ParadiseLand⭐SkyLand world Generator⭐[1.8.8 - 1.21.1] icon

ParadiseLand⭐SkyLand world Generator⭐[1.8.8 - 1.21.1] -----

Aether & skyland world generator!

Biomes & Rivers update
Welcome to ParadiseLand BETA-1.2.0, here is the list of new features, improvements, and bug fixes in this massive release!

This update is not compatible with the old one! The world and the folder /plugins/ParadiseLand MUST BE DELETED. I take no responsibility if you lose the world, make a backup.


[​IMG] [​IMG]

  1. Forest
  2. Birch forest
  3. Dark forest
  4. Plains
  5. Jungle
  6. Savanna
  7. Swamp
  8. Desert
  9. Badlands (mesa)
  10. Taiga
  11. Taiga plains
  12. Snowy taiga
  13. Snowy plains (tundra)

These biomes are based on Minecraft 1.8.8-1.12.2, and new biomes such as Bamboo Jungle will be added in future releases (You can do it yourself).


  1. The island generator has been updated, it behaves differently and you can now add all the layers you want.
  2. All mobs are supported from the default bukkit populator (i.e. frogs spawn automatically in swamps from 1.19+).
  3. Fish and aquatic mobs were added in 1.13+.
  4. Two new types of temperatures were added (COLDEST, COLD, MILD, HOT, SCORCHING).
  5. In 1.17+ the bottom of the islands can be illuminated with the light block!
  6. Other little things you can find in the generator/biome configurations.
  7. New tree schematic files added.
  1. Fixed stuck and dead animals during spawning.
  2. Fixed BlockData configuration with more than one parameter.
  3. Fixed the world spawn location under certain circumstances.
  4. Other minor issues were fixed...
----------, May 26, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 659
First Release: Aug 23, 2016
Last Update: Aug 11, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
47 ratings
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