MineTinker | 60+ Modifiers, Tools and Armor icon

MineTinker | 60+ Modifiers, Tools and Armor -----

A TinkersConstruct-inspired Plugin; Replaces or enhances Vanilla-Enchantments

Armor-Integration and new Modifier-System
This is by far the biggest update to come to MineTinker. It has cost me over 30 hours to code, test and optimized. (Not every change is noted below)

Added a better modifier system (it is mostly code-based and should not affect overall experience but performance). Expect older tools not working anymore. (and other bugs)

Added Protecting-Modifier for armor (adds Enchantment Protection to armor)
Added Light-Weight-Modifier for boots
Armor gets Exp when player is hit.
Armor can be repaired. (Be aware your armor can break!)
Armor can be upgraded.
Armor can be upgraded to chainmail with iron bars.
You can give yourself MineTinker-Armor through commands.
Possible Modifiers for Armor: Protecting, Self-Repair, Webbed, Poisonous, Shulking, Melting (to OP atm), Light-Weight for boots, Reinforced (more to come in the future)

Auto-Smelt will now burn coal.
Added option to Power to break blocks vertically when at level 1.
Directing will only work on Sword, Bow and Axe when killing mobs (due to bugs).
The Modifier XP is now called Experienced.

EasyHarvest is my other Plugin which is now integrated in MineTinker: ( https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/easyharvest.54319/)
Added EasyHarvest-Features! (harvest crops while right-clicking them with a Hoe and replant them automatically)
EasyHarvest works with Power on the Hoe.

Removed /mt reload as it makes complications with new modifier system.
----------, Nov 23, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 40,642
First Release: Jul 20, 2018
Last Update: Jan 31, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
41 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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