give-, convert-, reload-command and language options
Added give-command to give you a MineTinker-Tool
Added Convert-Command to convert a tool to a MineTinker-Tool
Added Reload-Command to reload the config.
Added language-options for some command-output in the config.
Added option to turn off crafting tools (for compatibility with other Plugins)
Added the soft-dependency WorldGuard to MineTinker (as requested by kaimokene [#16])
- Builderswands should not ignore claimed land anymore
Added int and long Overflow-protection for Level-, Exp-counter (Resets at overflow to 0 or 1 or stops if ResetAtVarOverflow is false in the config)
Added int Overflow-protection for free-Slots-counter (free-Slots-counter will not be reset and stays at MAX_VALUE)
Reorganized Command.onHelp() alphabetically.
Changed exp-Variable type from int to long for even more Exp-farming
Special Items (e.g. Builderswand and Elevator-Motor) can be renamed in the config.
Bows to not trigger the Self-Repair chance two times anymore (Self-Repair is therefore nerved for the bow to the level of the sword)
Redesigned if-statements of the Elevator-Listener (error by kaimokene [#17])
Removed unnecessary try/catch-statements and replaced them with instanceof
Increased version number from a10 to a10.1