Lands ⭕ Land claim plugin ✅ Grief Prevention Protection GUI Management Nations Wars - 1.21 Support icon

Lands ⭕ Land claim plugin ✅ Grief Prevention Protection GUI Management Nations Wars - 1.21 Support -----

Feature rich GUI, Taxes, Settings, Flags, Easy to use, Titles, Rewards, Dynmap, Upkeep, Rent, Wars

Before updating to this version, please make sure to make a backup of your current SQL database.
Also, downgrading from this version to an older one will not work!

This version adds support for synchronizing lands and claims across servers.

If you want to synchronize claims across servers, read the setup instructions here:

+ Added: Being able to sync lands and claims across servers
+ Added: Update the menu view if another player, for example, toggles flags etc.
+ Added: Redis TTL cache, if Redis enabled in config.yml
+ Improved: Several anti grief protections
- Fixed: Several bugs that aren't listed in this changelog

If you use the Lands API:
- All getId methods for lands, nations, wars, areas, roles are deprecated. The numerical ID isn't unique across multiple servers and should no longer be used. Use getULID instead. This is a universally unique lexicographically sortable identifier, which is unique across all servers. It's also better for SQL queries in comparison to UUID, as it's b-tree friendly for sorting. Doc:
----------, Apr 19, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 8,130
First Release: Feb 22, 2018
Last Update: Feb 26, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
262 ratings
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