Lands ⭕ Land claim plugin ✅ Grief Prevention Protection GUI Management Nations Wars - 1.21 Support icon

Lands ⭕ Land claim plugin ✅ Grief Prevention Protection GUI Management Nations Wars - 1.21 Support -----

Feature rich GUI, Taxes, Settings, Flags, Easy to use, Titles, Rewards, Dynmap, Upkeep, Rent, Wars

[BETA] Custom Flags v5.4.3
Note: This update contains quite a lot of changes behind the scenes. While most of them were quite uniform, it's nevertheless recommended to take a backup! If you're planning to use this version on a production server, it is recommend to wait a few more days. You also need to re-configure your default natural land flags: default_list in config.yml

- Added: API: 3rd party plugins can now register their own flags. These flags will also be displayed in the lands menus. 3rd party developers can however decide if they will be displayed / toggleable etc.

- Added: Suggestion: "Allow levels to be determined by amount of chunks/claims instead of member count."
- Added: Suggestion: "Require a specific land level to be able to create a Nation."
# Require a specific land level to be able to create a nation. You can set this to 1 in order to disable this.
# NOTE: This must be the section name of the specific level.
level: 5​

- Fixed: Dynmap spawn markers name is land id instead of land name
- Fixed: /back conflict with some teleport plugins
----------, Mar 30, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 8,130
First Release: Feb 22, 2018
Last Update: Feb 26, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
262 ratings
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