Lands ⭕ Land claim plugin ✅ Grief Prevention Protection GUI Management Nations Wars - 1.21 Support icon

Lands ⭕ Land claim plugin ✅ Grief Prevention Protection GUI Management Nations Wars - 1.21 Support -----

Feature rich GUI, Taxes, Settings, Flags, Easy to use, Titles, Rewards, Dynmap, Upkeep, Rent, Wars

Added Areas System and reworked GUI - Release 3- Safezone Fix
This version is considered as stable to use on live servers. Anyways, please take backups to be on the safe side.
Also, you won't be able to downgrade to older plugin versions after installing this update!!!!!!

I recommend deleting your GUI language file, as it's heavily outdated now. Otherwise, your old language file might cause confusion to your players.

+ Completely reworked the GUI menus
The new menus are way more organized and have more intelligent features,
like trusting players in the menu or settings role with ease.

+ ADDED Area system
With areas you can assign chunks to an area, in order to orgnize settings
and roles in this area. It allows you to create multiple areas for your land.

You can edit settings for specific areas.
The settings of the global (default) area do not override the other areas.
New claimed chunks will be added to the global (default) area.
You can trust, untrust, setrole players with /Lands trust.. <player> here
The here parameter will take the area, you stand on.

Land menu:



Also, the /Lands menu here command will open
the menu for the area, you're standing on.

+ Added /Lands selection assign <area> command
With this command you can assign a selection of chunks
to an area.

# IMPROVED Message handler
# IMPROVED GUI config handler
# IMPROVED Config handler

+ ADDED Setting to include spawner blocks for monster_spawn setting
# Prevent spawning from spawner blocks?
include-spawners: false

# CHANGED Monsters are now allowed to ativate mechanisms
If they're ridden by a player, which is not trusted in the land.

# FIXED Player tracker error
# FIXED Chunk claim cost calculation ignoring decimals settings
# FIXED Taxes menu add and remove buttons
# FIXED Tax value reset

With this update some parts of the other languages translations become useless.
If you rely on these, just don't update until you translated them.
Actually the GUI language config is smaller now.
----------, Nov 29, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 8,130
First Release: Feb 22, 2018
Last Update: Feb 26, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
262 ratings
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