Lands ⭕ Land claim plugin ✅ Grief Prevention Protection GUI Management Nations Wars - 1.21 Support icon

Lands ⭕ Land claim plugin ✅ Grief Prevention Protection GUI Management Nations Wars - 1.21 Support -----

Feature rich GUI, Taxes, Settings, Flags, Easy to use, Titles, Rewards, Dynmap, Upkeep, Rent, Wars

No Pay Time, API, Menu Shortcuts
+ Added: [Suggestion] Take land upkeep no-pay time into account in menu and /lands upkeep
+ Added: [Suggestion] Take nation upkeep no-pay time into account in menu
+ Added: [Suggestion] API: MemberHolderUpkeepEvent: called when a land or nation needs to pay upkeep
+ Added: [Suggestion] API: PlayerTaxEvent: called when a land members needs to pay taxes.
+ Added: [Suggestion] Menu shortcuts to open via /lands menu <shortcut>
To open a menu for a different player use /lands menu <shortcut> <player>
This command can be executed from the console.​
+ Added: [Suggestion] Menu shortcuts to open via /nations menu <shortcut>
To open a menu for a different player use /lands menu <shortcut> <player>
This command can be executed from the console.​
+ Added: [Suggestion] Menu shortcuts to open via /wars menu <shortcut>
To open a menu for a different player use /lands menu <shortcut> <player>
This command can be executed from the console.​
+ Improved: Adjusted nation menus size to match the rest
- Removed: /lands menu <player>
You can now use /lands admin land <land> edit instead.
or just use /lands menu main <player = yourself>​
- Fixed: [#1714] /lands claim mlc for map error
- Fixed: [#1708] not able to change color for list replace in lores
- Fixed: [#1704] top-lands.divide not applied to top lands leaderboards
----------, Feb 24, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 8,130
First Release: Feb 22, 2018
Last Update: Feb 26, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
262 ratings
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