Added Events when Tools are being leveled up
Implemented Events:
- Tool-Repair
- Random Modifier
- Loot-Drop
Tweaked default config-options
Updated command-structure
New Commands:
- mt addexp [amount]: adds XP to the Tool (permission: minetinker.addexp / default: op)
- mt help: gives a list of available commands (permission: / default: true)
- mt info: gives a short summary about the plugin (permission: / default: true)
- mt mods: gives a list of available modifiers (permission: minetinker.modifiers / default: true)
- mt name [name]: names the Tool (compatible with color codes! just use '^' instead of 'ยง') (permission: / default: true)
- various Nullpointer-Exceptions (by Juessa [
#9] and palipajo [
Updated version number from a4 to a5