MineTinker | 60+ Modifiers, Tools and Armor icon

MineTinker | 60+ Modifiers, Tools and Armor -----

A TinkersConstruct-inspired Plugin; Replaces or enhances Vanilla-Enchantments

Version: 1.9
I LOVE Tinkers from modded and this plugin's GREAT on spigot/paper.

Our players are loving the new modifiers and the new Filter?! *chefs kiss*

Version: 1.8.1
An absolutely invaluably awesome plugin with a very responsive author who went out of his way to both understand and resolve my poorly conceived query quickly and with zero fuss.

Version: 1.8
Pretty awesome plugin, and works well in 1.20.1
my sky factory server appreciate this <3

also, if you don't mind, i would like to share my translated messages, it's for portuguese brazil (pt_BR)
Author's response
Thank you for your review! If you want to help translate the plugin you can find the project here: https://www.transifex.com/flo56958/minetinker/dashboard/

When the translation is finished it will be automatically added to the github repo.

Version: 1.7.2
I love this plugin but I do have one question. Tanky is only able to be put on chestplate and leggings. Is there a way to make it so I can add tanky to all four armour slots?
Author's response
The tooltypes of each modifier can not be changed via config values.

Version: 1.7.2
I use this on my SMP and everyone loves it, thanks for the great resource! Excited for the future of this plugin

Version: 1.7.2
Great plugin! I've been using it for quite a while now and I wonder if there's a way to add potion effects to the Modifiers? For example: Invisibility 2 for the shadow dive modifier
Author's response
You can not add potion effects onto modifiers that do not have them already

Version: 1.7.2
Really awesome plugin. Hope this can get a little more attention. However, does this work with netherite as well?
Author's response
It works also with Netherite gear

Version: 1.7.1
dont know if its this plugin or something else but anvils dont work with normal enchanted books now the output item just disapeares when someone adds them both to an anvil
Author's response
The Plugin disables normal vanilla enchant. If you want to reenable it allow enchanting in the main config.

Version: 1.7
Having one problem.
I don't think anyone would have this problem but just in case, this plugin works but has one issue with the plugin "Armored Elytra"
When modifying armor, it sometimes turns the armor into a "Leather Armored Elytra"
Making the armor piece unusable taking off any armor points

Since this plugin can modify elytras, I just took out the Armored Elytra plugin. I just wanted to let you know

Version: 1.7
Great idea. Plugin is excellent, even more so because it is open source. 10/10 would recommend. Big thanks to the author.

Version: 1.6.2
awesome plugin love it but kinda wish for a better head start knowledge
btw awesome support great job

Version: 1.6
This is an excellent plugin and works great. The reason I didn't give it an excellent is that support eeehhh. I spent three days trying to figure out why things were not working correctly in this plugin. I was able to get some help on day two but then was told to wait on dev because they could not figure out what was going on. Day 3 a full 24 hours later my server is still not up and running because I am waiting on dev before installing the remainder of my plugins. I finally did a full reset of all my files reinstalled my core plugins and installed the two programs I felt were conflicting and figured it out. Mine Tinker is not compatible with this plugin: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/%E2%9A%A1-1-15-1-16-3-ecoenchants-%E2%9C%A8-200-custom-enchantments-%E2%9C%85-essentials-cmi-support.79573/ because the ecoenchantment plugin overrides all plugins that try to use the anvil. It's a great plugin definitely recommended just not compatible with this plugin!

Version: 1.5.2
works alright, dev doesnt get back to you, removes modifier amount and turns to 0 when put in kits and recieve and use the item.

Version: 1.5.2
Great plugin! I use it for months and all my friends do like it very much!!!

lookin forward to the newer 1.6 version!

Version: 1.5.2
Very good plugin, have used it from 1.15'd release until now. But upon updating to 1.16 it has stopped working. any time-frame for when we can expect an update?
Author's response
no but there are preview versions on the discord

Version: 1.5.2
I love this plugin but please add 1.12 support please I serching so hard for a opther plugin that supports 1.12 but there is an error and this plugin themes me the best. please make 1.12 support

Version: 1.3.1
pense que este plugin fue abandonado por eso no lo use mal jm creo que volveré oque tiene muy bajo los tps y muchos errores xd

Version: 1.3
I love this!
But it can't be used with Vanilla Additions……
What a regret!
(I love this!!!)Five starsXD

Version: 1.2.1
Ha ! I found the best Tinker Plugin here !
The dev is very quick to respond to your problems !
The plugin is well calibrated for some Heavy try Hard custom modifiers .
Will perfectly fit into my Hybrid Server !!

Recomended : 10/10

Version: 1.2.1
I like this plugin.
It is very interesting idea.
And suitable for survival.
Thank you.

Version: 1.1.4
Great plugin! Suggestion: to make the builders wand permission gated, so only people with permission.builderswand can make and use one.
Author's response
There is already a permission for it. "minetinker.builderswands.use"

Version: 1.1.4
Amazing plugin, it's the perfect addition to almost any vanilla server. Adds a layer of depth to the game which was is much needed. I'll be putting this on pretty much every vanilla sever I host from now on.

One thing though, does anyone know if there is a way to get this and Vanilla Additions to work together? I know that it's listed as incompatible but I was wondering if there's somehow a workaround for it.

Version: 1.1.4
Very good plug-in, but also compatible with EliteMobs and MCMMO, 5 star praise.recommended use of this plug-in

Version: 1.1.3
I found a bug. If I switched the language to Chinese. I took the emerald or arrow to the right of the bookcase and it didn't give power or infinity to me.I hope you can fix this bug quickly.
Author's response
Should be fixed in the latest version.

Version: 1.1.3
Tento plugin se mi velmi libi. Na mem serveru už nějakou tu chvily funguje a funguje važně krasně . CZ

Version: 1.1.2
If you liked Tinkers Construct you will love this plugin! lots of customization!

Version: 1.0.1
A very interesting and fun plugin for players to enjoy. I love it! Only reason why it's no 5 * is I couldn't find a wiki for what the different config options in the config file mean. Would be useful.
Author's response

Version: 1.0
Tested out for the first time! Love it heavily! Keep on doing it never thought someone would make a tinkers construct type of plugin till now!

Version: a17
This plugin is very perfect ! Easy to use, simple ; there are a lot of nice modifiers. Author is a nice person, thanks you ! :)

Version: a16.1.2
A good Replacement or even side by side for the vanilla enchantment system. Author is fast to fix bugs to!

Version: a16
1.14 ?

Author's response
A 1.14 version will be released with the next update. For a preview version look on the discord server.

Version: a14.2
Great job, keep updating. Custom modifiers ability should be very nice \ooooooo/

Version: a13.1
Stop asking for a 1.12.2 support fools, I dont care if your server is 1.12.2, its time to move on to 1.13

Version: a13.1
Pls make a 1.12.2 version! =(

Version: a12.2
If this plugins support older versions and add-on for Slimefun your plugins will be great

Version: a11.4
Flo is very responsive and open to suggestions/feedback. Plugin is improving at a nice rate and I'm looking forward to seeing how it'll turn out :)

Version: a9
1- goodjob
2- why you not make multi version as like supoort two :1.13 and 1.12 ,1.11
3- goodjobagine:)
Author's response
To 1: Thanks!
To 2: Multiversion-support is time consuming. And the difference between 1.13 and 1.12 is bigger than 1.11 and 1.12 (from a coding perspective [API and sorts]).
To 3: Thanksagain!

Version: a8
Hey. plugin normal. but not add mods auto-smelt and luck in pixaxe and not craft in crafting table

Version: a6.2.1
Great plugin, very reminiscent of the actual Tinkers Construct Mod.
Looking forward to everything it will add to the future.

Version: a6.1
This is a amazing plugin! could i share this plugin on mcbbs.net? let Chinese people know this plugin! i have bad English,sorry.
Author's response
As long as you don't post the plugins .jar-file (so they need to download it via spigotmc.org). I am ok with it if you post the link on the forums and such.

Version: a5
This is an interesting plugin. I like where it seems to be going and I hope it continues.

Version: a4
A very good concept!!! I don't use the plugin, but however, it sounds amazing from Tinkerer's! But please do make the plugin 1.12.2 if it isn't.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 40,589
First Release: Jul 20, 2018
Last Update: Jan 31, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
41 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings