Added the MaxLevel-option to every Modifier (except Ender, Poisonous, Glowing, Silk-Touch) [
Added Sweeping-Modifier (Iron ingot to Bookshelf): Adds Sweeping Edge to the Sword (requested by Skorpion_17)
Added DropXP LevelUp-Event
Added Shield to MineTinker-Tools (Misc category - more to come like shears or fishing poles)
- can be repaired with wood planks
- Added stripped and bark variants of Wood -> Char coal
- Added Kelp-Plant -> Dried Kelp
- Added wet Sponge -> Sponge
Added first integration of breakable Spawners
- configurable if Silk-Touch is needed
- added permissions for Spawners
- minetinker.spawners.*
- minetinker.spawners.mine
Changed Fiery-Tag for the Bow (for MaxLevel-option)
Changed Ender-Teleportation to not be as confusing
Bow can now be repaired with Stick or String
Compatibility for 1.13.1 (1.13. is not fully supported anymore) [
#13 &
Added Bubble column to Power-Modifier-Exception and Builderswand-Exception
Code cleanup
Changed version number from a6.2.1 to a7