EliteEnchantments ➜ Create your own custom enchants | 200+ Enchants + 27 Gkits | Web Panel + More icon

EliteEnchantments ➜ Create your own custom enchants | 200+ Enchants + 27 Gkits | Web Panel + More -----

Web Panel ⚜️ Enchant Table Support ⚜️ Create your own enchantments + More

Change Log:
  • Thanks to Zeddy, he has added a ton of new enchantments and made a ton of changes to the enchantments.yml
    New Enchantments:
    • Lumberjack - SIMPLE - A chance to break the entire tree [Axe Enchantment, Max Level 3]
    • Extinguish - SIMPLE - A chance to extinguish flames [Boots Enchantment, Max Level 2]
    • Leech - UNIQUE - A chance to gain saturation and give your opponent hunger [Weapon Enchantment, Max Level 4]
    • Uneasy - UNIQUE - A chance to confuse your opponent [Bow Enchantment, Max Level 3]
    • Slayer - ULTIMATE - A chance to instantly kill mobs [Weapon Enchantment, Max Level 4]
    • Cloak - LEGENDARY - A chance to become invisible for a short time while at low health [Armor Enchantment, Max Level 5]
    • Bitter Overwhelm - HEROIC - Chance to disable the enemy’s ability to inflict Reflective Block on you for 6s with every hit. Upon disabling, you will deal +level% Outgoing Damage. [Axe Enchantment, Max Level 4]
    • Endless Pummel - HEROIC - Tears Earth out of the ground and thrusts it at your enemy causing damage and slowness [Axe Enchantment, Max Level 3]
    • Dragon Forged - HEROIC - Cause MASSIVE durability damage to your enemies' gear and deal extra damage [Sword Enchantment, Max Level 4]
  • Fixed Multiple typos in a few enchantment lores
  • Fixed Silence, Demonforged, Ender Walker, Arrow Break, Pacify, Solitude, + Perfect Solitude enchantments using the incorrect/outdated effects
  • Fixed issue with Explode effect causing all explosion damage to be cancelled on players
  • Fixed issue with Enchantment table bugging out and putting two of the same enchants on books
Hello, Before you update make sure you take a look at the 2.0.0 changelogs as any version before v2 files will not work with the new version (apart from enchantments.yml) and any items on the server with enchants on them from before v2 will not work with the new system
----------, Apr 16, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 841
First Release: Feb 15, 2020
Last Update: Sep 23, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
54 ratings
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