EliteEnchantments ➜ Create your own custom enchants | 200+ Enchants + 27 Gkits | Web Panel + More icon

EliteEnchantments ➜ Create your own custom enchants | 200+ Enchants + 27 Gkits | Web Panel + More -----

Web Panel ⚜️ Enchant Table Support ⚜️ Create your own enchantments + More

Version: 2.3.5
My last message to their private chat (since discord support is garbage) was on 10/30/2024. I spoke to their staff on discord, and they told me that the creator was moving and bad things were happening in his life. To wait a while. To this day, no one has answered me, I have no response, much less support for the plugin's failures.

Version: 2.3.5
The developer was able to resolve an issue for me and the plugin works perfectly as intended! Highly recommend this enchantment plugin for your server!

Version: 2.3.4
VERY LARGE BUG that allows players to glitch enchants and fight with normal non-enchanted gear. This breaks the entire concept of earning enchants and having valuable armor, as you can receive enchant effects without having to risk the actual enchantments themselves. This was reported 4-5 months ago now and the developer has yet to fix it, this problem also exists in older versions and downgrading is not possible!


Version: 2.3.3
To all those who claim the Elite plugins are not the best series of plugins for their respective categories, you are surely lying. The quality and care taken into each and every feature of these plugins is truly breathtaking. Maintaining support for legacy versions of Minecraft while tackling additions for the latest versions truly showcases Splodgebox's dedication to excellence with these plugins. Support is instant, configuration is intuitive, and there is ample documentation for all features. An amazing plugin through-and-through, with care taken for every facet of it's creation. I am speaking as a long-time owner of the entire elite plugin series, with years of experience managing plugins like these and their alternatives. These are the best, most high-quality plugins for their purpose.

Version: 2.3.1
The amount of errors in my console is insane... nothing works properly, except for enchanting your gear with commands, any command i use basically gives be a bible verse of errors.

Version: 2.2.7
The worst enchantment plugin ever.
I recommend using another enchantment plugin.
It has problems in regions, I contacted them and they did not give me a response, people can use enchantments to break protected areas.
It is terribly poorly managed, don't waste your money
Author's response
Thanks for your review
I cannot find any records of you contacting me regarding a worldguard issue. No clue who you contacted but it wasn't me.

Regarding WorldGuard, I've tested this multiple times even today to confirm (01/12/2023) and it works perfectly fine.

Version: 2.2.7
The plugin is good but it has many bugs such as the "DISABLE_ENCHANTS" function not working among others, and they are very important...
Need more support on discord, there is none
Author's response
Thanks for your review
DISABLE_ENCHANTMENTS has been fixed along with a bunch of other issues you reported. Support needs to be worked on but I've been very busy recently. I will be hiring some support staff to take care of support

Version: 2.2.5
Doesn't even have an /enchants command to view enchants, only command is /ee enchants for admins. Forces you to make an entirely custom menu via deluxemenus just to display enchants. Waste of time and waste of money, spend the 6 extra dollars on AE.
Author's response
I already spoke to you regarding this. Here is what I said.

"Spigot has a command redirect built into it. Called commands.yml
You will find it in the main files of your server (next to server.properties)
/enchants wasn't added due to it conflicting with many peoples server
Although it suits you for it to be /enchants. I have to think about the wider audience and if a command redirect is built into spigot and is very easy to use. I saw no reason of doing it myself"

In short, you can make a command redirect that makes /enchants execute /ee enchants and you can do it all without using another plugin since it's built into spigot.

No clue how that makes a plugin 1 star but okay...

Version: 2.2.1
I've had this plugin for a while now and I've been trying to get the enchant editor to work but when I use the "/ee upload" no website link appears like in the tutorial video. I also have tried asking for help and trying to verify but bc my dad paid for the plugin (as a bday present) I'm not able to get the recite that I need for "proof" even though I sent a pick to the creator of the plugin proving that I have it, I didn't get any support for it at all which made me leave this review. DO NOT buy this plugin unless you own the paypal so you can get the support for something you have bought.
Author's response
Thanks for your review
/ee upload was down for about 2 days in total a couple of months ago.. it has since been fixed.

Regarding confirming ownership is due to SpigotMC account leaks so I cannot trust spigot screenshots as multiple people have tried to verify with leaked accounts. However I don't ask for much.. I only ask for the Paypal receipt which you can find on PayPal or in your emails

Version: 2.2.1
Good customer service, good everything only thing is it takes forever to fix a bug which i understand

Version: 2.1.8
The elite series plugins are the best plugins Ive ever used only down side is one mess up in the config and the whole plugin goes to shit but if you undo what you did wrong everything works 10/10 would reccomend im a owner of every single elite plugin

Version: 2.1.5
Absolute chaos of a plugin. Doesn't work well, support sucks, terrible config system, doesn't really compare to other custom enchant plugins out there
Author's response
The plugin works fine and I've not gotten any reports of any game breaking bugs, not to mention you haven't asked for support as the eliteenchantments channel in my support discord has no new bugs or any real complaints.

I mean you are free to have your own opinion, but I would need some information before that.

What is wrong with the conifgs?
What makes it so my plugin doesn't compare? it's probably the most feature-rich plugin out there for the cheapest price.
If you didn't like the config, why not use the webpanel?

Lots of these questions could have been asked to you if you had asked for support but you didn't. You just claimed that "support sucks"

Version: 2.1.3
Plugin is fine, support is a little less. One little config error and your whole plugin stops working. But there are enough enchants so you get what you pay for. Would be nice if there would be errors which say that something is wrong on a specific line and/or file so you don't have to look that long for fixing the config errors.

Version: 2.1.2
Hey the plugin is amazing but i am experiencing a bug which isnt allowing me to claim anything from /enchanter for example i have enough xp for a simple enchant i press it it takes my exp away but it dosent give me a random enchant just says error how would i go around fixing that?

Version: 2.0.7
Normally I don't do reviews of plugins, and personally I really like this plugin, but somehow they have to answer me because they don't pay attention to me on discord, since the new update it suffered a couple of problems that they haven't answered me .

1. Comment that the plugin was changing my worldguard regions: I was ignored, I had to investigate until I found how to solve it.
2. In exchange for that now players can use enchantments to break in protected places: They also did not answer
3. Report that the creepers did not do damage to the players, I tried it leaving only this plugin: they did not answer either

I really hope that you will answer me in a minute, but since my first report it has been almost a month, we will see if now if you can answer even by this means.
Author's response
Hi, Thanks for your review.
I mentioned in my discord that since it's close to tax season my full-time job is super busy during this period and I've been working constantly then falling asleep right after work.

As soon as I'm free I'll take a look at your issues and try find a solution

Version: 2.0.6
Amazing plugin! Suggestion: Add slots to armor and a slot item to add more slots to whatever.
Author's response
Thanks for your review, I've started making something that adds slot to any item but as for armor you can already via "Upgrade Orbs"

You can get them via /ee giveitem <player> upgrade-orb <weapon/armor> (slots) (chance)

Changing my review to a 1 star, i've reported a major bug in november that hasnt even been adressed/fixed in the disussion, theres another bug where players can put however many custom enchants on their item without a cap. Idk if theres a permission for that, of course they dont be helpful and put their permissions in the page or have a wiki for the perms.
Author's response
I really don't know what to do to help you... you asked your question legit yesterday and I replied and you didn't reply after that.

I'm not going to beg you to respond to me, if you don't want help then cool. Up to you.

Hope to increase soon
PlotSquared is compatible with Enchantments and can destroy the path of PlotSquared

Residence compatible with Enchantments can destroy other people's Residence

Enchantments decapitated player head without skin

great plugin, dev responds very fast and fixes things very fast & is a pretty good person

Version: 1.9.9 v9
It will ignore "Residence" and destroy the player’s property
Such as detonating the Obsidian Destroyer
Hope to customize the effect in more detail
Such as failure to a certain block

Decapitation effect
The dropped head is ordinary
No player skin
Some effects on the armor did not work properly

Version: 1.9.9 v9
Some effects will ignore Residence destroying the territory
Such as detonating the Obsidian Destroyer
This annoys me very much
Hope to customize the effect in more detail
Such as failure to a certain block

Decapitation effect
The dropped head is ordinary
No player skin
Some effects on the armor did not work properly

Version: 1.9.9
Awesome plugin. I had issues with the plugin and the developer fixed them in minutes. Definitely the best Custom Enchants plugin out there!

Version: 1.9.2
I left last a review for version 1.2.5 and I'm currently using 1.9.2 and this plugin is still fantastic. Splodge recently added the ability to turn off weapon/armor breaking (per request) ! TY! Very fast response time, excellent plugin, still highly recommended.
Author's response
Thank you so much for your support, I'm super happy you enjoy this plugin :D

Version: 1.7.3
The best enchantment plugin! Splodge puts a ton of time and thought into all of his plugins, they are all worth every penny. If you need custom enchants for your server buy this one!

Version: 1.6.6
como dije antes por su dm o me lo regala usted o me lo regalo yo xdd un saludo bro xddd pd lo de dm era broma wapo
Author's response
Gracias por tu apoyo, sabía que era una broma :D

Version: 1.6.0 - Hotfix
This is a great plugin that has tremendous promise. The developer is very kind and active, it is clear that he tries and works a lot on the plugin, and also always helps and listens to customers.

Although I had some problems with this plugin in the beginning, they were quickly resolved thanks to a cool developer! Also a special thank you for creating an incredible web panel, this is one of those things that makes the plugin very enjoyable.

This is officially the best enchants plugin yet!

Version: 1.6.0
The amount of dedication this developer has toward custom plugins is absolutely amazing. If anyone knew half the stuff splodge works with on a daily basis you'd give this man a medal. You're seriously blowing my mind, congrats buddy, i'm finally writing a review.

Version: 1.5.9
This is hands down, the best developer known to man, and this plugin is the best I've ever seen. This developer is so active, and they're constantly fixing issues and helping out.
Author's response
Thanks for your review, I appreciate your support <3

Version: 1.5.3
If you have not bought this plugin then what are you doing. This plugin dominates over any other enchantment plugin.
Author's response
Thanks for your review, I appreciate your support <3 #
You know it does ;))

Version: 1.5.2
I just downloaded the plugin and I haven't used it yet, but I giving a 5 star because I already know its good.
Author's response
Thanks for your review, I appreciate your support <3

Version: 1.4.8
What can i say? What an amazing plugin. Best enchant plugin on the market for sure!

Version: 1.4.6
I love this plugin a lot, it is a great plugin, but would love to see some more premise cosmic enchants such as blackout, hero killer, and rogue. Otherwise this is buy that is worth the money
Author's response
Thanks for your review, I appreciate your support <3
I will 100% be working on more cosmic enchantments, for now, I am working on the backend and new features

Version: 1.4.4
Exelant plugin add some effects like disable_modifier:{modifier}:{time} and make the effect "WRATH" configerable and it will be perfect for most servers!
Author's response
Thanks for your review, I appreciate your support <3
I will 100% add these soon

Version: 1.4.4
An absolute legend and wonderful developer. His plugins are always exceptional quality and I absolutely recommend all of them! EliteEnchantments adds so many unique features for your players and so much customizability that you'd honestly be doing your server a disservice by not installing it! If you wanted to, you could literally make every single enchant yourself using this the web panel that comes included. Splodge was also often available for support on discord and even implemented a few features I suggested!
Author's response
Thanks for your review, I appreciate your support <3

Version: 1.4.2
Excellent plugin and excellent support from the developer. Hands down best enchantment plugin you will find on the market.
Author's response
Thanks for your review, I appreciate your support <3

Version: 1.3.6
Honestly, an AWESOME plugin, frquently updated, not over complicated ah, dev seems nice, i recommend every buys this!!!!! VERY Worth it!!
Author's response
Thanks for your review, I appreciate your support <3

Version: 1.3.3 - Web Panel Hotfix
A fucking.
Web panel.

Somebody give this man a drink. Buy this. Yeah you. I know you're reading this. Buy it.
Author's response
Glad you like it :D

Version: 1.3.2
Gotta admit, at first I was hesitant about buying this plugin due to the AdvancedEnchantments but I decided to give it a shot and I don't regret it. This plugin is very well made and the developer responds quickly.
Recommend this plugin.
Author's response
Thanks for your review, I appreciate your support <3
From first glance, there isn't much difference between ae and my plugin but if you actually use the plugin then you can see there is a lot going for my plugin

Version: 1.3.1
Literally perfect, couldn't ask for more in an enchant plugin! Best enchant plugin on the market would 100% recommend
Author's response
Thanks for your review, I appreciate your support <3
What a cutie

Version: 1.2.6 - Hotifx
Another amazing update. Fixes are instantanious. I do not regret a word I previously said.

Version: 1.2.5
Currently running this plugin on both 1.8.8 amd 1.15.2. Here’s the rundown:

Performance: 10/10: Flawless so far. I’ve not seen any sort of issues regarding performance. Everything is perfectly adapted to be as optimized as possible. I big recommendation on my end.

Value for worth: 10/10: Robust and clean API including a variety of premade components to scale any concept to a reality. It’s very fun to mess around with the potential of the plugin.

Support: 11/10: Support is instantaneous and 24/7. Splodge is always active and understanding. I love this man.

Overall: A quality and wel thought-out craft of a plugin. It’s definitely something you want in your library. 10/10, would buy again.
Author's response
Thank you for your review
I'm glad you feel this way and thank you for the support you have given me on my plugin, I really appreciate it

Version: 1.2.5
Purchased this plugin about a week ago, and instantly loved it. In my haste of purchasing, i didn't see that it ran off exp instead of currency. I contacted the developer, who told me he would add it in! Its been added, and working great! (change economy from EXP to MONEY in the config)

I'm running PaperMC 1.15.2 with Essentials and Vault. I will be checking out the other plugins this developer also makes that I am hearing great things about.

Also, the support is superior. Join the discord, verify the purchase, and create a ticket! The bot will move your ticket into an active ticket channel and the convo with you and the developer will be right there! Very fast communication and awesome to work with.

Let this be the last review you read. You need an enchantment plugin, and this is the one for you. BUY IT!
Author's response
Thank you so much for your review.
I'm glad this was the outcome and you are happy with your purchase :D

Version: 1.2.3
Outstanding plugin! Amazing and quick support from the developer himself. Make sure to add the data value suggestion. <3 ~LilYoda

Version: 1.2.1 - Hotfix
Still a 10/10 resource; I highly suggest this over any alternatives. Splodge is a fantastic developer.

Version: 1.1.5
Great plugin and great support there's not much more you can ask for great purchase Highly Recommend

Version: 1.1.4
Great plugin! Please add the following enchantments: Protection and Leadership. Please also add gkits, otherwise great plugin!
Author's response
Thanks for your review.
For sure I'll add those enchants for you.
I have a gkit addon coming soon

Version: 1.1.1
Add Gkits and Vkit , Add more partials that just like cosmic , then this plugin would be perfect

Version: 1.0.9
A* plugin and developer, who actually listens to his suggestions and bug reports because they improve the plugin in the long run. Built in a way so it is completely customisable to fit the theme your server, you can use as little or as many features of the plugin as you choose, possibilities are endless. Honestly, Do not hesitate to buy, definitely a great addition to any type of server. Looking forward to future updates!

Version: 1.0.9
Another review for another great update. EliteEnchantments is beyond good in quality. I extremely highly recommend it:

Efficiency/Stability: 7.5/10, despite not using packets and relying on Events, which can cost a bit of TPS, EliteEnchantment’s infrastructure is professionally and perfectly built. It allows a range of expansion which is quite superior to competitors. The vastitude of possibilities with this is endless. Great core.

UI: 10/10: EliteEnchantments, despite not YET having a GUI builder, is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. It’s super straight forward and intuitive for any user. Things are where they should be and nothing is lost in the process. Perfection

Support: 50/10: Splodge provides the fastest and most efficient support. No matter the issue, no matter the case, he’ll be there. It is someone of trust and of capability to handle a big variety of plugins.

Total: 10/10: A must buy plugin for any server seeking to make an impact on their gameplay. It’s a professional option and definitely something to be on the lookout for.

Version: 1.0.5
Hello, It's RLN, I Think this plugin is outstanding for the version and how long it's been out, support is great, updates are regular, developer listens to every suggestion, 100% worth the money I paid, plugin is coded well.
Author's response
Thanks for your review.
I'm glad you liked the support and suggestion adding, I try my best to add all suggestions that are given.

I've been a bit slower since I'm currently on holiday

Version: 1.0.4 - Hotfix
Amazing plugin. Gave the developer a suggestion and it became a reality. Would 10/10 recommend this plugin.

Version: 1.0.4
Other 0/5 star reviews are pointless to look at. The plugin, down to it’s very core, is properly made. The support is there, the development is there. This plugin is not only scalable but efficient in what it does.

I highly recommend it’s use and purchase over different other plugins.

Author's response
Thank you for your review.
You have been really nice to me ever since I met you.

Version: 1.0.3
This plugin is better than good, I'm happy to see that it's finally out and I can't wait to see my players use it. The developer is fast with support.

Version: 1.0.3
This plugin is amazing, it's almost fully customizable! It is almost fully customizable because some features are not added yet, but it'll be added soon, and when it's added, it'll definitely make this a brighter plugin than it already is!
Author's response
Thanks for your review
As the plugin is updated you can expect alot more better features being added

Version: 1.0.2
Amazing plugins so much better then AE, You can configure like everything in this plugin 11/10 recommended.
Author's response
Thanks for your review
Im glad you are happy with the customizability

Version: 1.0.1 - Fix
Great quality resource/plugin! Keep up the good work. Defo recommend everybody out here!
Author's response
Thanks for your review
You have supported all my plugins and I appreciate it highly. Thank you

Version: 1.0.1 - Fix
Good plugin all around love how customize able it is and also the soulgems on and off sound with the particles ty splodge for making such an amazing plugin yet again!
Author's response
Thank you for your review.
Without you this plugin would have been delayed a bit more so massive thanks to you

Version: 1.0.1
Words can't explain how amazing this plugin is. Being a developer of the plugin, I can firmly say that this plugin is beyond fantastic. The amount of time, effort, and devotion put into this plugin is astonishing. Definitely recommend.
Author's response
Amazing developer, without this guy this plugin wouldn't be possible

Version: 1.0.1
Before i begin on the reviews below, i'd like to first congratulate the author on how hard he has worked over the past 6 months to create this product. His determination and skillset has been amazing and at times, even made me question how he does it. The plugin speaks for itself, it's a fully customization enchantments plugin, highly effective and very easy to work with, the author has done the best he possibly can to ensure a smooth release and hopefully he improves it day by day and receives all the credit he deserves, he's really pulled a special winner with this product.

Now, to the scum of the earth and their master. GC, you've been nothing but rude since I've heard your name and the immaturity you've presented here brings it to a whole new level. Imagine having your friends/paying people, i'm not sure which one it is to purchase this product, leave a bad review then charge back the money. You mate are a disgrace to the Spigot community and i genuinely hope you get dealt with in such a way you regret what you're doing to this individual. Now i know the history that you and Splodge have but never once has he tainted the name of AE so why you trying to ruin what he has spent months creating? This level of immaturity genuinely shows that you're afraid of what Splodge has to bring, we have an entire Development team and community that back both him and his work so come at us, we'll make sure that you receive the same treatment that you're dishing out, try us. Don't take this as a threat, nothing but words. I wish you luck on AE, you have a worthy opponent.

Back on topic, Splodge, you deserve everything that comes your way with this product, you've worked relentlessly, dark aswell. Wishing you a good release and an even better future. <3
Author's response
I can't begin to thank you for this comment,
We have been working together for a really long time and even have had our ups and downs but you have always been there.

Thank you so much for your review.

Version: 1.0.0
Elite Enchant Plugin is soo better than Advanced ench*** , I like how GC ask people to buy Elite enchants and make a bed view , to stop Elite Enchants , GC YOU CANT STOP IT.
Author's response
Thank you for your review,
I honestly don't care about that guy so we should just drop it and leave those reviews

Version: 1.0.0
Disgusting how much of a copy this is to AdvancedEnchantments, higher price and half of the features are missing, you should be ashamed of yourself. Also, plugin doesn't load on an empty server, something is missing.
Author's response
Hi GC alt account.
Nice to meet you, I am Splodgebox.

Thanks for buying my plugin then charging back and leaving a fake review since this was 5 mins after the release of the plugin.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 841
First Release: Feb 15, 2020
Last Update: Sep 23, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
54 ratings
Find more info at docs.eliteminecraftplugins.com...
Version -----
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