ParadiseLand⭐SkyLand world Generator⭐[1.8.8 - 1.21.1] icon

ParadiseLand⭐SkyLand world Generator⭐[1.8.8 - 1.21.1] -----

Aether & skyland world generator!

ParadiseLand is now compatible with Spigot 1.21 and 1.21.1.
Paper or PurPur are strongly recommended.
----------, Aug 11, 2024

ParadiseLand is now compatible with Spigot 1.20.5 and 1.20.6.
Paper and PurPur are supported.

Added Armadillo in Savanna and BadLands (mesa) biomes. [​IMG]
----------, Jun 4, 2024

Plugin changes:
Wiki changes:
----------, Dec 19, 2023

ParadiseLand is now compatible with Spigot 1.20.2.
Paper or PurPur are strongly recommended.
----------, Oct 6, 2023

Welcome to ParadiseLand BETA-1.3.1, here is the list of new features, improvements, and bug fixes in this release!​

This update is compatible with BETA-1.3.0 (for those in possession of it) and BETA-1.2.1 and the configurations will be updated automatically. Anyway, I strongly recommend you make a backup because I take no responsibility if you lose data.

The license won't work properly due to a Spigot issue :/

The online documentation is now available!

What's new

Added two new biomes, namely: Grown Plains, Rocks, and Mushroom.
So from this release, the count of all default biomes is 19! :cool:

Grown Plains [1.17+]
This is the first biome that does not exist in vanilla Minecraft. It is a safe zone because it has lighting and hostile mobs do not spawn here.

Just rocks...


This biome is similar to the vanilla one but it is not in the middle of the ocean.

Major features
  1. Trails and Bridges and statues
  2. Configurations now update automatically from an older version
  3. A lot of fixes
----------, Sep 18, 2023

Welcome to ParadiseLand BETA-1.3.0, here is the list of new features, improvements, and bug fixes in this release!​

This update is compatible with BETA-1.2.1 and the configurations will be updated automatically. Anyway, I strongly recommend you make a backup because I take no responsibility if you lose data.

Online documentation is available!

What's new

Added two new biomes, namely: Grown Plains and Mushroom.
So from this release, the count of all default biomes is 17! :cool:

Grown Plains [1.17+]
This is the first biome that does not exist in vanilla Minecraft. It is a safe zone because it has lighting and hostile mobs do not spawn here.


This biome is similar to the vanilla one but it is not in the middle of the ocean.

Major features
  1. Trails and Bridges
  2. Configurations now update automatically from an older version
  3. A lot of fixes
----------, Sep 17, 2023

Welcome to ParadiseLand BETA-1.2.1 , here is the list of new features, improvements, and bug fixes in this release!

This update is compatible with the old one, but I suggest you delete your "/plugins/ParadiseLand" folder and regenerate the world. In the other case, I take no responsibility if you lose the world, so make a backup.

What's new

Added two new biomes, namely: Cherry Grove and Snowy Ice Spikes.
So from this release, the count of all default biomes is 15! :cool:

Cherry Grove [1.20+]
Like the vanilla one, in this biome, you can find the new cherry tree, pink petals on the floor, and as a new iconic feature, the light block illuminates the gloomy night.

Ice Spikes
This biome is similar to the vanilla one but the ice spikes are small and pointed or huge and procedurally generated.

Major features
  1. Beehives will spawn around the world in Spigot 1.18+![​IMG]
    Bees are available from Minecraft 1.15, but I was forced to add this feature from Spigot 1.18 for a technical issue.
    Code (YAML):
                # [1.18+ FEATURE]: the probability to spawn a nest on a tree (a value between 0 (never) and 1 (always)).
    : 0.0
                # [1.18+ FEATURE]: the honey level of the spawned nest (min: 0 and max: 5)
    : 3

  2. Added a new option to avoid the protrusion of ore veins by editing this new property in each biome file:
    Code (YAML):
    : HIGHER
        # True, if you want the ores to be generated outside the island shape.
    : false
  3. A new option to generate ice spikes has been added. You can find it in any biome config file:

    Code (YAML):
            # The maximum number of ice spikes per chunk
            # > A value between 0 and 4.
    : 0
            # Frequency to spawn an ice spike.
            # > A value between 0 (never) and 1 (always).
    : 0.0
Minor features and fixes
  1. From 1.19, leaves that spawn in water will be waterlogged.
  2. Fixed some Bamboo blocks from falling.
  3. Vines now spawn correctly around the swamp tree.
  4. Fixed mob spawning on the snow block.
  5. Fixed mob spawning on tree leaves and ice.
  6. Fixed many solid blocks that were removed when creating caves.
  7. Fixed incorrect spawning of small ore veins (now emerald ore blocks spawn correctly).
----------, Jul 29, 2023

Welcome to ParadiseLand BETA-1.2.0, here is the list of new features, improvements, and bug fixes in this massive release!

This update is not compatible with the old one! The world and the folder /plugins/ParadiseLand MUST BE DELETED. I take no responsibility if you lose the world, make a backup.


[​IMG] [​IMG]

  1. Forest
  2. Birch forest
  3. Dark forest
  4. Plains
  5. Jungle
  6. Savanna
  7. Swamp
  8. Desert
  9. Badlands (mesa)
  10. Taiga
  11. Taiga plains
  12. Snowy taiga
  13. Snowy plains (tundra)

These biomes are based on Minecraft 1.8.8-1.12.2, and new biomes such as Bamboo Jungle will be added in future releases (You can do it yourself).


  1. The island generator has been updated, it behaves differently and you can now add all the layers you want.
  2. All mobs are supported from the default bukkit populator (i.e. frogs spawn automatically in swamps from 1.19+).
  3. Fish and aquatic mobs were added in 1.13+.
  4. Two new types of temperatures were added (COLDEST, COLD, MILD, HOT, SCORCHING).
  5. In 1.17+ the bottom of the islands can be illuminated with the light block!
  6. Other little things you can find in the generator/biome configurations.
  7. New tree schematic files added.
  1. Fixed stuck and dead animals during spawning.
  2. Fixed BlockData configuration with more than one parameter.
  3. Fixed the world spawn location under certain circumstances.
  4. Other minor issues were fixed...
----------, May 26, 2023

You can now run ParadiseLand from 1.8.8 to 1.19.4.
----------, Apr 9, 2023

Welcome to ParadiseLand BETA-1.1.9, here you can find the list of improvements and bug fixes of this release:
  • 1.19.3 is now fully supported;
  • Updated biome config version from 1 to 2 due to incompatibility with the old one (you must delete your /plugins/ParadiseLand/biomes directory);
  • Added a lot of missing checks while biomes are loading;
  • Fixed BlockData states such as RED_MUSHROOM_BLOCK[down=false,up=true] that now loads as intended; (thanks @Paintsplatters)
  • Updated some libraries;
  • Small database improvements;
Please, read the new configuration comments after deleting the old biomes directory :)

Thank you all and heartfelt Merry Christmas wishes!
----------, Dec 10, 2022

Due to a Spigot issue, images could not be displayed.

Welcome to ParadiseLand BETA-1.1.8, here you can find the list of improvements and bug fixes of this release:
  • 1.19.1 and 1.19.2 are now fully supported;
  • Added stored chunk cleanup during inactivity;
    in main.yml you will find the following configuration:
    Code (YAML):
    async-placer :
            # Enable or disable the async chunks placer;
            # This feature cleans the database by placing stored chunks from the world's database.
            # !! It is beneficial with large worlds that require much time to load.
    : true
            # The number of stored chunks that can be placed to the generated chunks.
            # !! Border chunks won't be placed
            # > Min value: 1
            # > Max value: 1000
            # NOTE: Doing an aggressive chunk placing will produce a server overload.
            # This means that if this value is greater than 100 (depending on your hardware)
            # more RAM and CPU could be used.
    : 250
            # If false, the async placer will be executed when there are no online players.
            # > Default value: false
            # NOTE: If you want to set this property to true, set a very low number of chunks to place
            # otherwise, a server overhead and lag will occur.
            # For instance, you can do it while the server is in development and nothing cares about lag.
    : true
  • Lake improvements: added sugar canes and underwater blocks;
    Code (YAML):
            # If it's closer to 1, more sugar canes will be spawned next to water blocks.
            # Default value: 0.33
            # Range value: [0, 1]
    : 0.33
            # The max height of a spawned sugar cane.
            # Default value: 3
            # Range value: [2, 10]
    : 3
    Code (YAML):
                # Enable or disable the water lake generation in this biome.
    : true
                # A value between 0 (never) and 1 (always).
    : 0.2
                    # If it's closer to 1, the stone under a water block will be replaced by one of the following.
    : 0.5
                    # The list (separated by a comma) of blocks that will be placed under a water block.
                    # For instance, into a 1.13 server:
                    #  -> single block type:    GRASS_BLOCK
                    #  -> multiple block types: GRASS_BLOCK,DIRT,MYCELIUM
                    # For instance, into a 1.12 server:
                    #  -> single block type:    GRASS
                    #  -> multiple block types: GRASS,DIRT,MYCELIUM
                    # 1.12.2 materials:
                    # latest materials:
    : SAND (34 %),DIRT(33%),CLAY(33%)
  • Added water and lava waterfalls at the bottom of an island:
    Code (YAML):
                # The water waterfall at the bottom of an island.
                # A value between 0 (never) and 1 (always).
    : 0.0001
                # The lava waterfall at the bottom of an island.
                # A value between 0 (never) and 1 (always).
                # NOTE: lava waterfall will try to be placed after attempting to establish a water waterfall.
    : 0.000025
  • Fixed biomes order during generation;
  • Improved randomization algorithms;
  • Improved snow! Trees will automatically be covered;
  • Generator config cleanup: removed biomes.fractal properties;
  • From 1.8.8 to 1.12.2 caves were affected by a wrong terrain generation;
  • Solved issue reported by @Firetop on;
  • Solved forest big tree branches issues reported by @Envqu;
  • Fixed small errors during the tree generation;

I suggest you DELETE your ParadiseLand folder from /plugins.
ParadiseLand BETA-1.1.8 should be the latest beta-release version.
----------, Oct 14, 2022

Welcome to ParadiseLand Beta 1.1.7!

What's new in ParadiseLand?
  • It is now compatible with spigot 1.8.8 to the latest spigot/paper 1.19.x version.
  • Chunks cache saving/loading timings improved
  • New procedural cave generation algorithm that reduces the time and memory during the generation.
  • Added Plains biome
  • Added lakes and ponds and their configuration on each biome config file
  • Added pumpkins and watermelon
  • Plugin commands improvements, now you can paste a schematic from the console
  • Fixed "is it a monster or an animal?" warning that now only appears in debug mode
  • Fixed other small generator issues
  • Edited configuration values so you must delete your /plugins/ParadiseLand/biomes directory

Thanks to all that believe in me and in my project [​IMG]
----------, Jul 20, 2022

Welcome to ParadiseLand Beta 1.1.6!
This is an important release because you can finally use this plugin in your public servers without encountering world generation issues, bugs, glitches, and server overload/crashing.

What's new in ParadiseLand?
  • Important things:
    • It is now compatible with spigot 1.8.8 to the latest spigot/paper 1.18.x version.
    • PaperSpigot is now the suggested server thanks to its optimizations that are used to reduce some timing.
    • Chunks cache saving/loading timings are very fast now!
    • Database size is now very small and will keep just a few megabytes!
  • Fixed mob spawning during chunks generation and during the normal bukkit population.
  • Fixed trimmed things like caves, ores, and trees.
  • Fixed other small generator issues.
  • A small revision of the /paradiseland command:
    • /paradiseland schematic list
      • This command lists the .schematic and .schem files contained in the schematics directory.
      • Permission: paradiseland.schematic.list
    • /paradiseland schematic paste <schematic-file-name> [0, 90, 180, 270]
      • This command allows you to paste schematics (no WorldEdit plugin needed).
      • Permission: paradiseland.schematic.paste
    • These two commands requires the generic paradiseland.schematic permission.
Other changes:
  • Generators config file:
    • modified default biome cold temperature value from 0.95 to 0.75
  • Biomes config file:
    • modified ores generation frequency from NORMAL to HIGHER.
  • Main config file:
    • modified debug.chunks-avg property from 10 to 200.
    • modified hsqldb.compression-type property value from DISABLED to COMPRESSION, so cached chunks will be compressed to keep space on disk.
    • added hsqldb.compaction property that will be used to compact the world's database.
    • added danger-zone.delete-worlds-folders.

Thanks to all that believe in me and in my project
Merry Christmas [​IMG]
----------, Dec 25, 2021

NEW Jungle biome!
The new jungle biome is similar to the vanilla biome and you'll find:
  • Vanilla jungle trees such as big jungle trees, small jungle trees, cocoa trees and bushes
  • A lot of vines
Its climate is hot so, it will be generated next to desert, savanna and forest biomes. Available from all supported Minecraft versions.
NEW Savanna biome!
The new savanna biome is similar to the vanilla biome and you'll find:
  • Vanilla savanna trees such as acacia and forest tree
Its climate is hot so, it will be generated next to desert, jungle and forest biomes. Available from all supported Minecraft versions.

Improved taiga biome!
  • Added taiga vanilla trees such as redwood, tall redwood and mega redwood

Improvements and bugfix
  • Replaced the bukkit vanilla-trees generation with my own implementation because it causes server lag and issues. With the newest implementation, not all the TreeTypes are available to generate, yet.
    Supported TreeTypes at this time:
    • TREE
    • BIG_TREE
    • BIRCH
    • ACACIA
    • JUNGLE
    Other TreeTypes won't be generated.
  • Fixed a lot of cut things
  • Improved the async chunk generation
  • Speed up the chunk generation
  • Speed up the database writing so, improved world unloading and saving time
  • FIXED 1.13 support due to a missing Material class method error.

Remember that this is not the final version and it may be subject to changes.
More screenshots at:
----------, Sep 15, 2021

On each biome, you can now generate vanilla trees.
You'll find a piece of configuration like that:
Code (YAML):
vanilla-trees :
    # Frequencies: NONE, LOWEST, LOW, NORMAL, HIGH or HIGHER
    # The list of vanilla tree types (separated by a comma)
    # that will be placed on the generated chunk.
    # > Bukkit manages the tree placing as well as it can.
    #   So, I suggest you follow the biome's tree type, such as
    #   TREE for the forest biome or ACACIA to the Savanna biome.
    #   Take a look at the minecraft-biomes property for the list of vanilla biomes.
    # You can write just the tree type or its percentage.
    #  -> single tree:    TREE
    #  -> multiple trees: TREE(75%),BIRCH(25%)
    # 1.12.2 trees:
    # latest trees:
: "TREE(65%),BIG_TREE(5%),BIRCH(30%)"
You can recreate SkyLandPlus worlds finally :love:
I will post as soon as possible an update with my SkyLandPlus configuration ;)
----------, Jul 23, 2021

  • Added layered snow as biome configuration

Code (YAML):
surface :
    # The snow will be layered next to a solid block.
    # By default, this value is false.
    # > The snow property must be true
: true
  • Fixed minor snow bugs where grass needs to be dirt in 1.13+ versions.
  • Generation improvements...
----------, Jul 13, 2021

  • Solved bamboo generation as plantain
  • Weeping vines is now generating at the bottom of a block
  • Twisting vines is now generating from the top of a block up to the sky
Implemented snow generation on each custom biome configuration:

Code (YAML):
surface :
    # The snow will be placed on the surfaces.
    # > Plantains and flowers will be replaced by snow!
    #   Look at the plantains.replace-snow property.
: true

Code (YAML):
plantains :
    # By default, a plantain will be replaced by the snow layer.
    # If this property is set to true, this won't happen and the plantain
    # won't be replaced.
: true
----------, Jul 10, 2021

Official 1.17.1 compatibility
  • World's database performance improvements during the write to the disk.
  • Enabled world prevention enable-fire-spread.
  • Added new prevention vines-max-length to limit the vines from growing.
  • Added vines generator as custom biome configuration.
On each biome, you will find a piece of configuration like that:

Code (YAML):
vines :
    # Frequencies: NONE, LOWEST, LOW, NORMAL, HIGH or HIGHER
    # The list of vines types (separated by a comma)
    # You can write just the type or its percentage.
    # For instance, into a 1.16 server:
    #  -> single block type:    VINE
    #  -> multiple block types: VINE(70%),WEEPING_VINES(20%),TWISTING_VINES(10%)
    # -->> WEEPING_VINES will be placed at the bottom of a block
    # -->> TWISTING_VINES will be placed on the ground
    # For instance, into a 1.12 server:
    #  -> single block type:    VINE
    #  -> multiple block types: VINE(70%),...
    # 1.12.2 materials:
    # latest materials:
    # The list (separated by a comma) of blocks where the vines will be placed.
    # For instance, into a 1.13 server:
    #  -> single block type:    GRASS_BLOCK
    # For instance, into a 1.12 server:
    #  -> single block type:    GRASS
    #  -> multiple block types: GRASS,DIRT,STONE,LEAVES,LEAVES_2,...
    # 1.12.2 materials:
    # latest materials:
At this time, WEEPING_VINES and TWISTING_VINES don't work properly. This issue will be fixed in the next update.
----------, Jul 7, 2021

This plugin is now compatible from 1.8.8 to the latest 1.17 spigot version.

Some technical issues have been solved with differents micro-performance upgrades.
----------, Jul 3, 2021

This is the first beta version, released after the alpha version but, it must be considered as a prototype.

Read before using it!
This first version is a taste of the next versions that will be released in the future.
You must know that:
  • I don't recommend you to use it on public servers.
  • Don't pre-generate a big world with a lot of chunks per time because it requires a lot of time to be saved into the local database. In the next update, I've to fix this issue.
  • I suggest you use Spigot or Paper. At this time, YatopiaMC runs this plugin as same as Paper but, I won't give support on it due to its Fabric optimizations.
  • Delete your old /plugins/ParadiseLand folder!
  • Delete your old worlds that have been generated with the ALPHA version!

In this version you'll find:
  • Terrain decorations such as ores, plantains and flowers:

  • Added Taiga biome!
  • Creatures spawning.
  • Caves improvements.
  • Fixed bugs and generator improvements.
  • Official support for 1.16.5 (anyway, it works with the latest alpha version).
  • Fully customizable and documented configuration files.
  • Technical changes:
    • Added HSQLDB (world's database) multi-thread access.
    • Fixed some server blocking during server shutdown.
    • Fixed issues during world unloading when the server is still online.
    • Fixed Yatopia 1.16.5 compatibility due to a server blocking during the generation but, I don't support it in the future due to its buggy optimizations.
    • Speed up the database writing during server shutdown (this depending on your CPU cores and HDD/SSD speed).
----------, Feb 17, 2021

Added official support to the latest (1.16.4) spigot version.

You can use this version instead of the previous one.
----------, Nov 4, 2020

This update improves the generation and server performances!
You can speed into the world at speed 10 and the world will be generated instantly! (with Ryzen 3900x at 4.7 GHz)

  • Fixed trimmed trees
  • Improved disk usage
    • Now the database will only store pending chunks updates
  • Added a new main configuration to manage:
    • debug mode
    • generation properties
      • chunks in ram (cache size)
    • database properties
      • enable or disable verbose
      • chunk data compression
This version is no longer compatible with the old one. You must regen your world's database.

After this update, I will have to add the promised features ;)
----------, Oct 26, 2020

Minor update to fix a bug reported by @Govindas.
  • You can run it to the latest (1.16.3) Minecraft version.
  • Now the plugin tries to startup if the server version is not supported.
I will start intensive development after the 30 December.

Thanks to all those that have been bought the plugin after the release of the first Reworked version.
----------, Sep 26, 2020


Wait, a new version? What damn is ParadiseLand-Reworked?

Welcome to the official page of the ParadiseLand world generator. I'll illustrate some things...
You have to know that the first version of this plugin was developed in 2015 and distributed on Spigot on 24 August 2016. It has been designed to generate floating worlds to a very old Minecraft version and it has been updated until 30 December 2019 to the latest (1.15.2) flat Minecraft version. But there was a lot of issues with this generator that cannot be fixed with a "patch". So I needed a way to solve these issues and gets the perfect generator. After some rethinking, I had finally got the decision to rewrite it from scratch. Thinking what other generator plugins hadn't, I had got an idea. These plugins are invasive and modify some server class and can be harmful to other plugins, every version of it is specific for a little range of Spigot/Paper versions, they are very slow to generate the world and prone to crash.

ParadiseLand-Reworked try to solve and relieve these problems with the async engine generator that underlies the plugin. It works with the support of a local database to keep and saves chunks that will be generated asynchronously from Spigot/Paper generation. In the next updates, you will be able to generate a lot of chunks asynchronously into the RAM to keep up the server tick without smoothly.

Alpha status
  • ParadiseLand-ALPHA-1.0.0

    This is the first version and is skinny of functionalities and features. You can evaluate it as "the developer is still alive? Yes, I'm not dead, for now...". The generator works from 1.8.8 to 1.16.2 Spigot and PaperSpigot versions. Remember that the most recent is the Spigot/Paper version that you are using, fastest the generation will be!

    CPU usages
    Here are the times are given by "done" result when the server is loading. The world is generated with the same seed for each version.

    • Legacy versions
      • Spigot 1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT: about 59 seconds (single-thead generation)
      • Spigot 1.9.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT: about 1 minute and 5 seconds (single-thead generation)
      • Spigot 1.10.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT: about 1 minute and 3 seconds (single-thead generation)
      • Spigot 1.11.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT: about 1 minute and 5 seconds (single-thead generation)
      • Paper 1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT: about 32 seconds (multi-thread generation)
    • Flat versions
      • Spigot 1.13.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT: about 28 seconds (single-thead generation)
      • Paper 1.13.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT: about 6 seconds (multi-thead generation)
      • Paper 1.14.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT: about 16 seconds (multi-thead generation)
      • Paper 1.15.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT: about 10 seconds (multi-thead generation)
      • Paper 1.16.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT: about 10 seconds (multi-thead generation)
      • Spigot 1.16.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT: about 22 seconds (single-thead generation)

    single-thread means that the server will generate the world a chunk at a time.
    multi-thread means that the server will generate the world with more efficiency by the asynchronous chunk generation. It is better than the first.

    RAM usages
    The RAM usage is 1 GB during a heavy chunk generation with WorldBorder plugin. I suggest you to use almost 2 GB of RAM to feel comfortable.

    The previous results will be registered on AMD Ryzen 3900x (4.7GHz, 12 cores and 24 threads) with 16 GB of RAM at 3600MHz. Let me know how it runs on your configuration!

    What's missing?
    • A lot of terrain decorations such as ores, plantain and flowers...
    • Creatures spawning.
    • Some incorrect blocks rotation when a schematic is rotated.
    • A lot of biomes. In this version there are only 2 by default.
    • Pathways, villages and ruins.
    • The eather portal
    • Some things that will be added in the future. Suggest it in the plugin discussion!

    Here are two screenshots were taken with Chunky

  • Minimum java version » 8
  • Minimum requirements » You need a good CPU with almost 4 cores at 3GHz and 4 GB of RAM.
    Please don't report a timeout exception.
  • At least 15/20 free gigabytes on your hard disk to save the ParadiseLand database.

  • IMPORTANT » The reworked version isn't compatible with the old!
  1. Stop the server and make a backup!
  2. Delete the old ParadiseLand plugin and its folder.
  3. Put the plugin jar file into the /plugins directory.
  4. Start the server.

How to generate the world

You can generate the ParadiseLand world with these methods:
  • With a world managment plugin like Multiverse-Core
    /mv create paradise normal -g ParadiseLand:eden.yml
  • In bukkit.yml add this at the end of the configuration file:
    Code (Text):

        generator: ParadiseLand:eden.yml

Coming soon...
----------, Aug 23, 2020

The plugin is now supported from the 1.13 to 1.15 version.
There are no bugs fixes. I'm working on a new rewritten version that will be supporting the legacy versions of the game from the 1.8.8 to the newest.

Read the following discussion if you want more information:
----------, Dec 29, 2019

This minor update contains only bug fixes.
List of bugs fixed:
  • Fixed mobs spawning
  • New internal configurations API
  • And other small issues
List of reported bugs not fixed:
  • Trimmed trees in some chunks
How to install if you are using an older version of ParadiseLand:
  1. Backup your Eden biomes and Schematics folders
  2. Delete ParadiseLand directory from /plugins
  3. Start the server and when all ParadiseLand folders will be created, restore your own backup without Eden.jar
----------, Aug 2, 2019

Fully compatibility with 1.14.x.

Backup and delete the old ParadiseLand folder!

List of bug and issue fixed:
  • Too much high frequency of hostile mobs
  • Improved configuration reading to explain better any error
  • Removed some floating non solid blocks
  • Fixed missing last vegetation pick in config
List of new features:
  • Improved large plains biome with small trees and rocks
  • Removed plants on pathway rocks
  • Added vine generation in each biome
  • Added cactus generation in desert biomes
  • Improved landscape
  • Added leaks generation in biome configurations but it doesn't work yet
Added new properties in custom biome config files
Code (YAML):
#Enable or disable vines generation

: false
  #Vines on the bottom of the island
: false
  #Vines can grow up to this value
: 0

#Enable or disable water or lava leaks
: true
: true
Code (YAML):
#You can add any type of mobs, for instance:                       #
#                                                                  #
#  rabbit:                                                         #
#    type: RABBIT                                                  #
#    nbt: ''                                                       #
#    frequency: LOW                                                #
#    amoumt:                                                       #
#      min: 1                                                      #
#      max: 3                                                      #
#                                                                  #
# * frequency: One of:                                             #
#              - NONE,    generates nothing                        #
#              - LOWEST,  very low frequency of generation         #
#              - LOW,     low frequency of generation              #
#              - NORMAL,  medium frequency of generation           #
#              - HIGH,    high frequency of generation             #
#              - HIGHER   the highest frequency of generation      #
# * monsters_frequency: A low value means that there is an high    #
#                       chance of spawning monsters
# * chunks_frequency: Chance that a chunk will spawn mobs during   #
#                     its generation                               #
# * sun_light: List of all the mobs that will spawn during the day #
# * darkness:  List of all the mobs that will spawn in dark places #
#              and during the night                                #

1.14.2 seems to generate the world very faster than older versions.
----------, May 30, 2019

Added compatibility with spigot 1.14-pre5 and 1.14.

Backup and delete the old ParadiseLand folder!

List of bug and issue fixed:
  • Some grass decay on ground
  • Improved configuration reading to explain better any error
  • MCEdit schematic rotation
List of new features:
  • Sponge schematic support (.schem files)
  • Added jungle and bamboo jungle (1.14 only)
  • Added mobs in each biome
  • Added /pland command (see plugin overview for more information)
  • Added mobs in biome configurations but NBT don't work yet
List of changes for Eden generator:
  • In each biome the property "config_version" is now 2
  • Added "mc_version" property to specify the minimum supported version for the biome
  • Added "entities" property to specify the entities for the biome
1.14 seems to generate the world very faster than 1.13.
----------, May 2, 2019


Finally this is first 1.13 compatible version of Paradise Land. It still lacks of many functionalities. Please read the plugin overview for more informations and details.

Please report any bug, issue and problem here providing the world's seed and the stack trace from the log.
I suggest to generate the world with Spigot vanilla (it seems to be faster).
----------, Apr 7, 2019

Fixed leaves decay for some server versions
----------, Feb 25, 2018

  1. Fixed vines generation, now it's more beautiful
  2. Fixed issue with floating islands in the biome configurations, so you can now set rariry to 0 to disable
    Code (Text):
        #0 to disable
        rarity: 2
  3. Added "prevent foliage decay" in config.yml
    Code (Text):
      #Prevent foliage decay
      foliage_decay: false
  4. 'config_version' is now equals 2 in config.yml
----------, Feb 5, 2018

  1. Added plants configuration in each biome config
    Code (Text):
        #Percentage of plants in a single chunk
        percentage: 20
        #Flowers data (RED_FLOWER:DATA)
        data: '0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8'
        #If is a dry biome a dead bush will be placed on the sand
        dead_bush: false
        #Percentage of tall grass in a single chunk
        percentage: 20
        #tall grass data (TALL_GRASS:DATA)
        data: '0,1,2'
        #Percentage of large grass in a single chunk
        percentage: 10
        #double plant data (DOUBLE_PLANT:DATA)
        data: '0,1,2,3,4,5'
  2. Unsafe (or old) configurations warning
  3. Fixed book meta issue in chests configuration (floating islands)
----------, Jan 13, 2018

  1. Fixed an error caused server crashes (Thanks @BlueYoshi68)
  2. Improved the generator speed another time
  3. Changed some configurations in the config.yml

    - Vines frequency
    Code (Text):
        enabled: true
        #Frequency per chunk
        frequency: 5
    - Custom rivers (beta), you can enable them to try
    Code (Text):
        enabled: true
----------, Jan 11, 2018

Preview 2.1

  1. New settings added to the config.yml file
    • 'minHeight' must be > 16 and <= 64 and the max height is 128 + minHeight blocks (for terrain generation)
    • Possibility to change the gamerule 'do_fire_tick' at world creation
    • Enable or disable the blocks physics
    • From now on it's possible to edit the functioning of the generator changing some parameters in config.yml
    • Possibility to decide the intensity of noise to increase or decrement the extension of the biomes
    • Speed up the world generator (lighter algorithms)
    • Clay added in the generator
    • It's possile to add or remove minerals blocks in the ground
      Code (Text):
      #If true, the world generation will require less memory,
      #but it's possible that some biomes won't be generated.
      low_ram_usage: false

      #check for any update
      check_update: true

          do_fire_tick: false

      #Islands properties
        #The standard biome used by the generator, default MEDITERRANEAN
        default_biome: MEDITERRANEAN
        #Islands min height
        min_height: 0
          #Enable caves generation
          enabled: true
        #Hide minerals at the bottom of the islands
        hide_bottom_mineral: false
        #Ground grass blocks
        ground_grass: true
        #Enable or disable blocks physics
        physics: false
        #For expert users
          #Noise octaves scales
            x: 600
            y: 400
            z: 1100
          #The higher the value, the bigger the island will be
            min: 256.0
            max: 256.0
              frequency: 0.005
              gradient_perturb: 30.25
              frequency: 0.005
              gradient_perturb: 30.25        

          block: STONE
          data: 1
          max_height: 128
          amount: 24
          frequency: 10
          block: STONE
          data: 3
          max_height: 128
          amount: 24
          frequency: 10
          block: STONE
          data: 5
          max_height: 128
          amount: 24
          frequency: 10
          block: GRAVEL
          data: 0
          max_height: 128
          amount: 32
          frequency: 10
          block: CLAY
          data: 0
          max_height: 128
          amount: 26
          frequency: 5
          block: DIAMOND_ORE
          data: 0
          max_height: 55
          amount: 7
          frequency: 2
          block: GOLD_ORE
          data: 0
          max_height: 75
          amount: 8
          frequency: 3
          block: IRON_ORE
          data: 0
          max_height: 128
          amount: 8
          frequency: 20
          block: REDSTONE_ORE
          data: 0
          max_height: 60
          amount: 7
          frequency: 4
          block: LAPIS_ORE
          data: 0
          max_height: 65
          amount: 6
          frequency: 4
          block: COAL_ORE
          data: 0
          max_height: 128
          amount: 18
          frequency: 20
          block: EMERALD_ORE
          data: 0
          max_height: 70
          amount: 2
          frequency: 2
  2. Floating dungeons added (schematics) with configurable mobspawner (beacon block will be replaced with mobspawner) and chests
  3. Possibility to edit pathways blocks
You must delete the directory /plugins/ParadiseLand to create the new configurations and schematics.
This version is compatibile with version 2.0
----------, Dec 14, 2017

  1. Fixed a biome generation error reported by @Datblock
  2. Added option to enable/disable all biomes from the config
    Code (Text):
    enabled: true


      small_chance: 50
      small: []
  3. added option default_biome in config.yml
----------, Oct 27, 2017

  1. Added the update checker to see all updates of ParadiseLand

    in config.yml
    Code (Text):
    #check for any update
    check_update: true

  2. Improved the plugin performance at the start of the server
----------, Oct 14, 2017

Fixed donkey crash error 1.9 and 1.10 (reported by @Broken_War )
Better performances in drenched Forest biome
----------, Oct 14, 2017

Fixed OutOfMemory bug, now you can choose from config.yml how much memory to use.

Code (Text):
#If true, the world generation will require less memory,
#but it's possible that some biomes won't be generated.
low_ram_usage: false

#Islands properties
----------, Oct 8, 2017

Fixed parrots crash error in 1.11.x servers
----------, Sep 25, 2017

It took me sevaral months to prepare this important update, I would like to thank all those supported me buying the plugin.

  1. This version is incompatibile with the previous versions, so you must delete the folder of the old plugin if you are upgrading

  2. The world must be regenerated because of major changes to the generator

  3. The structures aren't implemented yet

New biomes
  • Arid Desert
  • Artic Tundra
  • Bright Forest
  • Cold Taiga
  • Desert
  • Drenched Forest
  • Large Plains
  • Mediterranean
  • Mediterranean Forest
  • Mushroom Forest
  • Mushroom Plains
  • Polar
  • Savanna Forest
  • Savanna Grass
  • Savanna Rock
  • Steppe
  • Subtropical
  • Subtropical Rainforest
  • Taiga
New configurations

The configurations are simpler than before, here is an example:
Code (Text):

  #Chance of small trees [0-100] -> higher = less trees
  small_chance: 2
  #List of schematics in /Biomes/Polar/schematics
  small: []

  medium_chance: 2
  - MediumPolar_1
  - MediumPolar_2
  - MediumPolar_3
  - MediumPolar_4
  big_chance: 6
  big: []
  ground_chance: 2
  ground: []
  flying_chance: 2
  flying: []
----------, Sep 24, 2017

Fixed Ansi error on 1.12 and this bug
----------, Jul 25, 2017

Fixed a problem with 1.12
----------, Jul 16, 2017

  1. Update to 1.2.1 for spigot version 1.12
  2. /ParadiseLand command
  3. Generator Improvements
----------, Jun 2, 2017

  1. Changed the generation of the grass

  2. Added two new configurations:

    Code (Text):
      hide_bottom_mineral: true
      ground_grass: true

    - 'hide_bottom_mineral': Hide minerals at the bottom of the islands.

    - 'ground_grass': You can choose to have the grass on the ground or not.
----------, Apr 25, 2017

New version released!

ParadiseLand 1.1.1 is now available!

- Fixed some configurations errors.
----------, Jan 17, 2017

New version released!

ParadiseLand 1.1.0 is now available!
  1. New configurations so, if you have an older version of the plugin, you have to delete the old ParadiseLand folder!
  2. Replaced some tree schematics
  3. New and faster islands generator
  4. Configurable islands minimum height
  5. Caves
  6. Configurable ores
  7. Better trees spawn locations
  8. Added mesa biome

  9. Fixed some crash errors from 1.11.x
  10. Improved errors handling
----------, Jan 17, 2017

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 659
First Release: Aug 23, 2016
Last Update: Aug 11, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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