- Builderswands can be used in Creative without needing the Blocks in the Inventory (requested by TriZ)
- Builderswands will not lose durability if used in Creative
- NEW MODIFIER: Aquaphilic
- will apply Respiration and Aqua Affinity on the Helmet
- will apply Depth-Strider on the Boots
- (requested by TriZ,
- NEW MODIFIER: Freezing
- will apply Frost Walker on the Boots
- Elytra Integration
- a special version of the Elytra will need to be crafted to work with MineTinker
- can be repaired in the Inventory with Phantom Membranes
- Trident Integration
- a special version of the Trident will need to be crafted to work with MineTinker
- can be repaired in the Inventory with Prismarine Shards
- The Trident will work with Ender
- NEW MODIFIER: Propelling
- will apply Riptide on the Trident
- will boost the Player if pressing "sneak" on the Elytra when gliding (replaces Firework rockets)
- boosting with the Elytra will cost durability and has a sound- and particle-effect
- changed some default values
- Fixed incompability with mcMMO-Superbreaker and Gigadrill
- Fixed Bug where modifying would have deleted the item on the cursor (reported by Vicarious)
- Self-Repair will remove Mending if removed