Change Log:
- Added WEB effect
Spawn cobwebs in a radius for a certain amount of time, these webs are only visible to the target so they can only get stuck in it and not yourself.
- Redone the whole enchantment parsing system, went from parsing enchants at 0.15s to 0.035s. Your servers will work much faster and smoother than before.
- Change the enchantment cooldown system from a runnable system to a system time one
- Recoded the whole condition system so it works better
- Made it so when you join the server, the potion effects don't spam you
- Fixed the issue where the effects of the enchantment were not running in order but collectively.
- Change how the WAIT effect work so now it actually works without lagging out your whole server.
- Remove some of the debug messages in the alchemist
We coded the WEB effect and another one which I am finishing off on stream if you would like to watch the stream and maybe pick up a thing or two on coding (or just want to watch videos and chill)
Check out my twitch
Why do you not update more often?
I update around once a week and don't update every day because I find it more convenient for me and you, that way you don't need to download a jar every day just for a small feature, instead I can add it all at once.