EliteEnchantments ➜ Create your own custom enchants | 200+ Enchants + 27 Gkits | Web Panel + More icon

EliteEnchantments ➜ Create your own custom enchants | 200+ Enchants + 27 Gkits | Web Panel + More -----

Web Panel ⚜️ Enchant Table Support ⚜️ Create your own enchantments + More

2.0.0 RECODE
Hello, It's finally here!
After months of hard work, EliteEnchantments has had a complete recode. It took much longer than I expected due to my life getting super hectic but I'm super happy with how the code turned out.

Here are some things you should take note of before updating:
  • You will need to regenerate all files for this plugin (as in you will have to delete your current EliteEnchantments Folder so the new files can be generated. However you can paste back in your enchantments.yml but no other file)
  • All enchants on the server from versions before this will not work as the tags have changed and the same with the storage system
  • We have tested this for weeks in a small group but there might be some bugs in the plugin still, I would recommend you don't run this on a public server, for now, in case we find a game-breaking bug but I will mention it when I think it's safe.
∎ Complete Recode of the whole plugin, as in from scratch
∎ Mobs can now use enchantments (if a mob has enchanted armor, effects will trigger exactly as they would for players)
∎ Fallen Heroes - These are minibosses for each GKit that spawn in wearing the armor of the GKit. On death they have a chance to drop either the GKit armor or gem
∎ You can now use multiple enchant trigger types and have specific effects for each trigger (Example: Click here to view an example)
∎ Almost everything in this plugin is now fully configurable, you can configure GUIs, Messages and everything else
∎ Complete overhaul of the premade enchantments to be way more balance
∎ Massive performance changes
∎ Massive overhaul of effects, removed some, enhanced some and made some more configurable
∎ More extensive Developer API so you can now create more of your own features including your own conditions etc.
∎ New Logo and artwork
∎ Massive Web Panel Overhaul

I hope you all enjoy this recode, it was a lot of work but 100% worth it. I would like to thank some people for helping test or anything else:
Detfor, likewtf, Miles, Polar, Yenil and last but not least. Massive thanks to Zeddy for all the help on the plugin
----------, Jan 20, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 841
First Release: Feb 15, 2020
Last Update: Sep 23, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
54 ratings
Find more info at docs.eliteminecraftplugins.com...
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