EliteEnchantments ➜ Create your own custom enchants | 200+ Enchants + 27 Gkits | Web Panel + More icon

EliteEnchantments ➜ Create your own custom enchants | 200+ Enchants + 27 Gkits | Web Panel + More -----

Web Panel ⚜️ Enchant Table Support ⚜️ Create your own enchantments + More

Once again massive thanks to Zeddy for providing the new enchantments.yml changes
Regen your enchantments.yml and items.yml if you want these changes
[+] Epidemic Carrier Enchantment
[+] Soul Hardened Enchantment
[+] Exterminator Enchantment
[~] Fixed Titan Trap applying to AXE instead of SWORD
[~] Fixed Divine Enlighted requiring deathbringer instead of enlighted
[~] Modified Rage, Godly Overload, Spirits, Plague Carrier, Rocket Escape, Guided Rocket Escape, Blacksmith, Master Blacksmith, Enrage, and Reforged's effects to work as intended
[~] Modified multiple soul enchantments to use the correct soul count
[~] Fixed Plague Carrier, Vengeful Diminish, and Reforged using the incorrect 'type'
[~] Fixed a few errors where 'cooldown' was used in place of 'chance'
[~] Completely remade the Marksman enchantment

Plugin Update:
  • Recoded Holy Whitescrolls to fix the dupe issue and also just to make it work better ie. not applying to any item
  • Added check to whitescrolls to avoid them from applying to any item
  • Redone the whole command system so they are more organised and just works faster

*Re-updated cause I forgot to replace the enchantments.yml with the new one*
----------, May 16, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 841
First Release: Feb 15, 2020
Last Update: Sep 23, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
54 ratings
Find more info at docs.eliteminecraftplugins.com...
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Downloads: ------
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