Change Log:
- Ton of code optimisations
- Added Godly Transmog Scrolls
When you apply this item to your selected item it opens a gui with the current enchantments, you can then re-arrange them however you please and once you close the inventory the item will come adjusted
Make sure you either regen your items.yml or add the following
Code (Text):
material: "PAPER"
name: "&6&lGodly Transmog Scroll"
- '&7Apply to equipment to &6&ncustomize'
- '&7the order of &ecustom enchantments'
- '&7displayed on the item.'
- ''
- '&7&oHint: Drag-and-drop in your inventory'
- '&7&oonto the item you wish to apply it to'
Thank you all for reading this, have a nice day <3