Lands ⭕ Land claim plugin ✅ Grief Prevention Protection GUI Management Nations Wars - 1.21 Support icon

Lands ⭕ Land claim plugin ✅ Grief Prevention Protection GUI Management Nations Wars - 1.21 Support -----

Feature rich GUI, Taxes, Settings, Flags, Easy to use, Titles, Rewards, Dynmap, Upkeep, Rent, Wars

Message System - Improvements
+ Added new chat system
+ Added ability to set every message to title, actionbar or just chat
+ Added #t# parameter for title
Just set #t# in front of a message to display it as a title
+ Added fade arguments for title
# ###############################
# About chat message type system:
# ###############################

# You can use some codes to set the type
# of a message to title, actionbar or chat.
# How does it work:

# For example we want to print the prefix as a title:
# Set general.noPerm to: '#t#&cYou''re not allowed to do this.' (Set "#t#" in front of it)
# This would just print it as a title.

# You also can set in, stay and out fade timings in seconds:
# Set for example general.prefix to: '#t#!!1!!2!!3!!&cYou''re not allowed to do this.'
# This would display this message as a title with
# a fade in delay of 1 seconds, a stay time with 2 seconds
# and a fade out delay of 3 seconds.

# You also can display it as a actionbar message:
# Just add "#a#" in front of it.
# If you want to display it in chat, just don't set any
# of these in front of it or use "#c#".

# Also you can combine these modes:
# Set for example general.prefix to: '#c#a#t#!!1!!2!!3!!&cYou''re not allowed to do this.'
# This would print this message as chat, actionbar and an title with an in delay (1 seconds),
# stay time (2 seconds) and fade out delay (3 seconds)
# For any questions or issues, please contact me on discord or via pm.

There is also an explanation in you language file.
+ Added #a# parameter for actionbar
Just set #a# in front of a message to display it as a actionbar message

+ Added #c# parameter for chat
Just don't set any arguments or use #c# to display it in chat

+ Added close GUI item to lands overview GUI.
+ Land GUI will now auto size

+ You now can let your player create lands in multiple worlds

+ Added some messages to /Land reload

+ Added new land view handler
+ Added if you view module runs for player
and he currently view other chunk,
the current view will be removed to
continue the new one.
[#] Improved performance
[#] Fixed chunk marks not showing​

+ You can now disable chunk teleport through GUI
+ Added permission 'lands.gui.chunk.teleport'
Just add/remove this permission to disallow teleportation
+ Added item to chunk GUI, wich appears if player doesn't have
permission to teleport to a chunk.​

[#] Fixed player invites not saving
[#] Improved GUI role member list loading speed
[#] Lands will now only apply a skin to head from players wich are online
This improves performance a lot, since the server don't need to download the skin for that.
[#] Changed land/chunk members item to player head.
[#] Lands will now set colour prefix in GUI for roles
[#] Fixed offline since seconds not showing in GUI

NOTE: This update will move your old language file to /plugins/Lands/Outdated/<language>_old.yml.
Due some important changes were made and some users would experience some issues.
----------, Apr 30, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 8,130
First Release: Feb 22, 2018
Last Update: Feb 26, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
262 ratings
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