MineTinker | 60+ Modifiers, Tools and Armor icon

MineTinker | 60+ Modifiers, Tools and Armor -----

A TinkersConstruct-inspired Plugin; Replaces or enhances Vanilla-Enchantments

Warning: due to changes to Attribute Modifiers in 1.21 MineTinker will now recognize Modifiers from other Plugins. Because of this all Attribute Modifiers (Hardened, Speedy, Tanky, ...) applied to Armor before this update (and any MT-Armor crafted before this update) will be considered from a different plugin. This makes old Armor very over powered as these modifiers are not removed but instead duplicated.

- Added Zealous Modifier
- Added Farming Modifier
- Added Mutating Modifier
- Added Building Modifier
- Added Mace as a Tooltype
- Added Dense Modifier and other Mace Enchants to Modifiers
- Added DisableExpFromDamageCause config option
- Added Sounds to block placing and breaking
- Added Item Expgain when shearing
- Added Player Configurations for players for indivisual MineTinker experience
- Added the ability to Infinity to shoot potion arrows

- GUI Improvements
- VoidNetting: Performance Improvements
- Photosynthesis: Performance Improvements
- Power: Performance Improvements
- Drilling: Performance Improvements
- Mutliple Code Improvements
- Improve Power handling farmland, pathway and stripping logs
- Enchantable: Allow XP instead of Levels
- Propelling: Tweak velocity calculations
- Magical now gives a warning when using with insufficient xp
- Add Rabbit Hide to WildHunt
- Allow some entity breaking with Undead

- Make ModifierItemMaterial configurable

- Fix Modifier Permissions
- Fix Timber leaving one block standing
- Fix Shift-Click in Grindstone
- Fix Trident Exp when thrown with Infinity
- Fix Fishing Rod XP Gained when no fish caught
- Fix AutoSmelt duplicating drops
- Fix Vigilant Absorption
- Fix Multishot duplicating arrows
- Fix broken tools not being able to open containers
- Fix modifier items not being able to open containers
- Fix Undead damaging Mobs with Arrows
- Fix Interact Events triggering Experienced
- Fix Drilling/Power not ignoring Block Hardness in Creative
- Fix Modifier Item Exploit when trying to enchant via books with insufficient levels
- Fix Magical not returning arrow when insufficient exp
- Fix being able of combining tools if Combinable is false
- Fix Grindstone Exp and Modifier Duping Exploit
- Fix Grindstone exploit when shift-clicking with full inventory
- Fix Fishing Rod exp gain while fishing
- Fix sapling placement with stripped logs with Timber
- Fix Item Damage not considering Unbreaking enchant
- Fix Modifier Configs being overwritten on /mt reload

- Removed Buidlerswands
- Removed EasyHarvest
- Removed old UseSmithingTable config option
- Removed Elytra.yml
----------, Jan 31, 2025

Some of the default values chaged due to balancing. If you want to play with the new defaults the configs need to be regenerated!

- Added Wild Hunt modifier
- Added Explosive modifier
- Added Phasing modifier
- Allow players using Undead to attack other players
- Allow multiple material choices in Shaped Recipes
- Allow Piercing on Bows
- Added option to disallow axes with Sharpness
- Added option to allow Multishot hitting one target multiple times
- Added ability to show multiple materials in /mt mods
- Added a filter option to the /mt mods interface
- Added back buttons to the /mt itemstatistics GUI
- Added Exp-Gain to Extra Modifier
- Added extra permission for /mt itemstatistics for other players
- Add Exp for Fishing rods on successful catch
- Timber 2 can place some saplings automatically if in inventory
- Smaller Rework of ShadowDive and Vigilant

- Improved visibility of crafting recipes in /mt mods
- Improved Multijump to make it less exploitable
- Improved Timber Tree Detection

- Reduced chance for Modifiers from mob drops
- Removed LEGACY_WOOD from Wooden Builderswand
- Removed unused config option UseCustomModelData

- Larger code refactors
- Fixed Directing duping MT items
- Fixed Directing spawning XP-orbs with 0 xp
- Fixed Directing not working on Soulbound items from mobs
- Fixed Directing not giving the correct amount of xp
- Fixed MultiShot-Arrows reflecting from entities
- Fixed an exception from handling non-MT-arrows
- Fixed Echoing for 1.19+
- Fixed Echoing not removing the glowing effect correctly
- Fixed modifier items being consumable
- Fixed Timber on Shears
- Fixed a possible exception in the /mt info command
- Fixes for newer Minecraft Versions
----------, Dec 24, 2023

- Completely reworked bow/crossbow/trident integration
- Ranged weapons now get detected correctly in offhand and even when de-equipping the weapon before the arrow lands (finally...)
- Thrown tridents now track their stats correctly
- Improve projectile launch detection for MineTinker tools
- The Ender-Modifier can now be configured to not require sneaking to activate
- Reworked the Ender-Modifier to work more inline with a normal ender pearl
- Modifiers are now given directly into the inventory when converting from enchanted books
- Removed unstable and deprecated methods
- Removed custom Infinity and Fiery handling for Multishot
- Improve Infinity and Fiery handling of arrows
- Reworked the Magical Modifier to work more as a Sniper-Modifier
- Removed the XP cost of Magical for creative players
- Propelling can now launch the player in the air more easily
- Changed Modifier-cooldowns to work item-bound and not player-bound


- Fix incorrect tool detection on entity death
- Fix Bow Modifiers not using the correct tool from time to time
- Fix Void Netting killing the player when teleporting because of fall damage
----------, Sep 29, 2023

  • Make Photosynthesis work on passable blocks
  • Update calculateExp() for block breaking
  • Updated some languages
  • Check Container for Chests when block breaking
  • Fix Duplication Exploit with the Power Modifier
  • Fix SwiftSneaking CustomModelData
  • Fix Timber not working for Cherry Trees
----------, Jul 4, 2023

- Set minimum Minecraft Version to 1.17
- Added better Minecraft Version Parsing
- Add Homing-Modifier
- Add Swift Sneaking Modifier
- Add Undead Modifier
- Add Vigilant Modifier
- Add some Modifier-Statistics Tracking
- Add option to use Smithing Table for upgrading and modifying
- Add option to blacklist entity type for Exp
- Add Echoing Modification
- Add Camelcase to /mt mods enchanting hint
- Update AutoSmelt defaults
- Change Photosynthesis to work while walking in the sun
- Improve Blockbreaking for Creative Players
- Improve Mangrove Tree Detection for Timber
- Improve Exp Handling with Directing
- Improve Photosynthesis allowed material gathering
- Improve modifier register process
- Small Improvements to Craft/Convert-Interactions
- Adjust Anvil combining Tools
- Upgrading from Diamond to Netherite only requires one Material
- Fix CustomModelData being applied when turned off
- Fix Backward-ButtonAction when going beyond the first page
- Fix Fiery working even if it is not applied
- Fix preemptive Modifying-Sound in the Anvil
- Fix Directing duplicating items when used with Keep Inventory
- Fix Timber working for trees above y=256 and below y=0
- Fix Enchantment Books not consumed when converting to modifiers
- Fix Power Threading-Issue
- Fix Upgrade Material Cost calculation
- Fix MultiShot not considering offhand and duplicating arrows
- Fix Photosynthesis when not standing
- Fix LowSpecMode duplicating Chest Contents
- Fix Infinity duplicating Arrows on Crossbow
- Fix Photosynthesis not being an Event Listener
- Fix Builderswands flipping torch directions
----------, Jun 8, 2023

- Update to 1.18
- Update Autosmelt-Config for 1.17-Materials
- Update Photosynthesis for 1.17 Materials
- Update to Java 16 (now required)

- Add DisableNonPvPDamageExp-Option for PvP-Servers
- Add Chance to Channeling-Modifier
- Add Tanky-Modifier for Elytras (via Configoption)
- Add Combining Tools in the Anvil (Thanks, X1nto!)
- Add Converting of Chestloot

- Improve Multijump-Gear for Creative use

- Fixed an error with the Actionbar-Messages when using Craftbukkit instead of Spigot
- Fixed Offhand-Enchant Bug that deletes Items in the Mainhand
- Fix Multishot not removing the Enchantment
- Fix Power-Modifier for Hoes
- Fix Multijump Exploit for infinite Flight
- Fix Power-Modifier not using the Tool to mine if Tool is in Offhand
- Fix Power destroying Chest Contents
- Fix Netherrite-Armor-Attributes not applying (you will need to upgrade your Armor, modify it or create a new one)
- Fix Contributor-Parsing for non-existent Minecraft UUIDs
----------, Dec 13, 2021

  • Updated some language files
  • Added MC 1.17 compatibility
----------, Jun 12, 2021

- Add Creator-Placeholder for Tool-Lore
- Add Multijump Modifier
- Add minimum Toollevel for Modifiers

- Improve Power and Drilling interaction and Blockbreak
- Improve Shulking server performance
- Improve Itemrepair in Inventory (Items now consider the material amount necessary for crafting)
- Update Translations
- Small Command Cleanup
- Tools without name now have there Tooltype in normal words instead of UPPER_UNDERSCORE (Community Contribution)

- Fix Modifiers couldn't be enchantable and craftable at the same time
- Fix Interaction with enchantable Modifiers and CMD
- Fix Enchantable GUI showing disabled Modifiers
- Fix Luck for Trident
- Fix Numeral Layout in /mt mods
- Fix Grindstone Exploit (Item duplication)
- Fix some deprecations in code
- Fix Player parsing in Convert Command
- Fix Tanky NBT-Tag wrongly stating Berserk
----------, May 30, 2021

- Hoes now can have Haste applied
- Soulbound now saves the slot positions (community addition)
- Added Option to modify tools and armor in the Inventory by simply dragging the modifier item on the item
- Updated Translation default files (delete the lang folder if you want to regenerate with new defaults)
- Minor performance improvements
- Tweak Event priorities to better work with other plugins (e.g. Lagassist)
- Tweak Sweeping MaxLevel Default to be conform with Enchantment
- Tweak Exp-Damage calculations on Final Damage Values instead of pre-armor damage
- Tweak Exp calculations by hitting entities, so that the minimum value of "EnableDamageExp" is "
- Partial fix for Builderswands placing blocks that can not be there by vanilla placing
- Fixed Issue that disabled custom Languages
- Fix Kinetic Plating reducing damage to zero always
- Fix Issue with non MT-Tools in Anvils while MT is running
- Fix abusing of the /mt name command by removing the player argument (community fix)
- Fix Melting triggering every time even though the entity was not on fire (was a damage multiplier always, which was not intended)
- Fix Repair-In-Inventory-Feature
- Removed Incompatible Plugin Search at startup
----------, Jan 1, 2021

- Reworked Channeling to work with more then tridents
- Modifier-Items now show the Slot cost
- Improved felt server performance with Power, Timber and Drilling
- Added pt_BR as language option
- [CRITICAL] Fix Power, Drilling and Timber not using durability
- Fixed Timber not breaking all log blocks
- Fixed Itemstatistics showing the correct creation date
- Fixed Random-Modifier-LevelUp-Event
----------, Oct 31, 2020

- 1.14-1.16.2 compatible
- Added new Savedata-System (incompatible with v1.5.2 - converter for tools is in discord)
- Fixed GUIs not closing correctly
- Translations are now customizable
- Added Contributer Panel in /mt i
- Fix converted tools having mending even if SelfRepair does not use it
- Fix Self-Repair Defaults
- Fix AutoSmelt
- Fix SoulSpeed Permissions
- Added Netherite Items
- Added LowSpec Option for BlockBreaking (will improve Power/Drilling/Timber performance but will make them incompatible with other plugins and anti griefing software)
- Fix Builderswands not triggering Pressure Plates when holding
- Fix: AllowEnchanting can be used to get unlimited quantity of modifiers
----------, Aug 29, 2020

- Fixed possible exploiting of MT-Enchant-Synergy and Grindstone (Enchanting a MT Tool was always free)
- Fixed Tools not breaking if Unbreakable Tools is set to false
- Improved PatternMatcher
- Added item conversion on use (enabled by default)
- Fixed wrong permission for /mt addexp
----------, Jun 13, 2020

- Added GUI to the ItemStatistics-Command
- Added Integration with CoreProtect to look for placed Blocks to negate Exp farming
- Improved Vanilla Enchantment interactions
- Improved Compatibility with other Enchant-Plugins
- Improved Void-Netting-Effect to be mostly async to counteract potential server lags and crashes
- Updated polish and russian language
----------, Jun 4, 2020

Upgrading advice:
This update adds Modifier. To have the default incompatibilities updated you need to regenerate them. If you want to regenerate just delete Modifiers.yml and let it regenerate or delete the whole incompatibility list.
Some Modifier-Configs have changed (new options added, default values changed). If you want the new default values or have problems with modifier you can try regenerating the config files by deleting them.

- Added Void Netting Modifier
- Added Sunblazer and Nightseeker Modifier
- Added Shadow Dive-Modifier
- Added Scotopic-Modifier
- Added Shrouded-Modifier
- Added Withered-Modifier
- Added Addon compatibility
- Added Fiery and Multishot synergy
- Added Fiery on Crossbows
- Added Lore sorting in /mt mods
- Added Shieldbash to Knockback-Modifier
- Added Spawn Egg drop chance to Beheading
- Improved PatternMatcher
- Improved Item conversion
- Improved compatibility to the plugin Fastcraft
- Poisonous on Armor lets the player heal from poison damage
- Withered on Armor lets the player heal from wither damage
- Webbed on Armor makes the player immune to Slowness
- Scotopic makes the player immune to Blindness
- Updated Glowing Description
- Updated Knockback defaults
- Updated and added many new incompatibilities
- Buffed Glowing Duration
- Tweaked Exp calculation for armor and shields
- Tweaked some default values
- Experienced and Extra Modifier have now their own Moditems
- Operators now can optain modifier items through /mt mods by shift clicking

- Fixed PatternMatcher not deleting Magical-Lore-Line
- Fixed incorrect parsing of random numbers
- Fix Error in /mt mods when you have only not allowed modifiers in the incompatibilities
- Fix Hardened Permission
- Fixed Grindstone not removing normal/non modifier enchants
- Fix EnchantingListener not working correctly
----------, May 30, 2020

Upgrading advice:
This update adds Modifier. To have the default incompatibilities updated you need to regenerate them. If you want to regenerate just delete Modifiers.yml and let it regenerate or delete the whole incompatibility list. If not you can add the line "Drilling:Timber" to the list.
Some Modifier-Configs have changed (new options added, default values changed). If you want the new default values or have problems with modifier you can try regenerating the config files by deleting them.

- Add Evasive-Modifier
- Add Drilling-Modifier
- Add Hardened-Modifier
- Add configurable slot cost for Modifiers
- Add option to have a chance to fail modification of items
- Add option to have a chance to fail upgrades of items
- Add Block support for Directing
- Add Modifier Removal via Grindstone
- Add Permission to Ender to save Players from forcefully Swapping with others (should make ender less griefable)
- Add better integration of disabled grindstone
- Add option to negate Falldamage-Exp
- Add option for cooldown for Propelling
- Add Warning Message to community language file use
- Add Warning if used language files is incomplete

- Updated some default values based on vanilla
- Make Power Blacklist configurable as Whitelist
- Self-Repair-Listener-Rework
- /mt removemod now can remove certain amount of levels

- Fix wrong Exp calculation of EntityDamageEvents
- Fix Armor breaking and items disappearing if inventory is full
- Fix /mt mods showing recipe description even if no recipe
- Fix items droped from mobs not triggering level-up events
- Fix Ender triggering even when damage was not caused by projectile
- Fix Auto-Smelt-Directing Synergy
- Fix Armor not having the right values after upgrade
----------, May 9, 2020

- Propelling Rework (works now with Reinforced)
- Reworked Soulbound events
- Add error message for wrong modifier incompatibilities
- Add option to make enchanting MT-Tools with the vanilla Way not cost slots
- Improved Permissions of commands
- Fixed Books not enchantable (blocked vanilla interaction)
- Fixed EssentialsX Suicide Command XP Farming
- Fixed item duplication with Directing
- Fixed EasyHarvest not working in Creative
- Fixed Colors messing up Autocompletion of commands
- Fixed Actionbar Exp-Gain-Messages not showing the correct exp amount
----------, Apr 22, 2020

- Updated Language files
- Added Blacklist with Regex-Support for /mt name
- Fixed Elytra-Config
- Fixed Builderswand Durability
- Updated Permission Descriptions
- Fixed Permission for Berserk
- Fixed custom recipes for Experienced
- Fixed missing command failure messages
----------, Apr 11, 2020

- Added CustomModelData for possible Texturepacks without Optifine
- Added Kinetic-Plating-Modifier
- Complete rewrite of the entire command system
- Commands now support @a, @p, @r and random numbers like range 1-5 (inclusive), or from 1,2,3,6,7,8, or all of them combined like 1-5,7-9,11,13
- Added french translations
- 1.15 support
- Updated Spanish Translations

- Soulbound items are now prevented of being directed by Players with Directing
- Auto-Smelt can now be disabled temporarily by sneaking (disabled by default in the config)

- Fixed Multishot for creative users
- Fixed EasyHarvest Permission checks
- Fixed Timber Permission checks
----------, Feb 27, 2020

- Added ru_RU to available languages
- Updated zh_CN
- Updated es_ES
----------, Oct 3, 2019

- Added Photosynthesis-Modifier
- Added Magical-Modifier
- Added Berserk-Modifier
- Infinity now works with Crossbows
- Mobdrops are now MineTinker
- Bosses now drop Modifier Items
- /mt mods now shows the applied enchants of each modifier
- /mt ec has now a reload button
- Added Language-Values to DataTypes for /mt ec
- Added Back button for Recipes in /mt mods
- Added Enchantable-Instructions to /mt mods

- Changed ColorCode for /mt name from ^to &
- Reworked Multishot to work on Bow and work like Repeating
- Modifiers work now in Creative
- Items are now not persistent anymore by default
- Tweaked Description of Multishot
- Improved Version-Checking for Updater
- Improved /mt mods layout

- Fixed Smite-Modifier
- Fixed Language of Navigation Buttons not working correctly
- Fixed Tanky and Speedy removing Armor-Attributes

NOTE: Config-Tweaks will only apply if the configs get deleted as they are only default values that are copied in the configs when the values are missing.
NOTE: It is recommended to delete Modifiers.yml when updating to this version (even from pre-releases) as many Incompatibilities were newly introduced and wont be copied over if file is not recreated. Or you just copy in the following:
- Self-Repair :photosynthesis
- Magical:Ender
- Multishot:Magical
----------, Oct 3, 2019

- Added EliteMobs-Incompatibility-Check

- Fixed Fiery on Axes
- Fixed Towny (and other plugins) Exp-Exploit
- Fixed enchantable creation for chinese language
- Fixed MT compatible items being able to be converted
- Fixed Exp-Exploit with Silk-Touch and Extra Exp per block
----------, Sep 27, 2019

- Add Multitool and mcMMO incompatibility check
- Optimized and Fixed Modifier-Listener registration

- Fixed Anti-Arrow having the wrong Enchantment assigned
- Fixed enchantment converting
- Fixed Modifiers not craftable when ConvertEnchantsAndAttributes is turned off
- Fixed bug where Items where obtainable in GUIs because of reload
- Fixed: /mt givemodifieritem does not work if Modifier Name has a space (and other commands with same problem)
- Fixed Player won't join a server with full health if Tanky is on the armor (until reload of the server)
----------, Sep 19, 2019

- Added Option to disable Enchantment- and Attribute-Transfer on convert
- Added Option to make all existing Tools and Armor not work anymore (by changing the identifier)
- Added PatternMatcher to make the Lore of MineTinker compatible to other Lore Plugins (needs to be enabled in the layout.yml)

- Fixed Exception with DropLoot-Event when Config was set up wrongly (min and max can be the same value now)
- Fixed dyeing Leather Armor resets progress
- Fixed Players being able to change items in GUIs
----------, Sep 17, 2019

- added Spanish-Language

- Fixed Builderswands not working
- Fixed not being able to craft with Nether Stars when ModifiersCanBeUsedForCrafting is enabled
- Fixed /mt reload throwing exceptions because of duplicate recipes
- Fixed recipes not reloading correctly
----------, Sep 10, 2019


- Language-System
- added German
- added Chinese
- added Turkish
- Better Modifier-Descriptions
- Enhanced /mt mods
- New and customizable Modifier-Incompatibility-System
- Added Shield as a MineTinker-Item
- Added small Plugin-Incompatibility-Search on StartUp
- Added ConfigurationManagement-Interface /mt ec
- Improved Tab-Autocompletion
- Old text version of /mt mods can be accessed with /mt mods -t

- Fixed Armor Exp Exploit
- Fixed Grasspath-Exp-Exploit
- Fixed Power-Land-Tilling
- Fixed Channeling default recipe
- Fixed Multishot not applying
- /mt rm ignores case
- Fixed Knockback enchant application
- Fixed some permissions
- Modifier-Items can no longer be used for crafting
- Builderswands consider Unbreakable-Tag
- Fixed Configs not reloadable with /mt reload
- Fixed Enchantable (only for OP-Players)
- Fixed EasyHarvest-Exception
----------, Sep 8, 2019

- Enhanced AnvilListener
- Coarsed Dirt now works with Timber
- Every Modifier can now be enchantable (not recommended)
- Auto-Smelt Output is now fully configurable
- Added Timber on Shears to break leaves faster

- Fixed EasyHarvest
- Fixed /kill giving Exp to Armor
- Fixed Description not showing in /mt mods
- Fixed AntiArrowPlating
- various small fixes
----------, Aug 13, 2019

- Removed Spawners from plugin
- Redone roman numeralization
- Removed custom recipes for elytra and trident

- Fixed Modifiers with wrong NBT-Tag associated with them
- Fixed an issue where refunded items may accidentally delete other items in the player's inventory
- Fixed numerous repair bugs
- Fixed recipe registration bugs
- Fixed Modifiers not being able to be applied
- Better durability handling
- Fixed various NullPointers
- Fixed various exceptions
- Fixed SelfRepair not working
- Fixed Console not being able to run givemodifieritem
- Fixed Errors from Command Output not showing correctly
----------, Aug 1, 2019

- MineTinker is now compatible the Minecraft from Version 1.13 to 1.14.4
- Builderswands will now work with Slabs
- Added MaxLevel-option for Infinity (set to 3 for Trident)
- Added Smite-Modifier
- Added Spiders Bane Modifier
- Added Thorned-Modifier
- Added Multishot-Modifier
- Added Channeling-Modifier
- Added Anti-Arrow-Plating-Modifier
- Added Anti-Blast-Plating-Modifier
- Added Insulation-Modifier
- Added Tanky-Modifier
- Added Speedy-Modifier
- Added an GUI to /mt mods for better crafting recipe checking and Modifier-Lookup
- Allow givemodifieritem to be ran by console
- Added Unbreakable-Flag to Reinforced when MaxLevel
- Added HideAttributes-option for cleaner look
- Added new command "itemstatistics" to show statistics about MineTinker-Items
- Added Config-Option to disable the MT-Lore entirely
- Directing now works for dropped XP as well

- Enhanced RandomModifierEvent
- AmountOfModifiers: How many (different) Modifiers should be applied in this event
- DisableAddingNewSlots: Should the Event replace the normal free Slots on Level up
- AllowExtraModifier: Should the Extra Modifier be part of the random roll
- Improved MT-Modifier-Compability checking
- Improved Modifier-Class
- Better Handling of default recipes (will not overwrite new ones)
- Improved Item-Converte
- Timber now works on Acacia-Trees
- Removed Fiery for the Crossbow due to incompatibility
- Ender will give Blindness and Nausea on Use
- Tweaked Experienced to add XP directly to the Player instead of spawning an Orb every time (decreases Entity-Lag)
- Tweaked Power to mine ores when mining stone
- Lucks max Level is not 3 by default (instead of 5)
- changed "EnableDamageExp" to true as default (from false)

- Fixed block breaking in EasyHarvest
- Fixed Timber not breaking the last block
- Fixed Trident and Crossbow Duping with RandomModifierEvent
- Fixed an issue where XP bottles can't be thrown
- Fixed Bug where RomanNumerals-Converter would fail on 0 as input
- Fixed EasyHarvest Jobs BlockPlace exploit
- Shovels can now be also converted
- Fixed Bug where Modifiers with normal enchants would not apply correctly
- Fixed Power destroying Obsidian when mining Cobblestone next to it (Fast-Obsidian-Exploit)
- Fixed Propelling not considering unbreakable Items
----------, Jul 20, 2019

- Broken MT-Items will get refunded with one durability (configurable)
- Added sound if you can not shoot
- Autosmelt can now smelt Terracotta into Glazed
- Added permission for update notification
- Improved Performance of Update-Checker
- /mt gmi modifier *: gives every player on the server the modifier
- poison meat on death if Modifier Poisonous was applied (configurable)
- Enchantments can now be converted from book form to modifier using a bookshelf (configurable, disabled by default)
- You can now disable the ItemDropBehaviour entirely (for plugin compatibility)
- Power now has a blacklist of items
- Added a actionbar message to notify the player when he gets exp (turned off by default)
- The crossbow is now supported, but needs to be crafted manually
- The crossbow has all modifiers of the bow (but not infinity) plus Haste which adds Quick Charge
- Crossbow can be repaired with sticks or strings
- Shears can now be repaired with iron ingots
- Fishing Rods can now be repaired with sticks or strings

- Elevators are now a standalone Plugin and are removed from MineTinker

- Infinity-Modifier can not be shot anymore
- MT-Items can not be crafted into MT-items again
- Power on the shovel will no longer destroy stone
----------, Jun 7, 2019

Fixed various NullPointers
----------, May 27, 2019

Fixing Debug-Messages from Portalized that were posted even if the Modifier was disabled.
Portalized itself is in an very early state and should be left untouched.

Updater works async now.
----------, May 27, 2019

- Added PvP option for Directing
- Added Particles for Ender

- Removed spamming Debug-Information for Lifesteal
- Improved Tool-Layout

- Fixed MineTinker-Item-Interaction with Gridstone
- Fixed Permissions of Commands
- You can now throw experience bottles directly to the ground
----------, May 25, 2019

- Added Fishingrods:
- Has Experienced, Haste, Luck, Reinforced, Self-Repair, Shulking, Soulbound, Webbed
- Added Shears:
- Has Auto-Smelt, Experienced, Haste, Luck, Power, Reinforced, Self-Repair, Silk-Touch, Soulbound
- Added first (not finished or 100% working) API-Version
- Builderwands will now copy the blocks Facing-Direction
- Added Roman Numerals as a layout-option
- Every number in the Lore can now be converted into roman
- default: Level and Modifier-Level
- Added option for custom Modifier-Items (can cause incompatibility between modifiers if the same)
- Auto-Smelt will smelt Leaves to Sticks
- Trident has now access to Soulbound
- Completely rewritten the EnchantingTableListener to work reliable against enchanting
- You can put the tool now in the tables inventory but you can not enchant it
- Fixed Sharpness not removing Impaling when removed
- Fixed Webbed not working
- Fixed Bug where all modifiers get deleted while modifying
- Fixed EasyHarvest removing more nether ward from the inventory than it should
- Fixed Melting not working correctly
- Fixed wrong call for the ToolUpgradeEvent
- Power can not destroy Endportals, Endportalframes, Endcrystals and Netherportals
----------, Apr 12, 2019

- Turtle Helmet can now be repaired in the Inventory using Scute
- Infinity can now be applied to the Trident (Infinity is not compatible with Propelling)
- Added Luck and Reinforced for Trident

- Fixed Soulbound-Permissions
- Fixed Sharpness on the Trident
- Fixed Items disappearing in the Anvil
----------, Mar 18, 2019

- Builderswands can be used in Creative without needing the Blocks in the Inventory (requested by TriZ)
- Builderswands will not lose durability if used in Creative
- NEW MODIFIER: Aquaphilic
- will apply Respiration and Aqua Affinity on the Helmet
- will apply Depth-Strider on the Boots
- (requested by TriZ, DESM.al)
- NEW MODIFIER: Freezing
- will apply Frost Walker on the Boots
- Elytra Integration
- a special version of the Elytra will need to be crafted to work with MineTinker
- can be repaired in the Inventory with Phantom Membranes
- Trident Integration
- a special version of the Trident will need to be crafted to work with MineTinker
- can be repaired in the Inventory with Prismarine Shards
- The Trident will work with Ender
- NEW MODIFIER: Propelling
- will apply Riptide on the Trident
- will boost the Player if pressing "sneak" on the Elytra when gliding (replaces Firework rockets)
- boosting with the Elytra will cost durability and has a sound- and particle-effect
- changed some default values
- Fixed incompability with mcMMO-Superbreaker and Gigadrill
- Fixed Bug where modifying would have deleted the item on the cursor (reported by Vicarious)
- Self-Repair will remove Mending if removed
----------, Mar 6, 2019

- Improved Command-Auto-Completion
- Builderswands are compatible with WorldGuard or similar plugins
- Added a Player-option to /mt givemodifieritem (requested by Vicarious, RIP | BooK)
- Fixed various errors and exceptions
- Fixed Armor-Modifier not working as intended (reported by DESM.al)
----------, Feb 13, 2019

- Fixed Glowing not working
- Fixed MineTinker-Items not dropable if Soulbound-items can be dropped
- Fixed Soulbound, where Items from MineTinker can not be dropped even if Soulbound.ToolsDropable is enabled
----------, Jan 22, 2019

- New Modifier: Soulbound
- Keep your Tool when dying
- Can be set to a chance of working
- Modifier can be reduced in Level if used (config-option)
- Tool can be configured as not droppable if it has Soulbound
- New Modifier: Lifesteal
- Get Health back when hitting entities
- Added config-options for extra exp for certain blocks and entities
- Self-Repair:
- You can now configure Self-Repair to use Mending instead of the plugins own system (requested by Vicarious)
- Auto-Smelt:
- Particles can be turned off
- Melting:
- Cancel burning can be turned off in the config
- Bow triggers Self-Repair and Experienced only on entity hit
- Fixed Beheading-Permissions (reported by TriZ)
- Upgraded Tools can be taken out of the anvil again (reported by LagLiniJacob)
- Fixed Permissions for Light-Weight (reported by Grendel)
- Fixed standard Recipe for Protecting (reported by psykora_savage)
----------, Jan 21, 2019

- You can now define the block which is responsible for enchanting Modifiers (default: BOOKSHELF) in the main config (requested by necity)
- There is now a error log if recipes can not be registered

- Tools and Armor can no longer be enchanted with books (if AllowEnchanting is false)
- Tools and Armor can be upgraded again
- Extra-Modifier and Experienced can be applied again (reported by Dulty / necity)
- FreeSlots get updated correctly in the Lore when applying Modifiers (reported by hangryduck)
----------, Jan 7, 2019

- Builderswands can be partially reloaded
- Builderswands now have specified NBT-Data (Item should not break on config-changes)
- Tools and Armor now have specified NBT-Data (Item should not break on config-changes)
- You can change the color of Modifiers through colorcodes in their config-file (requested by Sidias)
- Modifier-Items now have specified NBT-Data (Item should not break on config-changes)
- Modifier-Items now have a changeable description
- You can now change the Lore-Layout of Tools and Armor entirely (with placeholders and colorcodes) in the new config-file "layout.yml" (requested by Sidias)
- Added Auto-Completion for /mt removemod
- Added ItemBehaviour-option in the config (Invulnerable, Glowing, ShowName, Persistent) for tools, armor, Builderswand and ModifierItems
- Added a MaximumBlock-option for Timber. This will limit Timbers blocks to break (includes also air blocks and leaves so it is not equal to the amount of logs broken) (negative values disables this) (requested by Trixie)

- Builderswands now have a description instead of an Identifier
- Ender has now a MaxLevel-option
- Ender 1 will only teleport on block hits
- Ender 2 will teleport also entities
- Rewritten the /mt removemod command to work with the Modifier-name instead of the lore index
- Crafting a tool or armor will now show the correct output (not compatible with other plugins that change the ItemMeta of craftable Items -> turn of crafting for improved compatibility) (by j_l_1998)
- Spawners will be disabled by default and will not get updates anymore (MineTinker is compatible with e.g. EpicSpawners which requires SilkTouch 2)

- Readded Ender-config option "CompatibleWithInfinity"
- Fixed Directing-Recipe
- Configurations will now be able to reload through /mt reload (reported by Vicarious, by j_l_1998)
- Fixed Builderswands changing into MineTinker-Tools when crafted (reported by PixeledScorpion)
- Fixed repairing a tool through vanilla possibilities will not delete items (reported by LagLini)
- Fixed newly implemented config-options not showing in the existing files unless deleting (by j_l_1998)
----------, Jan 6, 2019

- Added partial command completion support (by Vicarious)
- Modifying through the Anvil is now more intuitive as it works like a normal Anvil-Recipe (shift-clicking works now!) (by j_l_1998)
- [CRITICAL!] Fixed Bug, where Modifiers were unloaded, because they failed to apply on the tool at a LevelUp-Event (reported by TriZ) (by j_l_1998)
- Timber will now work with 2x2 spruce trees (reported by Matt | Kalcight)
- Beheading can be applied again
- Power on the Pickaxe will break Ice again (be careful as Power will break every Block - except Air and BedRock - on the pickaxe) (reported by Dulty)
- Inventories of Blocks can be accessed with a modifier in the main hand
- Creating multiple items at once will now always create a MineTinker-Tool/Armor when shift-clicking in the crafting grid (reported by Vicarious) (by j_l_1998)
- Updater will now send command-output to the player if the plugin is up-to-date
- Fixed config-file for HideEnchants-option
----------, Dec 21, 2018

Enchantments should be hidden again (if HideEnchants = true)
----------, Dec 14, 2018

- Added a Version-Checker:
- checks if the latest Version of MineTinker is installed (gets the information from this page)
- checks on startup and after command input /mt checkupdate
- if there is a new version available it will send a message in the console and to Operators, which are logging in
- Broadcast to OP can be toggled in the config
- Version-Checker can be turned completely off in the config
- Added GiveModifierItem-command, which allows operators to add modifier items to their inventory (requested by Vicarious)
- Readded a new version of the /mt reload command, which reloads almost all configurations of MineTinker. If MineTinker becomes unstable or outputs errors, report them on discord. A restart of the server should fix the issue. (requested by Vicarious)
- You can now access the checkupdate, info and reload command through the console
- Added a toggleable HideEnchants-option in the config (requested by Matt)
- Bow now gets extra exp when hitting the EnderDragon, Wither and EndCrystal (amount configurable in the config) (requested by Vicarious)

- AllowedWorlds are now a blacklist and called BannedWorlds [makes the plugin more end-user-friendly and easier to set up]
- Auto-Smelt smelts now red sand to red glass
- You can now apply more Modifiers at a time through the anvil

- Shovels can now be upgraded again through the anvil
- Elevators now have sounds again
- There will be a Fail-Message again, when trying to apply a mod with 0 free slots.
----------, Dec 14, 2018

- Added ToolUpgradeEvent to better manage when a Tool is upgraded (can be hooked into for addons as it is extending the Bukkit Events)
- Each Modifier has its own config-file now (by Vicarious)
- New config-files for Builderswands (by Vicarious)
- The Description of each Modifier in /mt mods can be altered in the config (/mt mods can be as a little in-Game-Wiki)
- The Modifier-Item-Name in the description is the name of the modifier-item (all Modifier-Items are renamed instead of a generic XXX-Modifier) [Be sure to use all crafted modifier-items before updating]
- Enchantable Modifiers (such as Self-Repair) now can have a crafting recipe (this will disable the enchanting) [the craft-Permission will not work for the recipes]
- You can now alter the Crafting recipes for the modifier items in the config-file of the modifier (by Vicarious)
- Chainmail-Armor can now be repaired through the inventory (Item: Iron bars)
- Builderswands now have customizable recipes and work with the new configuration system
- Elevators now have customizable recipes and work with the new configuration system

- Added armor to the list of convertible Items for /mt convert
- Blocks with the hardness of 0 will not give exp (only for shears - which is not implemented yet - and hoes)
- Tweaked EventPriorities for better compatibility with other Plugins (as McMMO and WorldGuard)
- Auto-Smelt:
- added config-option smelt_stone: stone will drop stone (as Silk-Touch) if enabled (by Vicarious)
- added config-option burn_coal: coal ore and block will drop nothing when Auto-Smelt triggers
- added Clay as a viable block: It will drop 4 bricks with Luck 0
- enhanced Algorithm
- Extra-Modifier:
- You can now change the modifier-item (default: Nether-Star)

- Fixed /mt convert command as it would not convert tools only not tools (reported by Pepek)
----------, Dec 9, 2018

- Ender now can be configured to be not compatible with Infinity (default: Ender IS compatible with Infinity)

- Modifiers now can be disabled without disabling other modifiers with errors (e.g. Luck and Silk-Touch) (reported by Vicarious)
- Crafting the Light-Weight-Modifier will now cost the configured amount of levels (reported by zGraYzPanda)
- Fixed Luck-Description (reported by Dulty)
- Webbed is now compatible with Power (check was unnecessarily in the code)

----------, Dec 4, 2018

- EasyHarvest can now harvest nether warts as well

- EasyHarvest will not use Power when sneaking
- EasyHarvest will work with new Power-option (lv1_vertical)
- Creating farmland with the hoe will work with new Power-option (lv1_vertical)
- The Language options can now be altered without restrictions

- Leveling-Up will now increase the free Slots by the configured amount.
- Tool-Upgrade will now function as planned (reported by )
- Fixed Spawners (reported by )
- Fixed Modifiers not removing a free Slot from the Tool when modding (reported by BinklyBibbler)
----------, Nov 30, 2018

Timber-Modifier can be crafted again.
----------, Nov 24, 2018

Fixed: Every crafted item gets lore from MineTinker (reported by Dulty)
----------, Nov 23, 2018

This is by far the biggest update to come to MineTinker. It has cost me over 30 hours to code, test and optimized. (Not every change is noted below)

Added a better modifier system (it is mostly code-based and should not affect overall experience but performance). Expect older tools not working anymore. (and other bugs)

Added Protecting-Modifier for armor (adds Enchantment Protection to armor)
Added Light-Weight-Modifier for boots
Armor gets Exp when player is hit.
Armor can be repaired. (Be aware your armor can break!)
Armor can be upgraded.
Armor can be upgraded to chainmail with iron bars.
You can give yourself MineTinker-Armor through commands.
Possible Modifiers for Armor: Protecting, Self-Repair, Webbed, Poisonous, Shulking, Melting (to OP atm), Light-Weight for boots, Reinforced (more to come in the future)

Auto-Smelt will now burn coal.
Added option to Power to break blocks vertically when at level 1.
Directing will only work on Sword, Bow and Axe when killing mobs (due to bugs).
The Modifier XP is now called Experienced.

EasyHarvest is my other Plugin which is now integrated in MineTinker: ( https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/easyharvest.54319/)
Added EasyHarvest-Features! (harvest crops while right-clicking them with a Hoe and replant them automatically)
EasyHarvest works with Power on the Hoe.

Removed /mt reload as it makes complications with new modifier system.
----------, Nov 23, 2018

Directing no longer works on Containers (= Blocks with Inventory) and on Spawners due to a loss of NBT-Data and Items (same issue why Silk-Touch and Luck are disabled with Directing) (by kaimokene [ #21])
Improved performance of the /mt name command
----------, Nov 1, 2018

Spawners should now be dropable again
----------, Oct 18, 2018

If a10.1 works fine with your server, use it. If it throws errors use the version a10.1.1. WorldGuard will be implemented at a later state but now it is still in beta and there are to many problems with 1.13 and WorldGuardAPI. On my side WorldGuard works fine (with version 6.2.2 instead of 7.0.0). But to be on the safe side I have disabled it again. If you use WorldGuard just disable the BuildersWands as they will ignore claims again.
----------, Oct 18, 2018

Added give-command to give you a MineTinker-Tool
Added Convert-Command to convert a tool to a MineTinker-Tool
Added Reload-Command to reload the config.
Added language-options for some command-output in the config.
Added option to turn off crafting tools (for compatibility with other Plugins)
Added the soft-dependency WorldGuard to MineTinker (as requested by kaimokene [#16])
- Builderswands should not ignore claimed land anymore
Added int and long Overflow-protection for Level-, Exp-counter (Resets at overflow to 0 or 1 or stops if ResetAtVarOverflow is false in the config)
Added int Overflow-protection for free-Slots-counter (free-Slots-counter will not be reset and stays at MAX_VALUE)
Reorganized Command.onHelp() alphabetically.
Changed exp-Variable type from int to long for even more Exp-farming
Special Items (e.g. Builderswand and Elevator-Motor) can be renamed in the config.
Bows to not trigger the Self-Repair chance two times anymore (Self-Repair is therefore nerved for the bow to the level of the sword)

Redesigned if-statements of the Elevator-Listener (error by kaimokene [#17])
Removed unnecessary try/catch-statements and replaced them with instanceof
Increased version number from a10 to a10.1
----------, Oct 18, 2018

Added Directing-Modifier: Items go directly to Inventory (dropping when full). Only combinable with Luck on the Sword and Bow. Not combinable with Silk-Touch. (Due to coding difficulties)
Added Melting-Modifier: Bonus damage against burning enemies! (B/SW)
Added Webbed-Modifier: Slows down enemies! (B/SW)

Added the config-option to change the Lore-lines of the MineTinker-Tools. (IMPORTANT: LevelLine and ExpLine can't have Spaces, FreeModifierSlotsLine NEEDS exactly TWO spaces)
Added the WOOD block to the Timber-Modifier as a viable block. (for different world generators)

Updated /mt mods reply

Bow can get XP like the sword. (important for EnableDamageXP)

Spawners now can be turned of entirely.
Spawners now have the allowed worlds option as well.

Created Modifiers now longer drop to the ground if the Inventory has space
Drops from a LevelUp-Event now longer drop to the ground if the Inventory has space

Most messages are now in the Actionbar instead of the Chat.
You can turn of Chat and Actionbar messages entirely in the Config. (disabling chat means also disabling command output in the chat!)

MineTinker now will not convert Tools in the crafting output which have a ItemMeta on them (e.g. Tools from other Plugins)

Code improvements
Codestyle improvements

Increased version number from a9.1 to a10
----------, Oct 10, 2018

Tools can be repaired in Chests
Fixed Timber and Power interaction

Codestyle-optimization and code improvement
Increased version number from a9 to a9.1
----------, Oct 5, 2018

Timber now works correctly with the permission-system when you are not operator on the server.
----------, Oct 4, 2018

Added Timber-Modifier
- Timber cuts down trees in one go
- can't be combined with Power
- Tree is defined as:
- has grass under log and leaves over log

Shovels now get Exp when creating pathways
Poisonous now can be applied on the Axe
Power now should not destroy tools with low durability anymore

Added useful comments to code (removed less useful ones)
Code-optimization and improvement
Increased version number from a8 to a9
----------, Oct 4, 2018

I have made a Discord-server for MineTinker with useful information. It is now also the primary contact to me for bugreports and feature requests. (I think it is easier for all of us to use Discord instead of GitHub)

Join the server now: http://discord.gg/ZEVNKhN

Now here are the changelogs:

Added Knockback-Modifier

Player-Heads now drop when killing a Player with Beheading

Hoes get XP while creating Farmland
Hoes can't break while creating Farmland anymore
Hoes now work with Self-Repair, XP and Power while creating Farmland

Axes get XP while carving logs
Axes can't break while carving logs anymore
Axes now work with Self-Repair and XP while carving logs

Poisonous comes with a MaxLevel-option (it can deal much more damage) (you need to remove Poisonous from the tool and reapply it because of this change for it to work)

Managed event priorities
Increased version number from a7 to a8
----------, Sep 28, 2018

Added the MaxLevel-option to every Modifier (except Ender, Poisonous, Glowing, Silk-Touch) [ #12]
Added Sweeping-Modifier (Iron ingot to Bookshelf): Adds Sweeping Edge to the Sword (requested by Skorpion_17)
Added DropXP LevelUp-Event
Added Shield to MineTinker-Tools (Misc category - more to come like shears or fishing poles)
- can be repaired with wood planks

- Added stripped and bark variants of Wood -> Char coal
- Added Kelp-Plant -> Dried Kelp
- Added wet Sponge -> Sponge

Added first integration of breakable Spawners
- configurable if Silk-Touch is needed
- added permissions for Spawners
- minetinker.spawners.*
- minetinker.spawners.mine
- minetinker.spawners.place

Changed Fiery-Tag for the Bow (for MaxLevel-option)
Changed Ender-Teleportation to not be as confusing

Bow can now be repaired with Stick or String

Compatibility for 1.13.1 (1.13. is not fully supported anymore) [ #13 & #14]
Added Bubble column to Power-Modifier-Exception and Builderswand-Exception

Code cleanup
Changed version number from a6.2.1 to a7
----------, Sep 17, 2018

minetinker.main permission is now minetinker.commands.main as in plugin.yml stated (commands should now work again)
----------, Aug 14, 2018

Added a massive permissions-system (as requested by TheLegendCookie)
- Changes to old permission names
- every modifier has its own permissions now (for applying, crafting (only through bookshelf), using (not vanilla enchantments))
- permissions for elevator and builderswands
- permissions for crafting, upgrading and repairing a MineTinker-Tool

- Auto-Smelt has now a random Luck-Integration (as requested by TheLegendCookie)
- Power has now a MaxLevel-config option (Have fun with Power 100 [199x199 Blocks]) (as requested by TheLegendCookie)

- fixed NullPointerException mentioned by Olivo and EpicnessTwo [ #11]

Increased version number from a6.1 to a6.2

(as a little side-note: I am taking a break for a few weeks; expect the next update at the earliest in mid September)
----------, Aug 14, 2018

- when placing a block you do not lose the whole stack (wrong line arrangement in the BlockListener) (Issue-report by xxicemannxx [ #10 ])

Increased version number from a6 to a6.1
----------, Aug 13, 2018

- Bow now gets Exp when using it
- Modifiers have now an effect on the Bow

More Modifiers:
- Added Glowing-Modifier with recipe
- Added Infinity-Modifier with recipe
- Added Ender-Modifier with recipe
- Added Poisonous-Modifier with recipe
- Added Shulking-Modifier with recipe

More commands:
- /mt addmod [modifier]: adds the modifier to the held tool without using a slot (you need to use the custom names if you have any) (permission: minetinker.addmod / default: op)
- /mt removemod [index]: removes the modifier on the held tool at the given index (Line 1 is the line after "Modifier: ") (permission: minetinker.removemod / default: op)
- /mt setdurability [durability]: sets the durability of the held tool to that specific amount ("full" for full durability) (permission: minetinker.setdurability / default: op)
- enhanced command output and reply

- Bow can now have "Fiery" as modifier, not "Fiery: 1" (as it can only have 1 Level of Fiery applied)
- Added Poppy, Oxeye Daisy and Azure Bluet to the list of Blocks that are unaffected by modifiers
- Builderswands can't be enchanted using enchanting table (with default configuration)
- Text outputs should appear normal when using a colored Tool-name
- Sorted Modifiers in config.yml in alphabetical order

Updated config.yml with comments and new options

- managed Command-methods in own classes
- ShapedRecipes are using the "new" (not deprecated) constructor with Namespaces
- split ItemGenerator.ToolModifier
- getAllowedModifiers() uses custom modifier-names (important for addmod-command)
- AnvilListener() uses custom modifier-names (due to changes in getAllowedModifiers())
- sorted Modifier-ItemStacks, -Strings and -Apply-Methods in alphabetical order
- deleted "searchloop" references
- changed Hashmaps "HASPOWER" and "BLOCKFACE" to final (incl. namechange)

Increased version number from a5 to a6
----------, Aug 12, 2018

Added Events when Tools are being leveled up
Implemented Events:
- Tool-Repair
- Random Modifier
- Loot-Drop

Tweaked default config-options

Updated command-structure
New Commands:
- mt addexp [amount]: adds XP to the Tool (permission: minetinker.addexp / default: op)
- mt help: gives a list of available commands (permission: minetinker.help / default: true)
- mt info: gives a short summary about the plugin (permission: minetinker.info / default: true)
- mt mods: gives a list of available modifiers (permission: minetinker.modifiers / default: true)
- mt name [name]: names the Tool (compatible with color codes! just use '^' instead of 'ยง') (permission: minetinker.name / default: true)

- various Nullpointer-Exceptions (by Juessa [ #9] and palipajo [ #8])

Updated version number from a4 to a5
----------, Aug 9, 2018

  • Names of the Modifiers and Modifier-Items can be changed in the config (request by Juessa) (more Language-options available in the future)
    • Note: this will break all already crafted modifiers and modified tools! (If you change it)
  • Added Power 3 (5x5)
  • Changed Color of Reinforced-Modifier to Gray (as requested by xicemannx)
    • All Tools with this Modifier will have a new Line in Gray if applied again
    • Modifier-Items need to be crafted again
  • Configurable Durability-loss for Builderswands
  • Optimized Anvil-Listener-class
  • Updated version number from a3 to a4
----------, Aug 3, 2018

Added Builderswands with different tiers (wood: 1x1; stone: 3x1; iron: 3x3; gold: 5x3; diamond: 5x5). Sneaking sets the range of the wand to 1x1.
Added Beheading-Modifier (crafted with enchanted Wither-Skeleton-Skull)
Added world-lists to the config. You need to write the exact name of the World in the List in order for the plugin to work in that world. (as requested by Grnknght )

Fixed Bug, where Caveair would be 'broken' with the Power-Modifier and costs Durability. You can't 'break' Caveair anymore.

Version increased from a2.1 to a3

Note: After updating modifiers created in previous versions can be broken and are not able anymore to modify tools. Be sure to use all existing modifiers before updating.
----------, Jul 28, 2018

- Sword should not break when hitting Entity with no Durability (Damage is canceled)

- Fixed Ghostitem in third Anvil-Slot while modding
- Fixed Error with onDamage-Event (missing ItemMeta)
----------, Jul 22, 2018

- Sword-Leveling (specific amount or XP per damage dealt)
- Elevators (Sneak to descend; Jump to ascend)
- Elevator-Motors can be crafted

- Water and Lava-Blocks will not be destroyed with Power
- Tool won't break while using Power (now it works)
----------, Jul 22, 2018

- Power is disabled while sneaking

- Bedrock can't be broken with Power on Tool (by flixi)
- Power work while standing on Redstone-Ore (by flixi)
- Tool can't be destoyed while using Power

Increased Version-Number from a1 to a1.1
----------, Jul 21, 2018

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 40,589
First Release: Jul 20, 2018
Last Update: Jan 31, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
41 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings