EliteEnchantments ➜ Create your own custom enchants | 200+ Enchants + 27 Gkits | Web Panel + More icon

EliteEnchantments ➜ Create your own custom enchants | 200+ Enchants + 27 Gkits | Web Panel + More -----

Web Panel ⚜️ Enchant Table Support ⚜️ Create your own enchantments + More
Change Log:
  • Added a new WorldGuard system, if you would like your enchants to work in places that don't have regions. Set the global flags to allow; interact, block-break and pvp
  • Fixed WEB removing floors
  • Fixed dupe glitch with certain items
Hello, Thank you all for being patient about the recode. I've been working full time and part-time and managing my plugins all at the same time and haven't had a crazy deal of time to work on the recode.

Most of the plugin is done it's just the long and boring stuff left which I will try to sort out when I have some spare time as of now there is no set release date for the recode but I hope to have it done soon.

That being said the current version of EliteEnchantments is stable enough for use and has no problems.
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3
----------, Oct 12, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 841
First Release: Feb 15, 2020
Last Update: Sep 23, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
54 ratings
Find more info at docs.eliteminecraftplugins.com...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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