Added new boolean check-called isEnchantsLoaded, you can use this for your plugins using my plugin This is used for Gkits so please update this and then update that as well
Added some general performance changes, before some enchants were causing a tiny bit of lag so just slashed that completely
Added ability to randomize the % of the blackscroll not matter what percent you gave it (add the code below to your items.yml)
Code (Text):
material: "GRAY_DYE"
name: "&f&lBlack Scroll"
- '&7Removes a random enchantment'
- '&7from an item and converts'
- '&7it into a &f%percent%%&7 success book'
- '&fPlace onto item to extract'
use-random-chance: false # This will use a random chance no matter what
# the blackscroll percent is