EliteEnchantments ➜ Create your own custom enchants | 200+ Enchants + 27 Gkits | Web Panel + More icon

EliteEnchantments ➜ Create your own custom enchants | 200+ Enchants + 27 Gkits | Web Panel + More -----

Web Panel ⚜️ Enchant Table Support ⚜️ Create your own enchantments + More

Change Log:
  • Fixed major issue with Potion effect remaining when armor is spam removed
  • Fixed issues with armor apply
----------, Sep 23, 2024

Change Log:
  • Added 1.21 Support
  • Fixed issue with cooldowns
  • Fixed multiple issues with dependencies
----------, Aug 16, 2024

Change Log:
  • Added 1.20.6 Support
  • Complete overhaul of Armor Equip system
    Plugin should be more optimised and smoother for armor equip
  • Fixed a bunch of issues with particle spawning
----------, May 12, 2024

Change Log:
  • Fixed issue with 1.20+ Support
  • Fixed issue with particle spawning
  • Huge overhaul of the code
----------, Apr 16, 2024

Change Log:
  • Fixed error with Soul Gem initialization
  • Fixed errors with DAMAGE effect
  • Adjusted the logic behind a couple of enchantments
  • Fixed issues with conditions not being checked properly with cooldowns
  • Updated all libraries etc.
----------, Feb 24, 2024

Change Log:
  • Added 1.20.4 Support
  • Fixed issue with soul gems not being deactivated when you die
----------, Dec 18, 2023

Change Log:
  • Fixed issue with DISABLE_ENCHANTMENT
  • Fixed issue with cooldowns
  • Fixed issue with token generation for web panel
----------, Dec 18, 2023

Change Log:
  • Added 1.20.2 Support
  • Updated WorldGuard support
  • Updated Dependencies
  • Fixed issue with DISABLE_ENCHANTMENTS not working
----------, Dec 1, 2023

Change Log:
  • Added 1.20 Support
  • Added NBT tag to ignore slots lore being added to the item
    You can use EliteEnchantmentsAPI#getAPI#applySlotIgnore(itemStack) to apply it using the API
    Otherwise, you can add the nbt tag "SlotIgnore"
  • Fixed issue with enchants being destroyed even if destroy was set to false in items.yml
  • Fixed multiple issues with value parsing from conditions
----------, Jun 10, 2023

Change Log:
  • Added EAT effect type (Trigger enchants when a player consumes an item)
  • Added isPlayerSwimmingIn [LAVA/WATER] and isTargetSwimmingIn [LAVA/WATER] Condition
  • Added isRaining Condition
  • Added ability to change customModelData for every item in the items.yml
    Just add customModelData: 5 etc. to any item you want
  • Fixed issue with players being able to enchant stacked items
  • Fixed a bunch of issues with enchant parsing
  • Fixed issue with TRIDENT effect type being misspelt to TRDIENT
----------, May 31, 2023

Change Log:
  • Fixed self loop error on startup
  • Fixed issue with webpanel not generating token on /ee upload
  • Fixed issue with webpanel where you couldn't create enchants, you should be able to create enchants without any issues.
Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system
----------, Mar 22, 2023

Change Log:
  • Added STEAL_MONEY and STEAL_MONEY_PERCENT effects back
  • Recoded SOUND effect logic so now it should work properly
  • Fixed multiple issues with enchant parsing
  • Fixed issue with transmog causing slots to break
Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system
----------, Mar 15, 2023

Change Log:
  • Added new Slots system similar to TreasureWars
    Once enabled in the config.yml, when you click on a piece of armour if it does not already show the number of slots it will randomise the slots on the armour piece and show what the
    Make sure you replace the setting section in your config.yml with this (or regen config.yml): https://pastebin.com/ADAn490p and change the false to true to enable this feature
  • Added Slot Gem - When applied it increases the amount of slots on an armour piece by +1
    Make sure to add this into your items.yml before trying to give yourself one (or regen the items.yml) https://pastebin.com/bmFEGpde
  • Added 1.19.3 Support
  • Fixed multiple issues with the plugin
  • Code cleanup and updates
Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system
----------, Feb 16, 2023

Change Log:
  • Fixed another issue with XMaterial not working on WineSpigot and others that don't have log4j
Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system
----------, Oct 24, 2022

Change Log:
  • Added FALL to effect type, so now you can check if a player has taken fall damage
  • Fixed issue with DAMAGE_ARMOR effect not working
  • Fixed issue with lang file being reset with /ee reload
  • Fixed issue with Gkits not showing all items in preview, Please download the latest version of the Gkit addon
Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system
----------, Oct 3, 2022

Change Log:
  • Fixed some issues with Paper (or Paper Forks) not working with my plugin due to a library being removed from Paper
  • Added isTarget MOB option to check if a target is a mob
Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system
----------, Oct 1, 2022

Change Log:
  • Added 1.19.2 Support
  • Added TRIDENT enchant type
    TRIDENT will trigger once a player is hit with the trident
  • Added Grindstone support
  • Fixed dupe with alchemist
  • Fixed dupe with enchant table
Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system
----------, Aug 28, 2022

Change Log:
  • Accdientally forgot to remove a unfinished feature from the release
Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system
----------, Jul 24, 2022

Change Log:
  • Fixed issue with WorldGuard support not triggering properly
  • Fixed some issues with enchantment table mechanics
  • Fixed bug with armor randomly applying passive effects if it was in your hand on join
  • Fixed bug with enchants that require other enchants aren't able to apply if slots were full
  • Fixed issue with default enchants with BREAKER not working
Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system
----------, Jul 24, 2022

Change Log:
Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system
----------, Jun 29, 2022

Change Log:
  • Added isBlock [BLOCK] condition
  • Added Food effect (Add/Remove food from a player)
  • Fixed issue with conditions sometimes bugging out
  • Fixed small dupe glitch I found (nothing serious)
Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system
----------, Jun 28, 2022

Change Log:
  • Recoded WAIT effect so it now actually works as intended (lots of work)
  • Fixed issue with DAMAGE_ICREASE on bows
  • Fixed issue with Whitescroll applying to anything
Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system
----------, Jun 25, 2022

Change Log:
  • Added 1.19 support
  • Added holy-whitescroll to autocomplete
  • Fixed issue with Holy Whitescroll not working on helmets
  • Fixed issue with Holy Whitescroll not removing whitescroll (text) from item
  • Fixed issue with TeleportBehind causing errors
  • Fixed a dupe glitch (pretty rare and hard to re-create so don't worry about it)
Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system
----------, Jun 13, 2022

Change Log:
  • Added isProtected condition to check if the item in your hand is protected
  • Added some major adjustments to HELD effect
  • Fixed issue with Factions causing errors if you don't have it enabled
  • Fixed issue with Soul Gem particle causing a bunch of errors
Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system
----------, May 11, 2022

Change Log:
  • Fixed dupe glitch with Alchemist, please update
  • Fixed issue with Vault throwing error if not in the server
Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system
----------, Apr 26, 2022

Change Log:
  • Thanks to Zeddy, he has added a ton of new enchantments and made a ton of changes to the enchantments.yml
    New Enchantments:
    • Lumberjack - SIMPLE - A chance to break the entire tree [Axe Enchantment, Max Level 3]
    • Extinguish - SIMPLE - A chance to extinguish flames [Boots Enchantment, Max Level 2]
    • Leech - UNIQUE - A chance to gain saturation and give your opponent hunger [Weapon Enchantment, Max Level 4]
    • Uneasy - UNIQUE - A chance to confuse your opponent [Bow Enchantment, Max Level 3]
    • Slayer - ULTIMATE - A chance to instantly kill mobs [Weapon Enchantment, Max Level 4]
    • Cloak - LEGENDARY - A chance to become invisible for a short time while at low health [Armor Enchantment, Max Level 5]
    • Bitter Overwhelm - HEROIC - Chance to disable the enemy’s ability to inflict Reflective Block on you for 6s with every hit. Upon disabling, you will deal +level% Outgoing Damage. [Axe Enchantment, Max Level 4]
    • Endless Pummel - HEROIC - Tears Earth out of the ground and thrusts it at your enemy causing damage and slowness [Axe Enchantment, Max Level 3]
    • Dragon Forged - HEROIC - Cause MASSIVE durability damage to your enemies' gear and deal extra damage [Sword Enchantment, Max Level 4]
  • Fixed Multiple typos in a few enchantment lores
  • Fixed Silence, Demonforged, Ender Walker, Arrow Break, Pacify, Solitude, + Perfect Solitude enchantments using the incorrect/outdated effects
  • Fixed issue with Explode effect causing all explosion damage to be cancelled on players
  • Fixed issue with Enchantment table bugging out and putting two of the same enchants on books
Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system
----------, Apr 16, 2022

Change Log:
  • Added 1.18.2 Support
Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system
----------, Mar 11, 2022

Change Log:
  • Fixed required enchants not working properly (it wouldn't remove the required enchant)
  • Fixed issue with Towny not working properly thanks to FactionsBridge
  • Fixed issue with plugin requiring Vault
Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system
----------, Feb 5, 2022

Change Log:
  • Added BLOCK_BREAK effect to particle effects, so you can use this effect with any type of block: PARTICLE:BLOCK_BREAK;DIRT
    So when you go to put a particle, just use BLOCK_BREAK;MATERIAL
  • Added ability to edit what upgrade orbs apply to, armor will apply to items in the targets.yml under ARMOR, and weapon will apply to both BOW and WEAPON in targets.yml but there are some default ones just in case you deleted the targets
  • Fixed required enchants not being removed from the item
  • Fixed issue with infinite potion effects not being re-applied
  • Fixed some other issues with the new particle effect
Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system
----------, Jan 28, 2022

Change Log:
  • Added CANCEL effect
    Cancels the even of the trigger, so if you had it on DEFENSE it would cancel the person getting damaged
  • Added BREAK_TREE effect
    It will instantly break a tree
  • Forgot to register some effects
Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system
----------, Jan 25, 2022

Change Log:
  • Fixed issue with the Towny support I added causing NoClassDefFoundError
Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system
----------, Jan 24, 2022

Change Log:
  • Added Support for Towny
  • Added addEnchant to API, or you can use the CustomEnchant object and use the addEnchant method inside it
Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system
----------, Jan 24, 2022

Change Log:
  • Fixed issue with events throwing a handler error (causing other plugins that hook into ee to throw errors)
  • Fixed some other small issues
----------, Jan 23, 2022

Change Log:
  • Removed debug message I forgot to remove
  • Fix errors with INTERACT_RIGHT and INTERACT_LEFT effect type listeners
----------, Jan 22, 2022

Hello, It's finally here!
After months of hard work, EliteEnchantments has had a complete recode. It took much longer than I expected due to my life getting super hectic but I'm super happy with how the code turned out.

Here are some things you should take note of before updating:
  • You will need to regenerate all files for this plugin (as in you will have to delete your current EliteEnchantments Folder so the new files can be generated. However you can paste back in your enchantments.yml but no other file)
  • All enchants on the server from versions before this will not work as the tags have changed and the same with the storage system
  • We have tested this for weeks in a small group but there might be some bugs in the plugin still, I would recommend you don't run this on a public server, for now, in case we find a game-breaking bug but I will mention it when I think it's safe.
∎ Complete Recode of the whole plugin, as in from scratch
∎ Mobs can now use enchantments (if a mob has enchanted armor, effects will trigger exactly as they would for players)
∎ Fallen Heroes - These are minibosses for each GKit that spawn in wearing the armor of the GKit. On death they have a chance to drop either the GKit armor or gem
∎ You can now use multiple enchant trigger types and have specific effects for each trigger (Example: Click here to view an example)
∎ Almost everything in this plugin is now fully configurable, you can configure GUIs, Messages and everything else
∎ Complete overhaul of the premade enchantments to be way more balance
∎ Massive performance changes
∎ Massive overhaul of effects, removed some, enhanced some and made some more configurable
∎ More extensive Developer API so you can now create more of your own features including your own conditions etc.
∎ New Logo and artwork
∎ Massive Web Panel Overhaul

I hope you all enjoy this recode, it was a lot of work but 100% worth it. I would like to thank some people for helping test or anything else:
Detfor, likewtf, Miles, Polar, Yenil and last but not least. Massive thanks to Zeddy for all the help on the plugin
----------, Jan 20, 2022

Change Log:
  • Fixed issue with WorldGuard being required (it's now a soft dependency)
  • Fixed some issues with enchants breaking on 1.18
  • Removed Web Walker and Lava Strider from the config since they don't work atm, I will try to code something to replace how it was but for now, removing it
Hello, Thank you all for being patient about the recode. The recode is complete and is now being tested a lot. Hopefully, the next update will be the recode or in a next couple of updates
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, Jan 9, 2022

Change Log:
  • Added 1.18 Support
  • Fixed issue with SPAWN mobs breaking blocks on explosion
Hello, Thank you all for being patient about the recode. I've been working full time and part-time and managing my plugins all at the same time and haven't had a crazy deal of time to work on the recode.

Most of the plugin is done it's just the long and boring stuff left which I will try to sort out when I have some spare time as of now there is no set release date for the recode but I hope to have it done soon.

That being said the current version of EliteEnchantments is stable enough for use and has no problems.
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, Dec 12, 2021

Change Log:
  • Added a new WorldGuard system, if you would like your enchants to work in places that don't have regions. Set the global flags to allow; interact, block-break and pvp
  • Fixed WEB removing floors
  • Fixed dupe glitch with certain items
Hello, Thank you all for being patient about the recode. I've been working full time and part-time and managing my plugins all at the same time and haven't had a crazy deal of time to work on the recode.

Most of the plugin is done it's just the long and boring stuff left which I will try to sort out when I have some spare time as of now there is no set release date for the recode but I hope to have it done soon.

That being said the current version of EliteEnchantments is stable enough for use and has no problems.
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, Oct 12, 2021

Change Log:
  • Fixed error when breaking deep slate blocks with TRENCH or SMELT effect
  • Fixed Dupe with Godly Transmog Scrolls
  • Fixed issue with the plugin shading libraries it doesn't need to creating a massive file
More progress has been made for EliteEnchantments recode
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3

EliteEnchantments Recode Coming Soon...
----------, Sep 9, 2021

Change Log:
  • Fixed issue with Attributes not working on Heroic weapons if you set it to apply to them
  • Fixed issue with Holy Whitescrolls not working at times
  • Fixed issue with blacklisted-words not working with item nametags
More progress has been made for EliteEnchantments recode
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3

EliteEnchantments Recode Coming Soon...
----------, Aug 30, 2021

Change Log:
  • Fixed issue with KNOCKBACK effect
  • Fixed issue with tinkerer, not trading 1.17 items
The recode is being worked on but I recently took a full-time job so the progress has become a little slower. It should be done within 2-4 weeks but as of this time this current version of eliteenchantments is stable and usable
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3

EliteEnchantments Recode Coming Soon...
----------, Aug 14, 2021

Change Log:
  • Added option to disable the anvil fix
    Path: Mechanics.anvil-block (default is false)
  • Fixed issue with panel data not being imported properly
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3

EliteEnchantments Recode Coming Soon...
----------, Jun 23, 2021

Change Log:
  • Added 1.17 Support
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3

EliteEnchantments Recode Coming Soon...
----------, Jun 21, 2021

Change Log:
  • Fixed major issue with enchants randomly being removed, I found out the reason was with the enchantment table system and I didn't bother checking there so it was always under my nose.
    This issue should now not occur anymore
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3

EliteEnchantments Recode Coming Soon...
----------, Jun 12, 2021

Change Log:
  • Fixed issue with HELD effects not being removed when you dropped the item and some other ways that they stayed
  • Fixed error with omni dust
The recode is going great and we are on track for release very soon.
I've been stream coding eliteenchantments almost every other day and it's been super fun.
For the release I plan on having a complete redo of the thread with a new logo and everything :D
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, May 27, 2021

Change Log:
  • Quick Hotfix, it's an issue where enchants were randomly being removed. This is a temporary solution till the new recode comes out.
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, May 6, 2021

Change Log:
  • Made it so FactionsBridge doesn't create a large error message if you do not have factions installed
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, May 6, 2021

Change Log:
  • Added Arrow support to DEFENSE effect type, so it will trigger when you are attacked with an arrow
  • Forgot to actually add the support for the factions plugins, so now actually added the methods and checks
  • Fixed issue where ACF wasn't shading into the plugin properly and causing errors with other plugins.
  • Fixed issue with enchantments randomly being removed and causing errors when trying to reveal enchant books (I can't recreate it so I think it's fix if it's not just let me know)
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, May 4, 2021


EliteEnchantments development started in 2019 and was completed in 2020, every year I learn something new and as of this time. EliteEnchantments code does not compare to my other projects like EliteBosses and ElitePets, therefore I plan on recoding the whole plugin very soon.

I'm going to be working on making EliteEnchantments more unique compared to other enchantment plugins and there is a range of new features coming to this plugin. I will not list any at the moment until I am close to being done but this recode will change the way EliteEnchantments is used on servers. I will be updating the current codebase till the recode is ready.

I would like to take a second to thank everyone for supporting this plugin, your support is the reason I'm still making plugins and updates to this day and I would have probably quit without your support.
I am forever appreciative of your help and hope you continue to support me.
Change Log:
  • Fixed issue with /ee reload breaking active enchantments
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, Apr 24, 2021

Change Log:
  • Fixed issue where the plugin would disable if you do not have a Factions plugin enabled - It was an issue with the FactionsBridge but should be fixed and working fine now.
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, Apr 20, 2021

Change Log:
  • Added support for 9 different Faction plugins
    FactionsX, FactionsUUID, SavageFactions (Abandoned), SupremeFactions, KingdomsX, MassiveFactions, FactionsBlue, Atlas Factions and SaberFactions
    Massive shoutout to FactionBridge for allowing this support to be possible
  • Added new null checks and nullable checks
  • Fixed issue with grindstone spamming errors
  • Added better support for JSON data via web panel so data should transfer smoother and retrieve smoother
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, Apr 18, 2021

Change Log:
  • Added /ee enchants <group>
  • Added Permissions to multiple commands
    Alchemist, Tinkerer, Enchanter, Titan + More
    All Permissions are eliteenchantments.<command>
  • Fixed issue with Knockback effect, recoded the whole effect.
    Make sure the value you set isn't crazy
  • Fixed error with Tinkerer
I've been really busy with my real job and have been really stressed out with all my plugins, I'm slowly getting back into making updates. I'm sorry for the long delay. Also thank you for 400+ purchases on SpigotMC
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, Apr 3, 2021

Change Log:
  • Added EliteBosses Support
  • Added isBoss condition to check if entity is a boss
  • Added isBossExact condition to check if entity is a specific boss
  • Fixed Dupe glitch with DisplayShops Plugin
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, Mar 22, 2021

Change Log:
  • Added option to disable tinkerer
    Add Enabled: false to disabke tinkerer in tinkerer.yml
  • Added option to edit the durability damage dealt by TRENCH effect
    If you set it to 1 then it will do 1 durability damage per block broken (the more blocks ie. value will increase the durability damage and decimals are rounded)
  • Fixed issue with TRENCH causing a ton of lag for servers using Spigot Forks like Trunity
  • Fixed issue with enchantment books set as blocks and users being able to place them on the floor.
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, Mar 11, 2021

Change Log:
  • Added option to make /ee enchants menu to sort by what the enchant applies to, so categorise by helmet, chestplate etc.
    For the best experience, regenerate your targets.yml and enchantments.yml
Add this to your config.yml (don't include the Mechanics: part)
Code (Text):
    sort-by-applies: false
  • Changed how the search system for enchant searching is done, it should be more smoother now.
  • Fixed issue with web panel not loading the enchantments when you download the token, it only added the enchant to the file but didn't load in-game.

Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, Mar 6, 2021

Change Log:
  • Added better support for plugins like mcMMO
  • Fixed issue with conditions causing errors
  • Changed Conditions parsing system to work better
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, Mar 2, 2021

Change Log:
  • Added Guided Arrow enchantment
    Auto-lock your arrows on nearby mobs and players
  • Added option to disable the destroy on enchantment books
    items.yml add dont-destroy: true to Book to enable
  • Added all the new Effect Types to the web panel
  • Fixed issue with new enchantments created on the web panel not having targets and breaking
  • Massive code fixes and changes for optimisations in the web panel, also upgraded where it is hosted on to decrease loading times.
    Hosted on ElixirNode
    Use the code 'Splodgebox' for 50% OFF
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, Feb 24, 2021

Change Log:
  • More optimisations for this update, I plan on adding more stuff like last update
  • Fixed issue with DAMAGE_ARMOR causing an error

Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, Feb 20, 2021

Change Log:
  • Ton of code optimisations
  • Added Godly Transmog Scrolls
    When you apply this item to your selected item it opens a gui with the current enchantments, you can then re-arrange them however you please and once you close the inventory the item will come adjusted

    Make sure you either regen your items.yml or add the following
Code (Text):
  material: "PAPER"
  name: "&6&lGodly Transmog Scroll"
    - '&7Apply to equipment to &6&ncustomize'
    - '&7the order of &ecustom enchantments'
    - '&7displayed on the item.'
    - ''
    - '&7&oHint: Drag-and-drop in your inventory'
    - '&7&oonto the item you wish to apply it to'
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, Feb 18, 2021

Change Log:
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, Feb 2, 2021

Change Log:
  • Fixed issue with grindstone removing lore of enchants but not the actual enchantment
  • Fixed issue with SMELT not working with 1.9+ blocks and turning them into stone
  • Fixed issue with SMELT + TRENCH not working properly together (took ages to fix)
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, Jan 26, 2021

Change Log:
  • Added updated nbt api so it won't say that warning on load up
  • Added some new backend changes to the web panel so it can parse data a lot faster
  • Fixed issue with DURABILITY related effects not working
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, Jan 18, 2021

Change Log:
  • Added SMELT support to TRENCH effect
  • Recoded FIREBALL effect to actually shoot at people rather than yourself
  • Fixed issue with potion messages spamming if you right click an armor and have no armor on already
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, Jan 17, 2021

Change Log:
  • Added AUTO_LOCK effect
    Fire arrows that automatically lock onto targets
  • Added Auto Lock enchantment, regen enchantments.yml to add the new enchant
  • Changed enchantments using durability effects in the enchantments.yml - regen to add changes
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, Jan 14, 2021

Change Log:
  • Added updated FactionsX Support
  • Increase the damage in the default configuration since people were saying it was lacking. If you want to increase the damage a bit more just edit it in the enchantments.yml or use the web panel by doing /ee upload
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, Jan 9, 2021

Change Log:
  • Web Panel is now out of maintenance, you can now use it again and it fetches all your targets in your targets.yml
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, Jan 8, 2021

Change Log:
  • Added more checks to skyblock support to avoid bypass with INTERACT and MINE effect type
  • Added checks for skyblock to TRENCH
  • More code optimisations
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, Jan 5, 2021

Change Log:
  • Added SuperiorSkyblock2 Support
  • Updated ASkyBlock Support
  • Coded new system to allow multiple skyblock plugin support.
  • Recoded some bad code from a while ago
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, Jan 3, 2021

Change Log:
    Create an explosion
  • Added Explode effect to default explosive enchantment
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, Jan 2, 2021

Change Log:
  • Added customisable lore to armor/weapon orbs
    Add the following under upgrade-orb in items.yml (if you don't then it will auto use the default)
    applied-lore: "&a&l{TOTAL} Enchantment Slots &7(Orb [&a+{ADDED}&7])"
  • Fixed issue with held effect breaking if you move the item via inventory click
  • Fixed issue with souls not working at all
  • Fixed issue with errors coming from ADD_DURABILITY effect
  • Fixed ADD_DURABILITY effect (I used the wrong if statement so it wasn't running at all)
  • Done a ton of general performance fixes

This update didn't really have much new stuff since it was a rush job since people were complaining about some errors they were facing and that soul system wasn't working (100% understandable)
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, Sep 6, 2020

Change Log:
  • Added REMOVE_SOULS effect - Remove souls from either player or target
  • Added check to TELEPORT_DROPS to check if item is shulker box so it doesn't break it and erase data from the box
  • Added more checks to effects like trench to make sure it doesn't break in locations it isn't allowed to break blocks.
  • Added support for ElitePets (Read below)

ElitePets has been completely coded and will be released very soon (waiting for the websites to verify the plugin)
I have been giving away copies on my streams and also in my discord so be sure to join both and enter

Adding some new custom items next update so keep an eye out for that.
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, Sep 4, 2020

Change Log:
  • Fixed issue with TELEPORT_DROPS removing items if the players inventory is full
  • Fixed issue with ADD_ITEM_DURABILITY repairing the item fully instead of partially
  • Recoded a couple effects using new learnt methods and techniques
  • Started to recode certain features about this plugin.
I have been debating this for a while but I believe that in around November time I will be recoding this plugin due to the fact that it does have some old practises and I could 100% code this much better.

ElitePets is coming out very soon and it will hook into this plugin so keep an eye out for that.
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, Aug 30, 2020

Change Log:
  • Removed another debug message when you try apply something like a whitescroll it spams the chat
I wanted to make a proper update before I released this but people are running live servers with this plugin so obviously I had to remove this.
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, Aug 28, 2020

Change Log:
  • Removed a debug message from when you apply your enchantment to an item
  • Fixed issue with web panel data crashing if invalid data was sent
  • Updated all dependencies
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
Please note: the sale on this plugin will be ending very soon.​
----------, Aug 26, 2020

Change Log:
  • Recoded the whole permission system to limit slots and increase % on enchantment books, new permissions:
    eliteenchantments.slots.5 - Limit players slots to 5
    eliteenchantments.success.5 - Increase success rate by 5%
  • Reworked the parent system for enchantment target system
    If you want to parent another target then it will not recognise the parents of that parent type. So if you plan setting another target that has a parent as your parent then you will have to add any values that it is trying to node from. It's confusing, I'm aware. So just regenerate the targets.yml, I have done it all myself.
  • Added error check for the search button so players don't get stuck in chat
  • Added new gifs to the plugin thread to showcase the plugin more.
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
Please note: the sale on this plugin will be ending very soon.​
----------, Aug 25, 2020

Change Log:
  • Fixed issue with item nametags not working because I messed something up during the whole target system from yesterdays update
  • Fixed issue with armour-switch not working because I messed something up during the whole target system from yesterdays update
  • Fixed issue with join worldguard message still being sent even if you disable it
  • Removed debug message I left in from yesterday update
Sorry about this quick update, there were a couple of things I messed up from yesterdays update that was reported to me. Usually, I would wait till I have more content to update but the debug message was being sent every time anyone joined the server so obviously was a big issue.

Stuff like that won't happen again, it was just because enchantment target system was a big change in the system and a lot of things were changed.

I also created a new thread design for my plugin, I know the gif header is a bit weird atm. I will be getting the gif redone so it works with the new headers. I did these in photoshop and was wondering what you lot think about it
Let me know here: https://www.strawpoll.me/20795728

Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3​
----------, Aug 19, 2020

Change Log:
  • Added ability to create your own enchantment targets, meaning the items an enchantment can apply to.
    Fully configurable in which you can create your own enchantment targets using the easy to use targets.yml with a parent and child system
    Mix n' Match the items your enchantments could be applied to; or maybe even encrypt it for your players to work out what it applies to
  • Added 1.16.2 support
  • Fixed issue with NBT error on 1.16.2
  • Added a ton of optimisation in code to make way for the new target system
This is not the massive update I was talking about before but as you can see the standards are very high for this new update that should be coming out soon!
This whole target system was out of the blue since a user requested it as they wanted to translate certain text and I would hate to make it not usable for people who don't speak english.

Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3​
----------, Aug 18, 2020

Change Log:
  • Added support for 1.16.2
  • Added support for enchantments to be applied via 'books' onto netherite items
  • Added option to disable the join worldguard message; add the following to your config.yml under Mechanics
    disable-worldguard-message: true
  • Added better support for servers with low tps, this plugin will now disable features and adapt depending on your servers tps to try and keep it alive
  • Fixed issue with fishing rod errors
  • Fixed issue with language files becoming blank
  • Recoded and Optimised a ton of code (Rework of certain systems; package reformation and much more)
I have an exclusive feature that I will be adding to this plugin in either the next update or the update after that. It's quite large and will require a lot of work and reworking for it to work but I can assure you; it will be a great addition for your servers.

I have also released a custom TreasureWars replica configuration for this plugin which is paid but it not only comes with a configuration but also comes with custom effects (It was made via the public API and no code changes)
Check it out: https://www.mc-market.org/resources/16695/

Also checkout BuycraftConfirm; it's a free buycraft confirm system.

Take care and have a great day <3​
----------, Aug 12, 2020

I wanted to say a massive thank you for 200 purchases on Spigot
It really means a lot for all the support this plugin has gotten
Change Log:
  • Added /bless command [eliteenchantments.bless]
    Remove all negative potion effects, perfect for a buycraft perk with ranks
  • Massive overhaul of code, I recently found of ways to optimise code and added that into my work. However more optimisations will be done soon.
  • Added a ton of new additions to the API, I will be expanded on that a lot.
I'm currently at a stump with ideas, if you have any suggestions; join the discord and leave suggestions​
----------, Aug 4, 2020

Forgot a debug message in the remove armor effect
----------, Aug 2, 2020

Change Log:
  • Added REMOVE_ARMOR effect
    Drop a random piece of armor from your target, it will drop onto the floor
  • Recoded parts of alchemist as it was rush coded
  • Removed a ton of useless util classes
  • Fixed an issue with particle spam
----------, Jul 27, 2020

Change Log:
  • Added CROSSBOW and TRIDENT to applicable types
  • Added isMobExact [MOB] to the conditions to make it check if it is a mob and if so then is it that mob type
  • Added message to be sent when you click on an effect in the effects menu, it will now paste the format in the chat so you can view it better.
  • Fixed issue backend with laggy book opening
----------, Jul 23, 2020

Change Log:
  • Added new /gkit giveitems commands to the gkit addon. and added 1.16.1 support for gkits
    Click here to download it
  • Removed debug message I accidentally left when your enchants activate.
----------, Jul 7, 2020

Change Log:
  • Added search bar to the /ee enchants command, now you can search for a specific enchantments, it will filter the enchantments so if you type 'en' it will list all enchantments that start with en
  • Added better checks for conditions, now it shouldn't stutter or get it wrong at times
  • Added a system to check for cancelled events
  • Fixed issues with unicode message
----------, Jul 7, 2020

Change Log:
  • Added message that says you can't afford an item in the enchanter
  • Added a fix for the netherite bug
  • Fixed a potential duplication glitch (luckily no one experienced it)
  • Fixed some issues with reloading lang file
  • Fixed issue with tinkerer
----------, Jul 4, 2020

Change Log:
  • Added Neutralize enchantment to the enchantments.yml (https://pastebin.com/tAJqacB5)
    Disable all enchantments of that type, so ATTACK would disable all attack enchantments
  • Added {PLAYER} placeholder to message effect
  • Added {TARGET} placeholder to message effect
  • Added Autocomplete to the effects section on the web panel
  • Added All new effects to the web panel
  • Added All new enchant types to the web panel
  • Fixed issue with 0 souls cancelling all enchantments
----------, Jul 2, 2020

Change Log:
  • Added support for netherite items (currently you can only add enchantments via /ee addenchant command)
  • Fixed issue with 1.16 support
  • Added ability to change the glass pane in the middle of the tinkerer
  • Added ability to change the colour of the panes in the titan attributes help menu
  • Made all messages in the tinkerer configurable in the lang.yml
  • Made all messages in the alchemist configurable in the lang.yml
  • Added %group-name% placeholder to enchantment books/items
  • Added {ENCHANT-NAME} to the apply and fail enchantment message
----------, Jul 2, 2020

Change Log:
  • Added 1.16 Support
----------, Jun 25, 2020

Change Log:
  • Added a ton of new enchantment types

  • Added DROPS effect
    Increase the amount of drops you get when you kill a mob
  • Added isMob condition so you can check if the target is a mob
  • Added more optimised checks for conditions to try make things much smoother
  • Fixed an issue people were having with item parsing for enchantment items
  • Fixed issue people were having with the panel links not generating when your server connection was slow
----------, Jun 24, 2020

Change Log:
  • Added a ton of config changes to the enchantments.yml so it does more damage
  • Fixed a massive issue, when I was loop through the enchants I used a return rather than a continue so so broke some enchants if one required a condition
  • Changed the title of the enchants gui from effects to enchants
  • Optimised some of the checks for factions and worldguard
----------, Jun 20, 2020

Change Log:
  • Added WEB effect
    Spawn cobwebs in a radius for a certain amount of time, these webs are only visible to the target so they can only get stuck in it and not yourself.
  • Redone the whole enchantment parsing system, went from parsing enchants at 0.15s to 0.035s. Your servers will work much faster and smoother than before.
  • Change the enchantment cooldown system from a runnable system to a system time one
  • Recoded the whole condition system so it works better
  • Made it so when you join the server, the potion effects don't spam you
  • Fixed the issue where the effects of the enchantment were not running in order but collectively.
  • Change how the WAIT effect work so now it actually works without lagging out your whole server.
  • Remove some of the debug messages in the alchemist
We coded the WEB effect and another one which I am finishing off on stream if you would like to watch the stream and maybe pick up a thing or two on coding (or just want to watch videos and chill)
Check out my twitch https://www.twitch.tv/splodgebox_official

Why do you not update more often?
I update around once a week and don't update every day because I find it more convenient for me and you, that way you don't need to download a jar every day just for a small feature, instead I can add it all at once.
----------, Jun 18, 2020

Change Log:
  • Complete recode of the chance, cooldown, condition, sound and particle system and storing
    This may not seem like much but trust me, this will decrease any server lag and fix the issues of enchants 'not being smooth'. This took me 2 hours of coding since I had to rework a lot of the plugin (I just wanted to make this clear since as a update itself it doesn't look like much)
  • Added perms so you can limit the amount of slots for a certain rank
    eliteenchantments.slots//5 - Limit it to 5 slots
  • Changed how the potion effect system works
    If you have a infinite potion effect and a potion effect higher adds for x seconds, it now re-adds the infinite potion effect back when the timer runs out
  • Added new messages with the rank slot limit
  • General performance boosts
----------, Jun 9, 2020

Change Log:

----------, Jun 5, 2020

Change Log:
  • Added HEALTH effect, Increase the base health of a player (this will allow health boost potion to be added without any issues) HEALTH:[AMOUNT]
  • Added chance for holy whitescroll activation (add chance: [amount] in items.yml under holy-whitescroll)
  • Fixed an issue with enchantments that require other enchants not applying if slots are full
  • Fixed issues with smelt effect
  • Fixed transmog scroll issue with enchant count
  • Fixed issue with web panel saving effects as a string
----------, Jun 2, 2020

"I just flipped the switch, flip flip"

The Web Panel has had a huge revamp, it now looks much nicer visually and also have a very cool dark and light mode with a button to toggle

----------, May 31, 2020

Change Log:
  • Added /alchemist open
  • Added /tinkerer open
  • Added options for particle effects; speed and amount
  • Changed how applying books work so now you can apply heroic enchants even if slot is full
  • Changed how applying books work so now blacklist comes before require
  • Changed particle effect system
----------, May 30, 2020

Change Log:
  • Changed Boot to Boots in the enchantment target
  • Added new boolean check-called isEnchantsLoaded, you can use this for your plugins using my plugin
    This is used for Gkits so please update this and then update that as well
  • Added some general performance changes, before some enchants were causing a tiny bit of lag so just slashed that completely
  • Added ability to randomize the % of the blackscroll not matter what percent you gave it (add the code below to your items.yml)
Code (Text):
  material: "GRAY_DYE"
  name: "&f&lBlack Scroll"
    - '&7Removes a random enchantment'
    - '&7from an item and converts'
    - '&7it into a &f%percent%%&7 success book'
    - '&fPlace onto item to extract'
  use-random-chance: false # This will use a random chance no matter what
  # the blackscroll percent is
----------, May 27, 2020

Change Log:
  • Added ability to add commands to /enchanter
    Add the following to your config.yml
    command: "give {PLAYER} diamond"
  • Added a lot of customisable messages to the lang.yml
  • Fixed the enchanter disabling (accidentally set it so true = false lmao)
----------, May 26, 2020

Change Log:
  • Added blacklisted words list to item nametag naming (yml changes below)
  • Added ability to enable/disable enchanter (yml changes below)
  • Added event priority to book message
  • Added error message to Web Panel invalid data error
  • Added messages for the following;
    Enchantment Apply
    Enchantment Failed Apply
    Enchantment Saved by Whitescroll
  • Added ability to make alchemist cost 0 for the transaction (set max cost to 0)
Config.yml changes:
Code (Text):
  enabled: true
Items.yml changes:
Code (Text):
  material: "NAME_TAG"
  name: "&6&lItem Nametag &7(Right Click)"
    - '&7Rename and customize your equipment'
    - 'fuck'
    - 'shit'
    - 'nigga'
      - ''
      - '&6&lItemtag Usage'
      - '&61. &7Hold the ITEM you''d like to rename'
      - '&62. &7Send the new name as a chat message with & color codes'
      - '&63. &7Confirm the preview of the new name that is displayed'
      - ''
      - '&cHold the ITEM you''d like to rename.'
      - '&7Type ''&ccancel&7'' &7to unqueue this operation'
      - '&a&l(!) &aYou have successfully renamed your item to ''{NAME}&a''!'
      - '&c&l(!) &cYou have successfully cancelled renaming your item!'
      - '&c&l(!) &cYou cannot contain blacklisted words!'
----------, May 24, 2020

Change Log:
  • Added blacklist option so you can blacklist enchants for certain enchants, so if I applied a gears 1 book but it blacklists springs then if springs is on the item it won't apply.
  • Added blacklist option to Web Panel Check out the dev of the panel BantaGaming
  • Added WAIT effect, add a delay before the next effect in the list
    For example you can make an enchant do effect - wait 1s - 2nd effect
  • Remade the enchants gui so it's cleaner but also displays the enchant group color (picture below)
  • Remade the effects gui so it's cleaner and easier to navigate
  • Fixed issues with enchantments one shooting players (Thanks to Zeddy for the config changes) [Regen your enchantments.yml to get the new changes]
----------, May 18, 2020

Once again massive thanks to Zeddy for providing the new enchantments.yml changes
Regen your enchantments.yml and items.yml if you want these changes
[+] Epidemic Carrier Enchantment
[+] Soul Hardened Enchantment
[+] Exterminator Enchantment
[~] Fixed Titan Trap applying to AXE instead of SWORD
[~] Fixed Divine Enlighted requiring deathbringer instead of enlighted
[~] Modified Rage, Godly Overload, Spirits, Plague Carrier, Rocket Escape, Guided Rocket Escape, Blacksmith, Master Blacksmith, Enrage, and Reforged's effects to work as intended
[~] Modified multiple soul enchantments to use the correct soul count
[~] Fixed Plague Carrier, Vengeful Diminish, and Reforged using the incorrect 'type'
[~] Fixed a few errors where 'cooldown' was used in place of 'chance'
[~] Completely remade the Marksman enchantment

Plugin Update:
  • Recoded Holy Whitescrolls to fix the dupe issue and also just to make it work better ie. not applying to any item
  • Added check to whitescrolls to avoid them from applying to any item
  • Redone the whole command system so they are more organised and just works faster

*Re-updated cause I forgot to replace the enchantments.yml with the new one*
----------, May 16, 2020

I wanted to give a massive shoutout to Zeddy for this update, he did all these configuration stuff and I didn't even ask him to. What a legend!
Regen your enchantments.yml and items.yml if you want these changes
[+] Blacksmith Enchantment
[+] Hardened Enchantment
[+] Oxygenate Enchantment
[+] Explosive Enchantment
[+] Hex Enchantment
[+] Bewitched Hex Enchantment
[+] Extreme Insanity Enchantment
[+] Mega Heavy Enchantment
[+] Divine Enlighted Enchantment
[+] Added Trap as a requirement for Titan Trap
[+] Added effects for Infernal
[~] Fixed every enchantment using "DAMAGE_INCREASE" effect to work properly
[~] Fixed most enchantments using "REDUCTION" effect to work properly
[~] Fixed Trickster, Voodoo, Wither, Frozen, Poisoned, and Molten using the incorrect 'type'
[~] Fixed effects for Drunk, Snare, Blessed, Farcast, Shockwave, Virus, Ragdoll, Berserk, Ender Shift, Diminish, and Vengeful Diminish
[~] Fixed missing % after blackscroll + dust percentages in the lore of items
[~] Fixed condition for Insanity
[-] Removed Bidirectional Teleportation's requirement (It shouldn't of had it)
[-] Detonate X (Max should have been IX)

Plugin Update:
  • Added GUI to /ee upload so you don't need to type the group name it just shows them all up.
----------, May 14, 2020

Change Log:
  • Fixed JSON dependency issue
----------, May 12, 2020

Hello everyone,
I am very excited to announce the new web panel added to eliteenchantments!
Using this web panel you are able to edit, add, and remove enchantments by the click of a button along with pulling them onto your server with ease.
Here is a more detailed explanation in the form of a short video

----------, May 12, 2020

Change Log:
  • Added check to negate damage from fireworks from books
  • Fixed 'You can't apply a heroic enchantment to a piece if it's maxed on lore for example you can't upgrade the enchantment'
  • Fixed 'Transmog Scrolls do not stack'
  • Reworked the passive potion effect remove message so it should only work with passive enchants
  • Reworked something backend to make it so the enchants load faster
----------, May 9, 2020

Change Log:

Sorry about the 1.0.3 update (accidentally updated this plugin instead of gkits)
----------, May 7, 2020

Change Log:
  • Added checks to cancel interacting with enchantment items (whitescrolls etc.)
  • Added a check to see if player inventory is full when they try buy stuff from the enchanter
  • Added worldguard help onto the startup message
    Execute the following commands if you use worldguard
    /rg flag __global__ block-break
    /rg flag __global__ pvp
    /rg flag __global__ interact

  • Fixed some worldguard issues
----------, May 5, 2020

Change Log:
  • Redone all of the enchantments percentages in enchantments.yml so they all work properly (Regen the enchantments.yml to get the changes)
  • Added 'random' argument for the percentages of items ie. /ee giveitem Splodgebox blackscroll random would give me a blackscroll with a random %
  • Added the random argument to weapon and armor orbs
  • Added more smeltable items into SMELT effect
  • Fixed EXPSTEAL Effect
  • Fixed FLAME effect
  • Fixed droppers/dispersers causing errors
----------, May 4, 2020

Change Log:
    Disable the attribute of your damager (if they have one active)
  • Optimised a couple of bits of code that was slowing down the enchantment activation
  • Fixed some issues with enchantment book placeholder replacing
----------, Apr 26, 2020

Change Log:
    This effect will increase the exp of the attribute on the item (if a player has an attribute active)
  • Added attribute and titan commands to the help menu
  • Optimised the AOE damage dealt with attributes (it was procing alot..)
  • Fixed some issues people were having with particles not spawning
  • Added some metrics so I can see how many people are using the plugin
----------, Apr 24, 2020

Change Log:
  • Fixed the error with factions if you don't have factions on your server
  • Fixed some issues people were having with applying books
----------, Apr 24, 2020

Change Log:
  • Added new module system for factions support so I can support multiple factions plugins
  • Added FactionsX Support
  • Added SaberFactions Support
  • Added FactionsUUID Support
  • Fixed some relation parsing with the eos attribute
----------, Apr 23, 2020

Change Log:
  • Added system to make it so XP value for titan attributes are calculated by the value of the actual dust times the value in the config
  • Removed a debug message I left in
  • Fixed some issues with tinkerer deleting some items
  • Fixed issue with using money for the enchanter
----------, Apr 22, 2020

Introducing Titan Attributes,
These are add-ons which you can apply to your weapons to give them a special effect, these can be levelled up using magic dust and the higher the level; the better the effect.
This is fully configurable in the attributes.yml along with the fact you can use /titan for the help menu for your players!
There are already 5 attributes which are from cosmic
Change Log:
  • Added Attributes (Read above)
  • Added check to mine enchant type to make sure the event was not cancelled by another plugin
  • Fixed some issues people were having with durability
----------, Apr 21, 2020

There is currently a 10% SALE active!

Today I had decided to redo the so many enchantments in the default configuration since people were complaining it was too op, the outcome was amazing in which I recorded a video to showcase it
If you would like the additions made then please delete your enchantments.yml and restart your server
Change Log:
  • Added fall damage cancellation during the throw effect
  • Redone many enchantments in the enchantments.yml so regenerate your configurations to get all the new additions
  • Fixed the durability damage issue
  • Fixed BLEED particle effect
  • Fixed players being able to throw enchantment orbs
  • Fixed issue with money option for enchanter not working
----------, Apr 17, 2020

Forgot to make it so this plugin loads before the gkits jar so it was causing issues for some people.

Thanks for the amazing support with the gkits :D
----------, Apr 14, 2020

There is currently a 10% SALE active!

I have finally added GKITs which you lot have been asking for ages, it has taken me a while but finally, it's done. It is an addon in which you have to add a new jar but this was a thing voted on in my discord in which people voted to have it in a separate jar so we can add fallen heroes etc. easily.

Remember to read the plugin page for gkits as it tells you how to set it up

Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/...our-own-gkits-leveled-gkits-1-8-1-15-2.77407/

Change Log:
  • Added Gkits (read above)
  • Added money option to enchanter (Add economy: "MONEY" in the config.yml under enchanter)
  • Fixed issue with enchantment orbs apply to everything
----------, Apr 14, 2020

Had to make a small adjustment to the message system since some new messages were coming weird in the lang.yml
----------, Apr 12, 2020

There is currently a 10% SALE active!
Change Log:
  • Added permission to increase the success rate of a book meaning certain ranks have x amount success added onto the book when they apply it. Permission Example: eliteenchantments.success//5 (Message configurable in lang.yml)
  • Added Message when players right click enchantment book (Message configurable in lang.yml) you need to add click-message: true under book in items.yml
  • Added option to disable the right click armor switch (You need to add switch-armor: false under Mechanics to disable it)
  • Fixed issue with books disappearing when you apply dust to a book stack
----------, Apr 11, 2020

There is currently a 10% SALE active!
Change Log:
  • Added Item Nametag
    Using the item nametag you can rename your item with colour codes [Regenerate your items.yml to add the item nametag or pm me and I will send the format]
  • Added /ee removeenchant <enchant> so you can remove enchants from items in your hand
  • Added Ability to give multiple items like whitescrolls etc. example: /ee giveitem <player> whitescroll 0 5 This will give a player 5 whitescrolls, the 0 is because some items require arguments like soulgems
  • Added /splitsouls so you can split the amount of souls you have
  • Added EnchantDeactivationEvent
  • Added more values to EnchantActivationEvent
  • Fixed some backend issues with lag due to the shackle effect
----------, Apr 10, 2020

There is currently a 10% SALE active!
Change Log:
  • Recoded the potion effect so it will only apply the potion effect if the value is higher than what a player already has
  • Fixed some issues with people having trouble with tabbing command
  • Fixed teleport drops from mining spawners and breaking them (the effect now ignores spawners
----------, Apr 9, 2020

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 841
First Release: Feb 15, 2020
Last Update: Sep 23, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
54 ratings
Find more info at docs.eliteminecraftplugins.com...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings