage(player)

- Fixed: Fawe integration load error
- Fixed: /lands admin <land> untrust - command error
----------, Jul 16, 2021

+ Added: Sounds at level up and down. You need to add this to your levels.yml file, if you want to use them:
# You can disable sounds by setting them to ''
# Played to each player of the land or nation on level up.
# Played to each player of the land or nation on level down.

+ Added: Some messages for level up and down.
up: '#t#{object}[newline]&7leveled up: {level}'
down: '#t#{object}[newline]&7leveled down to: {level}'​

- Improved: Bypass land expiration offline permission check
- Improved: Level up/down is now (almost) instant for lands
----------, Jul 12, 2021

- Fixed: /wild issue when UltraRegions claim prevention enabled
- Fixed: /claim issue when UR claim prevention enabled
- Changed: First chunk claim is now always free
----------, Jul 10, 2021

+ (re)Added: Skull skin update for leaderboard on 1.17.1, since 1.17.1 fixed the TPS issue with skin update on skulls
- Fixed: Rent sign interaction not responding
----------, Jul 9, 2021

+ Added: UltraRegions support: Prevent claiming in UltraRegions regions

+ Added: Permission to bypass land expiration (only supported when using Luckperms)
description: This permission only works when you use Luckperms as your permission plugin. Players with this permission will bypass the configured land expiration from your config.​
----------, Jul 7, 2021

- Fixed: Error at /lands admin land <land> withdraw
- Fixed: Typo for option in config. Note: This means that the option 'cicle' now is called 'cycle', so you might need to re-configure it.
# If true: The selection modification will cycle through pos1 and pos2.
# If false: left click = pos1 and right click = pos2
cycle: false

The busy time of year has arrived for me. Until the end of this month feature updates will be less frequent. Bug fixes are usually not affected by this and should be online as fast as usual. I'm excited to work on some new exciting features in August! I'm really looking forward to this. :) Thank you for your understanding!
----------, Jul 5, 2021

- Fixed: Issue with the introduced keep inventory feature of latest version
----------, Jul 4, 2021

+ Added: New setting for /view, Suggestion by Dexiam
# Set the maximum block distance from the player in which sub areas should be visualized.
area-radius: 112

- Improved: Calculation and visualization of visualizations
- Fixed: CMI holograms not spawning because CMILocation class has been relocated
----------, Jul 3, 2021

+ Added: If a player dies at a location where ITEM_PICKUP flag is disabled, they'll keep their inventory. Suggestion by Verum
+ Added: You can now execute /Lands deposit and /Lands withdraw from the console
You can also use /Lands admin land <land> deposit
Suggestion by Momasofat
- Fixed: Missing {level} placeholder for level commands
----------, Jul 2, 2021

+ Added: Suggestion: "Repeaters, Comparators, noteblocks and daylight sensors are under the flag General_Interaction, Please move them to the redstone flag" by Enthos/Mike
+ Added: Suggestion: "allow the use of {land} for nation chat formatting" by srnyx
+ Added: Suggestion: "Add a placeholder for the remaining time of war shield of a land / nation" by Momosofat
land: land_shield
nation: nation_shield

- Fixed: Error at leader board sign update on spigot 1.16.x
----------, Jun 28, 2021

Minecraft 1.17 currently has a "issue" with updating the skin of skull blocks (not items). Since 1.17 it does not seem to be possible to update the player skins on the skull blocks without a blocking web request on your servers main thread. To prevent TPS loss and server crashes the skull skin update has been temporarily disabled for the top lands leader boards. Again, only the leader boards and MC 1.17 is affected by this.

- Changed: Allow 3rd party plugins to spawn mobs on lands even if monster / animals spawning is turned off.
3rd party plugins need to check themselves, if they should spawn monsters or animals at a given location.
Otherwise this breaks to much "non-harmful" functionality of other plugins.

- Fixed: Error at sign leaderboard update when running on 1.17.x
- Fixed: Minor error at PlayerInteractEvent directly after startup
- Improved: Task handling
- Improved: /claim auto messages and handling
----------, Jun 26, 2021

- Changed: Allow 3rd party plugins to spawn mobs on lands even if monster / animals spawning is turned off.
3rd party plugins need to check themselves, if they should spawn monsters or animals at a given location.
Otherwise this breaks to much "non-harmful" functionality of other plugins.

- Fixed: Error at sign leader board update when running on 1.17.x
- Fixed: Minor error at PlayerInteractEvent directly after start-up
- Improved: Task handling
- Improved: /claim auto messages and handling
----------, Jun 26, 2021

Minecraft 1.17 currently has a issue with updating the skin of skull blocks (not items). The problem is that updating skulls currently has quite a bit TPS loss as it seems to fetch the skin each time from the Mojang servers instead of relying on a cache. This was not the case prior to 1.17. There are currently no alternatives to achieve this functionality. Because of that, this functionality has been disabled temporarily for 1.17 until this is fixed. This does only affect top lands skulls. This does not affect versions lower than 1.17.

- Changed: Allow 3rd party plugins to spawn mobs on lands even if monster / animals spawning is turned off.
3rd party plugins need to check themselves, if they should spawn monsters or animals at a given location.
Otherwise this breaks to much "non-harmful" functionality of other plugins.

- Fixed: Error at sign leader board update when running on 1.17.x
- Fixed: Minor error at PlayerInteractEvent directly after start-up
- Improved: Task handling
- Improved: /claim auto messages and handling
----------, Jun 26, 2021

+ Added: Suggestion: "make fly mode disable thing ignore the player if they are in a boat (it will eject the player when the timer runs out)"
+ Added: Optional sound, which plays when fly gets re-enabled. Option: re-enable_sound
+ Added: You can now add the 'enchanted: true' value to items in your gui file
- Removed: Enabled flags will no longer be enchanted. Some items to not support this, so it was confusing.
+ Improved: Style of default language gui file
----------, Jun 22, 2021

- Fixed: Players being able to destroy lily pads with a bot in the wilderness, even if block break is disallowed in wilderness
- Fixed: Allow claiming above WG regions, if the WG regions is not from bottom to top and the claim height does not collide with the WG region
- Improved: Improved interaction listener amount of checks
----------, Jun 21, 2021

+ Added: Allow /lands admin <land> shield reset to reset the shield of the nation, the land is part of.
+ Added: /Lands admin give <player> claimblock silent parameter
+ Added: Automatically convert the 0-255 opactiy scale to dynmaps 0-1 scale.
- Changed: Allow usage of $ in lands chat
- Fixed: Some typos at /lands admin
----------, Jun 20, 2021

+ Added: Players that are not allowed to pickup items at a given location, also won't be able to drop items there.
+ Added: Ignore pvp if the location is claimed by WorldGuard
+ Added: Taxes announcements won't be re-send every time a player re-joins instead to the configured interval in config
+ Added: Bedrock forms for bedrock players, when changing land name etc. Player name inputs are currently still handled through chat.
- Updated: Swedish language by @Broken_arrow !
- Fixed: Error at mob despawn task on 1.17
- Fixed: [newline] not getting replaced in plain messages
- Fixed: Display list not automatically setting new flags to display
----------, Jun 19, 2021

+ Added: extensive-check option for /wild
- Fixed: Unsafe destination at /wild
- Fixed: WorldGuard fly control issue
- Fixed: [newline] not working inside hovers correctly
----------, Jun 16, 2021

- Fixed: [newline] printing symbol and new line into chat on Java 16
- Minor performance improvements and rtp
- Removed: Two no longer needed options
- Updated: pt-BR language files by @Yamamot00 !
----------, Jun 14, 2021

- Fixed: Potential cause for server crash at teleportation
----------, Jun 12, 2021

+ Added: Allow geyser player names which start with * for land creation
- Fixed: Player Steve being auto trusted to a land on land creation (bug from recent versions)
- Fixed: "Server" member not removed from land after converting it from admin land -> normal land
----------, Jun 12, 2021

+ Added: Support for Spigot and Paper 1.17
Java 16 is supported too. You can still use lower Java versions without any issues (however Spigot, Paper 1.17 requires Java 16).

+ Added: /Lands claim [radius] and /Lands claim [land] [radius]
+ Added: Allow special characters in land titles
+ Added: balance requirement for levels

+ Improved: Auto land creation messages
+ Improved: Some visualizations with symbols
----------, Jun 11, 2021

+ Added: You can again use the 'ALL' value to set all flags for a role in roles.yml
+ Added: Faster numbered permissions lookup through optional LuckPerms integration
+ Added: API: LandOwnerChangeEvent to detect the owner change of a land or sub area
+ Added: You now can add your own gui items to a menu:
Custom items in the 's' section are no longer supported.

- Fixed: Players being able to bypass the WorldGuard lands-claim flag
- Fixed: Typo in levels.yml
----------, Jun 5, 2021

+ Added: You can now execute commands when a land levels up or down. More information:
You can find the same information for nations on the wiki page too, if you scroll down.

+ Added: Command list to be executed when a war ends: winner-cmds_list and loser-cmd_list in wars.yml
+ Added: Tab complete lands at /wars declare
+ Added: You can now display lands at Dynmap, BlueMap and Pl3xMap at the same time.
+ Added: 'give' option for new players to disable new players getting the selection or info tool on first join
+ Added: Max name lengths do no longer count color does to the name length

- Fixed: Admin flags got added to roles.yml automatically too, besides player flags
- Fixed: Not able to set empty lists in config
The complete config file update mechanisms have been recoded. It aims to fix multiple minor issues which
could have been annoying sometimes. Please report any issues to via pm or Discord.
----------, Jun 4, 2021

- Fixed: Failed to set flag icons on older API versions
- Fixed: Tab completion error at /lands help [page]

For the 5.9.0 changelog see below.
----------, May 28, 2021

+ Added: '/Lands rentlist' command
You can now browse all available listings (rent and buy)​
+ Added: /map shortcut for /Lands map
+ Added: Enabled flags will now glow

- Changed: Only send pvp warning on area enter, if at least one more role is allowed to fight. This only affects members of the owner role.

- Fixed: Wrong land placeholder replacement at trust.max-members
----------, May 28, 2021

+ Added: Listen for entity spawns from 3rd party plugins if possible and cancel spawning if flags do not allow it
Please note that still some plugins may "bypass" this.
+ Updated: Swedish language by @Broken_arrow !
----------, May 21, 2021

+ Added: SQLite DBMS support (option: sqlite)
+ Added: You can now edit other players lands with /lands edit <land>, even if edit-by-loc is enabled
+ Added: No longer charge for server admin actions via /lands edit
+ Added: {value} placeholder to message (deposit money by clicking on the text)
- Fixed: roles.yml did not accept changes at display list option
----------, May 19, 2021

- Improved: Indexing for selection unclaim
- Improved: Indexing for selection claim
- Fixed: /lands selection would not unclaim unloaded regions
- Fixed: Minor issue with the BlueMap integration
- Fixed: Owner would show up in the members field for the dynmap / bluemap integration
----------, May 17, 2021

+ Added: Nation admin edit permission
description: Edit other players nations of their lands from /lands edit​

+ Added: Automatically reload roles.yml configurations if a new flag has been added by the plugin to the file.
+ Added: /Lands wild will now additionally make sure that NEAR the destination is no claimed land, depending on the view distance of your server.
----------, May 15, 2021

+ Added: New role flags will now be automatically added to the all roles in roles.yml except for the "visitor" and "nation" role.
+ Updated: Swedish language by @Broken_arrow !
----------, May 14, 2021

+ Added: Configureable and optional teleport sound: teleport_sound in config
+ Added: Default title color set to GRAY when setting land title
- Fixed: Role colors not set when creating a new area
- Fixed: Message noaccess.position not found
- Fixed: Nullpointer exception on BlockFertilizeEvent event in some cases
----------, May 11, 2021

+ Added: Nations API
If you use LandsDiscordBot, make sure to use the latest version of Lands and the bot to be able to create nation chat channels.

- Fixed: cmd-blacklist not recognized for wars (wars.yml)
- Fixed: Combat cancellation during war (introduced in a recent update)
----------, May 8, 2021

+ Added: /Lands wild shortcut -> /wild
+ Updated: Brazilian language by @Yamamot00
+ Updated: Swedish language by @Broken_arrow

- Fixed: /lands wild -> Message not found:
- Fixed: hide-player option not being recognized
----------, May 7, 2021

This update will reset the inbox translation section (general.inbox), because of relevant changes to the placeholders that should be updated.

Did you know Lands comes with a Discord bot? -

+ Added: API: InboxMessageReceivedEvent
+ Added: Timezone option for text date outputs
In combination to that, it's highly recommended to check your inbox date format:
# Format for news messages in the land menu (inbox).
inbox: 'MMMMM dd'​

- Fixed: New role creations did not copy flags from member role of the area
----------, May 3, 2021

v. 5.7.0
+ Changed: The bank option has been moved (from upkeep.banks to to add more options in the future, please review your config!

v. 5.7.1
+ Added: Import from RedProtect -> /Lands admin import redprotect
+ Added: Visualize clicked chunk when interacting with the info tool
- Fixed: Simple visualization always being locked
- Fixed: Extra space at /lands chat
----------, May 1, 2021

+ Changed: The bank option has been moved (from upkeep.banks to to add more options in the future, please review your config!

+ Added: Option to fallback to players personal account at claiming etc.
# Should players pay with their personal account instead if their land bank does not have enough balance to pay the cost.
# This does only involve actions where the player is physically involved, like claiming or setting a land spawn. This does not include upkeep.
# If true and the player has enough balance on his personal account, this will also send a notice to the player that the balance has been taken from his personal account.
fallback: false​

+ Added: New information tool that can be given to new players
# Shoulds Lands give every new player a information tool, which is defined in your gui language file?
# This tool will send the /Lands view information for the location the player is pointing by using the tool.
info: true​
----------, Apr 30, 2021

+ Added: Papi placeholder -> land_level
+ Added: Papi placeholder -> nation_level
+ Added: Page counter to /Lands top
+ Added: Vanished players could be seen in tab completion if using a alias
+ Added: Vanished players will display as offline in the player info menu
----------, Apr 27, 2021

- Fixed: Players could move items during teleportation, which could lead to not paying the cost if item eco enabled
- Updated: Turkish language by @SurvivorsDev !
----------, Apr 26, 2021

- Fixed: Player load error from 5.6.1
- Updated: Swedish language file by @Broken_arrow
- Fixed: Some mistakes in the German language file (Thanks to @Tamino)
----------, Apr 24, 2021

+ Added: /Nations chat toggle to allow players to redirect messages they send into public chat to all players of the nation
+ Added: Make /Lands chat toggle persistent
+ Added: Make /Nations chat toggle persistent
- Fixed: Wrong chat spy format for nations
----------, Apr 24, 2021

+ Added: Nations chat: /Nations chat [nation]
Suggested by @Classicalad

- Fixed: Nation did not receive war start notification
----------, Apr 23, 2021

+ Added: TITLE_HIDE flag: can be used to hide title in land or wilderness
Suggested by @shadow
+ Added: "silent" parameter to /Lands ban <player> <area> and /Lands unban <player> <area>
Suggested by @Verum

- Fixed: papi placeholder for remaining claims could return negative numbers if permissions were changed
- Fixed: Blizzards still leaving snow behind, if snow form disabled
- Fixed: Issue with crop planting and farmland trample flag
----------, Apr 22, 2021

- Changed: Adjusted chat even priority to fix incompatibilities with 3rd party chat plugins
+ Added: The changelog will now be saved to /Lands/changelog.txt
It also includes all additions to the config.yml and language files.

+ Added: If the flag SNOW_MELT is disabled, blizzards won't cover the ground with snow
Suggested by @opa

+ Added: TRAMPLE_FARMLAND role flag
Suggested by @opa
----------, Apr 20, 2021

- Fixed: Nation did not receive the upkeep from the members

v. 5.5.2
- Fixed: Rent sign not updating if chunk was unloaded, while the rent expired
+ Added: Prevent players from starting village raids, if the player is not allowed to attack players in the area
Suggested by @TheIronMinerLv
----------, Apr 17, 2021

- Fixed: Rent sign not updating if chunk was unloaded, while the rent expired
+ Added: Prevent players from starting village raids, if the player is not allowed to attack players in the area
Suggested by @TheIronMinerLv
----------, Apr 17, 2021

+ Fixed: Map click to claim nullpointerexception
- Changed: Do not send pvp warning if pvp is disabled, but player has bypass perms
----------, Apr 15, 2021

+ Added: You can now setup a claim height in config.yml
# Worlds where players should be able to claim.
# NOTE: This setting requires server reload / restart.
# This list also supports setting the player claims height per world.
# Example: world:30:256 -> this will configure the world 'world' with a claim height from 30 to 256.
# NOTE: The claim height of admin lands will always be maxed out.

Example configuration:
Code (YAML):
 claim-worlds_list :
   - 'world:30:256'
- Fixed: In some rare cases, where the player did not exist in the db, the land would not be affected by land expiration
----------, Apr 14, 2021

- Fixed: /lands admin land <land> delete did not call LandDeleteEvent
- Fixed: Can't reel in (fishing rod) in wilderness
+ API: Added more Reasons to LandDeleteEvent and ChunkDelete
+ API: Made ChunkDeleteEvent cancellable. Please note that events with the reason ADMIN, can not be cancelled.
+ Added logging options for the API:
# Should Lands log cancellations of events from the Lands API. This happens if 3rd party plugins cancel these events.
# For example they can cancel claiming (/Lands claim), which results in no response from the command (unless they send one).
# By having this option enabled, you can always check if a 3rd party plugin cancelled the action.
api-events: true​
----------, Apr 10, 2021

- Fixed: Minus upkeep value in levels.yml not recognized on calc
- Updated: Swedish language by @Broken_arrow !
- Updated: Turkish language by @SurvivorsDev !
- Fixed: Turtle eggs not being protected correctly
- Fixed: Admin lands type not updating in from sql db
----------, Apr 9, 2021

+ Added: Turkish (tr-TR) translation by @SurvivorsDev !
+ Added: Permission "lands.bypass.priority"
description: Edit roles even if they have the same or a higher priority than your own role.​

- Fixed: Typos in english language file - thanks to @Verum !
- Fixed: Role color not displaying in /Lands chat and members menu
- Fixed: Players with pvp bypass could not attack target, if target was not allowed to pvp
- Fixed: Levels not updating in some cases
----------, Apr 8, 2021

- Fixed: Players could init multiple rts as, rtp lookup is async
- Fixed: Table not found error on initial startup
- Added: Visualization option
# Should the border visualization stay at the initial height (y-block)?
# If false: The border will follow the players position up and downwards.
# NOTE: This is a default. Players can still toggle it by executing /Lands view stay.
y-lock: false​

enabled: '&cToggled y-lock mode: &7The land borders will no longer follow your position up and downwards.'
disabled: '&aToggled y-lock mode: &7The land borders will follow your position up and downwards.'​
----------, Apr 7, 2021

- Added: /Lands admin give <player> <chunks | ownlands | lands> command
- Updated: Brazilian Portuguese language (pt-BR) files by @Yamamot00
----------, Apr 6, 2021

- Changed: The 'all' parameter from roles.yml (owner role) has been removed and is no longer supported.
As now also 3rd party developers can register their own flags, it's not recommended to apply all flags to the owner role
automatically as the functionality of these flags can be dynamic.

- Added: Rotate /Lands map if player rotates and clicks again

- Added: Random teleportation option
# Should permissions for random teleportation be per world based instead of just lands.command.wild?
# Example: world 'A': lands.command.wild.a, world 'B': lands.command.wild.b
world-perms: false​

perm: '&cYou''re not allowed to use random teleportation in the world&4 {world}&c. &8You''re missing the permission {perm}.'

- Fixed: Player invulnerable flag did enable automatically in wilderness
----------, Apr 5, 2021

- Added: Allow ender chests always to be open in lands
- Fixed: Icon and name item not set in role menu
- Added: /lands admin land <land | *> resetflag <flag | all> command
- Fixed: Levels not calculating in some cases
----------, Apr 3, 2021

- Fixed: Nation wars returning wrong calculation on end
- Added: Area sell/rent: send money to personal account if the area owner differs from the land owner
- Added: Admin flag for admin lands: INVULNERABLE You can toggle it in the menu of the admin land
- Added: Luckperms context: land_trusted_in=LANDNAME
----------, Apr 1, 2021

- Added: /Lands admin menu
- Added: Admin lands: You can now convert normal lands into admin lands. These lands wont pay any upkeep and can not participate in wars.
In the new /Lands admin menu you can add, remove or convert lands / admin lands. /Lands safezone is no longer needed and has been removed.
- Fixed: Incompatibility with some mute plugins in some cases

----------, Mar 31, 2021

Note: This update contains quite a lot of changes behind the scenes. While most of them were quite uniform, it's nevertheless recommended to take a backup! If you're planning to use this version on a production server, it is recommend to wait a few more days. You also need to re-configure your default natural land flags: default_list in config.yml

- Added: API: 3rd party plugins can now register their own flags. These flags will also be displayed in the lands menus. 3rd party developers can however decide if they will be displayed / toggleable etc.

- Added: Suggestion: "Allow levels to be determined by amount of chunks/claims instead of member count."
- Added: Suggestion: "Require a specific land level to be able to create a Nation."
# Require a specific land level to be able to create a nation. You can set this to 1 in order to disable this.
# NOTE: This must be the section name of the specific level.
level: 5​

- Fixed: Dynmap spawn markers name is land id instead of land name
- Fixed: /back conflict with some teleport plugins
----------, Mar 30, 2021

Note: This update contains quite a lot of changes behind the scenes. While most of them were quite uniform, it's nevertheless recommended to take a backup! If you're planning to use this version on a production server, it is recommend to wait a few more days. You also need to re-configure your default natural land flags: default_list in config.yml

- Added: API: 3rd party plugins can now register their own flags. These flags will also be displayed in the lands menus. 3rd party developers can however decide if they will be displayed / toggleable etc.

- Fixed: Dynmap spawn markers name is land id instead of land name
- Fixed: /back conflict with some teleport plugins
----------, Mar 30, 2021

Note: This update contains quite a lot of changes behind the scenes. While most of them were quite uniform, it's nevertheless recommended to take a backup! If you're planning to use this version on a production server, it is recommend to wait a few more days. You also need to re-configure your default natural land flags: default_list in config.yml

- Added: API: 3rd party plugins can now register their own flags. These flags will also be displayed in the lands menus. 3rd party developers can however decide if they will be displayed / toggleable etc.

- Updated: Swedish language by @Broken_arrow !
- Fixed: Error at entity damage event: tameable uid
- Fixed: Unknown messages
- Added: Parent option in roles.yml:
# Should members of this role automatically be added to new sub areas?
parent: true​
----------, Mar 29, 2021

Note: This update contains quite a lot of changes behind the scenes. While most of them were quite uniform, it's nevertheless recommended to take a backup! If you're planning to use this version on a production server, it is recommend to wait a few more days. You also need to re-configure your default natural land flags: default_list in config.yml

- Added: API: 3rd party plugins can now register their own flags. These flags will also be displayed in the lands menus. 3rd party developers can however decide if they will be displayed / toggleable etc.

- Fixed: Wrong msg at /Wars declare
- Fixed: Lightning does not charge creepers in claims
- Added: Tools option
# Should Lands give every new player the selection tool defined in your gui language file?
# If you for example set GOLDEN_HOE as the material in your gui language file, all GOLDEN_HOE's will trigger a selection, not just the given one.
# That means that players can craft the tool too and use it to create selections. However, /Lands selection still works without any tool in hand.
# Automatically giving new players the selection tool, just informs them about claiming and with it they can manage selections from air, instead of needing to touch the block directly.
enabled_21: true
# If true: The selection modification will cicly through pos1 and pos2.
# If false: left click = pos1 and right click = pos2
cicle: false​
----------, Mar 27, 2021


- Improved: Player interaction handler
- Added: Ignore wildcards for
----------, Mar 23, 2021

- Added: OfflinePlayer implementation which allows 3rd party plugins to retrieve offline player data from the database.
----------, Mar 22, 2021

- Added: /Lands top [mode] [page] command
- Changed: Allow grass to spread over borders
- Added: Show land bank warning disabled only if sort mode is balance

Code (YAML):
: '&cYour input&4 {input } &cisn''t a valid sort mode. &7Valid sort modes : {modes }'
: ' [NoPrefix ] [T ]&7 -----------&6<<<<&7- [C ]lands top {mode } {previous } [/C ] [H ]&7Click here to view the previous page. [/H ] [/T ] &5Top Lands [T ]&7-&6>>>>&7 ----------- [C ]lands top {mode } {next } [/C ] [H ]&7Click here to view the previous page. [/H ] [/T ]'
: |
      &7Click on the arrows below to navigate.
      &7Sort by [T]&7Balance &8[CLICK],[H]&7Click to sort by land bank balance.[/H][C]lands top balance[/C][/T] [T]&7Chunks &8[CLICK],[H]&7Click to sort by land chunks amount (size).[/H][C]lands top chunks[/C][/T] [T]&7Members &8[CLICK][H]&7Click to sort by land members amount.[/H][C]lands top members[/C][/T]
      &7Total lands: {total} &8| &7Last updated: {time} &7ago.
      [T]&7-----------&6<<<<&7-[C]lands top {mode} {previous}[/C][H]&7Click here to view the previous page.[/H][/T] &5Top Lands [T]&7-&6>>>>&7-----------[C]lands top {mode} {next}[/C][H]&7Click here to view the previous page.[/H][/T]
----------, Mar 20, 2021

- Added: pl3xmap webmap support
- Added: /Lands map settings
Code (YAML):
  # /Lands map settings
    # Should players be able to claim by clicking on the map?
    # When disabling this, it is recommended to edit the language part accordingly in your language file.
: true
    # /Lands map lengths
    # X Length (left to right)
: 15
    # Y Heigth (up)
: 10
----------, Mar 19, 2021

- Added: Protection against lingering potions
- Added: Protection against placing end crystals
- Improved: Potion splash event handler
----------, Mar 16, 2021

- Added: ATTACK_MONSTER flag
NOTE: You need to add this flag to your default roles in roles.yml if you want it to be enabled.

Code (YAML):
: '&6Attack Monsters'
          - '&7Status
: {enabled }'
          - '&7Unlocked
: {unlocked }'
          - ' '
          - '&7Allow this role to'
          - '&7attack monsters?'
          - ' '
          - '&8- &7If disabled, monsters'
          - '  &7won''t be able to'
          - '  &7attack them too.'
: 10
: 27
----------, Mar 15, 2021

- Added: War placeholders:
- Added: API: getLandPlayer, getReason to ChunkDeleteEvent
- Fixed: Block would burn inside the land, even if fire spread is disabled
- Updated: Swedish language by @Broken_arrow !
----------, Mar 13, 2021

- Added: Induvidual messages for each top lands sort mode as this caused confusion in the past:
balance: '&c#{pos} &a{land} &7Balance:&e ${value}'
chunks: '&c#{pos} &a{land} &7Size:&e ${value}'
members: '&c#{pos} &a{land} &7Members:&e ${value}'

- Fixed: BlueMap layer name not always updating in the sidebar
- Improved: Selection visualization
----------, Mar 10, 2021

- Added: Option for /Lands spawn
# Cost for teleportation to a Land spawn.
value_2: 0.0
# Should the cost also be applied to visitors and not only trusted players?
visitors: false​

- Fixed: WebMap synchronisation error
- Fixed: Cannot drop air error
- Improved: Delay first spawn set to first claim if auto spawn set enabled
----------, Mar 9, 2021

- Added: /Nations setcapital command
- Updated: Nations permissions in wiki
- Added: API: getInbox Method for land
----------, Mar 6, 2021

- Added: {world} placeholder to create.broadcast message
- Added: Option to use different dynmap / bluemap marker colors
# Should Lands set the markers color depending on the color of the land or nations name?
land_2: false
nation: true​

- Added: /Nations rename command
# /Nations rename options
costs_2: 10000.0
cooldown: 15m​

- Added: {nation} placeholder to dynmap/bluemap popup
----------, Mar 5, 2021

- Added: CMI Holograms support
- Fixed: Wrong claimblock amount at /lands admin give in some cases
- Added: Give claimblocks at /Lands delete for chunks that have been claimed with claimblocks
----------, Mar 2, 2021

- Fixed: Wrong hex colors for help prefix messages
- Added: No longer override bed or anchor respawns
- Improved: Block spread protection
----------, Feb 26, 2021

- Added: Do not save the owner to the claimblock if only-owner is false to allow stacking of claimblocks
- Fixed: Wrong no surrender allowed item shown for attackers
- Added: Missing SETTING_EDIT_VARIOUS to display in roles.yml
----------, Feb 24, 2021

- Improved: Marker creation for web map
- Updated: Swedish language by @Broken_arrow

- Fixed: BlueMap markers not showing up for servers with multiple maps
- Fixed: Defenders don't have prep time (tnt flag)
- Improved: /claim auto completion and /lands trust completion
- Added: Auto completion to /Nations trust
----------, Feb 20, 2021

- Fixed: BlueMap markers not showing up for servers with multiple maps
Big thanks to @Kaesor for providing a test environment and @TBlueF for helping!

- Fixed: Defenders don't have prep time (tnt flag)
- Improved: /claim auto completion and /lands trust completion
- Added: Auto completion to /Nations trust
----------, Feb 19, 2021

- Added: pt_BR Portuguese - Brazil (pt_BR) translation by @Yamamot00 and @Splashwax

+ Added: getWorld method to chunk pre and post claim event
+ Added: Can't create a nation while engaged in war:
war: '&cYou can''t create a nation with land&4 {land} &cas the capital while it is engaged in a war against&4 {object}&c. &7Please try again after the war is over.'
+ Added: Land expiration: Remove/replace owner of lands if their owner does no longer exist
----------, Feb 17, 2021

- Fixed: Visualization continue to show same coords as in prev world in some rare cases
- Fixed: War state not applying to nation members after restart
- Updated: Swedish language by @Broken_arrow !

- Added: Don't allow trusting players during war:
war: '&cYou currently can''t trust any players to your land&4 {land}&c, because it is engaged in a war. &7Please try again when the war is over.'
----------, Feb 12, 2021

- Fixed: ITEM_PICKUP flag not working in wars
- Fixed: Wrong msg message on war end
- Fixed: Land expiration not replacing owner

Thanks for reporting! :)
----------, Feb 9, 2021

- Fixed: ITEM_PICKUP flag not working in wars
- Fixed: Wrong msg message on war end
- Fixed: Land expiration not replacing owner

Thanks for reporting! :)
----------, Feb 9, 2021

- Fixed: Issue with listener not registering on 1.13.x
- Fixed: Players not respawning inside land in some cases
- Fixed: Config error for some list configurations
- Changed: Always allow item pickup in wilderness
----------, Feb 8, 2021

- Fixed: Wars: role and block settings not taking effect, if pillage disabled
- Added: Allow changing owner roles in menu if has admin bypass perm
----------, Feb 6, 2021

- Fixed: Potential fix for BlueMap integration (not confirmed)
- Updated: Swedish language by @Broken_arrow
- Fixed: Asynchronous player tracker update error
- Fixed: Wrong command suggestions for wars help
----------, Feb 5, 2021

- Fixed: Friendly fire could result in kill stats in war (ticket-710)
- Added: /Nations accept, trust message:
target: |
&7Nation&9 {nation} &7invited your land&2 {land} &7to join them.

[T]&2Accept &8[&8CLICK&8][H]&7Click here to accept this invite.[/H][C]nations accept {nation}[/C][/T]
[T]&cDeny &8[&8CLICK&8][H]&7Click here to deny this invite.[/H][C]nations deny {nation}[/C][/T]

broadcast: '&7Land&2 {land} &7is now a member of our nation&9 {nation}&7.'​
----------, Feb 3, 2021

- Improved: Dynmap/BlueMap handler
----------, Feb 1, 2021

- Changed: Upkeep: Unclaim all last claimed chunks, which the land could not pay for.
unclaim: '&8{0}: &cCouldn''t pay the complete upkeep cost of ${1}. The last {2} claimed chunk(s) were unclaimed.'​

# Should the last claimed chunks, which the land could not pay for, be deleted?
# Example: The land has 10 claimed chunks, but it can pay the upkeep only for 6. So the 4 last claimed chunks will be deleted.
# This continues each upkeep cicle until no claims are left.
unclaim: false​

- Fixed: Error on entity explosion
----------, Jan 30, 2021

- Added: Take book out of lectern bound to interact_containers flag
- Added: Wars: Support for banks disabled
- Fixed: /lands admin wilderness error
----------, Jan 29, 2021

- Added: SNOW_SMELT flag
- Added: %lands_affiliation% PlaceholderAPI placeholder
- Added: Internal: inverted flags, this will further decrease database size for upcoming flags
----------, Jan 27, 2021

- Fixed: /lands map showing the same land name all the time
----------, Jan 25, 2021

- Updated: Swedish language by @Broken_arrow !
- Added: Ban global banned players automatically on area creation
- Added: Banned players menu
----------, Jan 23, 2021

- Fixed: Teleport destination does not get cleared (ticket-677)
- Fixed: Dynmap synch description error (ticket-676)
- Changed: Completely disallow lighting strikes in land
- Added: Tab complete all land names on /lands edit if the player has admin perms
----------, Jan 21, 2021

- Added: MobRemoveTask: Do not remove spawned entity
- Fixed: Possible logic error at land expiration (not confirmed)
- Improved: Player side lands check
----------, Jan 20, 2021

+ Added: Visualize split land result at /unclaim if force-near = enabled
+ Added: Disallow cmd execution on teleportation
+ Added: Messages: cmd, split
----------, Jan 18, 2021

- Fixed: Being able to claim in WG region if player is higher than max build height
- Fixed: /claim would still auto create a land and set the spawn point in a WG region (but would not claim)
- Updated: Chinese language file by @aLTeR
- Fixed: Nation parse error
- Fixed: At some placed the land enter title did not parse correctly
----------, Jan 16, 2021

- Fixed: Some minor issues that sneaked into 5.0.4

- Updated: Swedish language by @Broken_arrow !
- Fixed: Wrong format for negative levels

- Added: ender_pearl flag:
name: '&6Use Ender Pearls'
- '&7Status: {enabled}'
- '&7Unlocked: {unlocked}'
- ' '
- '&7Allow this role to'
- '&7teleport inside your land'
- '&7by using ender pearls'
- '&7and chorus fruits?'
material: ENDER_PEARL
from: 10
to: 27​

- Added: Option for leaderboards
# Should Lands divide the balance of the lands by 1000 and append "k" to it, if the balance is greater or equal to 1000?
# Example: 1400 = 1k
divide: false​

- Added: Papi placeholder: %lands_nation%

- Added: Method to API Land
void delete( @Nullable Player deleter);

- Fixed: Issue with Nation saving (JSON) when wars disabled
----------, Jan 15, 2021

- Updated: Swedish language by @Broken_arrow !
- Fixed: Wrong format for negative levels

- Added: ender_pearl flag:
name: '&6Use Ender Pearls'
- '&7Status: {enabled}'
- '&7Unlocked: {unlocked}'
- ' '
- '&7Allow this role to'
- '&7teleport inside your land'
- '&7by using ender pearls'
- '&7and chorus fruits?'
material: ENDER_PEARL
from: 10
to: 27​

- Added: Option for leaderboards
# Should Lands divide the balance of the lands by 1000 and append "k" to it, if the balance is greater or equal to 1000?
# Example: 1400 = 1k
divide: false​

- Added: Papi placeholder: %lands_nation%

- Added: Method to API Land
void delete( @Nullable Player deleter);

- Fixed: Issue with Nation saving (JSON) when wars disabled
----------, Jan 15, 2021

- Fixed: Possible conflict with essentials fly (not confirmed)
- Added: Automatically accept the invite, if the land owner is the same as nation (capital) owner
added: '&7You successfully added your land&2 {land} &7as a member of your nation&9 {nation}&7.'​
----------, Jan 11, 2021

- Fixed: String not found error at /Lands map for 1.13.x
- Added: You can now define flags for your default 'owner' role in roles.yml
# The owner role has all flags. You can replace this with a list as shown below, if you want to specify flags for the owner role.
default: 'ALL'

- Fixed: BEE and WANDERING_TRADER not affected by animal spawn flag
- Fixed: Visitors could throw egg into area and let them hatch

- Added: Piston flag support for wilderness
- Added: Water flow flag support for wilderness
- Fixed: Somehow, since recent server versions the coordinates of the blocks from the piston events do not match:
Implemented workaround to prevent piston griefing

- Added: Setting to format economy money displays:
# Set the format of all economy related displays.
# NOTE: This setting requires server reload / restart.
eco-format: '#,###.00'

- Added: Command blacklists: Support for sub commands
----------, Jan 9, 2021

If you haven't already, you may want to read the previous changelog.

- Added: {level} placeholder to land enter message
land: '#t#&2&l{level} {land}[newline]&3{title}'

- Added: %level% placeholder for players at the title message:
land: '&7%level% &7of&3 %owner%&7.'

name: '&8> &6Enter Message'
- '&7This message appears to players,'
- '&7which enter your land.'
- ' '
- '&7Current:'
- '{title}'
- ' '
- '&7Available placeholders'
- ' &8> &3%owner% &8= &7Owner'
- ' &8> &3%level% &8= &7Level'
- ' &8> &3%nation% &8= &7Nation'
- ' &8> &3%player% &8= &7Entering player'
- ' '
- '&7Display title: {show}'
material: OAK_SIGN
slot: 7​

- Fixed/added: Sell land transfer balance and cost to the old land owner
- Fixed: /Lands ban error, resulting in player not getting removed completely
----------, Jan 8, 2021

This version includes the WIP Nations feature. This a early pre-release. Please do not use it on live servers yet.

What to not expect:
  • Fully featured Nations functionality
    • Features that are WIP and not added yet are:
      • Order supplies (nation can order supplies from nation members/lands).
      • Dynmap colours for nations
      • Some small things here and there that make a nation feel great
      • More level attributes
What to expect:
  • A solid base to build on and evolve
    • With releasing Nations before it has all features, we can make sure that the features are getting added the way you want them. I believe that it is the best to let you choose the direction in which the Nations feature should evolve. Please post suggestions related to nations or just feedback into the nations-feedback channel on our Discord server.

Unfortunately I did not record all changes and additions. This is a basic overview. I'll setup some wiki pages the next day too.

+ Added /nations command
/nations accept
/nations deny
/nations create
/nations delete
/nations leave
/nations menu
/nations spawn
/nations trust
/nations untrust​

Permission: nations.command.NAME
Example: nations.command.accept

Nations fully works with wars.
Nations can attack other nations.
Lands can attack other lands.
Lands can attack other nations.

+ Added a bunch of new messages to language file. Look in the 'nations' section.
+ Added two new GUI menus: nation and nation_lands
+ Added new 'stat' item to GUI menu 'land'.
The files automatically add the new messages and options.
So don't worry about that, if you don't want to translate anything.

+ Added new nations.yml configuration file to configure nations

+ Added land and nation levels | ENABLED BY DEFAULT
This is experimental. It seems like the community on Discord has a split opinion on this. I'll wait for feedback.
This currently only contains two level attributes: upkeep and chunks
This is a base to build on, I'm more than happy to add more level attributes. Just post them in our Discord.
You can disable levels, by setting enabled to false in the levels.yml file.
A level is assigned based on how many members are in the land, nation (total unique members)​
+ Added new levels.yml configuration file to configure land and nation levels

+ Added %nations% to the land title. You can now use %nations% to display the nation name in your land title.
----------, Jan 6, 2021

- Fixed: '/Lands rent cancel' error and further internal improvements for the rent system (edge cases)
- Added: getSender() method to WarDeclareEvent
----------, Jan 5, 2021

- Added: Option to remove no longer existing players (CAUTION, read below):
# Should players, which have been deleted from the servers playerdata folder, be deleted?
# NOTE: It is recommended to keep this disabled. If this is enabled and you delete the playerdata folder in your primary world, it MAY DELETE ALL LANDS depending on your expiration settings.
delete-invalid: false​

- Fixed: Won/lost not saving to war stats
- Updated: Chinese traditional simplified language by @Ruii
----------, Jan 2, 2021

- Fixed: CreatureSpawnEvent error on 1.13.x
- Improved: Mojang API skin updater queue
----------, Dec 26, 2020

- Vine growth did not get cancelled by plant growth flag
----------, Sep 8, 2020

- lands_land_owner placeholderapi placeholder
- bank balance import for towny importer
----------, Sep 7, 2020

- /Lands admin endwar <land> command
With this command you can forcefully end upcoming or active wars.
----------, Sep 5, 2020

- Ability to enable the placement, breaking of all blocks during war in wars.yml
# Allow players doing the following things in the enemy land (only during war).
# Available actions:
# NOTE: Adding BLOCK_PLACE or BLOCK_BREAK to this list will allow invaders to break, place all blocks. If you want to specify blocks, please use the lists below.

- Error on plugin disable if player rewards disabled, but were enabled before.
- Null error on block break on legacy version 1.13.x
- Portal error (not confirmed)

- War handling performance
- Wars data load
----------, Sep 4, 2020

- Dispenser grief protection
- Animal, block protection

- Projectile remove list option from config.yml
Not needed anymore
- Not longer needed internal event

- Wrong damage indicator (not confirmed)
----------, Sep 1, 2020

- /Lands menu caused error in some cases, depending on lands amount
----------, Sep 1, 2020

Some servers have auto spawn set turned off. This update adds placeholders to let your players know where the land is located, even if no spawn is set. Besides that there is /Lands claims too.

- Location placeholders to the land stats item
This will help players, if auto land spawn set is disabled.

----------, Aug 31, 2020

- Wrong destination coords at /Lands wild

- Protection against redstone activation from projectiles, which shooters are not trusted
----------, Aug 31, 2020

- /Lands wild no destination found if spawn is not set at x=0,z=0
- Dynmap land marker doesn't get removed upon land deletion
----------, Aug 29, 2020

- Leaderboard update on spigot 1.16.2
----------, Aug 28, 2020

- Message not found: setrole.area.*
- Area deletion could cause players being trusted in the land without any areas
----------, Aug 26, 2020

- White spaces getting removed for list replaces in GUI
- Fly only claimworld ignored in some cases

- Support for aliases for rent signs
----------, Aug 25, 2020

If you have any feedback related to the recently released rent and sell system please let me know in our Discord server. Your feedback is very helpful, thank you!

- Skeleton and Zombie horse not protected against player attacks
Reported by @Cryper96

- Fly is no longer allowed in wars fields (lands that are participating in a war). This applies if the player is also engaged into this war.
- Visualisation provider (now integrated in framework)
----------, Aug 22, 2020

- Support for papers asynchronous teleportation
This should help your server :)
----------, Aug 20, 2020

- WarDeclareEvent to the API
- Wars API
- Clear rent/sell sign on area deletion

- Only allow the land owner to sell the whole land
To sell areas, only the flag AREA_ASSIGN is required.

- No issues have been reported regarding to latest version
----------, Aug 19, 2020


What to expect from a beta version of the new rent/sell feature:
  • It has all things that are needed for now. That means that more improvements and functions for this will be added in upcoming versions. The beta version helps to get more live feedback, which then makes sure we go the right direction.
  • Please report any issues to
  • Please be aware that there might be some minor issues (NO data loss) included in the beta version of this feature. If you do not wish to use this feature, there will be a option to toggle it. You won't notice it at all.
  • Messages are likely to change

Wiki page for this feature:

- Rent system to set sub areas for rental
- Sell system to sell sub areas or the whole land
Code (YAML):
  # Rent/sell areas settings - Wiki:
  # Rent = The players can rent a area of their choice without needing to get trusted. They can decide how long they want to rent it.
  # Taxes = Trusted players pay a defined amount of tax per defined interval.
    # Allow your players to set sub areas available for rent?
: true
    # Allow your players to sell sub areas or their whole land?
: true
- All reported issues

----------, Aug 18, 2020

It is not supported to update from a version lower than!

- 1.16.2 Support
- Support for new piglin monster (1.16.2)
- API Method to check for pvp:

* Check if two players can attack each other at the given location.
* @Param attacker The attacker
* @Param target The defender
* @Param location Location of the fight
* @Param setCombatTag Should Lands set a combat tag at these two players, if they are allowed to fight at the given location?
* Depending on the servers configuration this will result in players beeing allowed to fight for a configured period, even if they move into a safe claim.
* This prevents players running away into their claim to escape a fight, which they have started.
* @Param sendMessage Should Lands send a deny message if result is false?
* @Return This will return true, if the world is not a Lands world or the players are allowed to fight at the given location.
boolean canPvP( @NotNull Player attacker, @NotNull Player target, @NotNull Location location, boolean setCombatTag, boolean sendMessage);​
----------, Aug 13, 2020

It is not supported to update from a version lower than!

If you're interested in a rent system and you have some suggestions about it, please join our Discord and post your suggestion there. :)

- Fly disable during world change
This happened in rare cases where during teleportation

- Some no longer used values and options from config
----------, Aug 11, 2020

It is not supported to update from a version lower than!

- Double backup when updating to new version

- Database connect and load
- Version check
- Added backwards compatibility for LandArea API
----------, Aug 8, 2020

It is not supported to update from a version lower than!

- Added PLANT_GROWTH natural flag
name: '&6Plant Growth'
- '&7Status: {enabled}'
- '&7Unlocked: {unlocked}'
- ' '
- '&7Should plants be able to grow?'
material: OAK_LEAVES
from: 10
to: 18

# Should plants be able to grow?
default_75: true
display_78: true​

- Iron golems detected as block break if wilderness does not allow block breaking

- Tree growth prevention and protection
----------, Aug 7, 2020

If you have mutual war declarations enabled, please make sure to re-enable it after installing this update.
It is not supported to update from a version lower than!

- Chat spy to all lands with /Lands chatspy *
- Allow /Wars deny for attackers if mutual declarations enabled

- Mutual declaration timeout:
# Should war declarations need a mutual acception?
# If enabled, the defender land needs to confirm the declaration before the war can start. They need to do this by executing /Wars declare <attacker>
# They can deny a war declaration by executing /Wars deny
# NOTE: This setting requires server reload / restart.
enabled_2: false
# Should the declaration be deleted if the enemy did not accept it during the configured period?
# You can disable this by setting the value to 0.
timeout: 5d​
----------, Aug 6, 2020

It is not supported to update from a version lower than!

- Players cant mount their tamed entities in lands where vehicle usage is disabled
- Start and end whitespace characters automatically added in some cases to chat messages
If you want to make a new line, please use instead:
message: First line[newline]Second line​
----------, Aug 5, 2020

- Some spelling mistakes in de-DE-gui.yml
- Untrusted players can not eat in other lands

- Allow usage of ?, !, . in land titles and names
----------, Aug 3, 2020

- Natural Flag: Fire Spread, Leaf Decay

name: '&6Fire Spread'
- '&7Status: {enabled}'
- '&7Unlocked: {unlocked}'
- ' '
- '&7Allow fire to spread'
- '&7inside your land?'
- ' '
- '&8Fire from wilderness'
- '&8can''t enter your land.'
from: 10
to: 18

name: '&6Leaf Decay'
- '&7Status: {enabled}'
- '&7Unlocked: {unlocked}'
- ' '
- '&7Should leaves decay'
- '&7inside your land?'
material: OAK_LEAVES
from: 10
to: 18​

- Ability to chat spy on multiple lands at the same time /Lands chatspy <land>

- Option to forward chat /Lands chat to the console
# Should /Lands chat messages send to console?
chat: false​

- Faster world lookup for protection and calculations
----------, Aug 1, 2020

It is not supported to update from a version lower than!

- Swedish language by @Broken_arrow
Thank you!
----------, Jul 31, 2020

It is not supported to update from a version lower than!

- Inbox type war displaying even if wars are disabled
- land.force-near ignoring /Lands unclaim
- Wrong support permission info in role members menu

- Safe teleport if block below has been broken
----------, Jul 27, 2020

It is not supported to update from a version lower than!

- Error message when trying to create land with a name that already exists, but with different colours
----------, Jul 25, 2020

It is not supported to update from a version lower than!

- /Lands claims [land] - List /Lands claim's of your land
It also allows you to filter by world, if you have claims for this land in multiple worlds.

- Issue with leading characters in land rename
- Help page not sorted and displaying without permission

- Ignite block handler
- Burn block handler
----------, Jul 24, 2020

It is not supported to update from a version lower than!

- If selection with selection tool is active, it will be disabled if the player switches hotbar slots
- Spawn is protected against explosions, even if explosion griefing is enabled
----------, Jul 20, 2020

It is not supported to update from a version lower than!
This update moved the prefix language string to general.prefix.normal and

4.8.3 - 4.8.4
- Role edit permission
- Role flag edit null

- Wild teleportation

- Clickable text messages (applicable to every chat message)
How to:

- Mesage for chatspy format:
spy: '&8[&cChatSpy&8] &a{land} &8| {role} &7{player} &8»&f {message}'

- Role rename edit by members
- Dynmap marker issues

Please note that this is the default configuration, so yours might not apply that automatically:
----------, Jul 18, 2020

It is not supported to update from a version lower than!
This update moved the prefix language string to general.prefix.normal and

- Role edit permission

- Wild teleportation

- Clickable text messages (applicable to every chat message)
How to:

- Mesage for chatspy format:
spy: '&8[&cChatSpy&8] &a{land} &8| {role} &7{player} &8»&f {message}'

- Role rename edit by members
- Dynmap marker issues

Please note that this is the default configuration, so yours might not apply that automatically:
----------, Jul 18, 2020

It is not supported to update from a version lower than!
This update moved the prefix language string to general.prefix.normal and

- Clickable text messages (applicable to every chat message)
How to:

- Mesage for chatspy format:
spy: '&8[&cChatSpy&8] &a{land} &8| {role} &7{player} &8»&f {message}'

- Role rename edit by members
- Dynmap marker issues

Please note that this is the default configuration, so yours might not apply that automatically:
----------, Jul 17, 2020

It is not supported to update from a version lower than!

- Role rename with Chinese input
- Defined block place and break list for wars is getting ignored due interaction check
- Slabs could trigger unsafe destination

- Block break listeners
----------, Jul 11, 2020

- Selection tool (Enabled by default):
# Should Lands give every new player the selection tool defined in your gui language file?
# If you for example set GOLDEN_HOE as the material in your gui language file, all GOLDEN_HOE's will trigger a selection, not just the given one.
# That means that players can craft the tool too and use it to create selections. However, /Lands selection still works without any tool in hand.
# Automatically giving new players the selection tool, just informs them about claiming and with it they can manage selections from air, instead of needing to touch the block directly.
selection-tool: true
- Selection tool option (gui file):
With this tool, you can do the same as with /Lands selection, just that it automatically creates a selection (without executing (/Lands selection))
and it allows you to create selections without clicking on the block directly.
Note that selections still work without any tool in the hand, but to configure a selection while standing in air, the tool is required.

name: '&7Selection Tool'
- '&7You can use any tool'
- '&7of this type, to create'
- '&7selections.'
- ' '
- '&7Once you set both positions,'
- '&7you can claim the selection:'
- '&8/&3Lands claim'
material: GOLDEN_HOE ​

- Message when selection is complete:
complete: |
&7Your selection is complete. Following actions can be executed:
&8┃ &7Claim: &8/&3Lands claim
&8┃ &7Unclaim: &8/&3Lands unclaim
&8┃ &7Assign to sub area: &8/&3Lands assign

- Hex color placeholders {#FFFFFF}
- amount: NUMBER option flag for menu items
name: '&6Information'
- '&7Here you can view'
- '&7some detailed information'
- '&7about your land. This helps'
- '&7to keep track of all events'
- '&7in your land.'
material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzU3NDcwMTBkODRhYTU2NDgzYjc1ZjYyNDNkOTRmMzRjNTM0NjAzNTg0YjJjYzY4YTQ1YmYzNjU4NDAxMDVmZCJ9fX0=
slot: 11
amount: 10
- /Lands wild will now teleport to y = 256 to prevent issues with paper crashing because of safe location check, this did not happen on spigot however. The fall damage is cancelled for the teleportation.

- Dynmap integration land updater task
- /Lands view will now also work from wilderness
If executed in wilderness: '&7Enabled visualization of claims. &7Your current position is wilderness.'
If executed in a claim: It will send the claim information.
To disable a visulization you need to use /Lands view disable, otherwise it will auto stop after the defined time is over.​

- Visualisations will now adapt to your servers view distance, which will further improve usability

- Auto new line at /lands top and /lands map

- Dynmap spawn naming would retrieve the land id instead of name
- Land owner counts to max members
- /Lands setowner <player> - old owner still as member in list but has no role
- Invite head is sender
----------, Jul 10, 2020

!! It is not supported to update from a version lower than !!

- Message at /claim

- Unused item from gui menu: war-declaration_tribute
- Unused menu from gui file: settings_role_advanced
----------, Jul 7, 2020

!! It is not supported to update from a version lower than !!

- Some minor errors with npc plugins installed
- Could not place claimblock is block placing is disabled in wilderness
- Some race conditions at auto land creation and land finding
- Enum get from config with some system languages

- Option to permanently view land borders
# Should Lands display land borders permanently once a player joins?
permanent: false

- Safe teleportation checks
In case a land member or enemy set any solid block at the land spawn where players would suffocate,
Lands will now determite the nearest safe location. If none is found the player wont be teleported.​

As for paper, they have their own suffocation checks due their multi threading. Make sure you have set this
in your paper.yml: disable-teleportation-suffocation-check: false​

- Swedish translation
Big thanks to @Broken_arrow !

- When areas are disabled in config, do not provide /Lands trust player [area] instead /Lands trust player
- /Lands claim - auto land creation
- Return colored land name for %lands_land_name% PlaceholderAPI placeholder
----------, Jul 6, 2020

!! It is not supported to update from a version lower than !!

- /Lands chatspy [land] command
With this command you can listen to other lands chat
Permission: lands.mod.command.chatspy
This command is not meant to be used by players, therefore it does not contains any translations.​

- PlayerAreaEnterEvent for developers
- PlayerAreaLeaveEvent for developers

- Feeding pigs counted as vehicle usage, since they're a vehicle too (saddle)
- War end commands executing with war_name instead of name
- Untrusted players could place spawn eggs in other peoples lands
- Message message.area.default parsing land name instead of area name

- Monsters list from config
- Animals list from config
Monsters and animals are now defined internally. If monster or animal spawning disabled, players expect all monsters/animals not to spawn.
- force-land setting for land spawn creation. This option is not needed anymore. Land spawns should always be set in the land.

- Message when no land at position (for commands etc)
----------, Jul 1, 2020

!! It is not supported to update from a version lower than !!

- New wars outcome: draw
chat broadcast -> draw: '&7The war between {attacker} &7and {defender} &7ended in a draw. It took&5 {time}&7.'
inbox -> draw: '&8{0}: The war ended in a draw with {1} kills and {2} deaths.'​

- You can now set custom heads for role icons ingame

- /Lands unstuck command:
# This is the configuration of the /Lands unstuck command.
# Purpose of this command is to let players be able to teleported out of locations in lands where they got trapped.
# For example a player finds a way walking into a land, but can't find a way out.
# This command will teleported them to the nearest wilderness location.
# Set the cooldown for this command.
cooldown_5: 1h
# How many seconds should the player need to wait until getting teleported into wilderness?
wait_4: 3​

- Database cache garbage collection
- Cooldown handling and expiration

- Can't demote/promote role lower than visitor
- /Wars declare issue with mutual declarations
- Flag could disable itself if member of sub area and default area had different activation status
----------, Jun 27, 2020

!! It is not supported to update from a version lower than !!

If you enjoy Lands, please consider leaving a review :)
Also if you have any suggestions or issues please let us know on Discord or via pm. Thank you!

- /Lands admin deleteWorld <world>
This allows you to delete all claims and spawns in a world. Might be useful for the nether update.​

- Wars option:
# Set minimum land balance for attackers to be able to start a war.
min-balance: 5000
balance: '&cCan''t send this declaration. &7The attackers {object} &7need a minimum balance of&c ${min} &7in order to start a war.'​

- "{tribute}" placeholder to lists: mutual.attacker, mutual.defender
- "{tribute}" placeholder to:
success: '&7You &8({attacker}&8) &7successfully sent a war declaration to {defender}&7. They need to accept it now. If the defenders surrender during war, they will need to pay&c ${tribute} &7to the attackers.'
target: '&7The enemy {attacker} &7sent a war declaration against {defender}&7. Use &8/&3Wars declare {input} &7to accept it. If the defenders surrender during war, they will need to pay&c ${tribute} &7to the attackers.'​

- If war declarations are mutual: Attackers can't change the tribute value once it's set.
----------, Jun 25, 2020

!! It is not supported to update from a version lower than !!

If you enjoy Lands, please consider leaving a review :)
Also if you have any suggestions or issues please let us know on Discord or via pm. Thank you!

- 1.16 comparability
- New monsters to monster list in default config: monsters_list

- If edit-by-loc enabled, players could check the balance of other lands they're not member of
- "declaration.min-players.attacker" and "declaration.min-players.defender"
- tribute set menu not opening for attackers
----------, Jun 25, 2020

- Placeholder {object} to {defender}:
broadcast: '&7The enemy {attacker} &7declared war against {defender}&7. Their war will start in&5 {time}&7.'​

- War ending wrong winner calculation because war got destroyed before states were printed
- War robbery economy balance reward

- API: getReason() method to LandDeleteEvent, enums: COMMAND, INACTIVITY
----------, Jun 23, 2020

!! It is not supported to update from a version lower than !!

- Missing placeholder: wars.command.declare.broadcast
- Missing placeholders:

- Wrong invitation target displayed in invite menu

- Wars pillage min online defenders not taking effect correctly

- /Lands admin land * settings reset - not resetting default role settings (visitor, member)

- Send invite button in invites menu, this has been replaced by the buttons in the members menu
----------, Jun 22, 2020

!! It is not supported to update from a version lower than !!

- API integrations for plugins that are using a older version
- Missing {object} placeholder: "wars.war-shield.set"

- Permission "lands.admin.land_edit" will now also allow you to remove inbox messages of other lands
----------, Jun 20, 2020

!! It is not supported to update from a version lower than !!

- German translation by @Cryper96
Thank you very much! :)

- Option to wars.yml
# If you disable this option, the opposite team will be able to surrender even if no tribute is set.
force: true​

- Player purger task performance to make it be able to run even on a potato
----------, Jun 19, 2020

!! It is not supported to update from a version lower than !!

- Some users were having a issue where additional war data load failed during an old json format
----------, Jun 19, 2020

!! It is not supported to update from a version lower than !!

- Confirmation of selection unclaim at /Lands safezone unclaim

- 3rd party integrations which use deprecated methods -> redirection (not confirmed)
----------, Jun 18, 2020

!! It is not supported to update from a version lower than !!

- Visibility of particles when using REDSTONE
- Further extended multi-threading and possible synchronisation for Json

- Periodic backup creation. This is currently only available for Json. Experienced SQL users probably already have their own backup script for MySQL. I might add backup creation for MySQL too, if needed.
As of this version Lands will no longer create backups on startup, only if you update to a new version.

# Backup settings
# Time in days after a created backup should get deleted.
# Set this to 0, to disable it.
days-delete: 28
# Backup creation interval.
# NOTE: This is only available if you use Json for data saving.
interval_3: 2d​
----------, Jun 17, 2020

!! It is not supported to update from a version lower than !!

- /Lands trust, untrust, ban, unban, setrole no longer tab completes for lands, for which you don't have access
- Decimal format in message and in the menu
- Land titles in /Lands list and land options menu: Titles will now be adjusted to a max length to prevent titles using too much screen
- When the logout location of a player has been claimed and entering is disallowed for him, the player will be sent to the worlds spawn.

- Decimal format ignoring max digits in some cases (not confirmed)

- Ignore sign interaction in claimed lands to allow usage of shops
----------, Jun 15, 2020

!! It is not supported to update from a version lower than !!

- Support for AsyncWorldEdit for region restrictions
- Support for FastAsynchWorldEdit for region restrictions

- Option:
# Should colors in land names be allowed?
color_2: true
----------, Jun 13, 2020

!! It is not supported to update from a version lower than !!

- Minor issue with areas returning the wrong size at /Lands assign <area>

- Players with the permission "" will now be able to teleport to lands through the
/Lands list menu, even if the target land has no spawn set and at least one chunk claimed.
Suggested by @Benwyw
----------, Jun 12, 2020

!! It is not supported to update from a version lower than !!

- /Lands trust:
Error because of unhanded asynchronous event calling

- ChunkPreClaimEvent is now called asynchronous to improve your servers performance even further when 3rd party plugins installed
----------, Jun 11, 2020

!! It is not supported to update from a version lower than !!

- Untrusted players can't not longer use chorus fruits or ender pearls to sneak into places in other players land (if entering disabled, they weren't be able to do anyways)
teleport: '&cYou''re not allowed to use this item to teleport into the land&4 {land}&c. &7You''re not trusted in this land.'

Suggested by @espen @RoboKast

- Outdated role and area_players menu from default translations
This will only apply to new gui file creations.​
- Smart saver debug
----------, Jun 10, 2020

!! It is not supported to update from a version lower than !!

[4.6.6] Please note that this version might remove some roles in sub areas of the lands. This prevents issues with future versions. It does not untrust any players.

- Inbox messages for /Lands withdraw and /Lands deposit
withdraw: '&8{0}: &cPlayer {1} withdrew ${2} -> balance = ${3}'
deposit: '&8{0}: &7Player {1} deposited ${2} -> balance = ${3}'​

- Inbox message for tax payment receipt
received: '&8{0}: &7Received total of ${1} taxes from land members -> balance = ${2}'​

- WorldGuard regions will now override /Lands admin wilderness settings
This makes it possible for you to use both together without conflicts

- Exploit where players could damage others in their claims with fireworks (in combination with crossbows)
----------, Jun 9, 2020

!! It is not supported to update from a version lower than !!

[4.6.6] Please note that this version might remove some roles in sub areas of the lands. This prevents issues with future versions. It does not untrust any players.

- Unknown message at /Lands taxes
- Land rename via GUI color codes, false by extra character
- Wrong tax amount in land menu and /Lands taxes for land members
- Land admin which have tax edit permission will no longer pay taxes
----------, Jun 8, 2020

!! It is not supported to update from a version lower than !!

[4.6.6] Please note that this version might remove some roles in sub areas of the lands. This prevents issues with future versions. It does not untrust any players.

# FIXED Small issue where in the land menu you could execute items with player inventory

# FIXED Roles in default areas do not display the apply to new areas item

# FIXED Small issue with the new option

- Option to remove unused items from your gui file

# Should unused items from older versions automatically be removed from the gui language file?
# You may not want this if you want to add extra items to the menu.
remove-unused: false

- Issue with areas which have spaces in their name (from older versions), remove space
----------, Jun 6, 2020

!! It is not supported to update from a version lower than !!

[4.6.6] Please note that this version might remove some roles in sub areas of the lands. This prevents issues with future versions. It does not untrust any players.

# FIXED Small issue with the new option

- Option to remove unused items from your gui file

# Should unused items from older versions automatically be removed from the gui language file?
# You may not want this if you want to add extra items to the menu.
remove-unused: false

- Issue with areas which have spaces in their name (from older versions), remove space
----------, Jun 6, 2020

!! It is not supported to update from a version lower than !!

[4.6.6] Please note that this version might remove some roles in sub areas of the lands. This prevents issues with future versions. It does not untrust any players.

- Option to remove unused items from your gui file

# Should unused items from older versions automatically be removed from the gui language file?
# You may not want this if you want to add extra items to the menu.
remove-unused: false

- Issue with areas which have spaces in their name (from older versions), remove space
----------, Jun 6, 2020

!! It is not supported to update from a version lower than !!

[4.6.6] Please note that this version might remove some roles in sub areas of the lands. This prevents issues with future versions. It does not untrust any players.

- New methods for developers to retrieve top lands by their sorting
----------, Jun 6, 2020

[4.6.6] Please note that this version might remove some roles in sub areas of the lands. This prevents issues with future versions. It does not untrusted any players.

[] MySQL support (optional) has been added. Please note that it is still in BETA and might contain issues. So you might not want to use it on live servers yet. Please take a backup before updating. I'll fix reported issues within 12 hours.

!! It is not supported to update from a version lower than This update contains quite a bit of refactoring for the now released MySQL database feature. We do not recommend installing this update on live servers yet. !! If you encounter any issues, send us a private message and we'll fix it. :)

[] Please note that default-language has been renamed to language in config. So you need to update this to your current lang file. Example, if you're using fr-FR, you need to set language: fr-FR in config.yml

- LandPlayerTrustEvent not calling

+ ADDED Added ability to copy a role(s) and their members from the default area to new area creations
It will copy their flags and roles as defaults. Means these roles can later be edited in this role without
conflicting the origin (default area). This allows your land owners more customisation.

- A player tried to leave a land he had this error : Couldn't find message with key leave.landuntrusted.
- If players rename the role owner, after a reboot, it is reset to the word set for Owner in the config
- Players can't put boats in worlds where claims are disabled
- Even if players have the fly deactivated in worlds where claim are disabled, they don't take damages from falling
- Player can destroy lily pads if they're on a boat (with the boat)
- Players can't use ' in their lands names

# FIXED command.taxes in help

# FIXED Issue with demoting players when target role was lower than visitor

4.6.4 Fixes
# FIXED All reported issues

4.6.2 Added Area argument to player management commands
+ ADDED /Lands trust <player> <area> argument
+ ADDED /Lands untrust <player> <area> argument
+ ADDED /Lands setrole <player> <area> argument
+ ADDED /Lands ban <player> <area> argument
+ ADDED /Lands unban <player> <area> argument

For example using /Lands trust <player> without the area argument will now only trust the player to the default area and not the whole land. Since "sub" areas might meant to be for special players only.

You can always use * to apply the command for all areas inside the land.

+ ADDED Message on startup if your MySQL server version is too old
+ ADDED Owner role renaming per land
+ ADDED New inbox menu, when clicking on the land inbox item
+ ADDED Message for Land members when tax has been changed (on login)
+ADDED Scheduled tax upcoming payments information for players
+ ADDED /Lands taxes command

# FIXED /lands wild error if teleportation destination is in other world
# IMPROVED Player cache filtering
# IMPROVED Initial visualisation handling
# FIXED All issues reports since last update
+ Reworked Reward System
This should fix all issues with current permission modifications when player and server do it at the same time
and the system got confused

# IMPROVED Player cache filter, to only save relevant player data

+ ADDED French GUI translation by Mina and Kolsark
Thank you for your contribution!
# IMPROVED Player cache
Resolved player names will now be saved along with their skin and playtime.
The player cache has been moved to the playercache.json file. Inactive players aren't saved.
This file will be read on the next startup to deliver a instant name resolving instead of needing to contact mojang api servers first, as they're rate limited.
Also, the players name will be updated each two hours, so when a player changes their name it will update even if the player is offline.​
# IMPROVED Leaderboard updating
# FIXED Trust issue in players menu
# IMPROVED Player deletion

+ ADDED Workaround for TNT cannon plugins, which specify illegal arguments
for the explode event
# FIXED Max lands permission error with /Lands trust
# FIXED Max lands permission error with /Lands setowner
# FIXED /Lands untrust : not trusted

Also this update will most likely suspend ongoing wars. introduces a leaderboard rewrite which will delete all old leaderboards.
+ ADDED Format player balance in land menu stats item

# FIXED Issue with /Lands rename resulting in double lands in top lists
# IMPROVED Autoclaim /Lands claim auto will be faster now
# IMPROVED Leaderboard management
# IMPROVED Wildernessflags save and load
# FIXED Lands menu sort error
# FIXED Unknown method error
+ ADDED Lots of details to the menu - mainly placeholders to help players organizing their land
+ ADDED Default area will now display in the areas menu
+ ADDED You now can prioritize (change order) of roles, this will also prioritize the members of the role
+ ADDED You can now rename roles
+ ADDED Sent invites are now saved on server reboot
+ ADDED Land menu: Invites gui will no display all dispatched invites for the whole land
+ ADDED Invite description will now display in wich are or in the whole land trusted
+ ADDED Fishing is now allowed in lands (only fishes)
+ ADDED Areas are now sorted in the areas menu
+ ADDED New messages for area and land trust to the language file

# IMPROVED Statistics item

+ ADDED Trusted areas to player information menu
+ ADDED Trusted areas to trusted players menu of land

# FIXED Skeletons wont make damage inside the land
# IMPROVED TNT cannon protection
# IMPROVED Saving algorithm: Change detection
# IMPROVED Taxes and upkeep tasks

Add roles of default area automatically to new areas as a default:

New Inbox menu.


----------, Jun 5, 2020

Please take part at this poll. Updated version. It's important!!

# FIXED Lands Fly protection
# FIXED Land wilderness land-setting not saving

+ ADDED Protection against monster damage in safezones
+ ADDED Protection against all other types of damage in safezones
----------, Jan 13, 2020

Please take part at this poll here. It is very important for all of you:

+ ADDED Digit round mode for balance from your economy plugin
+ ADDED Use top lands placeholders and random teleportation in worlds that are not configured for claiming.

# FIXED Wild searcher task error on startup

+ ADDED {chunks}, {max-chunks} to land menu and land list menu.
For lands list you will need to update this item:

name: '&2{land}'
- '&7You''re trusted in this land.'
- ' '
- '&7Size:&3 {chunks} &7/&c {max-chunks}'
- '&7World: {world}'
- ' '
- '&7View some general'
- '&7information about this'
- '&7land.'
material: 'STONE'
from: 10
to: 18
----------, Jan 11, 2020

+ ADDED Allow water (disallow) flag flow for wilderness
# FIXED Land get balance not returning owners balance if banks disabled
# Moved land wild searcher task to task bank integration
----------, Jan 10, 2020

# FIXED Invites GUI menu trusting target wrong
# FIXED Default land settings not applying
----------, Jan 9, 2020

You can now download the Discord Bot for Lands here:

* FIXED ChunkPostClaim Event error

# IMPROVED Moved non cancallabe events to be called asynch
# FIXED War shields not settings and rewards not being called

+ ADDED Some new methods to the API
Updated version can be found at github.

+ ADDED Wilderness protection against fire from land
+ ADDED Wilderness protection against explosions from land
----------, Jan 8, 2020

# IMPROVED Moved non cancallabe events to be called asynch
# FIXED War shields not settings and rewards not being called

+ ADDED Some new methods to the API
Updated version can be found at github.

+ ADDED Wilderness protection against fire from land
+ ADDED Wilderness protection against explosions from land
----------, Jan 8, 2020

# IMPROVED /Lands trust <player>
Will now check if the player AND land already have an invite for the player

# FIXED LandWildSearcher task error on startup
----------, Jan 7, 2020

Discord Bot for Lands?:

# IMPROVED Area data saving
# FIXED Land title did not accept spaces
# FIXED Dynmap unknown strings
# FIXED /lands admin land * settings reset
did not change role settings
# FIXED Missing placeholder at /Lands create
# FIXED /Lands selection assign issue
# IMPROVED Data saving

+ ADDED Area argutment to /Lands claim and /Lands claim auto
Example: /Lands claim <area>
Example: /Lands claim auto <area>

# FIXED Bank withdraw during war
----------, Jan 6, 2020

Check this out. Discord Bot for Lands:
Please read the installation instructions, if you consider installing it!

# IMPROVED Data unloading proccess
# FIXED Tribute menu was not removing tribute value correctly

+ ADDED Two new events to the API
See changes on github.
----------, Jan 4, 2020

# FIXED Startup error on 1.13.x
# IMPROVED Chatactions fade time
# IMPROVED Protection checks performance
# FIXED Role color issue

+ ADDED Option to define blocks that can be placed / broken in a war (in a land):
# Allow the placement of specific blocks if the land part of a war.

# Allow breaking of specific blocks if the land part of a war.

+ ADDED Option to auto enable land settings during a war:
# Allow tnt to destroy blocks in the chunk / land?
during-war_2: false​
----------, Jan 3, 2020

+ ADDED Option to set the middle of /Lands wild
Use /setworldspawn to set the middle.

+ ADDED random teleport options
# Max distance from world spawn (/setworldspawn)
# This setting requires server reload / restart.
max: 15000
# Set the minimum distance between the players current position and the teleport destination.
min: 500

+ ADDED ""
Set a war shield for new lands. /Lands create
Default: 1 day

# FIXED Unknown method error during startup on 1.13.x
----------, Jan 2, 2020

# FIXED Disallow animal spawn in wilderness not working
# FIXED Wrong placeholder at /Lands admin land <land> rename
# FIXED Spelling mistake in en-US
# CHAGED Cooldown time formats

+ ADDED MythicMobsIntegration (fixed)
Disallow spawning of monsters if monster spawn is disabled in the land
----------, Jan 1, 2020

+ ADDED Support for slimefun
The integration will work when the pull request is merged from the plugin authors.
Please note that this will require at least Lands

+ ADDED Fade timeout for chat actions (3 seconds)

# UPADED German GUI translation by @Cryper
# CHANGED Inactive players 0 value will be ignored

Good new year to you all!
If you have any issues or suggestions for Lands, please let me know on Discord or pm. :) Also, I would be happy if you would leave review for Lands. :) Much time and work has been put into it over this year.
----------, Dec 31, 2019

+ ADDED Fade timeout for chat actions (3 seconds)

# UPADED German GUI translation by @Cryper
# CHANGED Inactive players 0 value will be ignored

Good new year to you all!
If you have any issues or suggestions for Lands, please let me know on Discord or pm. :) Also, I would be happy if you would leave review for Lands. :) Much time and work has been put into it over this year.
----------, Dec 31, 2019

+ ADDED land_various menu
Here you can change the land title and name.

# FIXED Role settings reset on Default area
----------, Dec 30, 2019

+ ADDED disallow-new-chunks option for /Lands wild
Enabled by default.

+ ADDED German GUI translation by @Cryper

# FIXED Removed uneccesary data save
# FIXED Block dispense issue
----------, Dec 28, 2019

+ ADDED enabled: false option to all items

+ ADDED /Lands view toggle command
With this command you can enable a permanent land view mode while you're on the server
After joining it again, this will be disabled.
Permission: lands.command.view.toggle

+ ADDED Pvp prevention in wilderness if players have a land in common

+ ADDED selection.pos.warn message
If you set a selection on a other plugin region

+ ADDED lands.bypass.selection permission
Bypass other plugins region protection

# FIXED /Lands wild error
----------, Dec 27, 2019

+ ADDED Cashback for /Lands delete

# FIXED Miscalculations for selection claim
# FIXED Unclaim cashback
----------, Dec 26, 2019

# IMPROVED /Lands wild
If Lands does not find any location, it will try to find a new location at chunks that aren't generated yet.

# IMPROVED Cashback calculations
----------, Dec 23, 2019

This version removes the disallow-wilderness setting. You can now achieve the same with the new feature described below.

+ ADDED Wilderness control menu
Use command /Lands admin wilderness to open it. Permission:

+ ADDED Wilderness player settings menu
Control what players can do in wilderness

+ ADDED Wilderness flags menu
Control land flags in wilderness

+ ADDED GUI config item names auto correction
Lands will now try to auto correct invalid item materials.

# FIXED Data garbage collector error



----------, Dec 21, 2019

# FIXED Wrong command confirm description for /Lands admin land <land> setowner <player>
# FIXED Nullpointerexception in area_players menu
# FIXED Limitations for safezones
----------, Dec 19, 2019

+ ADDED item (GUI file) value: NUMBER parameter to items
Taxes add / remove values now can be found in your GUI language file.
The same for the tribute menu.

name: '&aAdd $1'
- '&7Add $1 to'
- '&7tax value.'
slot: 11
amount: 1
value: 1.0

+ ADDED item (GUI file) value: enabled: false
Use this setting to disable a item (remove) from a menu.

name: '&bPlease confirm this action.'
- '&7Click &aConfirm &7to confirm or'
- '&cAbort &7to abort this action.'
material: OAK_SIGN
slot: 14
enabled: false

# FIXED Menu area_players error
----------, Dec 18, 2019

# CHANGED Default roles are now only visible in the default area (Land menu)
# FIXED Some promote / demote issues
# FIXED Players could trust non existent players
----------, Dec 17, 2019

+ ADDED Support for CustomModelData in all menus
Use model-data: NUMBER to set a custom model

name: '&8> &6Information'
- '&7Area:&6 {area}'
- '&7Land: {land}'
- '&7World: {world}'
- ' '
- '&7Received:&5 {time}'
- '&7Sender: {sender}'
material: OAK_SIGN
slot: 14
model-data: 1 <- Id of your custom item model

NOTE: This will only work for minecraft 1.14.x - 1.15.x
----------, Dec 16, 2019

+ ADDED /Lands admin <land> teleport
With this command you can quickly teleport to a land, even if they have no spawn point set.

# FIXED java.lang.NullPointerException in role players menu
----------, Dec 14, 2019

+ ADDED Role Setting: SPAWN_SET
+ ADDED Role Setting: LAND_CLAIM

+ ADDED Sorting to settings

# IMPROVED Respawn and /Lands spawn
----------, Dec 13, 2019

# FIXED Setting creeper damage not working without tnt griefing
# FIXED Incorrect war winner calculation
# IMPROVED /Lands spawn and spawn teleport through lands list
# CHANGED /Lands spawn will reply with a error message if the player is
not allowed to enter the land (area), in which the spawn point is set.
----------, Dec 12, 2019

If you're enjoying Lands, please consider leaving a review. I would be very happy to read it. A lot of time has been put into previous versions. Also, thanks to all people which are helping to provide support on Discord. If you need any support or have any question, just send us a message. :)

+ ADDED Compatability for 1.15
Version 1.13.x and 1.14.x are still supported.

Happy bees! :)
----------, Dec 11, 2019

# FIXED Index out of Bounds error in GUI API
# FIXED Players were not allowed to enter the wilderness if world
is listed in disallow-wilderness
----------, Dec 10, 2019

# FIXED Server crash issue due a small mistake in the role settings module
----------, Dec 10, 2019

# FIXED Players were not allowed to enter the wilderness if world
is listed in disallow-wilderness
----------, Dec 10, 2019

If you're experiencing issues with people can't enter their land, the default setting probably isn't configured correctly in your Lands config or wasn't set after the update. Please check that. If it is configured correctly, execute

/Lands admin land * settings reset
This applies all default settings to all lands.

# UPDATED Plugin.yml permissions
# FIXED (rare) Concurrent modification issue on player save
# FIXED Change role item manipulated the item name and role of the source item
# FIXED Role icon not saving if material is not player head

If this updates does not contain your bug report, please send me a message through pm or Discord. Thanks! :)
----------, Dec 9, 2019

+ ADDED Button "delete" to area_roles menu
With this button, land owners can delete a role.
Please note that by deleting the role, all players of this role will get untrusted

+ ADDED Button "delete" to land_areas menu
With this button, land owners can delete a rea.
Please note that by deleting the area, all chunks will be assigned to the "Global" area.

# FIXED Failure costs item not showing at chunk teleport request in menu.
# FIXED Item frames protection would not work, if role is allowed to kill animals
----------, Dec 7, 2019

# FIXED Setting land_enter does not display for roles other than visitor.
To allow your trusted players to enter the land, you need to enable the setting in the role menu.​
----------, Dec 5, 2019

+ ADDED LAND_ENTER setting to visitor role
With this setting you can disallow visitors to enter a area / land

To allow players entering the enemy land DURING WAR, add this to the role settings list in the wars section in config:

# IMPROVED Config invalid values checker
# FIXED Player demote - no response
----------, Dec 4, 2019

# FIXED Clicked list is out of bounds
# FIXED Player name updating
# FIXED Role priority bypass permission
----------, Dec 3, 2019

# FIXED Wars inbox message
# FIXED Missing lists for /Wars

# FIXED Bypass permission for editing lands are not working
description: Edit land settings of other lands (like mob spawning etc.)
default: op
description: Edit role settings of other lands.
default: op
description: Edit taxes settings of other lands.
default: op

Thanks for reporting! If your issue still persists, send us a message in our Discord.
----------, Dec 2, 2019

# FIXED Land load issue with /Lands spawn which failed the land to load.
----------, Dec 2, 2019

# FIXED Role Management settings not applying defaults
# FIXED Concurrent name update issue
# FIXED War declare safezone issue
# FIXED War lands placeholder in title
# FIXED /Lands rename {name} placeholder

You won't be able to downgrade to older plugin versions after installing this update!
Take Backups, as always.

I recommend deleting your GUI language file, as it's heavily outdated now.
Otherwise, your old language file might cause confusion to your players!!!!

+ ADDED Sorting of lands in /Lands list menu
+ ADDED Integration of safezone into new area system

+ Completely reworked the GUI menus
The new menus are way more organized and have more intelligent features,
like trusting players in the menu or settings role with ease.

+ ADDED Area system
With areas you can assign chunks to an area, in order to orgnize settings
and roles in this area. It allows you to create multiple areas for your land.

You can edit settings for specific areas.
The settings of the global (default) area do not override the other areas.
New claimed chunks will be added to the global (default) area.
You can trust, untrust, setrole players with /Lands trust.. <player> here
The here parameter will take the area, you stand on.

Also, the /Lands menu here command will open
the menu for the area, you're standing on.

+ Added /Lands selection assign <area> command
With this command you can assign a selection of chunks
to an area.

# IMPROVED Message handler
# IMPROVED GUI config handler
# IMPROVED Config handler

+ ADDED Setting to include spawner blocks for monster_spawn setting
# Prevent spawning from spawner blocks?
include-spawners: false

# CHANGED Monsters are now allowed to ativate mechanisms
If they're ridden by a player, which is not trusted in the land.

# FIXED Player tracker error
# FIXED Chunk claim cost calculation ignoring decimals settings
# FIXED Taxes menu add and remove buttons
# FIXED Tax value reset

With this update some parts of the other languages translations become useless.
If you rely on these, just don't update until you translated them.
Actually the GUI language config is smaller now.
----------, Nov 30, 2019

# FIXED Role Management settings not applying defaults
# FIXED Concurrent name update issue
# FIXED War declare safezone issue

You won't be able to downgrade to older plugin versions after installing this update!
Take Backups, as always.

I recommend deleting your GUI language file, as it's heavily outdated now.
Otherwise, your old language file might cause confusion to your players!!!!

+ ADDED Sorting of lands in /Lands list menu
+ ADDED Integration of safezone into new area system

+ Completely reworked the GUI menus
The new menus are way more organized and have more intelligent features,
like trusting players in the menu or settings role with ease.

+ ADDED Area system
With areas you can assign chunks to an area, in order to orgnize settings
and roles in this area. It allows you to create multiple areas for your land.

You can edit settings for specific areas.
The settings of the global (default) area do not override the other areas.
New claimed chunks will be added to the global (default) area.
You can trust, untrust, setrole players with /Lands trust.. <player> here
The here parameter will take the area, you stand on.

Also, the /Lands menu here command will open
the menu for the area, you're standing on.

+ Added /Lands selection assign <area> command
With this command you can assign a selection of chunks
to an area.

# IMPROVED Message handler
# IMPROVED GUI config handler
# IMPROVED Config handler

+ ADDED Setting to include spawner blocks for monster_spawn setting
# Prevent spawning from spawner blocks?
include-spawners: false

# CHANGED Monsters are now allowed to ativate mechanisms
If they're ridden by a player, which is not trusted in the land.

# FIXED Player tracker error
# FIXED Chunk claim cost calculation ignoring decimals settings
# FIXED Taxes menu add and remove buttons
# FIXED Tax value reset

With this update some parts of the other languages translations become useless.
If you rely on these, just don't update until you translated them.
Actually the GUI language config is smaller now.
----------, Nov 30, 2019

# FIXED Incorrect news listing in land menu
+ ADDED Sorting to player lands menu

This version is considered as stable to use on live servers. Anyways, please take backups to be on the safe side.
Also, you won't be able to downgrade to older plugin versions after installing this update!!!!!!

I recommend deleting your GUI language file, as it's heavily outdated now. Otherwise, your old language file might cause confusion to your players.

+ Completely reworked the GUI menus
The new menus are way more organized and have more intelligent features,
like trusting players in the menu or settings role with ease.

+ ADDED Area system
With areas you can assign chunks to an area, in order to orgnize settings
and roles in this area. It allows you to create multiple areas for your land.

You can edit settings for specific areas.
The settings of the global (default) area do not override the other areas.
New claimed chunks will be added to the global (default) area.
You can trust, untrust, setrole players with /Lands trust.. <player> here
The here parameter will take the area, you stand on.

Land menu:



Also, the /Lands menu here command will open
the menu for the area, you're standing on.

+ Added /Lands selection assign <area> command
With this command you can assign a selection of chunks
to an area.

# IMPROVED Message handler
# IMPROVED GUI config handler
# IMPROVED Config handler

+ ADDED Setting to include spawner blocks for monster_spawn setting
# Prevent spawning from spawner blocks?
include-spawners: false

# CHANGED Monsters are now allowed to ativate mechanisms
If they're ridden by a player, which is not trusted in the land.

# FIXED Player tracker error
# FIXED Chunk claim cost calculation ignoring decimals settings
# FIXED Taxes menu add and remove buttons
# FIXED Tax value reset

With this update some parts of the other languages translations become useless.
If you rely on these, just don't update until you translated them.
Actually the GUI language config is smaller now.
----------, Nov 30, 2019

This version is considered as stable to use on live servers. Anyways, please take backups to be on the safe side.
Also, you won't be able to downgrade to older plugin versions after installing this update!!!!!!

I recommend deleting your GUI language file, as it's heavily outdated now. Otherwise, your old language file might cause confusion to your players.

+ Completely reworked the GUI menus
The new menus are way more organized and have more intelligent features,
like trusting players in the menu or settings role with ease.

+ ADDED Area system
With areas you can assign chunks to an area, in order to orgnize settings
and roles in this area. It allows you to create multiple areas for your land.

You can edit settings for specific areas.
The settings of the global (default) area do not override the other areas.
New claimed chunks will be added to the global (default) area.
You can trust, untrust, setrole players with /Lands trust.. <player> here
The here parameter will take the area, you stand on.

Land menu:



Also, the /Lands menu here command will open
the menu for the area, you're standing on.

+ Added /Lands selection assign <area> command
With this command you can assign a selection of chunks
to an area.

# IMPROVED Message handler
# IMPROVED GUI config handler
# IMPROVED Config handler

+ ADDED Setting to include spawner blocks for monster_spawn setting
# Prevent spawning from spawner blocks?
include-spawners: false

# CHANGED Monsters are now allowed to ativate mechanisms
If they're ridden by a player, which is not trusted in the land.

# FIXED Player tracker error
# FIXED Chunk claim cost calculation ignoring decimals settings
# FIXED Taxes menu add and remove buttons
# FIXED Tax value reset

With this update some parts of the other languages translations become useless.
If you rely on these, just don't update until you translated them.
Actually the GUI language config is smaller now.
----------, Nov 29, 2019

This version is considered as stable to use on live servers. Anyways, please take backups to be on the safe side.
Also, you won't be able to downgrade to older plugin versions after installing this update!!!!!!

I recommend deleting your GUI language file, as it's heavily outdated now. Otherwise, your old language file might cause confusion to your players.

+ Completely reworked the GUI menus
The new menus are way more organized and have more intelligent features,
like trusting players in the menu or settings role with ease.

+ ADDED Area system
With areas you can assign chunks to an area, in order to orgnize settings
and roles in this area. It allows you to create multiple areas for your land.

You can edit settings for specific areas.
The settings of the global (default) area do not override the other areas.
New claimed chunks will be added to the global (default) area.
You can trust, untrust, setrole players with /Lands trust.. <player> here
The here parameter will take the area, you stand on.

Land menu:



Also, the /Lands menu here command will open
the menu for the area, you're standing on.

+ Added /Lands selection assign <area> command
With this command you can assign a selection of chunks
to an area.

# IMPROVED Message handler
# IMPROVED GUI config handler
# IMPROVED Config handler

+ ADDED Setting to include spawner blocks for monster_spawn setting
# Prevent spawning from spawner blocks?
include-spawners: false

# CHANGED Monsters are now allowed to ativate mechanisms
If they're ridden by a player, which is not trusted in the land.

# FIXED Player tracker error
# FIXED Chunk claim cost calculation ignoring decimals settings
# FIXED Taxes menu add and remove buttons
# FIXED Tax value reset

With this update some parts of the other languages translations become useless.
If you rely on these, just don't update until you translated them.
Actually the GUI language config is smaller now.
----------, Nov 29, 2019

This version is considered as stable to use on live servers. Anyways, please take backups to be on the safe side.
Also, you won't be able to downgrade to older plugin versions after installing this update!!!!!!

I recommend deleting your GUI language file, as it's heavily outdated now. Otherwise, your old language file might cause confusion to your players.

+ Completely reworked the GUI menus
The new menus are way more organized and have more intelligent features,
like trusting players in the menu or settings role with ease.

+ ADDED Area system
With areas you can assign chunks to an area, in order to orgnize settings
and roles in this area. It allows you to create multiple areas for your land.

You can edit settings for specific areas.
The settings of the global (default) area do not override the other areas.
New claimed chunks will be added to the global (default) area.
You can trust, untrust, setrole players with /Lands trust.. <player> here
The here parameter will take the area, you stand on.

Land menu:



Also, the /Lands menu here command will open
the menu for the area, you're standing on.

+ Added /Lands selection assign <area> command
With this command you can assign a selection of chunks
to an area.

# IMPROVED Message handler
# IMPROVED GUI config handler
# IMPROVED Config handler

+ ADDED Setting to include spawner blocks for monster_spawn setting
# Prevent spawning from spawner blocks?
include-spawners: false

# CHANGED Monsters are now allowed to ativate mechanisms
If they're ridden by a player, which is not trusted in the land.

# FIXED Player tracker error
# FIXED Chunk claim cost calculation ignoring decimals settings
# FIXED Taxes menu add and remove buttons
# FIXED Tax value reset

With this update some parts of the other languages translations become useless.
If you rely on these, just don't update until you translated them.
Actually the GUI language config is smaller now.
----------, Nov 29, 2019

This version is a PRE-Release and is not meant to be used for live servers yet.
We will have a live server ready version on Friday or Saturday.
Also, you won't be able to downgrade to older plugin versions after installing this update!
Take Backups, as always!

Also the API completely changed, make sure that other plugins which integrate into Lands do apply these changes. Thanks!

I recommend deleting your GUI language file, as it's heavily outdated now. Otherwise, your old language file might cause confusion to your players.

# Update Added some max permission failure items
# IMPROVED Limitations mamagement for land

+ Completely reworked the GUI menus
The new menus are way more organized and have more intelligent features,
like trusting players in the menu or settings role with ease.

+ ADDED Area system
With areas you can assign chunks to an area, in order to orgnize settings
and roles in this area. It allows you to create multiple areas for your land.

You can edit settings for specific areas.
The settings of the global (default) area do not override the other areas.
New claimed chunks will be added to the global (default) area.
You can trust, untrust, setrole players with /Lands trust.. <player> here
The here parameter will take the area, you stand on.

Also, the /Lands menu here command will open
the menu for the area, you're standing on.

+ Added /Lands selection assign <area> command
With this command you can assign a selection of chunks
to an area.

# IMPROVED Message handler
# IMPROVED GUI config handler
# IMPROVED Config handler

+ ADDED Setting to include spawner blocks for monster_spawn setting
# Prevent spawning from spawner blocks?
include-spawners: false

# CHANGED Monsters are now allowed to ativate mechanisms
If they're ridden by a player, which is not trusted in the land.

# FIXED Player tracker error
# FIXED Chunk claim cost calculation ignoring decimals settings
# FIXED Taxes menu add and remove buttons
# FIXED Tax value reset

With this update some parts of the other languages translations become useless.
If you rely on these, just don't update until you translated them.
Actually the GUI language config is smaller now.
----------, Nov 29, 2019

This version is a PRE-Release and is not meant to be used for live servers yet.
We will have a live server ready version on Friday or Saturday.
Also, you won't be able to downgrade to older plugin versions after installing this update!
Take Backups, as always!

Also the API completely changed, make sure that other plugins which integrate into Lands do apply these changes. Thanks!

I recommend deleting your GUI language file, as it's heavily outdated now. Otherwise, your old language file might cause confusion to your players.

# Update Added some max permission failure items
# IMPROVED Limitations mamagement for land

+ Completely reworked the GUI menus
The new menus are way more organized and have more intelligent features,
like trusting players in the menu or settings role with ease.

+ ADDED Area system
With areas you can assign chunks to an area, in order to orgnize settings
and roles in this area. It allows you to create multiple areas for your land.

You can edit settings for specific areas.
The settings of the global (default) area do not override the other areas.
New claimed chunks will be added to the global (default) area.
You can trust, untrust, setrole players with /Lands trust.. <player> here
The here parameter will take the area, you stand on.

Also, the /Lands menu here command will open
the menu for the area, you're standing on.

+ Added /Lands selection assign <area> command
With this command you can assign a selection of chunks
to an area.

# IMPROVED Message handler
# IMPROVED GUI config handler
# IMPROVED Config handler

+ ADDED Setting to include spawner blocks for monster_spawn setting
# Prevent spawning from spawner blocks?
include-spawners: false

# CHANGED Monsters are now allowed to ativate mechanisms
If they're ridden by a player, which is not trusted in the land.

# FIXED Player tracker error
# FIXED Chunk claim cost calculation ignoring decimals settings

With this update some parts of the other languages translations become useless.
If you rely on these, just don't update until you translated them.
Actually the GUI language config is smaller now.
----------, Nov 28, 2019

This version is a PRE-Release and is not meant to be used for live servers yet.
We will have a live server ready version on Friday or Saturday.
Also, you won't be able to downgrade to older plugin versions after installing this update!
Take Backups, as always!

Also the API completely changed, make sure that other plugins which integrate into Lands do apply these changes. Thanks!

I recommend deleting your GUI language file, as it's heavily outdated now. Otherwise, your old language file might cause confusion to your players.

+ Completely reworked the GUI menus
The new menus are way more organized and have more intelligent features,
like trusting players in the menu or settings role with ease.

+ ADDED Area system
With areas you can assign chunks to an area, in order to orgnize settings
and roles in this area. It allows you to create multiple areas for your land.

You can edit settings for specific areas.
The settings of the global (default) area do not override the other areas.
New claimed chunks will be added to the global (default) area.
You can trust, untrust, setrole players with /Lands trust.. <player> here
The here parameter will take the area, you stand on.

Also, the /Lands menu here command will open
the menu for the area, you're standing on.

+ Added /Lands selection assign <area> command
With this command you can assign a selection of chunks
to an area.

# IMPROVED Message handler
# IMPROVED GUI config handler
# IMPROVED Config handler

+ ADDED Setting to include spawner blocks for monster_spawn setting
# Prevent spawning from spawner blocks?
include-spawners: false

# CHANGED Monsters are now allowed to ativate mechanisms
If they're ridden by a player, which is not trusted in the land.

# FIXED Player tracker error
# FIXED Chunk claim cost calculation ignoring decimals settings

With this update some parts of the other languages translations become useless.
If you rely on these, just don't update until you translated them.
Actually the GUI language config is smaller now.
----------, Nov 28, 2019

# FIXED PvP Protection issue
----------, Nov 21, 2019

# CHANGED Lands does now listen on lowest priority for damange event
----------, Nov 21, 2019

Lands Wars is now ready to be used on live servers. No bugs where found until now. :)

+ ADDED max-digits option

# Set max number of digit numbers for economy values, such as claim costs, taxes etc.
max-digits: 2

+ ADDED Wars: If attacker and defender have 0 points. The defender will win.
----------, Nov 20, 2019

Lands Wars is now available for public use! :) Please note that wars is in Beta stage and isn't meant to be used on live servers yet. However, you can still install this version. Lands wars will only take affect if you enable wars in config.

Please report issues or feature requests to our Discord:

Big thanks to our Beta testers! :D
@Verum @REjoin @Yorma @DevPat_HD

Wars are disabled by default (for now).

  • Wars (You can fully disable this)
    • War Declarations
      • Send a war declaration to a enemy land
      • Set a tribute (optional)
        • A attacker can set a tribute. The defender land will need to pay this value in order to surrender.
        • The enemy can also reject all surrenders.
        • Set a max tribute value in config. With this setting you can prevent players setting redicusly high tribute values
        • Option to let Lands calculate the optimal max tribute value
        • Option to divide the tribute between allies. The attacker can configure that in their GUI menu.
      • Set a war preparation time in config
      • Set a war notification scheduler in config
  • War preparation time (optional)
    • Configure a war preparation time in config
    • This is very useful to let all players now that the war is starting soon.
  • Combat
    • Configure every single aspect of combat and interaction in the enemies land.
    • Allow / Disallow specific settings
      • For example disallow desctruction and allow placement of ladders etc.
      • There are many settings here):
  • War rewards
    • Configure custom war rewards in config
    • All commands supported
    • Reward them with robbery of the enemy land bank
      • You can configure a maximum amount or let Lands decide
  • Pillage
    • Customize or even prevent pillages
    • Set a minimum amount of players of the defenders, which need to be online before attackers can interact / fght in the enemy land.
    • Prevent spawnkilling
    • Set a logging cooldown
      • Prevent players abusing the pillage minimum players setting
      • Configure a specific period, in which the attackers can still interact in the enemy land, even with no players online (optional)
  • War Shield
    • Configure custom war shields in config
    • Set war shield after surrender (optional)
    • Set war shield after war (optional)
  • Allies (Work in Progress; Not added yet)
    • Option to allow the allies lands being a war field
  • Huge GUI Menu
    • Organize your wars in a nice GUI menu
    • View all sort of information
----------, Nov 16, 2019

# FIXED Worldedit integration enabling if disabled in config
# FIXED Ladder place exploit
# FIXED Some other bugs (not tracked)
----------, Nov 15, 2019

# UPDATED To latest spigot version
# FIXED /Lands view error with latest spigot version

+ ADDED Option to allow setting tax add / remove values for gui menu.
----------, Nov 14, 2019

# FIXED Land spawn set and change cost returned 0
# FIXED Land upkeep and taxes execution scheduler
# IMPROVED Cache data saving
----------, Nov 12, 2019

# FIXED The cost to create a land looks at the amount lands the player is in, not the ones that they own.
# FIXED If players have the exact amount of money for their upkeep in the bank, they will still lose their last claimed chunk.
# FIXED Some lands were charged multiple times in a span of a couple hours after changing upkeep time.

Thank you very much for reporting! :)
----------, Nov 11, 2019

+ ADDED Taxes and Upkeep will now display disabled message in GUI, if disabled
+ ADDED Log message if taxes can't be used because no economy plugin found
+ ADDED Ability to claim for safezones through /Lands claim and /Lands edit

# IMPROVED Next tax calculation
# IMPROVED Next upkeep calculation
----------, Nov 9, 2019

+ ADDED API methods
You can review them on github.

# IMPROVED Block protection handling
----------, Nov 8, 2019

+ ADDED Ability to remove chunk settings from menu
+ ADDED Abilitly to remove advanced settings from menu

+ ADDED Balance withdraw flag

# Should this role be able to withdraw money from the lands balance (/Lands withdraw)?
# NOTE: This will only work with land banks enabled.
default_90: false
display_12: true

+ ADDED Server admins can now use /Lands withdraw to witdraw money from
other lands bank

# FIXED Top 10 lands signs in non claim worlds
----------, Nov 7, 2019

# IMPROVED /Lands reload
# FIXED Issue that if you delete your config and then execute the reload
command that it would result in options missing until the next server reload / restart.

# FIXED Pistons could retract blocks out of a land
# IMPROVED Protection algorithms
# FIXED Some other minor issues
----------, Nov 6, 2019

# FIXED GUI menus not responding since previous version
----------, Nov 5, 2019

# IMPROVED Made some performance optimizations
----------, Nov 5, 2019

If you want to use WorldGuard flags for the global wilderness region in a world, you'll need to remove the world from the Lands config option disallow-wilderness. Otherwise, it's not guaranteed that the flags of WorldGuard will work in this world. This change heavily improves performance further and has no drawbacks for you. You just need to do this one thing. :)

# Fixed NPE on config load
Please note that some API events have changed. If you're a developer, please make sure that you're up to date.

Don't forget to watch wars progress:

# IMPROVED Event handling
# IMPROVED Worldedit integration
# IMPROVED Player data loading and unloading
----------, Nov 2, 2019

Don't forget to watch wars progress:

# IMPROVED Event handling
# IMPROVED Worldedit integration
# IMPROVED Player data loading and unloading
----------, Nov 2, 2019

# FIXED Possible error while registering new task after server reload
----------, Oct 29, 2019

# FIXED Issue with negative interval for tasks

# Optimized chunk data unloading process
Algorithm to merge a chunk unload together and determite
if the chunk could get loaded again in a few moments
For example, player teleportations.

# IMPROVED Database performance
# FIXED Lands top placeholder
----------, Oct 26, 2019

# Optimized chunk data unloading process
Algorithm to merge a chunk unload together and determite
if the chunk could get loaded again in a few moments
For example, player teleportations.

# IMPROVED Database performance
# FIXED Lands top placeholder
----------, Oct 26, 2019

+ ADDED Log messages which will notify you on startup, if you have
any misconfigurations in your Lands config. Like yml format mistakes for example.

This will helps users setup the plugin.
----------, Oct 26, 2019

# IMPROVED Dispenser griefing protection

Thanks for reporting! :)
----------, Oct 25, 2019

# Made some internal optimizations to improve performance
# IMPROVED Messaging system
# REMOVED Metrics
----------, Oct 25, 2019

Some of you may have noticed that currently there are not many updates. Thats because I'm working on a huge update for Lands. This update will add war features to Lands. So your players will be able participate in wars. Sounds good? :)
PS: You already can find some new messages in your language file. A little spoiler for the upcoming war features. I'll add more of them soon :D

You can view the development progress here:
Also please join our Discord server to post suggestions for the wars update:

# FIXED /Lands rename does not display color codes in success message
# FIXED Some command bugs
# FIXED Admin command issues
# IMPROVED /Lands wild destination finding
# IMPRVED Config handler
# FIXED Some other issues (I unfortunately didn't record changes this time)
----------, Oct 24, 2019

+ ADDED Polish translation by Nideon
Thanks a lot for contributing your translation!
----------, Oct 19, 2019

# FIXED Issue with API adapter
----------, Oct 17, 2019

# IMPROVED Land spawn maker
# FIXED WorldEdit integration not working for some users
----------, Oct 16, 2019

I highly recommend deleting your /plugins/dynmap/markers.yml file.
Otherwise old markers might still show up.

+ ADDED New settings to dynmap integration

# Set the maximum amount of chunks beeing processed at once for updating the land markers.
# These chunks aren't actual minecraft chunks. Just Lands chunks. So you don't need to worry about lag.
# This setting is especially for weaker hardware.
# NOTE: This setting requires server reload / restart.
max-chunks-per-round: 50000
# Set the spawn icon
# You can disable this by setting it to ''
icon: 'greenflag'
# Set min zoom. The icon won't display if the zoom in the browser is smaller.
min-zoom: 5

# IMPROVED Dynmap config changes like color will now apply immediately after server restart

# IMPROVED Multi world support for dynmap map
----------, Oct 15, 2019

+ ADDED Setting to set min distance between players postion and /Lands wild destination
+ ADDED {owner} placeholder to lands list menu

+ ADDED Metrics
# Allow Lands to send some anonymous statistics about how you use Lands to
# This helps the development of Lands to make implementations for new features easier.
You can disable this in your config.

# FIXED Some small bugs, which I forgot to record
# IMPROVED /Lands wild to be even more random
----------, Oct 13, 2019

# FIXED Case sensitive worlds not working for /Lands wild worlds
# FIXED Fly not getting disabled in rare cases
----------, Oct 12, 2019

+ ADDED New land-expiration task
Since some time land-expiration was removed, since I wanted to make some improvements before. This update adds it back.
It's faster now and uses better algorithms to detect inactive players.

+ ADDED New options to /Lands teleport
By default players can only teleport to their claimed land
Bypass: lands.bypass.wilderness.teleport

# FIXED Wrong lands.chunks.NUMBER permissions in some cases
----------, Oct 10, 2019

# IMPROVED Time calculation for new players
----------, Oct 10, 2019

+ ADDED Inbox message for land upkeep payment
Will appear when land paid upkeep costs.

# IMPROVED GUI config handler
----------, Oct 9, 2019

+ ADDED Middle click to lands list menu to open admin edit menu /Lands admin land <land> edit
+ ADDED Item to GUI config for that

+ ADDED Option to disable auto chunk claim on /Lands create

# FIXED Untrusted players could manipulate land bank
----------, Oct 8, 2019

# FIXED Piston protection block duplication bug
----------, Oct 7, 2019

# FIXED Issue with animal spawning prevention
# FIXED Issue with monster spawning prevention
# FIXED Missing placeholder {max} at /Lands rename
----------, Oct 3, 2019

If you're enjoying Lands, it would make me happy to read your review! :)
Also you're very welcome to send me a message or hit me on Discord, if you have any problems or just need support. :D

+ ADDED Option to customize animal spawning setting
You can add / remove entities from this setting
Setting: animal-list
Please note that the default entity values are for 1.14.x
You'll need to edit them if you're using 1.13.x

+ ADDED Option to customize monster spawning setting
You can add / remove entities from this setting
Setting: monster-list
Please note that the default entity values are for 1.14.x
You'll need to edit them if you're using 1.13.x

# FIXED Aquatic animal and monster spawning ignored by spawn setting
----------, Oct 2, 2019

# FIXED Top lands leaderboard signs could produce exception
----------, Oct 1, 2019

+ ADDED lands_top_NUMBER_value placeholder to PlaceholderAPI integration
+ ADDED lands_top_NUMBER_name placeholder to PlaceholderAPI integration
See all placeholders here:

# FIXED /Lands top 1 does not show all lands if amount is less than 10
----------, Sep 28, 2019

+ ADDED Protection against lighting trike of natural reasons
+ ADDED Pages to /Lands top [page]

+ ADDED Nice color and x-block and z-block placeholder to dynmap.
If you want to copy it to your landguage file: '<div class="\&quot;infowindow\&quot;"><span style="font-size: 200%;"><span style="color: #00ff00;">{land}</span><br /></span>{title}<br /><br /> Owner: <span style="font-weight: bold; color: #ff0000;">{owner}</span><br />Admins: <span style="font-weight: bold;">{admins}</span><br />Members: <span style="font-weight: bold;">{members}</span><br /><br />X: {x} Z: {z}<br />X-Block: <span style="font-weight: bold; color: #33cccc;">{x-block}</span> Z-Block: <span style="font-weight: bold; color: #33cccc;">{z-block}</span></div>'

Make your own:

# IMPROVED Lands top sorter
# IMPROVED Performance
----------, Sep 27, 2019

+ ADDED Option to automatically delete old backups.
You can configure a time in days in config. It's in the backup section.
----------, Sep 24, 2019

Added Backup Deleter
----------, Sep 24, 2019

Added Backup Deleter
----------, Sep 24, 2019

+ ADDED Option to automatically delete old backups.
You can configure a time in days in config. It's in the backup section.
----------, Sep 24, 2019

# FIXED /Lands wild error

+ ADDED Ability to use normal players commands for admin actions. Like deleting a land or trusting players.

+ ADDED Option to prevent /Lands wild teleporting to WorldGuard regions
By default this is disabled. You'll need to enable it in config under manager integration settings for WorldGuard

+ ADDED Depth search for /Lands wild on startup
While this process might be resource intensive it will reduce resource usage a lot after server start. Also it runs fully asynchronus.
This is only done on startup, so you dont need to worry about any issues after server startup.

+ ADDED Option to allow color codes in land names: titles.color-name

+ ADDED Mail box to your land menu. There you can keep track of all events.
Item name: inbox (in gui language file)

# FIXED force-near setting bug
# IMPROVED /Lands wild performance
# IMPROVED /Lands wild accuracy
# FIXED Lands list menu click error
# FIXED /Lands wild sometimes teleporting to claimed land (if disabled)
# IMPROVED Structure grow protection (trees etc.)
# FIXED Some bugs
# IMPROVED Performance

+ ADDED Lore length adjustement to lands inbox item.
+ ADDED Message for inbox if lands can't pay upkeep
----------, Sep 23, 2019

This update is now considered as ready to use.

+ ADDED Ability to use normal players commands for admin actions. Like deleting a land or trusting players.

+ ADDED Option to prevent /Lands wild teleporting to WorldGuard regions
By default this is disabled. You'll need to enable it in config under manager integration settings for WorldGuard

+ ADDED Depth search for /Lands wild on startup
While this process might be resource intensive it will reduce resource usage a lot after server start. Also it runs fully asynchronus.
This is only done on startup, so you dont need to worry about any issues after server startup.

+ ADDED Option to allow color codes in land names: titles.color-name

+ ADDED Mail box to your land menu. There you can keep track of all events.
Item name: inbox (in gui language file)

# FIXED force-near setting bug
# IMPROVED /Lands wild performance
# IMPROVED /Lands wild accuracy
# FIXED Lands list menu click error
# FIXED /Lands wild sometimes teleporting to claimed land (if disabled)
# IMPROVED Structure grow protection (trees etc.)
# FIXED Some bugs
# IMPROVED Performance

+ ADDED Lore length adjustement to lands inbox item.
+ ADDED Message for inbox if lands can't pay upkeep
----------, Sep 23, 2019

It's recommended to wait until Tuesday before installing this version. There are many internal changes at the protection system. So there might be bugs. Please don't install on live servers yet. Meanwhile I'm doing more testing. :)

+ ADDED Ability to use normal players commands for admin actions. Like deleting a land or trusting players.

+ ADDED Option to prevent /Lands wild teleporting to WorldGuard regions
By default this is disabled. You'll need to enable it in config under manager integration settings for WorldGuard

+ ADDED Depth search for /Lands wild on startup
While this process might be resource intensive it will reduce resource usage a lot after server start. Also it runs fully asynchronus.
This is only done on startup, so you dont need to worry about any issues after server startup.

+ ADDED Option to allow color codes in land names: titles.color-name

+ ADDED Mail box to your land menu. There you can keep track of all events.
Item name: inbox (in gui language file)

# FIXED force-near setting bug
# IMPROVED /Lands wild performance
# IMPROVED /Lands wild accuracy
# FIXED Lands list menu click error
# FIXED /Lands wild sometimes teleporting to claimed land (if disabled)
# IMPROVED Structure grow protection (trees etc.)
----------, Sep 21, 2019

# FIXED Untrust through GUI menu may not be permanent
# FIXED Uknown player-name in invites menu
----------, Sep 18, 2019

# IMPROVED Admin commands layout
# FIXED Some issues with admin commands
# FIXED {cost} placeholder in lands list menu
----------, Sep 17, 2019

+ ADDED Message: selection.not-complete
Will appear if you want to run an action, but the selection is not complete.

# FIXED Placeholder at /Lands claim auto
# FIXED /Lands admin land <land> delete - For safezones
# IMPROVED Generated chunks finder for /Lands wild
# IMPROVED Piston setting handler
----------, Sep 16, 2019

+ ADDED Message event.telelport.cancelled-plugin
This message will appear if a other plugin cancels a Lands teleportation

# FIXED /Lands rename multiple words in name
----------, Sep 12, 2019

# IMPROVED Lands Chunk Support Option
# FIXED /Lands wild issue
----------, Sep 11, 2019

# FIXED PlayerName Updater issue
----------, Sep 11, 2019

+ ADDED New bypass permissions:

description: Bypass special config options.
default: op
description: Bypass force-near option from config.
default: op
description: Bypass chunk-distance option from config.
default: op

# IMPROVED /Lands wild destination finder
----------, Sep 10, 2019

# FIXED /Lands delete command
# FIXED Land expiration member offline days value

+ ADDED /Lands list command
Open lands list menu

+ ADDED Lands list menu
See all created lands in a nice GUI menu

# FIXED PlaceholderAPI placeholder lands_land_role_here not showing role of current position
# CHANGED PlaceholderAPI placeholder lands_land_name_here will display wilderness instead of none


----------, Sep 9, 2019

+ ADDED /Lands list command
Open lands list menu

+ ADDED Lands list menu
See all created lands in a nice GUI menu

# FIXED PlaceholderAPI placeholder lands_land_role_here not showing role of current position
# CHANGED PlaceholderAPI placeholder lands_land_name_here will display wilderness instead of none


----------, Sep 9, 2019

# FIXED Default land settings not applying

+ ADDED Setting to disable monster remove on chunk load: remove-on-load

# IMPROVED /Lands reload command
# FIXED Teleportation error in chunks menu
# IMPROVED Fire protection
----------, Sep 7, 2019

+ ADDED Setting to disable monster remove on chunk load: remove-on-load

# IMPROVED /Lands reload command
# FIXED Teleportation error in chunks menu
# IMPROVED Fire protection
----------, Sep 7, 2019

If you're using the PlaceholderAPI integration, please review the latest changes. Some placeholders changed their identifiers.

+ ADDED Spanish translation by @Portgas
Thank you very much for contributing! :)

+ ADDED Monsters with custom names won't get deleted if monster spawning disabled
+ ADDED Some new placeholders:
+ ADDED %owner% will now get replaced with the owner name in GUI
+ ADDED %player% placeholder for land title messages
This will show the name of the entering player.

+ ADDED New methods to API
+ ADDED More descriptions to API

# IMPROVED Upkeep taxes task
# IMPROVED Taxes task performance
# IMPROVED Dynmap integration

# FIXED Display titles for safezones setting does not work
# FIXED Time rewards aren't working correctly
----------, Sep 6, 2019

# IMPROVED Taxes thread
# CHANGED Taxes are now getting collected before upkeep
Making sure that the land owner receives his cash before he needs to pay.

If you have any issues with taxes or upkeep, please send me a message through private message or Discord. Thank you! :)
----------, Sep 4, 2019

# FIXED Land upkeep
# FIXED /Lands balance Expotential number
----------, Sep 3, 2019

# FIXED /Lands balance Expotential number

# FIXED /Lands claim does not accept decimals in chunk claim costs
# IMPROVED Decimal formatting in messages
Expotential number will now get formatted.
# IMPROVED Decimal formatting in GUI menus
# FIXED Upkeep cost does not accept decimals
----------, Sep 3, 2019

# FIXED /Lands claim does not accept decimals in chunk claim costs
# IMPROVED Decimal formatting in messages
Expotential number will now get formatted.
# IMPROVED Decimal formatting in GUI menus
# FIXED Upkeep cost does not accept decimals
----------, Sep 3, 2019

# FIXED Land auto creation adds the land to player, if fails
# IMPROVED Land chunk saving
# IMPROVED Thread handling
# FIXED Wrong player-name at /Lands trust
# IMPROVED Language file handler
# IMPROVED /Lands wild
----------, Sep 2, 2019

+ ADDED Setting interact_villagers
With this setting you can allow / deny villager trade in your land claims

# FIXED /Lands menu here permission issue
# FIXED /Lands create does not apply default settings to the first chunk
# FIXED Some spelling mistakes in default english language file
----------, Aug 31, 2019

# FIXED Max chunk claims integer overflow
# FIXED Tamed parrots spawning issue
----------, Aug 27, 2019

# IMPROVED Monster spawning setting
# FIXED Some minor bugs
----------, Aug 26, 2019

+ ADDED Monster remove on chunk load
Suggested by @TutMeistensNix
----------, Aug 25, 2019

# FIXED Physical interaction prevention setting
# IMPROVED Data load performance
----------, Aug 25, 2019

# FIXED Wild cooldown and wait time
# FIXED /Lands rename cost
----------, Aug 24, 2019

+ ADDED Command to give your players x amount of chunks through command
/Lands admin give chunk <player> [amount]

+ ADDED /Lands wild <player> command
For console too.

# IMPROVED World loading
----------, Aug 24, 2019

# FIXED Max members message not sending

+ ADDED WorldEdit integration
Allow / Disallow players to use worldedit in wilderness or
lands, in which they're not trusted.

Wilderness bypass: lands.bypass.wilderness.worldedit
Land bypass: lands.bypass.worldedit

+ ADDED Sounds to fly setting

# IMPROVED Prevent wilderness fly
# CHANGED /Lands create will now claim a chunk at the current position
# FIXED /Lands claim with selection force-near issue
# FIXED API chunk issue
# IMPROVED API performance
----------, Aug 23, 2019

+ ADDED WorldEdit integration
Allow / Disallow players to use worldedit in wilderness or
lands, in which they're not trusted.

Wilderness bypass: lands.bypass.wilderness.worldedit
Land bypass: lands.bypass.worldedit

+ ADDED Sounds to fly setting

# CHANGED Data load on startup is now asynchronus too (General load is already fully asynchronus)
If you experience any issues with that, just let me know :)

# IMPROVED Prevent wilderness fly
# CHANGED /Lands create will now claim a chunk at the current position
# FIXED /Lands claim with selection force-near issue
# FIXED API chunk issue
# IMPROVED API performance
----------, Aug 23, 2019

The next time there'll be less feature updates. Mostly only bugfixes. Here is why:

This week I'm starting to work on the in-game design for the wars addition. This will need most of my attention. The goal is to enjoy a war system in Lands without loosing land all the time and getting frustrated. It would be really useful to hear some opinions from you. So it would be nice, if would you share your opinion how Lands wars should be. :) You can do that in our Discord in the #wars channel. Feel free to join:
Spoiler: Of course you'll be able to disable wars for your server. Peace out. ;)

+ ADDED Ability to execute /Lands top from other worlds
+ ADDED Option backup-world for /Lands top

# IMPROVED Command aliases
----------, Aug 21, 2019

Version (previous version) permission changes:

# FIXED Lands Chat Error
# IMPROVED Anti Fly in wilderness
----------, Aug 20, 2019

This update changes many bypass permission names. Please review the changes here:

+ ADDED Setting disallow-wilderness_list
# Should players be able to build in a wilderness?
# NOTE: World names are CASE-SENSITIVE
# This setting requires server reload.

+ ADDED Ability to interact with NPCs in claimed lands
+ ADDED Messages for door, container, mechanism interactions
+ ADDED Ability to add disallow-wilderness worlds, which are no claim worlds
+ ADDED Upkeep disabled message to taxes menu.

# CHANGED Some permissions. Please review changes here:
# IMPROVED Permissions utilities
# FIXED Claimblock placement even, if users has not enough money
# FIXED Page calculation in list menus
# FIXED /Lands wild error
----------, Aug 19, 2019

+ ADDED The ability to display every placeholderAPI placeholder for your current location.
Just append _here to the placeholder. For example: lands_land_name_here

+ ADDED Next upkeep and tax to tax item in taxes menu.
This will make it easier for your land owners to calculate their
upcoming costs and incomes.

+ ADDED PlaceholderAPI placeholder: next_tax

+ ADDED PlaceholderAPI placeholder: next_upkeep

# FIXED Some placeholders in the GUIs
# IMPROVED Default settings
# REMOVED Tax total setting
----------, Aug 17, 2019

+ ADDED Max radius value for /Lands wild: max-radius
This is useful, if you want to prevent players teleporting behind your worldborder.
However, Lands already only teleports to generated chunks. Therefore, you may not need this feature.

+ ADDED Top lands holograms
You'll need to install this plugin:

+ ADDED Options for holograms under: hologram in config

+ ADDED Command /Lands admin hologram

+ ADDED Command /Lands admin hologram create

+ ADDED Command /Lands admin hologram list

+ ADDED Command /Lands admin hologram delete <iD>

# IMPROVED Commands at /Lands admin
# IMPROVED /Lands admin import

----------, Aug 16, 2019

# FIXED /Lands selection is possible in WorldGuard regions
# FIXED /Land claim was able to claim in WorldGuard region
# FIXED force-near setting not working for /Lands selection
# IMPROVED Towny claim import
----------, Aug 15, 2019

If you had issues with lands disappearing out of other players /Lands menu, then this update solves this for you. :)
Please note that two versions ago some config settings got renamed. So you will need to configure some of them again. Thank you!

# FIXED /Lands selection not deactivating
# IMPROVED Selection visualization speed

+ ADDED Selection visualization (/Lands selection)
+ ADDED Option to add more rows to visualization particles: rows

# FIXED /Lands claim auto not working
# FIXED Some worldmanagers behaviour caused lands not loading correctly for players
(the lands were acutally still there, but not in /Lands menu)
----------, Aug 14, 2019

If you had issues with lands disappearing out of other players /Lands menu, then this update solves this for you. :)
Please note that two versions ago some config settings got renamed. So you will need to configure some of them again. Thank you!

+ ADDED Selection visualization (/Lands selection)
+ ADDED Option to add more rows to visualization particles: rows

# FIXED /Lands claim auto not working
# FIXED Some worldmanagers behaviour caused lands not loading correctly for players
(the lands were acutally still there, but not in /Lands menu)
----------, Aug 14, 2019

If you're NOT updating from, please read the previous changelog. Thanks!

# FIXED Lands enable
# FIXED Breeding
# FIXED Land settings item not displaying

+ IMPROVED English language files a lot
Fixed all woopsies and spelling mistakes.
Also improved the general appearing. I highly recommend deleting your current language file, if you're using en-US and you didn't apply some special stuff for your server.

Big thanks to @Verum for improving the English files a lot! :D

+ ADDED Prefix option to language file
Prefix will only be added to normal chat messages not titles or actionbars.

+ ADDED Message for chunk teleportation through GUI

+ ADDED Super duper fast head placement for the leaderboards ^_^

# IMPROVED Chunk handling

----------, Aug 13, 2019

If you're NOT updating from, please read the previous changelog. Thanks!

+ IMPROVED English language files a lot
Fixed all woopsies and spelling mistakes.
Also improved the general appearing. I highly recommend deleting your current language file, if you're using en-US and you didn't apply some special stuff for your server.

Big thanks to @Verum for improving the English files a lot! :D

+ ADDED Prefix option to language file
Prefix will only be added to normal chat messages not titles or actionbars.

+ ADDED Message for chunk teleportation through GUI

+ ADDED Super duper fast head placement for the leaderboards ^_^

# IMPROVED Chunk handling

----------, Aug 13, 2019

This update makes it easier for you to understand all configuration settings.
There are many changes in the configuration. This update will reset most of your settings. Please check your config.yml after installing this update. After you have made all the settings, restart the server. If you enounter any issues with settings that aren't working correctly, please send me a private message or Discord.

# IMPROVED Completely reworked config comments
# REMOVED Some outdated config settings
# CHANGED Config structure
# FIXED /Lands wild
# FIXED Banks not working with item economy
----------, Aug 12, 2019

If you're using spigot / paper 1.14.4: Please install the latest SPIGOT build. Previous 1.14.4 versions have a weird bug included which can cause problems.

+ ADDED land_chunks_max placeholder to display max claims for a land (PlaceholderAPI)
+ ADDED Russian translation by Envel
+ ADDED Option to auto re-size the length of lore lines in the menus: max-lore-length (Disabled by default: 0)

# FIXED Missing permission in plugin.yml
# FIXED invite-owner setting for no invite trust
----------, Aug 10, 2019

If you're using spigot / paper 1.14.4: Please install the latest SPIGOT build. Previous 1.14.4 versions have a weird bug included which can cause problems.

+ ADDED Particle lines to simple visualizations (for example /Lands claim)

# FIXED Placeholder {land} not working at /Lands delete
----------, Aug 9, 2019

+ ADDED Tab complete argument to /Lands trust: here

+ ADDED Tab complete argument to /Lands untrust: here

+ ADDED Tab complete argument to /Lands setrole: here

+ ADDED Tab complete arguments to /Lands menu: here, main

+ ADDED /Lands menu main command
Opens directly the main menu

+ ADDED Prevent MythicMobs to spawn monsters where monster
spawn is disabled

# FIXED /Lands claim (selection) incorrect
cost calculation
----------, Aug 8, 2019

# FIXED Null error at /Lands wild
# FIXED Item Frame protection: explosions
# FIXED Armor stand protection: explosions

+ ADDED Teleportation wait time for chunk teleport via GUI: wait_

+ ADDED Teleportation wait time for chunk teleport via /Lands teleport: wait_2

+ ADDED Teleportation wait time for /Lands spawn: wait

+ ADDED Teleportation wait time for /Lands wild: wait_3

# IMPROVED /Lands wild performance
Now wild will only teleport to already existing chunks. This improves performance and speed a lot.
Also checks are way more lightweight now.

# IMPROVED /Lands wild speed
Its a lot faster now. o_O
----------, Aug 7, 2019

+ ADDED Teleportation wait time for chunk teleport via GUI: wait_

+ ADDED Teleportation wait time for chunk teleport via /Lands teleport: wait_2

+ ADDED Teleportation wait time for /Lands spawn: wait

+ ADDED Teleportation wait time for /Lands wild: wait_3

# IMPROVED /Lands wild performance
Now wild will only teleport to already existing chunks. This improves performance and speed a lot.
Also checks are way more lightweight now.

# IMPROVED /Lands wild speed
Its a lot faster now. o_O
----------, Aug 7, 2019

+ ADDED Player skinds to heads in GUIs
Trusted players will now appear with a skin.
All of this WITHOUT any lag.

+ ADDED Support to set every item in GUI as a player head
Just visit
and pick your favorite head. The copy the value:
and past it in to material:

+ ADDED Support to delete every item in GUI visually
Just add enabled: false to the item configuration

# IMPROVED Name and skin updater

# FIXED /Lands top
----------, Aug 6, 2019

If you have any issues with Lands, please contact me through a private message or Discord. I'm would be happy to help you!
I put a lot of time into the development. If you're enjoying Lands, I would be super happy If you would leave a review. Thank you :)

+ ADDED Upkeep setting
With this setting you can set how much $$ money the lands
should pay for each chunk every x interval (Timeunit: seconds)
(Disabled by Default)

+ ADDED chunk-delete settings
Decide wheter the last claimed chunk should get deleted, if the land cant pay the upkeep cost,
or not.

+ ADDED interval_2 setting
Set upkeep interval
----------, Aug 5, 2019

+ ADDED /Lands wild <player> command

+ ADDED If you do a yml format mistake in a language file, it will not reset

# FIXED Slimes are still spawning even if monsters are disabled
----------, Aug 3, 2019

+ ADDED /Lands selection support to /Lands trust
+ ADDED /Lands selection support to /Lands untrust
+ ADDED /Lands selection support to /Lands setrole
+ ADDED /Lands selection support to /Lands unclaim
+ ADDED /Lands selection support to /Lands leave
Now you can organize your claim more easily with /Lands selection

+ Chunk teleport will now teleport to the center of the chunk

# FIXED Rare entity damage error
----------, Aug 2, 2019

# IMPROVED Performance and speed of /Lands wild
# FIXED Null at /Lands wild
----------, Jul 31, 2019

# FIXED /Lands claim saying that you cant claim any more chunks
even if you have permission. Only happend if chunks-addition enabled

+ ADDED Info to monster and animal spawn setting, that spawners still work

+ ADDED Detailed max-chunk message for /Lands claim

# FIXED Land max claim size for offline owner
# IMPROVED Land chunk load
# FIXED Some rare loading issues
# FIXED /Lands selection issue
----------, Jul 30, 2019

+ ADDED Info to monster and animal spawn setting, that spawners still work

+ ADDED Detailed max-chunk message for /Lands claim

# FIXED Land max claim size for offline owner
# IMPROVED Land chunk load
# FIXED Some rare loading issues
# FIXED /Lands selection issue
----------, Jul 30, 2019

It's highly recommended to install this version, if you're using or higher.
This version contains a important bugfix (on the other side this issue didn't affect everyone).

If you had issues with lands disappearing, please follow these steps to get your lands back (If you did not have this issue, you dont need to do this. But you should install this update anyway now):

1: Stop your server (important)
2: Copy your current /plugins/Lands/Data folder to some other place, just for backup.
3: Delete your current /plugins/Lands/Data folder
4: Paste the automatically created backup, which Lands created on updating to version OR higher into your /plugins/Lands/Data folder.
You can find the Backups in /plugins/Lands/Backups.

In my example I had version installed before I updated to

So I would need to paste this backup. You just need to paste the backup before the first one with the VERSION_3.9.0.0 in his name.

5: Start your server
You're done. If you encounter any issues, please send me a private message or Discord.

+ ADDED Message at /Lands claim if world is incorrect

+ ADDED Support to deactivate messages by setting them to ''

# FIXED /Lands rename doesn't allow "_"
----------, Jul 27, 2019

# IMPROVED Issue handling for config manger

# FIXED Config misconfiguration could prevent plugin start
----------, Jul 26, 2019

+ ADDED /Lands chat toggle
Toggle lands chat and send messages automatically in land chat

+ ADDED /Lands chat toggle
will stay persistent until you do /Lands chat toggle again

+ ADDED /Lands chat will use /Lands edit <land>

# FIXED /Lands deposit no Land issue
----------, Jul 26, 2019

# FIXED Some very very rare issue where Lands stopped working

+ ADDED Ability to use "_" in land names
+ ADDED Ability to use numbers in land names

# FIXED Players aren't getting trusted correctly to the whole land
# FIXDED "}" not getting replaced at /Lands claim
# FIXED Player join error
----------, Jul 26, 2019

This version contains major changes in database structure. Please don't use at live server yet. There are no known issues, however we want to make sure that everything is working fine for everyone. IF YOU ENOUNTER ANY ISSUES, SENT ME A PRIVATE MESSAGE OR DISCORD. Thank you :)

+ ADDED Ability to use "_" in land names
+ ADDED Ability to use numbers in land names

# FIXED Players aren't getting trusted correctly to the whole land
# FIXDED "}" not getting replaced at /Lands claim
# FIXED Player join error
----------, Jul 24, 2019

# FIXED Players aren't getting trusted correctly to the whole land
----------, Jul 24, 2019

# FIXED Player Chat event with Citizens
# FIXED Various settings not working
----------, Jul 23, 2019

If you have any issues or questions with Lands, please send me a private message or join our Discord server. We would be happy to help you. :)

+ ADDED Claimblock option to prevent that your block is used by other players: only-owner

+ ADDED {owner} placeholder to claimblock item

# IMPROVED Claimblocks
# IMPROVED /Lands view
# FIXED Claimblocks not working
# FIXED Lands deleting invactive players error
# FIXED Wrong message at /Lands admin land <land> delete
# FIXED Missing message at /Lands withdraw
----------, Jul 22, 2019

# FIXED Player names not showing up correctly
----------, Jul 20, 2019

+ Added item which will display if you try to
untrust a owner in the GUI

+ ADDED Permission
With this permission you define with how many chunks
a player can support other lands, if hes trusted there.

# FIXED /Unclaim cashback not working with one chunk

# FIXED /Unclaim cashback not calculated correctly
----------, Jul 20, 2019

# IMPROVED /lands info
# FIXED /Lands menu <Player>

+ ADDED New placeholders to role menu
+ ADDED Option to count trust players lands.chunks.NUMBER
permission to the land they're trusted in.
So if a land has more members, it can claim more chunks.

+ ADDED New item to /Lands player
Now you can see how many chunks a player
can claim.

+ ADDED {land} placeholder to some
noaccess messages

# FIXED Player not found issue
# FIXED Data saving issues
# FIXED Data loading issue
# FIXED Player not displayed as online in land
# FIXED Max members permission
# FIXED Error on player join
# FIXED Chunks permission
# FIXED /Lands player
# FIXED Error with Citizens plugin
# FIXED Visualization doesn't work sometimes
# IMPROVED Player name cache
# IMPROVED Data loading speed
# IMPROVED Data saving speed
# IMPROVED Low CPU usage
# IMPROVED Block explosion protection




----------, Jul 19, 2019

+ ADDED New placeholders to role menu
+ ADDED Option to count trust players lands.chunks.NUMBER
permission to the land they're trusted in.
So if a land has more members, it can claim more chunks.

+ ADDED New item to /Lands player
Now you can see how many chunks a player
can claim.

+ ADDED {land} placeholder to some
noaccess messages

# FIXED Player not found issue
# FIXED Data saving issues
# FIXED Data loading issue
# FIXED Player not displayed as online in land
# FIXED Max members permission
# FIXED Error on player join
# FIXED Chunks permission
# FIXED /Lands player
# FIXED Error with Citizens plugin
# FIXED Visualization doesn't work sometimes
# IMPROVED Player name cache
# IMPROVED Data loading speed
# IMPROVED Data saving speed
# IMPROVED Low CPU usage
# IMPROVED Block explosion protection




----------, Jul 19, 2019

This update contains a lot changes, additions, improvements and bugfixes. It's fully tested however there could be some bugs or database issues in this version, which I'm not aware of. So this version is only for testing purposes. Please send me any issues throgh PRIVATE MESSAGE or DISCORD. Thank you!

You won't be able to downgrade to a older version, if you install this version.

A official version will be released when the version is in stable state.
Please also note that this version may break the functionality of other plugins to integrate into Lands. The plugins authors will need to update to the new API.

+ ADDED New placeholders to role menu
+ ADDED Option to count trust players lands.chunks.NUMBER
permission to the land they're trusted in.
So if a land has more members, it can claim more chunks.

+ ADDED New item to /Lands player
Now you can see how many chunks a player
can claim.

+ ADDED {land} placeholder to some
noaccess messages

# FIXED Player not found issue
# FIXED Data saving issues
# FIXED Data loading issue
# FIXED Player not displayed as online in land
# FIXED Max members permission
# FIXED Error on player join
# FIXED Chunks permission
# FIXED /Lands player
# FIXED Error with Citizens plugin
# FIXED Visualization doesn't work sometimes
# IMPROVED Player name cache
# IMPROVED Data loading speed
# IMPROVED Data saving speed
# IMPROVED Low CPU usage
# IMPROVED Block explosion protection




----------, Jul 18, 2019

This update contains a lot changes, additions, improvements and bugfixes. It's fully tested however there could be some bugs or database issues in this version, which I'm not aware of. So this version is only for testing purposes. Please send me any issues throgh PRIVATE MESSAGE or DISCORD. Thank you!

You won't be able to downgrade to a older version, if you install this version.

A official version will be released when the version is in stable state.
Please also note that this version may break the functionality of other plugins to integrate into Lands. The plugins authors will need to update to the new API.

+ ADDED New placeholders to role menu
+ ADDED Option to count trust players lands.chunks.NUMBER
permission to the land they're trusted in.
So if a land has more members, it can claim more chunks.

+ ADDED New item to /Lands player
Now you can see how many chunks a player
can claim.

+ ADDED {land} placeholder to some
noaccess messages

# FIXED Player not found issue
# FIXED Data saving issues
# FIXED Data loading issue
# FIXED Player not displayed as online in land
# FIXED Max members permission
# FIXED Error on player join
# FIXED Chunks permission
# FIXED /Lands player
# FIXED Error with Citizens plugin
# FIXED Visualization doesn't work sometimes
# IMPROVED Player name cache
# IMPROVED Data loading speed
# IMPROVED Data saving speed
# IMPROVED Low CPU usage
# IMPROVED Block explosion protection




----------, Jul 18, 2019

This update contains a lot changes, additions, improvements and bugfixes. It's fully tested however there could be some bugs or database issues in this version, which I'm not aware of. So this version is only for testing purposes. Please send me any issues throgh PRIVATE MESSAGE or DISCORD. Thank you!

You won't be able to downgrade to a older version, if you install this version.

A official version will be released when the version is in stable state.
Please also note that this version may break the functionality of other plugins to integrate into Lands. The plugins authors will need to update to the new API.

+ ADDED New placeholders to role menu
+ ADDED Option to count trust players lands.chunks.NUMBER
permission to the land they're trusted in.
So if a land has more members, it can claim more chunks.

+ ADDED New item to /Lands player
Now you can see how many chunks a player
can claim.

+ ADDED {land} placeholder to some
noaccess messages

# FIXED Player not found issue
# FIXED Data saving issues
# FIXED Data loading issue
# FIXED Player not displayed as online in land
# FIXED Max members permission
# FIXED Chunks permission
# FIXED /Lands player
# FIXED Error with Citizens plugin
# FIXED Visualization doesn't work sometimes
# IMPROVED Player name cache
# IMPROVED Data loading speed
# IMPROVED Data saving speed
# IMPROVED Low CPU usage
# IMPROVED Block explosion protection




----------, Jul 18, 2019

This update contains a lot changes, additions, improvements and bugfixes. It's fully tested however there could be some bugs or database issues in this version, which I'm not aware of. So this version is only for testing purposes. Please send me any issues throgh PRIVATE MESSAGE or DISCORD. Thank you!

You won't be able to downgrade to a older version, if you install this version.

A official version will be released when the version is in stable state.
Please also note that this version may break the functionality of other plugins to integrate into Lands. The plugins authors will need to update to the new API.

+ ADDED New placeholders to role menu
+ ADDED Option to count trust players lands.chunks.NUMBER
permission to the land they're trusted in.
So if a land has more members, it can claim more chunks.

+ ADDED New item to /Lands player
Now you can see how many chunks a player
can claim.

+ ADDED {land} placeholder to some
noaccess messages

# FIXED Player not found issue
# FIXED Data saving issues
# FIXED Data loading issue
# FIXED Player not displayed as online in land
# FIXED Max members permission
# FIXED Chunks permission
# FIXED /Lands player
# FIXED Visualization doesn't work sometimes
# IMPROVED Player name cache
# IMPROVED Data loading speed
# IMPROVED Data saving speed
# IMPROVED Low CPU usage
# IMPROVED Block explosion protection
# IMPROVED /Lands map design
I'll remove the teleport on /Lands map soon.




----------, Jul 17, 2019

+ ADDED Persmission for playtime rewards: lands.chunks.max.NUMBER
Set max chunks a player can get through playtime rewards

+ ADDED Permission for playtime rewards: lands.lands.max.NUMBER
Set max lands a player can get through playtime rewards

+ ADDED Permission for playtime rewards: lands.ownlands.max.NUMBER
Set max lands a player can own through playtime rewards

+ ADDED Option to give land members by time:

+ ADDED Permission for playtime rewards: lands.members.max.NUMBER
Set max members a player can have in his land

# FIXED Playtime rewards are not calculted correctly

Get more information here:
----------, Jul 15, 2019

# FIXED A very rare database issue
# IMRPOVED Compilation
----------, Jul 14, 2019

# FIXED Admin commands not working correctly
----------, Jul 14, 2019

Please install this version right now and reload / restart your server. A database issue was solved!

# IMPROVED Data saving
This update implements a improvement to save
the a chunk right after it got claimed

So in a rare case that your server won't shutdown correctly
or it crashes, the new claims will still be saved.

Of course this uses more resources, but I noticed that some
users have server crashed for whatever reason (for example if it wont get shutdown through /stop or your host uses invalid stop scripts) and data got lost. Your server does NOT crash because of Lands!

# IMPROVED Land load
Lands will now make sure that no chunk dublicates exist
in /Lands
----------, Jul 13, 2019

Please install this version right now and reload / restart your server. A database issue was solved!
----------, Jul 13, 2019

# FIXED Missing item in setting GUI
----------, Jul 12, 2019

+ ADDED Logger info message if action get's cancelled from 3rd party plugin

+ ADDED PlaceholderAPI option:
If enabled Lands will return the land you're standing on for placeholders.
It's DISABLED by default.

There are many changes in Lands events
Plugin developers, which are using the API, should take a look.

# IMROVED API events
----------, Jul 11, 2019

# FIXED Missing placeholder {role}
# FIXED Land role error
----------, Jul 10, 2019

+ ADDED Fly setting auto bypass, if you're in creative or spectator mode

# FIXED DisallowWilderss Option throwing errors
----------, Jul 9, 2019

+ ADDED That placeholderAPI returns edit land for placeholders
/Lands edit

+ ADDED {cost} placeholder to message: command.spawn.success

# FIXED /Land spawn doesn't charge money
# FIXED Lands doesn't regocnize nicknames of players
----------, Jul 8, 2019

# ADDED {newline} placeholder to default translation
# FIXED Titles not displaying correctly with default translation
# FIXED Missing placeholder {setting}
# FIXED /Lands view no color
----------, Jul 8, 2019

+ ADDED New message system

+ ADDED /Lands reload reloads now tasks and events

# IMPROVED System performance
# IMPROVED Thread handling
# FIXED Some language errors
# FIXED Some missing messages
# FIXED SPELL_MOB and SPELL_MOB_AMBIENT colors not working
----------, Jul 8, 2019

# FIXED Several missing messages
# FIXED Chunk edit settings setting not working
# FIXED Players can untrust themselfes through GUI

and some more.. Forgot to record changelog.
----------, Jul 6, 2019

+ ADDED 4 new settings (edit land settings, role settings, advanced role settings, various land settings)
Now you can allow your players to edit these settings of your land.

# FIXED Missing messages at /Lands setrole
----------, Jul 5, 2019

# FIXED Lands Rename chat action doesn't stop listening for input
# FIXED Land balance not displayed correctly
# FIXED Missing message on /Lands balance, withdraw and deposit
# FIXED Some missing placeholders not getting replaced
----------, Jul 4, 2019

# FIXED Lands title not displaying {title} placeholder correctly
----------, Jul 4, 2019

Please not that permission lands.lands.NUMBER now only affects land joins. NOT land creations. For land creations your players will need lands.ownlands.NUMBER

# FIXED Chunk load error on startup
----------, Jul 4, 2019

+ ADDED View wilderness feature to /lands view

# FIXED Land titles not displaying correctly
----------, Jul 3, 2019

# FIXED Tax item not removing from GUI, if taxes are disabled
# FIXED Land titles not displaying title correctly
----------, Jul 3, 2019

FIXED GUI issue where a setting was on the same slot as the other settings because of GUI configurations

This update basically resets the settings GUI configuration to prevent that.

+ ADDED Various Settings GUI to land

+ ADDED Title message to land enter title
+ ADDED Item in various settings GUI to set title message
+ ADDED Item in various settings GUI to set new land name
+ ADDED Messages to language file

+ ADDED Option to let /Lands spawn cost money
+ ADDED Option to set cooldown to /Lands spawn

# FIXED Dynmap not displaying lands correctly
# IMPROVED Error handling on world load
# FIXED Decimals in land bank balance
# FIXED Members not beeing trusted on new claim
----------, Jul 3, 2019

+ ADDED Various Settings GUI to land

+ ADDED Title message to land enter title
+ ADDED Item in various settings GUI to set title message
+ ADDED Item in various settings GUI to set new land name
+ ADDED Messages to language file

+ ADDED Option to let /Lands spawn cost money
+ ADDED Option to set cooldown to /Lands spawn

# FIXED Dynmap not displaying lands correctly
# IMPROVED Error handling on world load
# FIXED Decimals in land bank balance
# FIXED Members not beeing trusted on new claim


----------, Jul 2, 2019

+ ADDED Option to let /Lands wild random teleport
cost money. Option: randomteleport.options.costs

+ ADDED Message:
+ ADDED Message:

+ ADDED Vietnamnese translation by @anhcraft

# FIXED Spelling mistakes in default english translation
Thanks to @anhcraft

# FIXED Safezone title appearing sometimes, even
if disabled

# IMPROVED Reworked the default land enter title
message. It looks a lot more stylish now

# FIXED Top lands signs by size don't work
----------, Jul 1, 2019

If you like Lands, I would really apprechiate it if you leave a rating. :)
I'm currently working very hard to add as many features as possible.
If you have any problems with the plugin please contact me via private message or Discord. Thank you!

+ ADDED Option to enable lands top sort by land bank balance
or land size: top-lands.calculation-money

+ ADDED Option to place the head of the land behind the sign instead
on top of the sign
Setting: top-lands.sign.head-above

# FIXED Dynmap land border
----------, Jun 29, 2019

If you like Lands, I would really apprechiate it if you leave a rating. :)
I'm currently working very hard to add as many features as possible.
If you have any problems with the plugin please contact me via private message or Discord. Thank you!

+ ADDED Option to give land claims by play time
+ ADDED Option to give lands by play time
+ ADDED Option to ve land creation by play time
You can find the settings under: general.options.time-reward

+ ADDED Option to customize color of land in dynmap
+ ADDED Option to customize color of borders in dynmap
You can find the options under integration.web.dynmap
----------, Jun 29, 2019

I highly recommend deleting your language and GUI file, if you're using the English translation. I made a lot of changes there and it WILL BE confusing for your players, if you don't reset them completely. Also I decided to reset the tax settings, for "security reasons"; that nobody scams players), since the changes in the upcoming updates are needing your players attention.

Please take part at this poll: Would you prefer like the following concept in Lands instead of the current one: If a player joins a land, his lands.chunks.NUMBER permissions will be count to the land. So the land can claim more chunks, if they get more members.

+ ADDED /Lands safezone edit command
This makes it easier to edit safezones

+ ADDED New taxes system
Taxes are now calculated by chunks.
This also applies to players, which are
trusted in the whole land.

chunk1_tax + chunk2_tax = tax

+ ADDED New member system
Permission lands.members.<Number> now counts
for every single trusted player in the whole land.
It's not any longer countable by chunk. It's per land now.

# IMPROVED Changed many messages and GUI strings
to apply them to the new changes
I highly recommend deleting your language files, if you're
using the default english translation.

# FIXED Safezone edit /Lands admin land LAND edit
# FIXED Setting tnt_griefing doesn't work correctly




----------, Jun 27, 2019

+ ADDED Header to language file

# FIXED Safezone title says always leaving
# FIXED Safezone counts as top land
# FIXED Dissallow fly spam message if shift in counter
# FIXED Missing prefix in default language file in fly message
# IMPROVED Made all default material vales to 1.14.x
----------, Jun 26, 2019

+ ADDED Option fly-only-claimworld to allow fly only in lands worlds
Bypass permission:

+ ADDED On world change, if fly-only-claimworld is enabled, fly will be disabled.
Bypass permission:

+ ADDED Borders to Dynmap

+ ADDED Settings to Dynmap: integration.web.dynmap
Border thickness, opactiy
Land opacity

# IMPROVED Made server wait for Lands to finish data saving
This was added to prevent some weird server behavior from some server start, stop scripts

----------, Jun 25, 2019

+ ADDED Support to set placeholder material to AIR
to remove placeholders

+ ADDED Setting to set dynmap land opacity:
+ ADDED Setting to set dynmap border opacity: integration.web.dynmap.opacity.border

# FIXED Setting land.options.landtitles.safezone not working
and safezone title is still showing
# FIXED /Lands safezone claim ignores /Lands selection
# FIXED /Lands setspawn no land message appearing
# FIXED DisallowWilderness active in non Lands worlds
----------, Jun 24, 2019

# FIXED Permission in message

NOTE: The permission to let players fly in wilderness is
----------, Jun 22, 2019

# FIXED Missing messages for fly restriction
----------, Jun 20, 2019

+ ADDED Importer for plugin ClaimChunk
Requested by @NightGamingTV

# IMPROVED Default english configuration
----------, Jun 19, 2019

+ ADDED Permission
This allows players to fly in wilderness

If you want players to be able to fly in wilderness, give them permission.

+ ADDED Message
Default: Title

# FIXED Missing message at /Lands menu here
# FIXED Missing help message for balance, deposit, withdraw
# IMPROVED Default configuration
# FIXED Residence creation on claimed land
# IMPROVED Dynmap map updater
Claimed land should load faster now.
----------, Jun 18, 2019

+ Added new Dynmap map printer
+ Removed lines between chunks in Dynmap

+ Added Dynmap synchronization
This will update all dynmap markers with the values of
the chunks. Things like land name, admins, owner, members
will be synchronized. There's more to come in future.

# IMPROVED Dynmap integration performance
# FIXED invite owner in GUI
# REMOVED decrapted methods
# OPTIMIZED imports
# FIXED /Lands rename causing issues

----------, Jun 17, 2019

[#] Fixed data load issue, if you have the same world twice
in claim world list
----------, Jun 15, 2019

[#] Fixed data load issue on

[#] Fixed cashback
----------, Jun 15, 2019

[#] Fixed {members} placeholder at /lands accept
[#] Fixed setting land.options.invites.invite-owner
not working correctly
----------, Jun 15, 2019

[#] Fixed data load issue

Since the last few days there're many Bugfixes regarding loading issues.
This is because I recently made big and very important changes and improvements to the database. Sorry for that many notifications.
----------, Jun 14, 2019 Land Delete Hotfix
[#] Fixed land delete error
This error caused no issues for Lands, but
for the Dynmap integration

Aswell I'm currently workin on more features
for the Dynmap integration, which will make it more effective for your server.
----------, Jun 14, 2019 Chunk Load Hotfix
[#] Fixed chunk load issue on startup
----------, Jun 13, 2019 Various Bugfixes
[#] Fixed error on first time run
[#] Fixed player load issue
[#] Fixed setting not disabling via land role GUI
[#] Fixed permission not working
[#] Fixed /Lands create issue
----------, Jun 11, 2019 Fixed Player Data Load
[#] Fixed error on first time run
[#] Fixed player load issue
----------, Jun 11, 2019 Improved Chunk Data Load
[#] Fixed rare chunk data load issue
----------, Jun 11, 2019 Permission Hotfix & Database (prev)
[#] Fixed permissions aren't working in some cases
because of parameter in plugin.yml

[#] Fixed no permission message not displaying in chat

[#] Fixed chunk loading error on startup Improved Database
[#] Improved player data loading
[#] Improved chunk data loading
[#] Fixed chunk loading error and issues
[#] Fixed land player loading issues

[#] Removed outdated packages
----------, Jun 10, 2019 Improved Database
[#] Improved player data loading
[#] Improved chunk data loading
[#] Fixed chunk loading error and issues
[#] Fixed land player loading issues

[#] Removed outdated packages
----------, Jun 10, 2019

I highly recommend installing this version, since it contains some importating bugfixes. Added Land Banks

+ Added Land Banks

Land Banks are acting like your personal economy account
Land members can deposit money into the land bank.
With the balance of the land bank the land will pay actions like /Lands claim
Also taxes are going into the land bank.
For this is no economy plugin needed. I decided to code it my own and not use Vault, since
not all economy plugins are supporting Vault banks.

NOTE: Land banks are disabled by default.
You can enable it in config: taxes.banks

+ Added /Lands deposit command
+ Added /Lands withdraw command
+ Added /Lands balance command
+ Added a bunch of language translation values to lang file

[#] Fixed /Lands edit not working
[#] Fixed Land load issue
[#] Fixed invite isn't removed after /Lands accept
[#] Fixed startup error
----------, Jun 7, 2019 Land Claim Hotfix
[#] Fixed /Lands menu here not opening sometimes
[#] Fixed Land settings not applying on land claim

PS: Currently working on Land bank. Almost finished :)
----------, Jun 6, 2019 Data Loading Optimization

[#] Optimized player data loading and retrieving
from hd

[#] Optimized chunk data loading and retrieving
from hd

[#] Optimized land data loading and retrieving
from hd

[#] Added save() method to API

All these changes were made to provide secure data handling
and preventing loading errors.
----------, Jun 4, 2019

The update is now stable and can be used at productions servers. If you enounter any issues, please let me know via pm or Discord. GriefPrevention Importer
[#] Fixed GriefPrevention Importer
doesn't import players General System Bugfixes
[#] Fixed Land info GUI not opening
in lands GUI
[#] Fixed setting value reset in config
[#] Fixed GriefPrevention import
(/Lands admin import griefprevention)
[#] Fixed /Lands create invite owners issue Database Design Reworked

+ Redesigned the Json database
Some users reported to have problems with errors on loading lands chunk data.
This should be fixed now. It might occur with old data, but new data should not
have this issue.

+ Added fly flag
Now you can allow / disallow roles to fly in your land
Bypass is:

+ Added messages:*

+ Improved database performance

+ Improved object handling

+ Improved lands chunk data load speed

+ Improved lands chunk data unload and safe speed

+ Improved lands world data load speed
----------, Jun 4, 2019

The update is now stable and can be used at productions servers. If you enounter any issues, please let me know via pm or Discord. General System Bugfixes
[#] Fixed Land info GUI not opening
in lands GUI
[#] Fixed setting value reset in config
[#] Fixed GriefPrevention import
(/Lands admin import griefprevention)
[#] Fixed /Lands create invite owners issue Database Design Reworked

+ Redesigned the Json database
Some users reported to have problems with errors on loading lands chunk data.
This should be fixed now. It might occur with old data, but new data should not
have this issue.

+ Added fly flag
Now you can allow / disallow roles to fly in your land
Bypass is:

+ Added messages:*

+ Improved database performance

+ Improved object handling

+ Improved lands chunk data load speed

+ Improved lands chunk data unload and safe speed

+ Improved lands world data load speed
----------, Jun 3, 2019

Do NOT install this version on a production server!
I advise you to wait some days until this version got some more testing. General Bugfixes

[#] Fixed permission check error
[#] Fixed /Lands info
not opening and throwing error
[#] Fixed /Lands wild issues
[#] Fixed /Lands trust issues
[#] Fixed /Lands untrust issues

Thanks to everyone who reported these issues. :)
----------, Jun 3, 2019

Do NOT install this version on a production server!
I advise you to wait some days until this version got some more testing. Database Design Reworked

+ Redesigned the Json database
Some users reported to have problems with errors on loading lands chunk data.
This should be fixed now. It might occur with old data, but new data should not
have this issue.

+ Added fly flag
Now you can allow / disallow roles to fly in your land
Bypass is:

+ Added messages:*

+ Improved database performance

+ Improved object handling

+ Improved lands chunk data load speed

+ Improved lands chunk data unload and safe speed

+ Improved lands world data load speed
----------, Jun 1, 2019 Disable Invites and /Lands edit Improvements

+ Now you can execute /Lands edit without any land name
and it will take the land you're currently standing on

+ Added option lands.options.invites.enabled
With this option you can disable invites.
You will be able to trust players directly via /Lands trust

+ Added that if invites are disabled Lands
will automatically remove the back button in the lands menu
and also all invites items.

Next update will include a option to
only allow users to fly in their lands. :)
Suggested by @bumbble
----------, May 25, 2019 Fixed /Lands claim
+ /Lands safezone delete
will not delete complete safezone claims

To delete specific chunk do /Lands safezone delete here.
Also you can delete selection. /Lands selection

[#] Fixed /Lands claim returning that you
have no land, if editlocland is enabled in config.
Now you will set the land for which you want to claim
via /Lands edit. Also with this setting.
Otherwise Lands will choose a random land of yours.

[#] Fixed land enter titles stopped working with
safezone enabled

[#] Fixed /Lands safezone delete
----------, May 21, 2019 Bugfixes and Improvements
[#] Fixed /lands claim (selection)
not working correctly

[#] Fixed Dynmap integration

[#] Fixed GUI actions don't complete

[#] Changed cooldowns for new players
are not set at first time usage

[#] Fixed spelling mistake in default GUI
language file

[#] Fixed not applying to
/Lands create success message
----------, May 17, 2019 Language Hotfix
[#] Fixed wrong color in default language file
at map strings. (/Land map)
----------, May 16, 2019 Optimized Shutdown
[#] Optimized shutdown handling
(when server stops)
----------, May 15, 2019 Fixed LandChunkClaimEvent
[#] Fixed Error at /lands claim because of LandChunkClaimEvent
couldn't be triggered correctly.
----------, May 13, 2019 Removed Debug
[#] Removed Debug messages

If you have any issues with claims
which don't load, please let me know.
I added a new chunk loader and want to make
sure that everything is working fine.
----------, May 12, 2019 Fixed /Lands Map & New Visualization
+ Added new visualizer to /lands view
Now you can view your whole land and
other peoples land

+ Added configurations for visualization
under visualization in config

+ Added color support to particles
for visualization

[#] Fixed rare issue that ChunkLoader
stops and won't load claimed land anymore
----------, May 11, 2019 New Visualization
+ Added new visualizer to /lands view
Now you can view your whole land and
other peoples land

+ Added configurations for visualization
under visualization in config

+ Added color support to particles
for visualization

+ Added options to edit action visualizations
For example at /Lands claim
and the chunk is already claimed.

You can find the visualization options under visualization in config.yml.

[#] Fixed rare issue that ChunkLoader
stops and won't load claimed land anymore
----------, May 11, 2019 Command Hotfix

[#] Fixed /Land claim
somestimes not responding

[#] Improved execute speed of
----------, May 10, 2019 Chunk Loader & Saver
[#] Improved Chunk loader and unloader
security and error handling
----------, May 9, 2019 Lands and API Improvements
+ Made LandChunkClaimEvent calling before actual claim
to make developers able to cancel a claim

+ Added new ChunkLoader
This should be a lot faster now and
more secure

[#] Fixed GriefPrevention importer
[#] Fixed land-settings won't synchronize to the whole land
[#] Fixed /land claim issue in 1.14
[#] Fixed /land map help message not displaying correctly
in /lands map
[#] Fixed untrusted players can leash animals and monsters
[#] Optimized Lands actions performance
----------, May 8, 2019

[#] Improved system handling

Do you have any suggestions for the new /land view visualization for the whole land? Let me know in Discord. Thanks :)
----------, May 7, 2019 Hotfix
[#] Fixed Errors

I highly recommend everyone installing this update.
Thank you for your understanding. :)
----------, May 6, 2019 Added Hungarian and Italian
+ Added Italian translation by MiniMoro

+ Added Hungarian translation by gbalint
----------, May 6, 2019 Player Name Fix
Fixed player isn't online error on actions like /Lands trust
----------, May 2, 2019 Player Name Fix
Fixed player isn't online error on actions like /Lands trust
----------, May 2, 2019 Land Top - GUI Settings
+ Added options to disable / enable certain settings GUIs
role: land.options.role.displayInGUI
land: chunk.options.displayGUI
taxes: land.taxes.displayGUI

+ /Lands reload will not reload everything

+ Added option: general.options.editlocland
If enabled, /Lands edit will be disabled
and you will edit the land you're currently standing on.

[#] Improved Land top calculation
[#] Fixed lands not appearing in Land top
----------, May 1, 2019 Chunk Teleport Hotfix
[#] Fixed chunk teleport cost not working correctly
----------, May 1, 2019 Added 1.14 Support
+ Added spigot 1.14 support

If you encounter any issues, just let me know via Discord or Pm. Thank you :)
----------, Apr 30, 2019 Bugfixes
[#] Fixed missing placeholder at /lands leave
[#] Fixed "., etc." was possible in land name
[#] Improved setting chunkDistance to other land for diagonal checking

Currently working on 1.14 support :)
----------, Apr 29, 2019 Added Chunk Teleportation Options

+ Added cost (money) option

+ Added cooldown option to chunk teleport
+ Added bypass: lands.bypass.cooldown.teleport

+ Added options: chunk.options.teleport.*
----------, Apr 25, 2019 Dynmap
[#] Fixed Error in Dynmap Integration

Happend when Dynmap couldn't set a new marker.

If you have any suggestions for the upcoming land visualization, please let me know. Thank you! :)
----------, Apr 17, 2019 Lands Map Bugfixes
[#] Fixed /Lands map error
[#] Fixed land names with "."
----------, Apr 15, 2019 Added /Lands Map Command
+ Added /Lands map command
With this command you can display a
map of the surrounded chunks

+ Added* to translation
+ Added* to translation
+ Added option to change the radius of the map.
----------, Apr 13, 2019 Safezone Load Fix
[#] Fixed safezone rename messages
aren't displaying correctly

[#] Fixed a bug where Lands deletes your
----------, Apr 11, 2019 Residence Data Import
+ Added Residence Importer

+ Added support to import claimed residences

+ Added support to import trusted players of
residences and trust them in the new land
----------, Apr 5, 2019 Residence Integration
+ Added Residence Integration

+ Added option to prevent players from
claiming in residence regions

+ Added option to disable this

You can find the options in the integrations section.
Suggested by @GozdniJouza

----------, Apr 5, 2019 Added Water Flow Flag
+ Added water flow flag
Players can now decide to allow
water flow from wilderness

Default: false

+ Added messages to the GUI file
regarding to this setting
----------, Apr 3, 2019 Fixed GriefPrevention Import
[#] Fixed GriefPrevention Importer can't import
admin claims

[#] Changed /Lands about command permission
to lands.admin.command.about

[#] Same for /Lands debug
----------, Apr 2, 2019 Fixed Protection Bug
[#] Fixed bug that untrusted
players can place item frames

Please post suggestions for the new war feature in the Discord.
Thanks :)
----------, Apr 1, 2019 Improved Chunk Teleportation
+ Improved Chunk teleportation
via GUI or command /Lands teleport

+ Lands will now calculate an safe spot to teleport
----------, Mar 23, 2019 Added Safezone Rename Support
+ Now you can rename safezones

+ Added /Lands safezone rename command

+ Added nether and end support for /Lands wild

[#] Improved wild handler
----------, Mar 22, 2019 Fixed Fishfarms not working
[#] Fixed Fishfarms aren't working anymore
----------, Mar 20, 2019 Fixed Land Rename Issues
[#] Fixed land rename doesn't erease the old name
[#] Fixed land rename doesn't update the new name
----------, Mar 19, 2019 Improved Entity Interaction
+ Entities will now be checked for passengers (players)
If so, it will act as an player.

[#] Fixed animals can't activate pressure plates
----------, Mar 18, 2019 Added Player Info GUI
+ Added player info GUI

+ Added command /Lands player
With this command you can open the player info GUI

+ Added help message: /Lands player
----------, Mar 16, 2019 Disallow Wilderness Bugfixes
+ Added missing message to
/Lands untrust PLAYER here

[#] Fixed player can trample crops, if
disallowWilderness is enabled.

[#] Fixed player names are lower case
----------, Mar 15, 2019 Fixed Color Formatting
[#] Fixed colors not working for admin
----------, Mar 11, 2019 Interaction Hotfixes
+ Added French translation by @Kittle

[#] Fixed untrusted players can trample crops
[#] Fixed interact mechanism setting not working
for pressure plates
[#] Improved /lands wild for nether and end usage
----------, Mar 8, 2019 Dynmap Integration Improvements
[#] Fixed Dynmap shows Admins as Members
[#] Fixed names are displayed lowercase
[#] Fixed space between chunks in Dynmap
----------, Mar 4, 2019 Improvements and Hotfixes
+ Added info message to top lands signs

[#] Changed display mode of next tax time
It should be a lot more usable now

[#] Fixed next tax wrong time
[#] Fixed an error on startup
[#] Fixed top land signs not working
----------, Mar 2, 2019 Command and Load Improvements
[#] You now can get players in commands
without case sensitivity
[#] Improved some command handling
[#] Changed way how Lands loads data on startup
Should improve compatibility
[#] Fixed chunk regeneration throwing doesn't work
----------, Mar 1, 2019 GUI Actions Improvements
[#] Improved some GUI's performance
[#] Optimized cache usage
[#] Optimized GUI handling
[#] The cursor won't reset anymore to the middle of the screen
----------, Feb 27, 2019 Taxes Improvements
+ Added maxValue tax setting for the land:

+ Added maxValue tax setting for chunks:

+ Added cooldown until for increasing tax value
This aims to prevent abusing of the tax system


[#] Fixed some missing placeholders in land and chunk taxes GUI
----------, Feb 22, 2019 Fixed potentially Load Issue
This update doesn't add any features. It's an "attempt" to solve an not confirmed issue for some users. Stay tuned :)

[#] Fixed potentially load issue
(not confirmed)
----------, Feb 20, 2019 Improved Data loading on Startup

[#] Improved Data loading on startup
[#] Fixed player delete error
----------, Feb 19, 2019 Fixed Permission Register Issue
[#] Fixed permission register error
----------, Feb 19, 2019 Fixes and Improvements
[#] Fixed potentially file open error

[#] Changed permissions for /Lands admin
to lands.admin.command.<subcommand>

[#] Changed permission for /Lands safezone
to lands.admin.command.safezone

[#] Added permission descriptions for other plugins
to read

Suggested by @PeepjinGamer
----------, Feb 18, 2019 Message Hotfix
[#] Fixed missing message: /Lands untrust
[#] Fixed placeholder at /Lands untrust
----------, Feb 8, 2019 General Improvements
[#] Made some general improvements

I may not be able to respond to messages next week, please contact me on Discord for support. Thanks :)
----------, Feb 8, 2019

This version is only for users, which still want to stay on outdated spigot 1.12 versions. This is an very old build and no support regarding to bugs or feature requests will be given.
Also don't expect that an future update to 1.13 will be working without problems. Probably you'll need to reset everything. So better update now to 1.13. :)
----------, Feb 8, 2019 Fixed InviteOwner Setting

[#] Fixed that, if inviteOwners is set to false, they still
can create an land and be member of an other land.

[#] Fixed players can join land through GUI, but
they don't have permission to join an other land

[#] Fixed invite owners setting in GUI

[#] Fixed land claim setting not working
Reported by @Azerkiller

[#] Fixed land rename setting not working
----------, Feb 7, 2019 Imroved UUID Caching
+ UUID caching will now take the last seen username
or the current one if the player never played on the server
This should fix some problems.

[#] Improved uuid name caching speed
[#] Improved caching uuid name accuracy
----------, Feb 6, 2019

This update fixed an issue with the database. If you're using versions up, install this update. Hotfix - INSTALL THIS VERSION
[#] Fixed database not loading
data sometimes

Sorry for the double post. I needed to set this version as default. If you're already using, you don't need to install this update. Thank you :)
----------, Feb 6, 2019

This version is only for users, which still want to stay on outdated spigot 1.12 versions. This is an very old build and no support regarding to bugs or feature requests will be given.
Also don't expect that an future update to 1.13 will be working without problems. Probably you'll need to reset everything. So better update now to 1.13. :)
----------, Feb 6, 2019

This update fixed an issue with the database. If you're using versions up, then install this update. Hotfix - INSTALL THIS VERSION
[#] Fixed database not loading
data sometimes

Thanks to @Azerkiller, @cloakfox for reporting!
----------, Feb 5, 2019 Fixed Player Data Loading
[#] Fixed player data doesn't load sometimes,
(not confirmed)

+ Added border claim setting to GUI
Now you can allow roles to claim at the border of your
land. This overrides the chunkdistance setting from config.
----------, Feb 5, 2019 Added Border Claim Setting
+ Added border claim setting to GUI
Now you can allow roles to claim at the border of your
land. This overrides the chunkdistance setting from config.

Suggested by @Azerkiller
----------, Feb 5, 2019 Player Loading Hotfix
[#] Fixed player loading problems
[#] Fixed player names showed as Unkown
----------, Feb 5, 2019 Database Cache Hotfix
[#] Fixed error on plugin shutdown

Reported by @LucidusMC, @En_0t_S

Today will also come an update with an new feature suggested. This is just an hotfix.
----------, Feb 5, 2019 Added Option for Command /Land info
+ Lands will no discard Language loading proccess from user file, if isn't right configured.
This prevents file ereasement.

+ Added setting to enable /lands info
to use the land at the current position

----------, Feb 4, 2019 Added Land Info GUI
+ Added Land info GUI
There you can view some information about
an land

You can open this GUI by right clicking on
an land in the Lands GUI or via command
/Lands info

+ Added /Lands info command
Opens an GUI with some information about
an land

Suggested by @Pizza

[#] Fixed some help messages not displaying at /lands help


An player info GUI will follow soon. Stay tuned! :)
----------, Feb 2, 2019 Land Owner Improvements
+ Made /Lands admin import able to execute by console
+ Land setowner will no longer untrust the old owner
It will set him as member instead.

[#] Fixed player name update error 429

PS: Would you like to have an /Land info and /Player info
command? It would show some information about the land or player. Via GUI or chat?
Let me know! :)
----------, Feb 1, 2019 Improved Player Handling Standalone

+ Added LandDeleteEvent to API
Called, if someone deletes his land

+ Added cancel-able support to all events in API

+ Added name update support if purger is disabled

+ Added support to delete world folder player data

[#] Fixed /Lands accept saying that an users
has to many lands but invite targets only an chunk
of an land.
----------, Jan 31, 2019 Land rename Bugfixes
+ Update dynmap description:
description: '<div class=\"infowindow\"><span style="font-size:200%;">{land}</span><br/>X: {x} Z: {z}</span><br/> Owner: <span style="font-weight:bold;">{owner}</span><br/>Admins: <span style="font-weight:bold;">{admins}</span><br/>Members: <span style="font-weight:bold;">{members}</span><br/></div>'

I highly recommend updating this line in your language file.

[#] Fixed missing placeholder at /Lands rename
[#] Fixed missing mesage at /Lands rename
[#] Fixed dynmap doesn't update markers on land rename
----------, Jan 30, 2019 DelaySecond and Placeholder
+ Possibility to set "delaySec:" for land titles to 0

+ Added placeholder: %lands_land_current_name%
Display current land you're standing on or
----------, Jan 28, 2019 Land Spawn Bugfixes
[#] Fixed admin auto complete
[#] Fixed land spawn settings
[#] Fixed edit land value
----------, Jan 26, 2019 Random Teleport Improvements
+ Added support to teleport to negative bounds
via /Lands wild

[#] Fixed /Lands wild does teleport to water sometimes,
even if enabled

[#] Renamed setting preventOcean to preventWater

[#] Fixed Land global settings aren't working

Reported by @cloakfox
----------, Jan 26, 2019 Added Unclaim Command
+ Added /Lands unclaim command
With this command you can unclaim claimed chunks,
which are owned by you.

NOTE: /Lands leave still also works

+ Added messages for command

NOTE: Admins can do /Lands admin land <land> delete
To do this you need to select the chunk first via
/Lands selection.

[#] Fixed default lang explanation for
piston_griefing was wrong. Caused confusion.

Changed to:

name: '&bAllow Piston Griefing'
- '&7Status: {enabled}'
- '&7Unlocked: {unlocked}'
- ' '
- '&7Allow pistons to'
- '&7grief blocks?'
- ' '
- '&8- &7If enabled, players'
- ' &7can grief your land from'
- ' &7wilderness by using'
- ' &7pistons to push blocks.'
material: 'PISTON'
from: 10
to: 18

[#] Fixed cashback values
----------, Jan 25, 2019 Config and Auto claim
+ Added permission
to access the /Lands claim auto command

[#] Removed already translated languages from
config, since this caused confusion.

[#] Improved auto claim feature
(/Lands claim auto)
----------, Jan 23, 2019 Autoclaim Feature
+ Added next chunk claim cost


Info: Get's the cost of the
next claim.

Requested by @Pizza

+ Added auto claim feature

Info: Now you can execute /Lands claim auto
and claim chunks you're walking over automatically

NOTE: This feature may also be added to other
commands after successful feedback.

Suggested by @cloakfox

+ Added setting to set aliases for
/Lands command

NOTE: You can't disable the main command.

[#] Fixed command blacklists can be bypassed
[#] Improved command blacklists

NOTE: This update will reset command blacklists.
----------, Jan 21, 2019 Database Hotfix
[#] Fixed create land issues

Reported by @LucidusMC

[#] Fixed default chunk settings doesn't get applied
to land on creation

Reported by @LucidusMC Performance Improvements
[#] Improved performance
[#] Improved version check
[#] Fixed /Lands about could be abused
----------, Jan 19, 2019 Chunk settings Hotfix
[#] Fixed default chunk settings doesn't get applied
to land on creation

Reported by @LucidusMC Performance Improvements
[#] Improved performance
[#] Improved version check
[#] Fixed /Lands about could be abused
----------, Jan 19, 2019 Performance Improvements
[#] Improved performance
[#] Improved version check
[#] Fixed /Lands about could be abused
----------, Jan 19, 2019 Admin Commands Improvements
+ Made most of the admin commands
executeable from console

+ Added permission placeholders to admin commands

+ Added command: /lands admin land <Land> settings reset
Now you can set all setting of an land to default.

+ Added {page} placeholder to message:

[#] Improved admin commands messages
and explanations

[#] Fixed /Lands admin give <Player> claimblock
isn't working

[#] Fixed claimblock wrong amount

[#] Corrected version check

[#] Fixed /Lands help
pages not displaying all help messages

[#] Improved /Lands help
----------, Jan 18, 2019 Added TNT Griefing Setting
+ Added land setting to allow / deny
TNT block damage in land or chunk
Suggested by @LucidusMC
----------, Jan 16, 2019 Messages Improvements
+ Added land_spawn setting
Now you can allow roles to teleport to the land spawn
This overrides the land public setting

[#] Removed spawn public setting

[#] Improved message system performance

[#] Removed unused messages from translation

[#] Removed spawn other permission
----------, Jan 15, 2019 Spawn Improvements and Bugfixes
+ Added permission to allow teleporting to other
land spawn which are set to public but the player isn't trusted
in: lands.command.spawn.others

+ Added bypass permission to allow to teleport
to every land spawn: lands.bypass.spawn.private

Suggested by @PepijnGamer

[#] Fixed GUI close error
----------, Jan 12, 2019

2.7.5 Land Search and Improvements
+ Now you can search for lands with case sensitive
on commands

+ Added ability to teleport to other players
land spawns via /Lands spawn <Land>
NOTE: The spawn needs to be set to public.
I'll add an way to set the spawn to public via
the GUI in next updates.

+ Added preventOcean setting to randomteleport
settings (Land wild)

[#] Improved performance

[#] Added explanation to date formats

[#] Fixed some minor land purger
task issues

[#] Fixed playerNames doesn't get updated
----------, Jan 11, 2019 Fixed missing placeholder
[#] Fixed missing placeholder {land} at /Lands delete
Reported by @RobinArnhardt

Found any bugs or missing messages? Send them to me via Pm or Discord. I'll fix them immediately. :)
----------, Jan 10, 2019 Added GriefPrevention Data Import
+ Added GriefPrevention Data import
Suggested by @SwegBuster

/Lands admin import GriefPrevention

[#] Fixed WorldGuard import doesn't work
----------, Jan 10, 2019 Settings Hotfix
[#] Fixed new claimed chunks
doesn't apply settings from land
For example entity_griefing

[#] Made some minor improvements I forgot about
----------, Jan 9, 2019 Fixed possible safezone Issues
[#] Fixed errors from safezone
at clean setup Animal Spawning
+ Animal breeding is now allowed also
if you have animal spawning disabled
Suggested by @andris155

+ Added {max} placeholder to

+ Added line to tax info lore:
- '&7Next tax is in&b {next} &7days.'

+ Added placeholder {next} in message above

[#] Fixed {place} placeholder on top lands sign

[#] Moved 2 messages

[#] Omptimized some safezone stuff

[#] Updated API
Requested by @CesarSalad
----------, Jan 8, 2019 Animal Spawning
+ Animal breeding is now allowed also
if you have animal spawning disabled
Suggested by @andris155

+ Added {max} placeholder to

+ Added line to tax info lore:
- '&7Next tax is in&b {next} &7days.'

+ Added placeholder {next} in message above

[#] Fixed {place} placeholder on top lands sign

[#] Moved 2 messages

[#] Omptimized some safezone stuff

[#] Updated API
Requested by @CesarSalad
----------, Jan 7, 2019 Lighting Stroke Protection

+ Added protection against lighting strokes
which aren't caused by weather
NOTE: If entity griefing is enabled, they will still do damage or fire

+ Added support to rename safezones
Suggested by @Sahrotaar

[#] Fixed list GUI opens wrong items at multiple pages
Reported by @Dawid

[#] Fixed setting synch command not working
----------, Jan 6, 2019 Fixed Staff and Sign issues
[#] Fixed top lands sign

[#] Fixed staff issues in GUI
----------, Jan 5, 2019 Bugfixes
[#] Fixed staff permission not working and staff couldn't
open chunk GUI of other lands

[#] Fixed /Lands menu here
not applying land owner player

[#] Fixed /land menu PLAYER error

All reported by @Lambsauce
----------, Jan 5, 2019 Bugfixes
[#] Fixed GUI's not working
Thanks to all who reported. To many names to list here : )

[#] Fixed random teleport teleports
to ocean sometimes
At the current stage I can't recommend using
/Lands wild since it has not the optimal performance
I want it to have. I'm currently working on an better solution.

[#] Fixed UUID errors

[#] Fixed cache errors
----------, Jan 5, 2019

2.7.4 Bugfixes and Improvements
+ Changed the way how players are saved to the
database. Improves UUID and name inserting at commands

+ Added option database.purger.owneroffline

+ Added option database.purger.memberoffline

[#] Improved UUID caching and saving

[#] Fixed missing messages at /Lands rename

[#] Fixed costsincrease doesn't work

[#] Improved getting names from UUID cache
Now you the playernames are not longer
case sensitive

[#] Improved land data purger

[#] Added message: command.selection.disabled-config
----------, Jan 4, 2019 Added Role Placeholder
+ Added lands_land_role placeholder
to PlaceholderAPI integration
Suggested by @RobinArnhardt

[#] Fixed possible chunk unload where it shouldn't
(issue not confirmed)
----------, Jan 3, 2019 Bugfixes and Protection

[#] Fixed error on inventory close in
settings GUI
Reported by @ M4rtyn4 via Github

[#] Fixed fireballs could
damage blocks, if entity griefing disabled
Reported by @cloakfox

[#] Fixed join cost was taken 2 times

[#] Fixed config error warning message
Reported by @PepijnGamer
----------, Dec 31, 2018 Added command to synch Settings
+ Added command to set default role
settings in all lands

/Lands admin land * settings reset

Requested by @cloakfox

[#] Fixed some bugs
----------, Dec 28, 2018 Invite Owners and Bugfixes
+ If option inviteOwners is false
in config owners of lands won't be able
to join an land via the GUI

+ Added failure_inviteOwners item
to player invite GUI

[#] Fixed /Lands view
admins flipped place with members

[#] Fixed /lands wild cooldown not working
Reported by @cloakfox

[#] Fixed missing message:

[#] Fixed setting land.cost
not working
Reported by @cloakfox
----------, Dec 28, 2018 Fixed Importer and /Lands setrole
+ Added new message:

+ Added new message: command.setrole.part-success

[#] Fixed importer not working
Reported by @cloakfox

[#] Fixed players could force trust
others by executing /Lands setrole

[#] Fixed possible issues at /Lands setrole

[#] Fixed missing message: /Lands setrole
Reported by @RobinArnhardt

[#] Command improvements
----------, Dec 28, 2018 Fixed missing Placeholder
You do not necessarily need this update.

[#] Fixed missing top signs
placeholder {owner}

Reported by @cloakfox
----------, Dec 27, 2018

[#] Fixed setting couldn't load
Reported by @cloakfox

[#] Fixed error on chunk load
Reported by @cloafox

[#] Fixed dynmap placeholders
Reported by @zoma

[#] Fixed /Land setrole could
kick you
Reported by @marian, @RobinArnhardt

[#] Added addTax to Land and LandChunk object in API

[#] Fixed incorrect material message
for claimblock
Reported by @PepijnGamer

[#] Fixed some missing placeholders
Reported by @RobinArnhardt

[#] Fixed tax chunk GUI not working
Reported by @Sahrotaar
----------, Dec 27, 2018 Dynmap Hotfix
[#] Fixed error on chunk load
Reported by @cloafox

[#] Fixed dynmap placeholders
Reported by @zoma

[#] Fixed /Land setrole could
kick you
Reported by @marian, @RobinArnhardt

[#] Added addTax to Land and LandChunk object in API

[#] Fixed incorrect material message
for claimblock
Reported by @PepijnGamer

[#] Fixed some missing placeholders
Reported by @RobinArnhardt

[#] Fixed tax chunk GUI not working
Reported by @Sahrotaar
----------, Dec 27, 2018 Bugfixes
[#] Fixed incorrect material message
for claimblock
Reported by @PepijnGamer

[#] Fixed some missing placeholders
Reported by @RobinArnhardt

[#] Fixed tax chunk GUI not working
Reported by @Sahrotaar
----------, Dec 27, 2018 Added Selection Support
+ Added selection support to
/Lands admin land <Land> delete

Suggested by @cloakfox
----------, Dec 26, 2018

2.7.3 Animal Spawning Setting
+ Added animal spawning
setting to GUI

Suggested by @RobinArnhardt

+ Added permission to chunk teleport:

Suggested by @PepijnGamer

[#] Fixed some typos in
GUI and messages language files

[#] Removed not longer used settings
from config

Reported by @RobinArnhardt
----------, Dec 26, 2018 Language System Improvements
+ Now you can set custom name files
+ Lands will now auto delete not
longer deleted values in language file
and GUI file

[#] Fixed language file system error
Reported by @Endergirl2900, @andris155

[#] Fixed language error with custom language file

If you translate Lands into your language and you're willing to share your work with other Lands users, you can contact me. Of course you'll be tagged as translator. Thanks
----------, Dec 25, 2018

2.7.2 PlaceholderAPI Update
+ Added some new placeholders to
the placeholder API integration

[#] Improved placeholder performance
[#] Fixed placeholder error
[#] Fixed some placeholders
[#] Changed placeholder {count} at command.selection.claimed
to {chunks}

Description: Returns owning land name

Description: Returns trusted members size in owning land

Description: Returns world the owning land is in

Description: Returns the owning land tax value of the land

Feel free to suggest some more placeholders.
----------, Dec 24, 2018 Fixed spelling mistakes
[#] Fixed some spelling mistakes
and typos in GUI config.

If you're interested in translating Lands into your Language just grab the language files
from your /Language folder and translate them. You can send them to me and I will give you credit. Thanks.

+ Added options to edit display name of every GUI item
+ Added options to edit lore of every GUI item
+ Added options to edit slot of every GUI item
+ Added options to edit material of every GUI item
+ Added options to add own items to an GUI
Please read the GUI file description before doing this
+ Added some new placeholders to GUI items
+ Added some new placeholders to messages
+ Added no permission items to some GUI's
with permission information
+ Invites will now be saved to the player data
so you can trust players, if they have data
and they're offline. I'll improve this in the future.

[#] Improved view task performance
[#] Improved GUI handler checks performance
[#] Improved GUI checks
[#] Improved GUI general layout
[#] Improved GUI general design
[#] Improved GUI config handler
[#] Improved messages config handler
[#] Improved messages performance
[#] Improved GUI builder performance

There're a lot more changes, but I forgot to add them.
----------, Dec 22, 2018

2.7.1 Hotfix for reported Issues
[#] Fixed main menu close item not working
Reported by @Sahrotaar

[#] Fixed message not found error: lands.claim.costs
Reported by @Blixary

If you're interested in translating Lands into your Language just grab the language files
from your /Language folder and translate them. You can send them to me and I will give you credit. Thanks.

+ Added options to edit display name of every GUI item
+ Added options to edit lore of every GUI item
+ Added options to edit slot of every GUI item
+ Added options to edit material of every GUI item
+ Added options to add own items to an GUI
Please read the GUI file description before doing this
+ Added some new placeholders to GUI items
+ Added some new placeholders to messages
+ Added no permission items to some GUI's
with permission information
+ Invites will now be saved to the player data
so you can trust players, if they have data
and they're offline. I'll improve this in the future.

[#] Improved view task performance
[#] Improved GUI handler checks performance
[#] Improved GUI checks
[#] Improved GUI general layout
[#] Improved GUI general design
[#] Improved GUI config handler
[#] Improved messages config handler
[#] Improved messages performance
[#] Improved GUI builder performance

There're a lot more changes, but I forgot to add them.
----------, Dec 22, 2018

2.7.0 Huge GUI and Message Update

I don't recommend using this build on
an production server. There could be small issues
like missing messages. If you report these issues to me
via Pm or Discord they will all be fixed on Saturday. Thanks!

Also your old language files will be copied to /Lands/Old.

If you're interested in translating Lands into your Language just grab the language files
from your /Language folder and translate them. You can send them to me and I will give you credit. Thanks.

+ Added options to edit display name of every GUI item
+ Added options to edit lore of every GUI item
+ Added options to edit slot of every GUI item
+ Added options to edit material of every GUI item
+ Added options to add own items to an GUI
Please read the GUI file description before doing this
+ Added some new placeholders to GUI items
+ Added some new placeholders to messages
+ Added no permission items to some GUI's
with permission information
+ Invites will now be saved to the player data
so you can trust players, if they have data
and they're offline. I'll improve this in the future.

[#] Improved view task performance
[#] Improved GUI handler checks performance
[#] Improved GUI checks
[#] Improved GUI general layout
[#] Improved GUI general design
[#] Improved GUI config handler
[#] Improved messages config handler
[#] Improved messages performance
[#] Improved GUI builder performance

There're a lot more changes, but I forgot to add them.
----------, Dec 21, 2018

This is no update. It's an important information (Dont download):

If you are experiencing the issue that your server crashes with the latest version of Lands please read this:

Disable the landTitles / landView
in config. You can find it in the land section. Then restart the server.

I'm aware of this issue but I'm not able to fix it right now because I'm currently unable to code. I will fix it soon as possible.
----------, Dec 18, 2018 Fixed potential Database Issue
[#] Fixed potential database

Thanks for reporting @KyTheGuy

[#] Added LandInvite to API
[#] Added LandChunkInvite to API
[#] Updated methods in API

Also I'm happy to announce that the new GUI is almost ready for you.
It looks really awesome with some cool new features!

You can download the API here (only for developers; you don't need it usually):
----------, Dec 14, 2018 Bugfixes and Improvements
[#] Fixed /Land deny displaying wrong tab complete

[#] Fixed /Land accept displaying wrong tab complete

[#] Fixed database minor issues

Look here (Progress on the new GUI):

With the new (upcoming) update you can create fully customize-able GUI's. You can apply new items or edit material, slot, display name and lore. Also you will be able to change the size of each GUI. There's no limit to your creativity!
----------, Dec 12, 2018 Database Delete Fixes
[#] Fixed issues Lands couldn't delete
chunks from hd

[#] Fixed issues Lands couldn't delete
lands from hd

[#] Fixed issues Lands couldn't delete
players from hd

These issues especially occured on machines
running windows.
----------, Dec 10, 2018

2.6.6 Hotfixes
[#] Fixed missing messages in /lands menu
[#] Fixed Lands purger could delete safezone
[#] Fixed permission lands.bypass.edit.chunksettings
not working

Reported by @henrik123123123
If you have issues that you can't edit settings for safezones:

Just delete the safezone via /Lands admin land <land> delete
and claim it again. If it's not working, contact me. Thanks!
----------, Dec 9, 2018 Added leave Selection

+ Added selection (/lands selection)
support to /lands leave
Now you can leave areas
via the selection tool

+ Added cashback support to /land leave
via selection

[#] Minor fixes

Here is an short video about the upcoming GUI

With the new update you can create fully customize-able GUI's. You can apply new items or edit material, slot, display name and lore. Also you will be able to change the size of each GUI. There's no limit to your creativity!
----------, Dec 8, 2018 Fixed Safezone Title
+ Added options to disable/enable safezone
enter and leave title

[#] Fixed safezone title not disabling
For existing safezones, just claim a chunk to it and the
title setting will appply.

[#] Improved title performance

For the incoming GUI revamp
(because of that the update are quite small currently):

Please let me know, if you have any suggestions via pm or Discord.
Thank you!
----------, Dec 7, 2018 Selection Hotfix
[#] Fixed that other plugins could
prevent corner selection of
/lands selection

Reported by @Henrik
----------, Dec 5, 2018 French Translation
+ Added french translation
Thanks to @dawars
for translating!

Some of you may know, that I'm currently working
on an total GUI recode, which will let you:

- change material of items in GUI
- change slot of items in GUI
- adjust placeholders etc.

Please port suggestions ony my discord server, thanks!
----------, Dec 5, 2018 System Cache Hotfix
+ Added message which appears on
first time running Lands
- Gives you some information

[#] Fixed taxes cache handler
not loading values properly

Reported by @VictorAlonso Door and Chest Hotfix
[#] Fixed issue that chest and door interaction
switched place in handling

Reported by @Nostago GUI Bugfixes

[#] Fixed admins with bypass permissions couldn't edit role settings
[#] Fixed setting setting_edit not working properly
[#] Fixed typo in default lang file
[#] Removed %format% placeholder from tax GUI
There's now only %next%
[#] Fixed placeholders not applying on gold block in
tax GUI
----------, Dec 2, 2018 Door and Chest Hotfix
[#] Fixed issue that chest and door interaction
switched place in handling

Reported by @Nostago
----------, Dec 2, 2018 GUI Bugfixes

[#] Fixed admins with bypass permissions couldn't edit role settings
[#] Fixed setting setting_edit not working properly
[#] Fixed typo in default lang file
[#] Removed %format% placeholder from tax GUI
There's now only %next%
[#] Fixed placeholders not applying on gold block in
tax GUI
----------, Dec 2, 2018

Only spigot 1.9 - 1.12.2

[#] Fixed error
Reported by @Blixary
----------, Dec 2, 2018 GUI - Pages - Help Prefix
+ Added help message prefix:

Suggested by @aka TONI

+ Added next page item amount to show next page

+ Added previous item amount to show previous page

+ Added new message: gui.general.nextpage
+ Added new message: gui.general.previouspage

+ Added placeholder %page% to messages above.

Suggested by @aka TONI
----------, Nov 30, 2018 Safezone Selection - Bugfixes
+ Added selection support to
/Land safezone delete
Now you can delete selections from your

[#] Improved selection handling
[#] Fixed possible selection error
[#] Fixed /land rename error
Reported by @Sahrotaar
----------, Nov 29, 2018

2.6.5 Setting edit Setting - Broadcast
+ Added new setting: setting_edit
Allow roles to edit settings like mob spawning.
No role settings.

+ Added message land.create.broadcast
Broadcasts, if someone creates an new land.

+ Added message land.delete broadcast
Broadcasts, if someone deleted his land
and the size isn't null (no claims)

+ Added setting to disable land delete broadcast
+ Added setting to disable land create broadcast
----------, Nov 27, 2018

2.6.4 Added Tabcomplete - Sub Commands

+ Added tabcomplete to sub commands
So if you're inserting an command
Lands will display sub command recommendations

+ Added tabcomplete values to sub command
So if you're trying for example to delete an land with
/Land delete Lands will suggest you Lands which you're
the owner of.

+ Lands will only tab complete recommendations
the player has access to (via command permissions)

+ Added Update check disabled status to
/Lands about

+ Added role setting: land_rename
Allow members rename land

+ Added role setting: land_setspawn
Allow members setspawn of land

[#] "Fixed" potentially data loss bug
caused by ReWorld world loading behaviour

[#] Fixed /land setspawn forceland message missing
----------, Nov 25, 2018

ONLY SPIGOT 1.9 - 1.12.2

[#] Fixed data loss through different world loading behavior from other world management plugins

Reported by @Blixary
----------, Nov 25, 2018 Safezone Update - Settings Hotfix
+ Added auto claim selection
support to safezone

+ Improved /Land safezone action performance
+ Added tips to /Land safezone

[#] Fixed land settings no affect
Reported by @Luke, @andris155
----------, Nov 23, 2018 API Update - Developers
+ Added external API design for developers
which don't own the plugin.

+ Added some methods to API

[#] Fixed Events in API

Lands API download:
This is only for developers. You don't need the API in your plugins folder.
----------, Nov 20, 2018 Performance Update - Bugfixes
I highly recommend installing this update, if you're currently using version Thank you!

+ Improved land claiming performance
+ Improved land deleting performance
+ Improved claim loading performance
+ Improved claim saving performance

[#] Fixed WorldGuard integration errors
Please use latest WorldEdit and WorldGuard, if you have WorldGuard integration enabled!

[#] Fixed asynchronous claim loading error
Reported by @Lambsauce
----------, Nov 19, 2018 Performance Update
----------, Nov 19, 2018

2.6.3 Role Restriction Changes
This update will reset all role setting in all lands to the default.
Please make an backup of your /plugins/Lands folder before updating to this version.
NOTE: You will need to install this version before updating to future versions.
Please report any issues to support. Thank you!

+ Design changes of role restrictions

+ Added LandsAction enum to API for easier
action checking for developers

[#] Fixed cost calculation in add mode
Reported by @Luke

[#] Fixed error on respawn
Reported by @Rybentriker
----------, Nov 18, 2018 Rename Options - Improvements
+ Added cooldown option for /Land rename
+ Added bypass cooldown permission for /Land rename
Permission: lands.bypass.cooldown.rename

Config: land.options.rename

+ Added config value: land.options.rename.cost
+ Added config value: land.options.rename.cooldown
NOTE: Value in seconds

+ Added %time% and %format% placeholder to land.rename.success
+ Added %cost% placeholder to land.rename.success message

[#] Fixed missing messages on /Land claim (if selection set)

[#] Removed debug message
----------, Nov 16, 2018 Calculation Fixes

This update contains an completely recode of the rename feature.
It's highly recommend to don't use the /land rename or /land admin land <Land> rename in the current stage. I fully tested this feature, but it's better to be on the safe side and wait a while. This feature may be currently sensitive and could damage the database. So please remove temporary lands.command.rename and permissions from all players.

Questions? Join my Discord server.

+ Added land.selection.config message
Appears if you have selection tool disabled and execute /Lands selection

[#] Fixed cost calculation
[#] Fixed cost increase mode
Reported by @Florenthz
Reported by @Pyaria
----------, Nov 15, 2018 Rename Improvements - Protection Fixes

This update contains an completely recode of the rename feature.
It's highly recommend to don't use the /land rename or /land admin land <Land> rename in the current stage. I fully tested this feature, but it's better to be on the safe side and wait a while. This feature may be currently sensitive and could damage the database. So please remove temporary lands.command.rename and permissions from all players.

Questions? Join my Discord server.

+ Added /lands admin land <Land> rename <Name>


Now you can rename lands as an admin.

+ Added projecttilehit remove blacklist: protection.projectilehit.blacklist
There you can blacklist projectiles which will get removed, if
they land on an land.
Suggested by @Lambsauce

[#] Fixed dispenser protection (shoot from wilderness to land) not working

[#] Improved entity handling

[#] Improved database and system checks
a lot

[#] Now the old name of your land will be available
for other players to choose

[#] Improved performance
----------, Nov 14, 2018 Calculation Improvements
[#] Improved calculations

[#] Fixed cashback doesn't return
correct value

Reported by @Pyario

@doitliketyler Your suggestion will be added in the next update.
----------, Nov 13, 2018 Fixed Cost Calculation (Land selection)

[#] Fixed cost calculation not
working as it should, if there
are some misconfigurations

Reported by @Florenthz Interaction Hotfix
[#] Fixed players couldn't interact
in their lands

Reported by @RisingStarLuke

2.6.2 /Land claim selection
[#] Removed /Land claim selection

+ /Land claim will now automatically claim
your selection, if there is one.

+ Removed selection tool
+ You now can simply select your region
with every tool you want or just your hands

+ Land selection mode will auto
deactivate after region is claimed

+ Moved worldedit language strings to

+ Removed selection tool material value from config
----------, Nov 12, 2018 Interaction Hotfix
[#] Fixed players couldn't interact
in their lands

Reported by @RisingStarLuke

2.6.2 /Land claim selection
[#] Removed /Land claim selection

+ /Land claim will now automatically claim
your selection, if there is one.

+ Removed selection tool
+ You now can simply select your region
with every tool you want or just your hands

+ Land selection mode will auto
deactivate after region is claimed

+ Moved worldedit language strings to

+ Removed selection tool material value from config
----------, Nov 11, 2018

2.6.2 /Land claim selection
[#] Removed /Land claim selection

+ /Land claim will now automatically claim
your selection, if there is one.

+ Removed selection tool
+ You now can simply select your region
with every tool you want or just your hands

+ Land selection mode will auto
deactivate after region is claimed

+ Moved worldedit language strings to

+ Removed selection tool material value from config
----------, Nov 11, 2018

2.6.1 Optimized /Land wild
[#] Made the message searching
location appearing first

2.6.0 Monster Spawning
+ Added land setting to allow / disallow
monster spawning in your land
You still can spawn monsters via eggs or spawners

+ Added new options for mob spawning in config
+ Added messages in language GUI file

[#] Improved entity hit detection
[#] Fixed /Land claim costs calculation
[#] Fixed /Land claim selection costs calculation
[#] Minor fixes
----------, Nov 10, 2018

2.6.0 Monster Spawning
+ Added land setting to allow / disallow
monster spawning in your land
You still can spawn monsters via eggs or spawner

+ Added new options for mob spawning in config
+ Added messages in language GUI file

[#] Improved entity hit detection
[#] Fixed /Land claim costs calculation
[#] Fixed /Land claim selection costs calculation
[#] Minor fixes
----------, Nov 10, 2018

2.5.9 Added Interaction Types
+ Added interaction type: doors
Allow / disallow open doors

+ Added interaction type: buttons
Allow / disallow interact with buttons, levers, pressure plates etc.

+ Added interaction type: containers
Allow / disallow open chests and every block wich can
store items inside

You can edit all these settings in the GUI.
You also can allow villager trade by allowing general interaction.

+ Added configuration settings

+ Added language values

+ Removed owner permissions
Owners now have by default all permissions

Villager interaction will come in the next updates.
Please report any issues to me via pm or Discord, thanks.
----------, Nov 9, 2018 Fixed Config Value
[#] Fixed config warning message that says that the
selection item is the wrong material for your server version.
Reported by @dawars

[#] Changed chunk.selection.material to chunk.selection.item (Config)
[#] Fixed selection item config value not working
[#] Removed WorldEdit section from config
----------, Nov 4, 2018

2.5.8 Claim Selection Recode
+ Claim selection works now without WorldEdit
Since WorldEdit (Expecially with FAWE) has too many bugs currently, I decided to code my own selection
calculator. This caused issues since some time. So heres the solution

+ Recoded Selection calculation

[#] Fixed /land claim selection bugs caused by the WorldEdit API
Reported by @RisingStarLuke
----------, Nov 3, 2018 Fixed Permission Error
+ Now you can give permissions like lands.lands.*
for unlimited lands

+ Added ability to give free lands:
Suggested by @UncleMyers

[#] Fixed permission error at for example: lands.lands.*
[#] Removed claim check
[#] Removed message:
----------, Nov 2, 2018 Fixed Land Selection
[#] Fixed land selection claim, if you
claim as staff for someone other
Reported by @Luke
----------, Nov 1, 2018 Java Version Hotfix
[#] Fixed startup error could occur on
some Java versions
Reported by @Novaaa
----------, Oct 31, 2018


[#] Just an land and chunk save hotfix
----------, Oct 31, 2018 Java Version Hotfix
[#] Fixed startup error could occur on
some Java versions
Reported by @Novaaa
----------, Oct 31, 2018 Land Edit Handling
+ Lands will now look for an edit land
instead of creating one at /Lands claim
Suggested by @RisingStarLuke

+ Added message:
Will appear if player tries to claim in an
other world the the land is in, which hes claiming for

[#] Fixed bug that players could
claim land in other world than their land is in.
Reported by @PepijnGamer Shop Interaction - Bugfixes

I highly recommend installing this update.
Only 1.13.x

+ Lands will now auto set edit land, if none set.
+ You're now able to let your players interact with shops on
your land with an plugin like ChestShop for example.
Should work for every shop plugin

[#] Fixed role member GUI not showing displayname of land.
[#] Fixed untrusted players could sometimes have still access
to party of an land.
[#] Fixed issue that chunks of lands
sometimes wouldn't save
----------, Oct 30, 2018 Shop Interaction - Bugfixes

I highly recommend installing this update.
Only 1.13.x

+ Lands will now auto set edit land, if none set.
+ You're now able to let your players interact with shops on
your land with an plugin like ChestShop for example.
Should work for every shop plugin

[#] Fixed role member GUI not showing displayname of land.
[#] Fixed untrusted players could sometimes have still access
to party of an land.
[#] Fixed issue that chunks of lands
sometimes wouldn't save
----------, Oct 30, 2018

2.5.7 Lands Addon System
+ Added Lands addon system
Now you as a developer can better control
your plugin hooking into Lands

+ Changed a lot things in the API
Please report issues to me via Pm or Discord. Thanks!

+ Added addon overview to /lands about command

+ Added addon safety wich prevents to manipulate
You as the developer can set your addon to private and
no other developer can remove it from Lands

+ Added the ability for me to blacklist Lands addons
wich viulate against any spigot rules

+ Added documentation to the Lands Wiki for addons
----------, Oct 26, 2018 Trust Command Hotfix
[#] Fixed an issue with the
/Lands trust command
Permission wasn't working right.
Reported by @UncleMyers

[#] Changed /land trust permission to
----------, Oct 25, 2018 Player handler Hotfix
For users which already installed
You don't really need this update.
The fixed issue doesn't damage any behavior in Lands.

[#] Player quit error fixed
This could occur, if for example an player
get's kicked on login.
Reported by @dawars Boot error Hotfix
[#] Fixed boot error Claimblock Hotfix - 1.13.2 - New setting

[#] Fixed possible claimblock error
[#] Fixed /land admin give claimblock command
Reported by @PepijnGamer

2.5.6 Added 1.13.2 Support
+ Added spigot 1.13.2 support
+ Spigot 1.13.1 isn't any longer supported
This doesn't mean that it wouldn't work.

+ Added option: chunk.options.claimblock.disablecmd
to disable the claiming of land through /land claim
command an only allow claiming through claimblocks
Suggested by @pepjin

+ Added warning message, if /land claim and chunk blocks
are disabled

[#] Fixed pvp bypass permission wans't working right
Reported by @RisingStarLuke

[#] Fixed permissions (for example: is 1, if no perm set.

+ Added description to API and updated it.
----------, Oct 24, 2018 Boot error Hotfix
[#] Fixed boot error Claimblock Hotfix - 1.13.2 - New setting

[#] Fixed possible claimblock error
[#] Fixed /land admin give claimblock command
Reported by @PepijnGamer

2.5.6 Added 1.13.2 Support
+ Added spigot 1.13.2 support
+ Spigot 1.13.1 isn't any longer supported
This doesn't mean that it wouldn't work.

+ Added option: chunk.options.claimblock.disablecmd
to disable the claiming of land through /land claim
command an only allow claiming through claimblocks
Suggested by @pepjin

+ Added warning message, if /land claim and chunk blocks
are disabled

[#] Fixed pvp bypass permission wans't working right
Reported by @RisingStarLuke

[#] Fixed permissions (for example: is 1, if no perm set.

+ Added description to API and updated it.
----------, Oct 23, 2018 Claimblock Hotfix - 1.13.2 - New setting

[#] Fixed possible claimblock error
[#] Fixed /land admin give claimblock command
Reported by @PepijnGamer

2.5.6 Added 1.13.2 Support
+ Added spigot 1.13.2 support
+ Spigot 1.13.1 isn't any longer supported
This doesn't mean that it wouldn't work.

+ Added option: chunk.options.claimblock.disablecmd
to disable the claiming of land through /land claim
command an only allow claiming through claimblocks
Suggested by @pepjin

+ Added warning message, if /land claim and chunk blocks
are disabled

[#] Fixed pvp bypass permission wans't working right
Reported by @RisingStarLuke

[#] Fixed permissions (for example: is 1, if no perm set.

+ Added description to API and updated it.
----------, Oct 23, 2018

2.5.6 Added 1.13.2 Support
+ Added spigot 1.13.2 support
+ Spigot 1.13.1 isn't any longer supported
This doesn't mean that it wouldn't work.

+ Added option: chunk.options.claimblock.disablecmd
to disable the claiming of land through /land claim
command an only allow claiming through claimblocks
Suggested by @pepjin

+ Added warning message, if /land claim and chunk blocks
are disabled

[#] Fixed pvp bypass permission wans't working right
Reported by @RisingStarLuke

[#] Fixed permissions (for example: is 1, if no perm set.

+ Added description to API and updated it.
----------, Oct 23, 2018

2.5.5 Added claimblocks
+ You're now able to create
safezones in worlds where players can't claim land
Requested by @dawars

+ Added claimblocks
+ You now can claim chunks via placing an
special claimblocks in it

+ You need to give players blocks through
/Lands admin give PLAYER claimblock AMOUNT
This can be also executed from console or player.

+ Added options: chunk.options.claimblock.*
+ Added translations: claimblock.*
Also in GUI file.

+ Added downgrade alert message to version check
----------, Oct 22, 2018 Added Respawn Option
Only spigot 1.13.1

+ Added option to let players
respawn at their land, if they die etc.

[#] Minor changes
[#] Fixed updater saying you're using outdated version,
if you're using latest.

If you still having problems with roles that can't access
actions in an land, read and install this once:❌-land-claim-plugin-many-features-gui-unique-land-management-4-players-taxes.53313/update?update=246463

+ Added ability to set land spawn
+ Added ability to teleport to land spawn

+ Added command /land setspawn
+ Added command /land spawn

+ Added messages: land.setspawn.*
+ Added messages: land.spawn.*

+ Added options: land.spawn.*
+ Added permission: lands.bypass.edit
To edit lands wich don't belong to you.

[#] Fixed taxes spelling mistake
----------, Oct 11, 2018 Added Spawn System
Only spigot 1.13.1

+ Added ability to set land spawn
+ Added ability to teleport to land spawn

+ Added command /land setspawn
+ Added command /land spawn

+ Added messages: land.setspawn.*
+ Added messages: land.spawn.*

+ Added options: land.spawn.*
+ Added permission: lands.bypass.edit
To edit lands wich don't belong to you.

[#] Fixed taxes spelling mistake
----------, Oct 10, 2018 Lands border distance
Only spigot 1.13.1

+ Added option to change the
distance between lands
wich don't have the same owner
Suggested by @dawars

Option: land.options.chunkDistance
----------, Oct 7, 2018 Free Chunks Option
+ Added option to give players
free claims

Works for single and selection claim.
Suggested by @Lambsauce

[#] Fixed GUI error
Reported by @ZTX

[#] Fixed /land claim command error
Reported by @ZTX
----------, Oct 4, 2018 Message Hotfix - Protection Improvements
Only spigot 1.13.1

+ Added protection against
dispenser wich shoot potions
in an land

+ Prevent general manipulation
through dispense from wilderness
to lands

[#] Improved potion protection

[#] Fixed that players won't get an
message, if they got invited by someone
to join his land.
Reported by @Florenthz
----------, Oct 4, 2018 PvP Protection Hotfix - Added Potion Support
Only spigot 1.13.1
If you're updating from, please install first.

+ Lands will now auto detect if an potion harms players or animals
and prevent damage in claims if enabled

[#] Fixed players could damage others
with fire bows

[#] Fixed players could damage others
with potions
----------, Oct 3, 2018

I really recommend installing this update if you used this version or newer: Protection Improvements Roles Hotfix
Only spigot 1.13.1

+ Added update changes checker
This will check for changes in the system
to prevent something like this

[#] Fixed an issue that members of an land
couldn't build etc.
Reported by @dawars, @Datblock
----------, Oct 2, 2018

I really recommend installing this update if you used this version or newer: Protection Improvements Protection Hotfix
Only spigot 1.13.1

+ Added update changes checker
This will check for changes in the system
to prevent something like this

[#] Fixed an issue that members of an land
couldn't build etc.
Reported by @dawars, @Datblock
----------, Oct 2, 2018 Roles Hotfix
Only spigot 1.13.1

[#] Fixed exception catching on
command with role
Reported by @Layne

[#] Minor improvements
----------, Oct 1, 2018 Protection Improvements
Only spigot 1.13.1

[#] Fixed players could manipulte redstone etc.
by shooting arrows into other players lands
Reported by @Florenthz

[#] Fixed settings attack animals doesn't work

[#] Fixed player settings protection

[#] Fixed dispenser could shoot arrows from
wilderness to Lands
----------, Sep 30, 2018

2.5.3 Land Settings GUI
Only spigot 1.13.1

This update aims to make it easier to understand for
players how to edit settings etc.

+ Added settings GUI
+ Added settings item to land GUI
For faster editing

+ Added role select mode to GUI
+ Added many new messages to GUI language file
+ Now you can set defaults for your land settings
+ Changed some global settings, so some settings could reset.

+ Added backup world setting to random teleport: Land wild
Players will be teleported to this world if they're not in an world
wich is defined in the /land wild worlds.
Suggested by @Datblock

[#] Fixed untrusted players could trample crops
Reported by @Florenthz

[#] Improved settings updater perforamce via GUI
[#] Optimized code
----------, Sep 29, 2018 Bugfixes and Improvements
Only spigot 1.13.1

+ Added message on startup wich will warn users wich
use an Java version older than 1.8

[#] Improved UUID caching speed
[#] Fixed bug that you could harm
blocks inside an claim via explosions
Reported by @Florenthz
----------, Sep 27, 2018 Fixed stats
Only spigot 1.13.1

Just some small fixes :)
Until now no issues were reported from last update. If there are any, please report them to me via pm or Discord. Thank you.

[#] Fixed plugin stats
[#] Removed decrapted classes
[#] Removed outdated methods
[#] Minor changes
----------, Sep 24, 2018

2.5.2 Huge Performance and Optimization Update
Only spigot 1.13.1

Please make sure to take an update before updating to this version.
It's not advised to use this build on an live server. There are no known bugs, but it's safer to wait one or two days. Thanks.

This update improves a lot the
handling of many objects at the same time. For example
at servers with many players will this improve the
performance further.

+ Added netherlands text translation
Thanks to @Pepijntjuh for translating!

+ Added new database queue tasks
This feature will ensure the best performance
for many features in the future

+ Applied database queue task to many actions
in Lands

+ Many saving or loading actions are asynch now
for better performance

+ Rent task is asynch now

+ Lands will now cache all UUIDs of players
wich have any data in Lands
This makes some processes much faster.

+ Improved system handling

+ Added command /Lands admin <Land> setowner <Player>
Set an new owner of land.
Old one will get untrusted.

+ Made API safer for developers

[#] Improved rent task performance a lot
[#] Actions like claim selection or synch chunk/role settings
is way faster now
----------, Sep 23, 2018 Added WorldGuard importer
+ Added WorldGuard regions importer
Suggested by @user
Please test this first on an test enviroment, thanks.

[#] Fixed owners couldn't make fire in
old Lands
Reported by @CatCraft

[#] Fixed Towny Importer issues
[#] Fixed land API issue Importer Hotfix
[#] Fixed owner issue at importing
data from other plugins
----------, Sep 21, 2018 Added WorldGuard importer
Only spigot 1.13.1

+ Added WorldGuard regions importer
Suggested by @ PepijnGamer

Please test this first on an test environment, thanks.

[#] Fixed owners couldn't make fire in
old Lands
Reported by @FELIXCAT_3

[#] Fixed Towny Importer issues
[#] Fixed land API issue
----------, Sep 21, 2018

Only spigot 1.13.1
This just corrects the update checker announcing that you're using an outdated version, but you're using latest.

So you don't really need this update, just if you want an clean console. :)
----------, Sep 18, 2018 Trust, SetRole Fixes
Only spigot 1.13.1

[#] Fixed permission issue caused error
if an admin of an land wanted to trust an
player while the owner of the land is offline

[#] Fixed trust and setrole command error
[#] Removed some unused classes Fixed Importer
You only need this update, if you want to use the
Towny importer.

[#] Fixed asynch importer issues and errors
----------, Sep 16, 2018

For 1.13 users, download previous version.

Since some users of Lands still don't want to upgrade to spigot 1.13.1, here is an final build for 1.12.2 servers.

This build is only for 1.12.x servers.
Please note that you wont get any support using this 1.12.x version.

Please note that there are no further updates for spigot 1.12 are coming. Only spigot 1.13.1.

+ This is just an final build for 1.12.x with all current features of Lands
----------, Sep 16, 2018 Trust, SetRole Fixes
Only spigot 1.13.1

[#] Fixed permission issue caused error
if an admin of an land wanted to trust an
player while the owner of the land is offline

[#] Fixed trust and setrole command error
[#] Removed some unused classes Fixed Importer
You only need this update, if you want to use the
Towny importer.

[#] Fixed asynch importer issues and errors
----------, Sep 16, 2018

For 1.13 users, download previous version.

Since some users of Lands still don't want to upgrade to spigot 1.13.1, here is an final build for 1.12.2 servers.

This build is only for 1.12.x servers.
Please note that you wont get any support using this 1.12.x version.

Please note that there are no further updates for spigot 1.12 are coming. Only spigot 1.13.1.

+ This is just an final build for 1.12.x with all current features of Lands
----------, Sep 16, 2018 Trust, SetRole Fixes
Only spigot 1.13.1

[#] Fixed permission issue caused error
if an admin of an land wanted to trust an
player while the owner of the land is offline

[#] Fixed trust and setrole command error
[#] Removed some unused classes Fixed Importer
You only need this update, if you want to use the
Towny importer.

[#] Fixed asynch importer issues and errors
----------, Sep 16, 2018

For 1.13 users, download previous version.

Since some users of Lands still don't want to upgrade to spigot 1.13.1, here is an final build for 1.12.2 servers.

This build is only for 1.12.x servers.
Please note that you wont get any support using this 1.12.x version.

Please note that there are no further updates for spigot 1.12 are coming. Only spigot 1.13.1.

+ This is just an final build for 1.12.x with all current features of Lands
----------, Sep 16, 2018 Trust, SetRole Fixes
[#] Fixed permission issue caused error
if an admin of an land wanted to trust an
player while the owner of the land is offline

[#] Fixed trust and setrole command error
[#] Removed some unused classes Fixed Importer
You only need this update, if you want to use the
Towny importer.

[#] Fixed asynch importer issues and errors
----------, Sep 16, 2018

For 1.13 users, download previous version.

Since some users of Lands still don't want to upgrade to spigot 1.13.1, here is an final build for 1.12.2 servers.

This build is only for 1.12.x servers.
Please note that you wont get any support using this 1.12.x version.

Please note that there are no further updates for spigot 1.12 are coming. Only spigot 1.13.1.

+ This is just an final build for 1.12.x with all current features of Lands
----------, Sep 16, 2018 Trust, SetRole Fixes
Only spigot 1.13.1

[#] Fixed permission issue caused error
if an admin of an land wanted to trust an
player while the owner of the land is offline

[#] Fixed trust and setrole command error
[#] Removed some unused classes Fixed Importer
You only need this update, if you want to use the
Towny importer.

[#] Fixed asynch importer issues and errors
----------, Sep 16, 2018

For 1.13 users, download previous version.

Since some users of Lands still don't want to upgrade to spigot 1.13.1, here is an final build for 1.12.2 servers.

This build is only for 1.12.x servers.
Please note that you wont get any support using this 1.12.x version.

Please note that there are no further updates for spigot 1.12 are coming. Only spigot 1.13.1.

+ This is just an final build for 1.12.x with all current features of Lands
----------, Sep 16, 2018 Trust, SetRole Fixes
Only spigot 1.13.1

[#] Fixed permission issue caused error
if an admin of an land wanted to trust an
player while the owner of the land is offline
Reported by @RisingStarLuke

[#] Fixed trust and setrole command error
[#] Removed some unused classes
----------, Sep 16, 2018

For 1.13 users, download previous version.

Since some users of Lands still don't want to upgrade to spigot 1.13.1, here is an final build for 1.12.2 servers.

This build is only for 1.12.x servers.
Please note that you wont get any support using this 1.12.x version.

Please note that there are no further updates for spigot 1.12 are coming. Only spigot 1.13.1.

+ This is just an final build for 1.12.x with all current features of Lands

----------, Sep 15, 2018 Land Auto-Creation Hotfix
Only spigot 1.13.1

It's highly recommended to install this hotfix,
if you have force landcreation toggled off.

[#] Fixed that land auto creation
could be an problem under certain circumstances
Reported by @Datblock

[#] Updated Vault integration
----------, Sep 14, 2018 Added options to visualization
Only spigot 1.13.1

+ Now you can set the particles wich
should be showed on the different
visualization types

+ Added config options to config:

[#] Moved setting for visualization duration to

Particle enum can be found here:

+ Made API visualization redstone particle compatible

[#] Improved replace handler
[#] Fixed issue with the replacing of placeholders
Reported by @Optimusik
----------, Sep 12, 2018

2.5.1 New Land Visualization
+ Added new land visualization
with particles
Suggested by @Just_Do_It_Jetzt

+ Visualization will auto stop,
if player is to far away

+ Visualization support added to API

+ Added some visualization types to commands
like /land clai, trust, view etc.

[#] Fixed minor issues



----------, Sep 11, 2018 Hotfixes
Only spigot 1.13.1

[#] Fixed inventory landsettings
items not displaying

[#] Fixed inventory landsettings
strings not displaying

[#] Improved config checks and

[#] Fixed issue with message at /land setrole, accept
that player couldn't be trusted in all chunks
Reported by @RisingStarLuke
----------, Sep 10, 2018

2.5.0 Double values, Bypass Permissions
Only spigot 1.13

+ Added support for double values to
costs (chunk claim, land creation, rent)

+ Now you can simply edit chunks where you're standing
on via the command /Lands menu here
Permission to edit other players chunks:

+ Added permission lands.bypass.combat.animal
to allow damageing animals in other peoples lands
even if they toggled it off.

+ Added permission lands.bypass.combat.player
to allow damageing players in other peoples lands
even if they toggled it off.

Suggested by @RisingStarLuke
----------, Sep 9, 2018 DisallowWilderness Hotfix
Only spigot 1.13.1

[#] Fixed disallowWilderness is active in other worlds
[#] Fixed players couldn't do actions in other worlds if certain actions
are disallowed through perm
Reported by @AconTM
----------, Sep 8, 2018 Role improvements
Only spigot 1.13.1

+ Added role alias support to
command /Lands setrole <Alias>

+ Added placeholder %role% to chat format
message in language file to display the
role of the player in the land.

NOTE: The role will be taken from the land
and not the chunks. So, if an player is
only trusted in sepcified chunks, he will
appear as member role in chat. No matter what role
he has on the specific chunks.

+ Added /protection alias to command /Lands

[#] Updated germand and english language file
according to new role placeholders etc.
----------, Sep 6, 2018

2.4.9 Role aliases
Only spigot 1.13.1

+ Added role aliases
Now you can in the gui lang file set
the role name wich will be showed in gui or chat.
Requested by @Sidias

[#] Fixed error with last logout in GUI
[#] Fixed some more minor issues
----------, Sep 6, 2018

2.4.8 Added Towny Importer
Only spigot 1.13.1

+ Added /lands admin import command
This is used to import data from other plugins to Lands.

+ Added Towny importer
Now you can import existing Towny data to
Supports claimed Towny area and all residents.

NOTE: Towny needs to be installed.
Usage: /Lands admin import Towny
Suggested by @cloakfox

If you want support for import other plugins data,
just pm me via Spigot or on Discord server.
----------, Sep 5, 2018

2.4.7 Added messages
Only spigot 1.13.1

+ Added a few messages to
/land accept and /Land setrole
wich notifiys you, if the owner of
the land has not enough permission to
trust a member in the land or chunk.
Suggested by @FELIXCAT_3


[#] Improved handling of permissions
on trust and setrole a lot
Now it's more understandable.

You have ideas for the GUI? Please
let me know via pm or Discord. Thanks!
----------, Sep 4, 2018 Fixed database file delete
Only spigot 1.13.1

INFO: You don't need this update. The error wich was fixed, wouldn't cause any issues. Just if you want an clean console. :)

[#] Fixed force delete player file
from database would throw error,
if he hasn't any data.
Reported by @Marian666

[#] Fixed /Land chat error
wich occurred if player used non supported regex symbols.
Reported by @poma123
----------, Sep 2, 2018

2.4.6 Land leave/untrust Hotfix
Only spigot 1.13.1


[#] Fixed /Land leave and /Land untrust
could have no access to chunks wich
aren't cached.
Reported by @Luke

Tip: If some players ecountered that, use /Land admin land LAND untrust PLAYER

[#] Fixed new players can bypass /Land wild cooldown by rejoin server
Reported by @data
----------, Sep 1, 2018

2.4.5 Improvements - No production server
Only spigot 1.13.1

This update changes some stuff how Lands
handles multiple lands of an users. Especially at the


+ Setting disallowwilderness will now
also protect wilderness from pistons wich are in
Suggested by @Sidias

+ Added role weights to API

+ Completely reworked /Lands trust command
+ Completely reworked /Lands untrust command
+ Completely reworked /Lands setrole command

+ Added many new placeholders to /Land trust, untrust, setrole commands
Its highly recommended to use these.

+ Improved the way Lands handles multiple Lands
+ Improved checks for commands
+ Added new method to API

[#] Improved GUI checks
----------, Sep 1, 2018

2.4.4 Setting Hotfix
[#] Fixed the ignite setting doesn't work
Reported by @Sidias

[#] Fixed inventory error

2.4.3 GUI colours
+ Added colour support for GUI back
Due some bug in 1.13, I needed to remove this.
But now it's back. (1.13 doesn't support colour in GUI titles. But 1.13.1 does it.

[#] Fixed GUI not responding bug
Reported by @Datblock

[#] Chunk marks will now be on the ground
instead of in the air.
NOTE: New chunk marks are in progress.
----------, Aug 31, 2018

2.4.3 GUI colours
Only spigot 1.13.1

+ Added colour support for GUI back
Due some bug in 1.13, I needed to remove this.
But now it's back. (1.13 doesn't support colour in GUI titles. But 1.13.1 does it.

[#] Fixed GUI not responding bug
Reported by @Datblock

[#] Chunk marks will now be on the ground
instead of in the air.
NOTE: New chunk marks are in progress.
----------, Aug 31, 2018

2.4.2 Database Hotfix
[#] Fixed /Land claim saying that it's deactivated in this world,
but actually world is set in config.
Reported by @AntonioRush, @shepherdsoq

[#] Improved integration safety
[#] Made update check asynchronus
----------, Aug 29, 2018

2.4.1 Integrations Hotfix
Only Spigot 1.13.x

Pushing to up now, because some users had the problem that
Lands couldn't enable correctly because an other plugin
messed up. So this update fixes that.

+ Managerintegrations errors will now be handled additional
and can't disturb the enabling of Lands

[#] Fixed WorldGuard could cause problems to Lands enabling,
if it's incompatible with the server version
Reported by @RisingStarLuke

[#] Fixed land claim tool costs calculating wrong
and some minor issues
----------, Aug 27, 2018

2.4.0 Spigot 1.13.1 compatability
Only Spigot 1.13.x

Updated to Spigot 1.13.1

+ Added permission lands.bypass.disallowwilderness.break
To break blocks in wilderness if disallowWilderness option is enabled

+ Added permission
To place blocks in wilderness if disallowWilderness option is enabled

+ Added permission lands.bypass.disallowwilderness.interact
To interact in wilderness if disallowWilderness option is enabled

Suggested by @Sidias

[#] Improved wilderness event handler performance
----------, Aug 27, 2018

2.3.9 WorldEdit Integration Hotifx
Only spigot 1.13

[#] Fixed WorldEdit integration doesn't work.
[#] Fixed integration disabled message
Reported by @Optimusik

2.3.8 Added lists support to config
Thank you.

This is not a big one, but I wanted to put it online
before everyone is editing the old lists.yml
in previous version.

+ Added support for lists to config handler
----------, Aug 26, 2018

2.3.8 Added lists support to config
Only spigot 1.13.


This is not a big one, but I wanted to put it online
before everyone is editing the old lists.yml
in previous version.

+ Added support for lists to config handler

Please let me know, if you encounter any issues with Lands. I will help you! :)
----------, Aug 26, 2018

2.3.7 New config, Optimizations, Bugfixes
Only spigot 1.13



+ Added new config handler
+ Config using now prefixes for settings
+ Added comments for EVERY settings
Please contact me, if you still don't understand

+ Comments will now auto update, if I make changes
+ Old and unused settings will now be removed from config
+ New settings will now be added in original format

[#] Optmimized interact role setting
[#] Changed way Lands store chached lands util data
Will reset taxes value of an land.

[#] Optimized break, place role setting
[#] Fixed break, place role setting not allowing,
if interact disabled.
[#] Improved protection checks performance
[#] Fixed issue that players could create
lands with accents in their name and some functions could break
[#] Fixed /Lands top not displaying new land name, if
users renamed it.
[#] Fixed pistons could crash server (not confirmed, but could be possible)
Really rare.
[#] Fixed chunk marks are always white since 1.13
[#] Fixed /Lands reload messages would throw double inventory errors
[#] Fixed top players signs not loading in others worlds than claim worlds
----------, Aug 25, 2018

2.3.6 Database convertion Hotfix
[#] Fixed database convertion could
fail and execute if it's not the old db

[#] Fixed /land delete error
----------, Aug 23, 2018

Only spigot 1.13

2.3.5 GUI Hotfix
You only need this update, if you have
GUI issues.

[#] Fixed in some cases GUI might
not working as it should
----------, Aug 22, 2018

Only spigot 1.13

2.3.4 Bugfixes
[#] Fixed error, if user made misconfiguration with
numbers in config
[#] Fixed potentially issue with database,
if you use Multiverse Core
----------, Aug 22, 2018

Only spigot 1.13

2.3.3 Chat and Leaderboard Bugfixes
[#] Fixed chat parameter throwing error
and not working
[#] Optimized message editing on
lands chat
[#] Fixed Lands top leaderboard
per world not working right

Note: This update will delete old
leaderboard signs due some db change
----------, Aug 21, 2018

1.9.6 Safzones Improvements
+ Added /Land admin <Land> untrust <Player> [here] command
Now you can force untrust players in an whole land or chunk ([here])
+ Safezones Lands will now not auto generate
That means you can now delete them via /Lands admin land <Server_WORLDNAME> delete
[#] Fixed /Lands safezone delete command would return that the safezone doesn't exist
+ Added safezones only will be generated in Lands worlds
[#] Removed prefix from help messages
[#] Fixed german safezone help message
----------, Jul 4, 2018

1.9.5 API Improvements
+ Added new methods to the LandsAPI
+ Added descriptions and information
to all methods

+ Added message "general.noaccess.wilderness"
This message will appear, if option "general.options.disallowwilderness"
is turned on

+ Added message "gui.rolesettings.notunlocked.*"
This item will appear in the role settings GUI if an
player has not permission for an setting
Permissions can be found on plugin page

+ Added message "gui.chunksettings.notunlocked.*"
This item will appear in the chunk settings GUI if an
player has not permission for an setting
Permissions can be found on plugin page

[#] Fixed option "general.options.disallowWilderness" not working
----------, Jul 3, 2018

1.9.4 Purge inactive Lands
+ Added option "database.purger.enabled"
Enable or disable land purger
+ Added option "database.purger.offlinedays"
Define how long owner must be offline
to be inactive
+ Added option "database.purger.replaceOwner"
Should owner be replaced or land deleted
If no new owner found land will be deleted anyways
+ Added task to provide better performance on
deleting lands on purge
----------, Jul 3, 2018

1.9.3 Method Optimization
[#] Optimized a lot of code
[#] Plugin is a lot smaller and
will be faster now
----------, Jul 2, 2018

1.9.2 Database bugfixes
[#] Fixed /Land accept returned erros,
if executed with no arguments

[#] Fixed /Land claim selection performance
[#] Fixed /Land delete wouldn't delete all chunks of the land
[#] Removed debug messages
[#] Fixed /land untrust noacces message for an land
[#] Permission for new land for roles were not set
----------, Jul 1, 2018

1.9.1 GUI restrictions
+ Now you can edit things via GUI as an admin
with the restrictions set by an owner
If you still ecounter issues with that, please contact me.

+ Added placegolder %land% to message "land.claim.success", ".near", "land.selection.success"
+ Added message ""
+ Added %time% placeholder to message

[#] Fixed players could remove them selves
from the land if they're admin

+ Added permission "lands.bypass.rolesettings.edit" for staff (/land menu <Target>)
+ Added permission "lands.bypass.chunksettings.edit" for staff (/land menu <Target>)

[#] Updated German language file
[#] Fixed some other issues
----------, Jun 28, 2018

1.9.0 Reworked Invites
+ Added /Land invites command
This will open an autosize GUI where
players can see their invites

+ Added /Land deny command
Now you can deny invites.

+ Added messages to commands
wich can't be executed from console

[#] Removed /Land accept invites list
This will now work over the GUI

[#] Completely reworked the /Land accept command
Should be more flawlessy now

[#] Completely reworked invites system

[#] Improved command peformance
----------, Jun 28, 2018

1.8.9 Chunk Settings Fix
[#] Fixed chunks settings
doesn't work since the
ID couldn't get applyed to
management system.

[#] Fixed database could not
save chunk settings for
specific chunks

[#] Fixed entity griefing
setting not working

[#] Fixed chunks settings
----------, Jun 25, 2018

1.8.8 GUI Hotfix
[#] Fixed normal members can edit
visitors restrictions
----------, Jun 25, 2018

1.8.7 Added Visitors Settings
+ Added new item to roles inventory
+ Added new strings to translation: "gui.roles.visitors.*"

+ Now you can adjust settings that belong to visitors of each chunk

[#] Fixed players could attack owner, also if he has no permission to attack
and owner couldn't

[#] Updated German language
----------, Jun 25, 2018

1.8.6 GUI Improvements
+ GUI checks will now be much faster
Improved performance a lot
GUI system uses now prefix identification

+ Added /Lands about command
This is an testing. The command meant to help
in the future for support
----------, Jun 24, 2018

1.8.5 Itemframes and others
+ Now itemframes and other things like that will
be also protected.

You also can bypass this protection with permission "lands.bypass.break"
or to interact with it "lands.bypass.interact"

[#] Fixed Update handler
----------, Jun 23, 2018

1.8.4 Bypasses
+ Added bypass permissions
Place blocks:
Break: lands.bypass.break
Interact: lands.bypass.interact
----------, Jun 22, 2018

1.8.3 Bugfixes

NOTE: If you're updating from version older than 1.8.1, please read update log from version 1.8.1! You also need to install previous version (1.8.1) first and after that you can install this version. If you don't do that, the default chunk and role settings will not apply to the existing lands.

[#] Updated vietnamnese language
Thanks to @AnhCraft

[#] Fixed /Land delete issue
[#] Fixed /Land accept would cause issue if invite from chunk and land exists
[#] Made some optimizations
----------, Jun 21, 2018

Land Settings 1.8.2

NOTE: If you're updating from version older than 1.8.1, please read update log from version 1.8.1! You also need to install previous version (1.8.1) first and after that you can install this version. If you don't do that, the default chunk and role settings will not apply to the existing lands.

+ Added setting playertrust for the whole land
+ Added setting playeruntrust for the whole land
+ Added setting playersetrole for the whole land
With this permission you can give permission to trust/untrust/setrole
in the whole land (/land trust <Name>)

[#] Fixed land invite notification on join
[#] Fixed owner permission not working
----------, Jun 20, 2018

1.8.1 Huge settings update

INFO: Please follow update introductions:
1. Stop server
2. Make an Backup of the plugins/Lands/ folder
3. Install new Lands.jar
4. Start server
5. The migration process to new db structure will start. This can take a few seconds.

+ Now your players can adjust settings for each chunks
+ You also can apply cerain settings from an chunk to the whole land
+ You can diallow players to edit some settings - Good for ranks
+ Added permissions for each setting
+ You now can set restrictions for each role (member, admin).

+ Added role restrictions
You can edit these in each chunk and also
apply them to the whole land.

+ It's now possible to let admins claim the land.
Even members or visitors, lol. You can adjust this in the
role restrictions gui. These setting is in the whole land (ID: "land_claim").

+ Added landRole visitor
This is everyone wich isn't trusted in an land.
So you also can adjust restrictions for them.

+ You now can adjust wich roles can fight
in an chunk. Only players can be attacked wich also
can fight in this land, to prevent abusing.

+ Now you can synchronise chunk settings to the whole land

+ Now you can synchronise role settings to the whole land

+ If player creates land and has multiple lands, the created one will
be set as edit.

+ Added permission lands.chunk.setting.<setting>
+ Added permission lands.role.<role>.setting.<setting>

+ Added task wich updates database to new version

+ Added %next% and %format% placeholder to rent GUI

[#] Changed language translation names. You just can rename your old ones to apply them.

[#] Updated english language files
[#] Updated german language files

[#] Improved the database and data handler a lot
Since Lands need to handle a lot more of information now
I optimzed and reconstructured a lot of the database. So how Lands do
checks will work different to previous version to grant
a good performance with more features for the future.
This also means that a lot of code was changed or removed.
Please report bugs or issues via pm or discord, thanks!

----------, Jun 20, 2018

1.8.0 Bugfixes
+ Added polish language and GUI translation (pl)
Translated by @XInfiniterX

[#] Fixed /Land wild teleports players in water sometimes
[#] Fixed landchunk loading issue
[#] Fixed no land item causing error in GUI

Please take part at this poll for new feature:
----------, Jun 14, 2018

1.7.9 PvP
+ Added option to enable pvp in lands: "lands.options.pvp"
Default: false

This will be soon replaced by an option system where you can toggle settings in an GUI as an land owner.
----------, Jun 13, 2018

1.7.8 Land wild
+ Added config option "randomteleport.worlds"
Now you can define in wich worlds /Land wild should be activated

+ Added message "land.wild.worldInvalid"
Shows up, if world is not in "randomteleport.worlds"

+ Added option "chunk.options.denyNearOthers"
Now you can set if players should be able to claim
near other players lands

[#] Optimized /Land claim selection checks
[#] Changed permission "lands.command.set" to "lands.command.edit"
----------, Jun 12, 2018

1.7.7 Optimizations
+ Playerheads will no be without skins im member GUI
So loading time of the players is drasticaly decreased now
Clients doesn't need to download the player head skin

+ Replaced owners item in roles GUI with players head, since only one
owner per land is possible.

+ Role members will now be sorted
+ Chunks will now be sorted

[#] Updated English and German language file
to make understanding of the system easier.
NOTE: If your players struggle to understand lands,
I highly recommend to delete your <language>_gui.yml file (if you use en_us or de as language).
So the new one generates with better explanation.

[#] Fixed some issues if forgot to list them.
----------, Jun 12, 2018

1.7.6 Admin actions
+ Added vietnamnese translation
Thanks to @AnhCraft !

+ Added /Land admin trust <Player>
Now you can trust players in lands as an admin.
Offline players supported
+ Added /Land admin trust <Player> here
Now you can trust players in an chunk of an land
Offline players supported

[#] Improved /Land wild
The random location will now be checked if it's secure
to teleport there. For example if there is an ocean.

[#] Updated german language file
----------, Jun 11, 2018

1.7.5 Fixed random teleport
[#] Fixed random teleport can be used
in non Lands worlds
[#] Fixed piston anti grief checks
----------, Jun 9, 2018

1.7.4 Random teleport
+ Added /Land wild command
Now you can random teleport to an location
where Lands is active
+ Added /Land delete command
Now you can delete your own land

[#] Fixed language old issue
----------, Jun 9, 2018

1.7.3 /Land claim fix
[#] Fixed /Land claim would always say that you
need to go near to your land
[#] Optimized some checks

Reported by @AnhCraft
----------, Jun 9, 2018

1.7.2 Commandhandler issue
[#] Fixed commandhandler init issue
wich caused to unregister trust command
----------, Jun 8, 2018

I uploaded the wrong file last update. This is the right one. :)
----------, Jun 6, 2018

1.7.0 Land claim costs mode
+ Added option "chunk.costsincrease.mode"
This defines costs mode:
- Percentage: Add x% to chunk price/chunk
- Add: Add x amount to chunk price/chunk

[#] Changed command "/Land invite" to "/Land trust"
[#] Changed all /Land trust messages to*
----------, Jun 6, 2018

1.6.9 Fixed Chunks GUI
[#] Fixed land members GUI not working
in older spigot versions that 1.12

[#] Fixed chunks GUI not showing all chunks,
if there are multiple pages
[#] Fixed if you go back from chunk
you get redirected to wrong page

[#] Fixed GUI page issue
[#] Improved GUI handler
----------, May 30, 2018

1.6.8 Admin actions
+ Added /Land admin command
+ Now you can delete lands or just edit them via GUI
Use command /Lands admin land <Land> <Action>
+ Added title to land delete success

+ Added permission: lands.command.admin - /Land admin
+ Added permission: - /Land admin land
+ Added permission: - /Land admin land <Land> delete
+ Added permission: - /Land admin land <Land> edit
----------, May 29, 2018

1.6.7 GUI Hotfix
[#] Fixed %status% variable for
rolemember isn't working
Reported by @poma123
----------, May 28, 2018

1.6.6 Placeholders
NOTE: This update is not required.

+ Added bunch of new PlaceHolderAPI placeholders
Also changed a few ones

- Placeholders
- PlaceholderAPI integration
- Avialible placeholders:

Code (Text):
The following placeholders only work for the land the player owns.

  Description: Returns trusted members size in owning land

  Description: Returns owning land name

  Description: Returns world the owning land is in

  Description: Returns the owning land rent value of the land

  Description: Returns if player has land

  Description: Returns if player is member of an land

  Description: Returns land name player is in

----------, May 28, 2018

1.6.5 Possibiliy to have multiple Lands in one world
Requested by @ArZor

+ Added permission: "lands.ownlands.<NUMBER>"
This permission sets how many lands a player can own

+ Added command /Land edit <Land>
This command is needed if you have multiple lands in one world
It specifies wich land should be used for next actions like claim, untrust, invite etc.

+ Added edit land value will be saved if player quits
So you don't have to do /Land edit everytime you rejoin.
----------, May 28, 2018

1.6.4: GUI customization
+ Added %costs% variable to message "land.create.success"
+ Added configuration section: ""
Now you can edit taxes values and how much the items should add.​
+ Added new variables to "*" strings in GUI language config
+ Customized /Land debug command layout

[#] Fixed: land.invite.targetchunk isn't sending to target

[#] Fixed: Land invites list showing wrong variables
Reported by @ArZor
----------, May 28, 2018

+ Added %costs% variable to "land.claim.success"
+ Added %costs% variable to "worldedit.selection.claimed"

Requested by @ArZor
----------, May 28, 2018

[#] Fixed /Land claim costs cointains extreme decimals
Reported by @ArZor
----------, May 27, 2018

+ Added config option to disable/enable prevention of piston griefing: "protection.module.preventPistonGriefing"
Default: true

+ Added new log info strings GUI:
+ Land info
+ Chunk info
+ Chunks info
+ Invites info
+ Roles info
+ Rolemember info

Requested by @poma123

+ Also removed and added some info variables
+ Updated: English and German language files

+ If you only in one land, /Land menu will open directly this land

[#] Fixed invites GUI showing wrong back lore message
[#] Fixed some GUI bugs
----------, May 27, 2018

Just an little update before some bigger ones. Not really necessary.

+ Added Danish (da) translation for language and GUI
Thanks to @Sygt
----------, May 27, 2018

[#] Fixed: If land with same name lowercase exist, it can't be loaded
[#] Optimized database system and data loading
[#] Optimized command handler
----------, May 22, 2018

+ Added option to let lands create an backup on every start of lands: "general.options.backup.createonstart"
+ Added argument option to chat: "chat.landchat.chatparameter.*"
+ Added parameter setting to set an parameter
If you send this parameter into global chat, you will send this message only to land chat
You can disable this.​

[#] Fixed: Database issues not reporting correctly
[#] EconomyHandler: Made some improvements how Lands handle economy information
[#] Fixed: Default Economy bugs
----------, May 15, 2018

[#] Fixed players don't receive land chat if they're join a land.

Thanks for reporting!
----------, May 12, 2018

+ Added chat system
+ Added chat command: /land chat
- You can use /land chat <Message> to chat with online members in your land
- Also you can use /land chat <Land> <Message> to chat with members from a certain land you're in.

+ Added message: ""
+ Added messages: "*"
+ Added block commands settings
+ Added "land.cmd.blacklist.trusted"
Use this to block commands for players wich are trusted in a land they're standing on
+ Added "land.cmd.blacklist.nottrusted"
Use this to block commands for players wich aren't trusted in a land they're standing on​
----------, May 11, 2018

+ Added new safezone system
+ Added safezone per world
+ You now can set safezone via selection claim tool /land selection
Just use then /land safezone claim selection to add it​

[#] Fixed landview safezone issue
----------, May 10, 2018

[#] Fixed: Top lands wrong top lands order after asynch update

Previous (1.5.3):
+ Added UtilsUpdater task
This task will update every minute data, like top lands etc.
This asynch task is used to provide the best performance
and update not every time the data is needed​

+ Added command "land top"
This command shows the top 10 lands of the world you're currently in
+ Added messages to language file "*"​

+ Added backup manager to database
Lands will now auto create a backup of all data, if you're running a new version. This is useful to prevent damage to your lands.
In future updates you will be able to schedule backups

+ Updated language files

[#] Improved selection handler performance
[#] Fixed: World data load issue with Multiverse-Core
[#] Fixed: World not loading

NOTE: When addon system is completed, i will add an top lands sign leaderboard.
----------, May 6, 2018

+ Added UtilsUpdater task
This task will update every minute data, like top lands etc.
This asynch task is used to provide the best performance
and update not every time the data is needed​

+ Added command "land top"
This command shows the top 10 lands of the world you're currently in
+ Added messages to language file "*"​

+ Added backup manager to database
Lands will now auto create a backup of all data, if you're running a new version. This is useful to prevent damage to your lands.
In future updates you will be able to schedule backups

+ Updated language files

[#] Improved selection handler performance
[#] Fixed: World data load issue with Multiverse-Core
[#] Fixed: World not loading

NOTE: When addon system is completed, i will add an top lands sign leaderboard.
----------, May 6, 2018

+ Added option "" to change land item in GUI
+ Added misconfiguration message to config
This will appear if you made any misconfiguration​
+ Set display-names from placeholders, so it looks smoother
----------, May 3, 2018

[#] Fixed members GUI not loading correctly
----------, May 2, 2018

+ Added new chat system
+ Added ability to set every message to title, actionbar or just chat
+ Added #t# parameter for title
Just set #t# in front of a message to display it as a title
+ Added fade arguments for title
# ###############################
# About chat message type system:
# ###############################

# You can use some codes to set the type
# of a message to title, actionbar or chat.
# How does it work:

# For example we want to print the prefix as a title:
# Set general.noPerm to: '#t#&cYou''re not allowed to do this.' (Set "#t#" in front of it)
# This would just print it as a title.

# You also can set in, stay and out fade timings in seconds:
# Set for example general.prefix to: '#t#!!1!!2!!3!!&cYou''re not allowed to do this.'
# This would display this message as a title with
# a fade in delay of 1 seconds, a stay time with 2 seconds
# and a fade out delay of 3 seconds.

# You also can display it as a actionbar message:
# Just add "#a#" in front of it.
# If you want to display it in chat, just don't set any
# of these in front of it or use "#c#".

# Also you can combine these modes:
# Set for example general.prefix to: '#c#a#t#!!1!!2!!3!!&cYou''re not allowed to do this.'
# This would print this message as chat, actionbar and an title with an in delay (1 seconds),
# stay time (2 seconds) and fade out delay (3 seconds)
# For any questions or issues, please contact me on discord or via pm.

There is also an explanation in you language file.
+ Added #a# parameter for actionbar
Just set #a# in front of a message to display it as a actionbar message

+ Added #c# parameter for chat
Just don't set any arguments or use #c# to display it in chat

+ Added close GUI item to lands overview GUI.
+ Land GUI will now auto size

+ You now can let your player create lands in multiple worlds

+ Added some messages to /Land reload

+ Added new land view handler
+ Added if you view module runs for player
and he currently view other chunk,
the current view will be removed to
continue the new one.
[#] Improved performance
[#] Fixed chunk marks not showing​

+ You can now disable chunk teleport through GUI
+ Added permission 'lands.gui.chunk.teleport'
Just add/remove this permission to disallow teleportation
+ Added item to chunk GUI, wich appears if player doesn't have
permission to teleport to a chunk.​

[#] Fixed player invites not saving
[#] Improved GUI role member list loading speed
[#] Lands will now only apply a skin to head from players wich are online
This improves performance a lot, since the server don't need to download the skin for that.
[#] Changed land/chunk members item to player head.
[#] Lands will now set colour prefix in GUI for roles
[#] Fixed offline since seconds not showing in GUI

NOTE: This update will move your old language file to /plugins/Lands/Outdated/<language>_old.yml.
Due some important changes were made and some users would experience some issues.
----------, Apr 30, 2018

[#] Fixed some synchronized methods locked main thread so server could crash
[#] Improved Database performance

Please contact my if you still encounter issues. :)

+ Added logo with information to console
Since i don't like console spam, i also added an option to disable this
+ Added option to disable logo print on enable

NOTE: I currently have my last exams so there are currently only bugfixes. My exams end on 04/28/2018.
----------, Apr 24, 2018

+ Added reminder to console if some error occurred.
This helps to prevent damage to lands​

[#] Fixed some minor issues
----------, Apr 17, 2018

+ Added new chunk marks
[#] Changed wilderness to blue wool
[#] Changed owned to green wool
[#] Optimized code
+ You will now be teleported to the middle of the chunk
(/Land teleport or GUI)​
----------, Apr 15, 2018

+ Added new message system for future updates to send title, actionbar and chat messages
+ Added option to combine all message types for land enter/leave messages
+ Config value "land.options.posNotification.actionbar" Enable/Disable actionbar
+ Config value "" Enable/Disable chat

+ Added reload command
+ Added arguments: config, messages
Usage: /Land reload <Argument>

+ Added messages "help.admin.*" to language file

+ Added update checker to notify you in console
+ Added disable update check value: "general.checkUpdate"

[#] Improved chat system performance
[#] Updated german language file
----------, Apr 14, 2018

+ Added title land enter/leave message
+ Added string "*" to language
+ Title, Subtitle support
+ Config section: "land.options.posNotification.title"
+ Edit in, stay, out seconds to customize title
+ Added %owner% value to display owner name​
+ Actionbar: Added %owner% value to display owner name
+ You can combine title and actionbar (see config)

----------, Apr 13, 2018

+ Added config value to set selection item:

Added config value to disable selection:

+ Added config value to set default currency item:

NOTE: For materials have a look here:

[#] Fixed LandViewTask error while reload
Reported by @Nachtaktiv
----------, Apr 11, 2018

+ Added config watcher
It will remind you if there some misconfigurations in config​
+ Added message to console for config check

[#] Fixed bug config generation values load on first generation

Reported by @c00kie
----------, Apr 11, 2018

[#] Fixed economy vault integration not working since config update
Reported by @Glanir

[#] Fixed some other config values not working
----------, Apr 10, 2018

[#] Fixed /Land selection missing string: "worldedit.selection.disabled".
Reported by @c00kie


[#] Fixed LandViewTask NullPointerException if player leaves server
Reported by @XInfiniterX

[#] Optimized LandViewTask
----------, Apr 9, 2018

[#] Config will remove outdated values
[#] Config will add comments to file on first plugin start
For better config explanation​
[#] Improved add new values to config
[#] Improved config performance/load time
----------, Apr 8, 2018

[#] Fixed untrusted players can manipulate armorstands

Reported by @MeltedTuberYT
----------, Apr 5, 2018

+ Added asynchronous actionbar land leave/join title
To serve the best performance for you, i decided to run this at an asynchronous task and not every time a player moves
Please report bugs or suggestions to me via pm or discord.

NOTE: You can disable this in config: "land.options.posNotification.enabled"
+ Added option "land.options.posNotification.enabled" to config.
----------, Apr 5, 2018

[#] Fixed /Land claim auto land generation
----------, Apr 3, 2018

[#] Fixed /Land claim auto generate Land can bypass settings
[#] Fixed minor bugs

+ Added new message to langfile at "land.create"
----------, Apr 3, 2018

+ Added PlaceholderAPI support

Code (Text):
The following placeholders only work for the land the player owns.

  Description: Returns trusted members size in whole land

  Description: Returns land name

  Description: Returns world the land is in

  Description: Returns the land rent value of the land
You need to enable this in config.
+ Added config option "*"

Requested by @BendikNorway
----------, Apr 2, 2018

[#] Updated languagefile
[#] Changed permission "lands.bypass.invite.edit" to "lands.bypass.invite.remove"
----------, Apr 2, 2018

+ Added bypass error item to GUI
Shows up if you're in staffmode and spectating other player GUI
but don't have an required permission.

+ Added information item to GUI
Shows you information why something isn't working

+ Added "gui.general.bypass.*" to langfile.
+ Added "gui.rolemember.errors.self" to langfile

Please report bugs on my support discord:
Or via pm. I will fix them soon as possible.
----------, Apr 1, 2018

[#] Fixed not loaded chunks not saving at edit through GUI
[#] Fixed offline players not saving at edit through GUI
----------, Apr 1, 2018

+ Added ability to do /land menu <Player>
"You can see the GUI through the targets eyes"​

+ Added some new permissions:

Bypass permissions:
Information: With this you can do things without being trusted etc.

Description: Bypass protections

Description: Bypass pay taxes

Description: You can edit taxes

Description: You can look into chunks in GUI

Description: Look into role member GUI

Description: Delete invite
+ Made GUI better (faster to edit things)

NOTE: This feature is still experimental! Bugs might occur. Please report them to me via pm or Discord!
----------, Apr 1, 2018

[#] Fixed bypass permission

Reported by @MeltedTuberYT
----------, Mar 31, 2018

[#] Fixed /Land setrole Bug

Reported by @MeltedTuberYT
----------, Mar 31, 2018

[#] Fixed database failure if a world is in config that doesn't exist

Reported by @Nowvaa
----------, Mar 30, 2018

+ Added error handler
Lands will save any issues to a log file located in /Lands/Errors/
+ Added option "database.error.disallowjoin"
If an error occurs Lands can enable protection mode
Means disallow players to join the server​
----------, Mar 29, 2018

+ Added option "taxes.enabled"
Disable/enable taxes, also for GUI


+ Added permission "lands.taxes.config"
IMPORTANT: Defines if a player can set taxes for his land

[#] Improved option "general.options.disallowWilderness"
+ Lands will now pass events if this is activated and there is a WorldGuard region

Requested by @Nachtaktiv
----------, Mar 29, 2018

+ Added option "land.options.inviteOwners"
Allows/Disallows land owners to be trusted in other players land

Requested by @Nachtaktiv
[#] Fixed some management bugs
----------, Mar 29, 2018

[#] Fixed disallow wilderness option

Bug reported by @Nachtaktiv
Thanks for reporting!
----------, Mar 28, 2018

[#] Fixed /Land create bug
[#] Minor fixes
----------, Mar 28, 2018

+ Added "land.accept.owneronline" message

[#] Fixed auto land name generation
[#] Fixed /Land accept
[#] Fixed permission system

Bugs reported by @Nachtaktiv
----------, Mar 28, 2018

+ Added option "chunk.options.unclaimRegen"
If set to true, Lands will regenerate the chunk if it get's unclaimed
Default: false
+ Added option "general.options.disallowWilderness"
If set to true, players can't build etc in wilderness
Note: Players with bypass permissions still can
Default: false

Requested by @Nachtaktiv
----------, Mar 28, 2018

+ Added option 'chunk.options.forceNear'
Force players to claim near their other chunks​
+ Added option 'land.options.forceCreation'
Force players to create a land
Info: If you want custom land names only for specific players use the permission "lands.command.create"
Requested by @Nachtaktiv
----------, Mar 27, 2018

+ Added /land debug
Shows you all loaded data and lands size.​
----------, Mar 26, 2018

[#] Fixed /land claim selection economy bug
[#] Fixed land claim management
----------, Mar 26, 2018

[#] Minor changes
----------, Mar 26, 2018

+ Added new configuration handler
This is also an update to notify you to suggest configuration to add!
Feel free to suggest configuration options in discussion tab! Thanks.
+ Added taxes.* config section
+ Added
Remove a member if he cant pay taxes

+ Added taxes.chunk.removeMember
Remove a member if he cant pay taxes

----------, Mar 21, 2018

+ You now can revoke invites through following actions
+ Right click in invites GUI or
+ /Land untrust <Name>

+ Added 'gui.invites.invite.lore' to langfile

[#] Updated German langfile
----------, Mar 19, 2018

[#] Updated German language file
----------, Mar 17, 2018

+ Added new info item to role member GUI
+ Added display member offline days, hours, minutes, seconds

+ Changed main menu
+ Added /land claim selection command to claim a selection

[#] Improved GUI system
[#] Fixed database issues
----------, Mar 17, 2018

+ Added permission to limit selection.
----------, Mar 15, 2018

+ Added claim selection
+ Added command /lands selection to enable selection mode
+ You can select an area to claim with an IRON PICKAXE
+ Added new messages 'worldedit.*'

- You need the plugin WorldEdit for that feature
- You can disable this in the config
Suggestion by @Wilsgaard

Please report bugs! Thanks.

[#] Minor bug fixes
----------, Mar 14, 2018

[#] Fixed costs calculator
[#] Fixed land size
[#] Fixed API bug
----------, Mar 9, 2018

+ Rent task will now auto resume after server shutdown
+ Added rentSystem.rentSeconds to config
This is the rent check interval in seconds.​

[#] Made a few improvements to rent task
----------, Mar 9, 2018

+ Added new Item to GUI
Shows up if you don't have access to a section
+ Added translation strings
[#] Fixed land untrust bugs
[#] Fixed manager bugs
[#] Minor changes

----------, Mar 4, 2018

+ Now you can edit unloaded chunks via GUI
+ You can now just smoothly view all chunks in the GUI

[#] Improved API
[#] Minor changes
[#] Improved algorithms

NOTE: Due some database changes i would recommend to take a backup of the /Lands folder. Everything should work fine but to be sure you should do it.
----------, Mar 3, 2018

[#] Improved asynchronous rent task
[#] Fixed task bugs
----------, Mar 3, 2018

+ Added taxes system
+ Taxes GUI
+ Players can disable taxes per land or chunk
+ Players can disable taxes completely (Owners of the land)
+ Owners can set a one time tax, so that players in this chunk or land don't need to pay for ex. monthly taxes
+ Added a bunch of new messages
+ Language manager will now auto add missing strings
[#] Improved manager system
[#] Fixed several API bugs
[#] Fixed general bugs

----------, Mar 3, 2018

+ Improved analytics
You can check this here:
Also you can disable this in /plugins/Bstats/config.yml​
----------, Feb 25, 2018

[#] Important metrics bugfixes
----------, Feb 25, 2018

+ Added chunk.costsIncrease setting
Defines costs increase in percent per claim​
+ Added chunk.viewDelay setting
Defines delay in wich the chunk marks are shown​
+ Added integration settings
+ Added WorldGuard integration settings
+ Disable claim in worldguard region
+ Added economy settings​

+ Added message

+ Added metrics support
You can disable that in the metrics config​
----------, Feb 25, 2018

[#] Fixed claim command
[#] Fixed auto member add feature
[#] Fixed set role command
[#] Fixed API bugs
----------, Feb 23, 2018

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 8,128
First Release: Feb 22, 2018
Last Update: Feb 26, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
262 ratings
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