- Bow now gets Exp when using it
- Modifiers have now an effect on the Bow
More Modifiers:
- Added Glowing-Modifier with recipe
- Added Infinity-Modifier with recipe
- Added Ender-Modifier with recipe
- Added Poisonous-Modifier with recipe
- Added Shulking-Modifier with recipe
More commands:
- /mt addmod [modifier]: adds the modifier to the held tool without using a slot (you need to use the custom names if you have any) (permission: minetinker.addmod / default: op)
- /mt removemod [index]: removes the modifier on the held tool at the given index (Line 1 is the line after "Modifier: ") (permission: minetinker.removemod / default: op)
- /mt setdurability [durability]: sets the durability of the held tool to that specific amount ("full" for full durability) (permission: minetinker.setdurability / default: op)
- enhanced command output and reply
- Bow can now have "Fiery" as modifier, not "Fiery: 1" (as it can only have 1 Level of Fiery applied)
- Added Poppy, Oxeye Daisy and Azure Bluet to the list of Blocks that are unaffected by modifiers
- Builderswands can't be enchanted using enchanting table (with default configuration)
- Text outputs should appear normal when using a colored Tool-name
- Sorted Modifiers in config.yml in alphabetical order
Updated config.yml with comments and new options
- managed Command-methods in own classes
- ShapedRecipes are using the "new" (not deprecated) constructor with Namespaces
- split ItemGenerator.ToolModifier
- getAllowedModifiers() uses custom modifier-names (important for addmod-command)
- AnvilListener() uses custom modifier-names (due to changes in getAllowedModifiers())
- sorted Modifier-ItemStacks, -Strings and -Apply-Methods in alphabetical order
- deleted "searchloop" references
- changed Hashmaps "HASPOWER" and "BLOCKFACE" to final (incl. namechange)