OpenAudioMc -  Proximity Voice Chat  and Music without mods icon

OpenAudioMc - Proximity Voice Chat and Music without mods -----

Add custom music and voice chat to your server, without mods or downloads.

Hey there folks!
January finally ended, so it's update time again! This one brings a few changes and fixes that have been requested quite a bit :)

  • Voice Chat
    • Changed the default option for channels behaviour, new users were getting confused as to why they would not be able to hear someone while they are in a channel. The new default behaviour is that proximity voicechat will remain active while you have a channel selected. This can be turned off in the config.
    • VoiceChat Range (radius) has been relaxed, now accepting any value between 5 and 200 blocks (used to be 20-70)
    • Added API methods to manage moderation mode per client
  • Train Carts
    • Added two config options traincarts-mute-regions and traincarts-mute-speakers, which can be used to make traincarts media overwrite speakers and regions
    • Train media now always uses the ID train_audio, allowing you to stop media for players with a command (/oa stop @a train_audio)
  • Speakers
    • Fixed broken speaker behaviour on 1.20.4 and below
      (this change may also finally make speakers work on offlinemode/cracked servers, though I haven't tested this)
  • Misc
    • Fixed threading issues with shows on newer java versions
----------, Feb 3, 2025

Hey there, first of all, happy new year! bit late to the party, but better late than never!

This update is tiny and can be ignored by anyone who has already installed the plugin. Still, it addresses a bug during the onboarding for some users running specific system libraries.

Bigger updates should resume soon!

----------, Jan 13, 2025

Hello everyone! Welcome to our final update of 2024 (most likely)!
While this version primarily includes some housekeeping improvements, it also introduces specific API and internal changes that many users have been eagerly anticipating.
Changes in this Update:
  • Speaker Improvements Server Requirement Updates
    • I've completed our migration to the new version tracking system. Updates are now handled through the account system while the plugin is connected, eliminating the need for periodic polling. This removes the dependency on, improving functionality in regions where GitHub access is restricted (such as mainland China). Version update settings have been moved to
    General Improvements
    • Removed legacy configuration options for discontinued features to reduce user confusion
      Updated internal storm models
      Fixed automatic JavaDoc deployment and updates
    • Released an incremental update for Vistas, incorporating the OpenAudioMC protocol from the previous update and resolving issues with the web channels UI

(screenshot taken on
A Personal Note
2024 has been an incredible journey for both OpenAudioMc and me personally. It's amazing to think that this project will celebrate its 9th anniversary in 2025!
I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has contributed this year: our Discord community members helping fellow users, GitHub contributors providing detailed issues and translations, and the server administrators whose continued support has fostered new in-game friendships. Each year has surpassed the last, and I'm thrilled about what the future holds.
Thank you all for your amazing support, and here's to a wonderful and healthy 2025!
Best wishes,
----------, Dec 28, 2024


Hey there folks! It's update time yet again!
I didn't think the next one would be so soon, but hey, here you go!
This isn't a required update, and only ships one real change in the plugin itself, but also goes paired with a broader release of the platform with a lot of other QOL changes!

What changed:
  • Speakers
    • You can now configure custom textures/skins for speakers!
      Allowing you to customize your server a lot more, matching your branding and aesthetic. The only requirement is that the skin be available from Mojang's texture service, and then you can plop your texture in our configuration. Only newly placed speakers will use your new texture.
    • You can now also change the base game profile and UUID associated with speakers. This is something most people should never do (because it will break the speakers you currently have), but there are some edge cases where this would be useful.
    • Fixed a bug where speakers would not have a texture, at all
  • Web Client
    • The various Voice Chat loading screens are now stylized, and consistent with each other
    • The Voice Chat error states have been given an overhaul, and now include the exact error message along with some possible steps to fix it
    • The client will now retry multiple times when a voice connection failed, helping users with less reliable internet connections
    • Fixed some issues with moving spatial sources causing them to stutter a ton
  • Platform
    • Reworked the file upload and management page, adding support for drag-and-drop uploads, and providing better feedback for file name/path input
    • Fixed a bug where some update notifications would ignore user preference
    • Fixed some scrolling issues on chrome on pages with a lot of content

Thats it again for now!
As always, thank you all so much for the continued support, and I'll see you in the next one!
----------, Dec 11, 2024

It's update time, again!
It has only been a few weeks since the last one, so you may be happy to hear that this is not a required update. But, it does bring some nice new features!

What changed:
  • Channels
    • Channels are now visible in the web client! players can hop between and view them, without needing to go through all the commands. (configured permission requirements are still required)
    • The web display for channels requires the plugin to be updated in your entire network (if you run a bungeecord/velocity setup)
    • If you don't want your players to see the web display, you can disable it in the config.
    • Added new API events to interact with channels
  • Client
    • The UI for invisible peers has been fixed. Servers where peers are hidden, will restrict the member count and disable the picture-in-picture view.
    • The settings page now respects client theming
    • Fixed some messages which previously weren't translatable
  • Plugin
    • Fixed a bug where the voice chat-ready event wouldn't fire on servers in a network
  • Misc
    • The entire account and server settings platform has been overhauled over the last week, making it faster and friendlier to use. A lot has changed in the background, as preparation for further expansion. I'm currently planning to make a lot of client settings (like volume rolloff, etc) have configurable defaults per server, but feedback on this is welcome.
    • Setup a 15% off for new patrons, valid till December 9th
    • Changed how update notifications work. Staff members will now get them in chat periodically. Don't want this? turn it off in
I hope to be back again later this month to bring some really exciting updates to the audio engine (currently testing an early version of pitch/speed control, moveable audio sources API, and more) so I hope to see y'all then!

If I do miss that deadline for some reason (school do still be wacking me right now) then I just want to say happy holidays right now, and thank everyone for an amazing 2024! :)

All the best,
----------, Dec 1, 2024

Hello everyone! Here's the latest update with some helpful improvements:
  • New Alias Commands:
    /oa alias resolve <alias name> - See what's behind an alias
    /oa alias delete <alias name> - Finally, you can remove aliases!
    • Added tab completion for alias commands (use /oas if you're on BungeeCord/Velocity)
  • VoiceChat Improvements:
    • Fixed moderator visibility - moderators in moderation mode no longer show in join/leave notifications
    • Better privacy protection for active chat moderators
  • Other Updates:
    • Fixed region creation with predefined volumes
    • Updated NBT API for newer Minecraft versions
    • Improved documentation and index structure

Development Note: I'm busy with school and server work, but I expect more frequent updates with feature/API expansions starting in December.

Stay warm and enjoy the update!
----------, Nov 22, 2024

Hey there folks!
Minor update again this time.

What changed:
  • Bumped NBT API to fix version support for 1.21+
  • The region commands now support a --world optional parameter, letting you specify a specific target world when executed from another plugin (or command source). It used to default to the world configured in your file whenever executed by an external source, but you can now use your command like /oa region create test_region files:spawn.mp3 --world=spawn to forcefully evaluate a command in a specific world context, no matter the source.
  • Various fixes to media cross-fading with overwritten media properties
  • I shipped a major overhaul to the web client over the last two weeks, which fully released the new VoiceChat UI to the public (as well as serving many performance improvements under the hood)
----------, Aug 22, 2024

Hey there folks!
Back again with another update! It's been a while, unfortunately.
Sorry about that! more regular (feature) updates are starting again from today.

What changed

- Added API methods to stop (and fade out) media link)
- Added API methods to interact (and manage) Channels link)
- Fixed wrong messages in the temp region sub command
- Added support for 1.21
- Regions/Speakers will now fade in and out if a higher-priority media with a mute flag is playing (requested by Pro245Mc)
- Fixed an issue where Regions/Speakers are still audible despite a mute flag being present (huge thanks to Pro245Mc for their time, help and patience while figuring out what was causing this bug!)
- Fixed clickable messages in the help command, background image sizing and interface implementation by @nicolube
- Added API features to customize how players are rendered in voice chat (allowing you to use another display name or skin) link)
- Bumped internal dependencies
- Added a new [code single]/oa region forceupdate[/code] command to update all region media (to fetch changes to a playlist, for example)
- Various client stability improvements
- Changed how SoundCloud resources are loaded (noticeable speed improvement)
- Backend migrations to a newer architecture, and adding support for more specialised provisioning support for larger networks.

Feel free to reach out on Discord if you have any questions, or think I missed something you'd like to see added! :)

Have a great summer, and cya at the next one!
----------, Jul 9, 2024

Hey gamers!
This is an incremental update, fixing some internal things and adding support for (paper) 1.20.5+

  • Fixes
    • The options.token-auto-login setting now gets respected on vistas networks
    • Fixed a bug where players would still be part of a channel, even after they closed their web client
    • WorldGuard regions with negative priorities no longer get ignored if priority support is enabled
    • Changed how we handle version detection, to add support for paper's new CB mappings
    • Improved lock control for connection initialization
    • The client can now show a proper error message if it got rejected by the account owner
  • Chores
    • Bumped NBT API by tr7zw
  • New
    • Added a max-speaker-radius config value to set the maximum allowed radius of a speaker
  • API
----------, May 6, 2024

Knock knock, I've got a new update for ya! and a juicy one at that! This release includes major changes, new features and improvements to voice chat, the API, the web client, media, commands, and much more!

This update spent over a month in development, with multiple weeks of daily full-time work and contributions from multiple community members.

It’s a big change log, but please take a moment to go through it to see what it means for your server. Changes/notes are grouped by topic but in no particular order.

Voice Chat

  • Added voice channels!
    You can now create voice chat channels, letting players talk globally and in groups without needing them to be nearby (or even in the same world). You can create channels in the config with optional custom permissions (locking some behind ranks for example), or allow players to create temporary channels and invite others. There’s a lot more to it, all covered in the new matching documentation article. OpenAudioMc Documentation - VoiceChat Channels
  • Filters are now built into the plugin! (these used to be separate modules)
    Filters give you control over who players can talk to in proximity voice chat and can be found in your config file. Filters include require-same-gamemode, require-common-team and require-no-channel. More details can be found in the matching documentation article OpenAudioMc Documentation - VoiceChat Filters
  • The system to gather voice chat peers has been improved, almost doubling performance on large servers and adding new cancellable API events to modify metadata for peers.
  • Added support for peer metadata updates, letting you hide specific players from the UI (while still being able to hear them) or disable their spatial audio effect. This can be updated on the fly, without dropping the peer.
  • Expanded the API to add support for non-proximity-based peers, allowing you to implement features like phones. More on this later.

Command handling

  • Tab-completion has been overhauled! providing full completion for sub-arguments. The plugin also synchronises uploaded files within your account, letting you tab-complete media sources. It can also tab-complete aliases and playlists on spigot servers (which you can now force to handle your command with /oas)
  • Tab-completion now works on BungeeCord servers
  • added the /oas or /openaudiospigot command, for when you’re running a proxy but need to specify a command to run on the subserver.
  • There have been a ton of internal improvements for commands, namely for selector providers.
  • added /channel for the voice channel feature

  • Media caching was redesigned from the ground up
    The media pool was broken on some modern browsers, which have now been fixed, and it’s way better at handling sources of different types. The pool will now also rehydrate itself after a source is used, meaning that you can keep media in the cache after it gets played. This is enabled by default in the config and provides significant performance improvements to re-used media sources in features like regions (as long as preloading is used)
  • You can now forcefully preload media through a command (/oa preload <source>), which is extremely useful for time-sensitive media (such as shows). More on this can be found in its new documentation article OpenAudioMc Documentation - The Preload command
  • Fixed cors for 3d speakers using media from a third-party domain

  • The major changes this update brings across the board were the trigger to re-evaluate the API the plugin previously offered, and how limited it was. A good amount of time was spent during this update rebuilding the API. The new API is similar enough to the old one that migrating shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes. It’s now its dedicated artefact too, no longer requiring you to build the entire plugin, while exposing a lot more functionality. The old API is still where it is, and powered by a mostly backwards-compatible layer (though everything is marked as deprecated, and will be removed in a future release. You can read more about the migration here: OpenAudioMc Documentation - Migrating your integrations to ^6.10.0
  • We now have a living javadoc site at, with a lot more documentation for everything.
  • The documentation article has been rewritten to reflect the new API and provides a ton of examples and details to get you going the fastest OpenAudioMc Documentation - Building against the Java API
  • The plugin now uses proper log levels
  • PlaceholderAPI placeholders will now persist even if it reloaded (through for example /papi reload)
  • Servers running in offlinemode or using a free server host (such as minehut) now get a clickable message which will automatically set some common config values, instead of giving them an error message with instructions.
  • Teleporting will now instantly force a player’s set of regions to update
  • Regions will now all initialise on start, syncing their initial time code. This new behaviour is enabled by default, but you can disable it in the config which will completely restore the original behaviour.
  • The documentation now also lists relevant permissions per topic and links to useful Javadoc pages (if applicable)
  • 1.8 is now supported out-of-the-box, no longer requiring the legacy module to be installed manually. You will need to manually uninstall the module if you still have it.
  • Updated internal dependencies
  • General client UX improvements
  • Vistas now supports Redis Sentinel and ipv6! Courtesy of Mathéo (aka DiscowZombie)
  • Config/database backups now work on Windows servers, use the proper folder and will log fatal errors.
  • The plugin is now far more fault-tolerant to spontaneous network interruptions between the plugin and our infrastructure. Both connection types will now try to reconnect a few times after an unexpected connection loss. Web clients will remain logged in for a few moments, waiting for the plugin to come back online and are only kicked after extended connection issues, meaning that voice chat and normal media will not be interrupted in most cases. The plugin will queue important packets (media start/stop and peer changes) to sync back up with the client once the connection is restored.
Where is 6.9.0? did you skip a version?
Yes, I did! This update started as 6.8.10 but quickly outgrew that status as this cannot be described as a minor release. I also chose to skip the 6.9.0 major entirely because of its meme status.

Special thanks
A lot of changes in this update are based on community feedback, and there are quite a few people who stood out for their help.
  • Thanks DiscowZombie for your Redis sentinel PR, and early testing/feedback from the new API
  • Thanks Verum for the help implementing the persistent PlaceholderAPI hooks
  • Thanks SROrel for early testing and helping debug early issues with voice chat channels
----------, Feb 25, 2024

✨New features✨
  • Playlists! You can now create and manage playlists in-game!
    • Accessible through
      Code (Text):
      /oa playlist
    • allows you to add/remove songs from a playlist at will, and access them through
      Code (Text):
      /oa play @a list:my-list-name
    • More info:[​IMG]
  • Deafening! You can now temporarily deafen voicechat
    • Accessible through
      Code (Text):
      or the button in the web client
    • Deafening will mute all voicechat, and prevent you from hearing others but still play music
    • Also includes new messages (in the config) and API events to listen to (un)deafening
  • Media overwrites! You can now create media that'll overwrite regions/speakers
    • Media with either the
      Code (Text):
      Code (Text):
      property will temporally mute all regions/speakers for that player
    • Regions/speakers the player entered whilst the media is playing will also be muted
    • Overwrites can stack, and the regions/speakers will only unmute again once all overwrites have finished playing
    • This is useful for things like shows/announcements, where you don't want media overlapping
    • Example video:
    • More info:

  • Fixed the notorious bug where media would continue to play after leaving a region/speaker
  • Fixed an issue with the vicinity messages causing error spam due to broken states
  • Fixed an issue where players in 1.20.2+ would sometimes get kicked from bungee-cord networks with plugin running on the proxy, due to bad handling of the configuration phase while sending chat/plugin messages.
  • Fixed a bug where microphone mute state would not be synced with subservers while in a bungee-cord network
  • Fixed a bug where some voicechat API events would not fire on subservers in a connected bungee-cord network
  • Fixed an issue where files from the OA cdn would sometimes not have the correct cors headers set
  • Fixed a bug causing some client sources to not be picked up by the content proxy

Other changes

  • "Inactive" servers will now be kept for longer
    • Inactive servers will now be kept for 2 months instead of 1
    • Files will no longer be deleted from inactive patreons
  • The upload file size limit has been increased to 100MB
  • Storage for free accounts has increased from 100MB to 200MB
  • the 20 and 50 patreon tiers now have 30 and 60 slots respectively (current patreons have been upgraded automatically)
  • Logo and background images are now available to everyone (250kb file limit, 10mb for patreons)
----------, Dec 12, 2023

Ding ding ding - (it is the sound of the update alarm, not your doorbell)

This isn't a major release, but does still contain some bug fixes and little perks.


  • You can now upload custom logos for the client! they will be shown on the login screen (for returning visitors), in the navbar, and as the favicon.
  • Speakers now work on 1.20.2
    • Updated nbtapi
    • Removed direct dependency on offline players for skull metadata, though it's still available as an automatic fallback for servers that don't support dynamic class generation
  • fixed the forcefullyDisableMicrophone API method
    • The argument now gets respected (used to be inverse)
    • Mute states are now rendered in the client
  • Fixed voice chat mute settings in regions
  • Servers running vistas can now use the /oa link command just like any other deployment
  • Installations that have been inactive for two months will now automatically recover and request new API keys automatically, instead of ending in a broken state and needing manual intervention.
  • Fixed a bug where players wouldn't be able to connect to the client in certain conditions
  • The plugin now does automatic health checks, detecting broken pipes and restoring the plugin to a known state after unexpected network changes or interruptions.
  • The web client now has a hard dependency on some (common) javascript API's, completely ending support for some brand proprietary web browsers (like old Samsung internet versions)
  • Users can now change their own language in the client settings, instead of only relying on browser headers and user agent flags.
  • Tabs within the web client now show which page is playing audio, making it easier for the user to distinguish between the different volume settings.
  • Fixed client crashes related to page sleeping
  • -- and some other minor changes and fixes

This release is backward compatible with older builds (even within bungee cord and vistas networks), but complete network updates are still recommended.
----------, Oct 11, 2023

Hey there folks!
Today finally marks the release of the 6.8.7 update, which has been in the works for a long while. It's a drop-in replacement for normal spigot servers, but there are some noteworthy changes for some bungee-cord networks and all Vistas installations.

This update comes with a bunch of fixes, small new features, and finally introduces the proper bedrock login that doesn't depend on titles, prefixes, etc.

This update includes internal protocol changes, meaning that you'll have to update the Vista stack if you're running it (getting a new client and server module from this GitHub release, and updating them along with your plugin).

Bungeecord/velocity servers also depend on their proxy variants being updated.

If you need/want any help during your migration then please feel free to reach out in our discord :)

[client] [fix] Tooltips can now be dismissed
[client] [fix] settings page now properly scales on mobile devices
[client] [fix] text on the home screen is now readable on mobile (got cut off by decorative svg)
[client] [fix] Fixed a bug causing microphone selections not apply
[client] [fix] Fixed a client crash on new Firefox builds related to the custom server theme color
[client] [enhancement] voice chat peer UI now has buttons to instantly mute/unmute others
[client] [enhancement] It's not easier to see who's talking and who's muted
[client] [enhancement] voice chat UI is now useable on mobile devices
[client] [enhancement] login flow now works on mobile devices
[client] [enhancement] tokens are now longer lived
[client] [enhancement] Improved loading and login views
[client] [enhancement] All views are now properly scrollable on mobile
[client] [enhancement] Added a new development flow with an integrated ngrok/qrcode system for mobile testing
[client] [enhancement] Current volume levels are known and shown *in* the sensitivity slider to make it easier to understand
[client] [enhancement] Tailwind is now a vite postcss build step and uses the minified compiled bin, instead the global precompiled tailwind
[client] [enhancement] Migrated to Vite (from CRA/webpack)
[client] [new] Bedrock login flow with early permissions for microphone (and notifications if supported)
[client] [new] Automatic login for bedrock/mobile users (depends on network conditions)
[client] [new] Support for mobile constant media API's to prevent background sleep
[plugin] [new] The region create command now accepts the volume as the (optional) third argument
[plugin] [new] Configuration option to ignore regions while players are mounted on a vehicle/entity
[plugin] [new] Support for bedrock tokens in the audio command(s)
[plugin] [new] Separate messages for bedrock players (after joining and /audio)
[plugin] [new] Configuration options to configure bedrock behavior/detection
[plugin] [new] Configuration option to opt out of automatic client logins
[plugin] [new] Old regions will now be deleted when they are marked as dead. Backups will be made every time this happens though.
[plugin] [new] Ability to detect Geyser players based on their UUID (
[plugin] [fix] The region delete command will now also search and delete legacy regions
[plugin] [fix] Config values will no longer reset themselves to defaults when running a migration for another config section
[plugin] [fix] Changed some method signatures within the scheduling API to be less confusing (breaking API change)
[plugin] [fix] The plugin will now default to a known state after a fatal exception during login (name resolution)
[plugin] [fix] Clients/music will now properly stop when players are connected while your server is shutting down gracefully
[vistas] [fix] Config files will now migrate properly
[vistas] [fix] The module class loader will no longer deep search for packet types every time (caching issue)
[vistas] [fix] The audio command will now properly handle client states
[velocity] [fix] The title API is now properly implemented
[velocity] [fix] fixed some issues with the scheduler adapter mashing up given parameters
[platform] [new] All new onboarding experience with a guided tutorial to linking your server and configuring it
[platform] [new] Content creator submissions are open to everyone
[platform] [fix] Patreons can now delete ambiance and start sounds
[platform] [fix] Fixed an issue where emails were not being sent between midnight-1 am cest
[platform] [fix] Fixed an issue where metric graphs wouldn't render in some browsers
[platform] [fix] Fixed an issue where save buttons would be invisible in some browsers
[platform] [enhancement] You can now instantly see the status of all your servers from the overview
[platform] [enhancement] Updated web UI which works better on smaller screens
[platform] [enhancement] File/folder names can now be up to 250 characters (instead of 50)
[platform] [enhancement] Improved caching rules for faster content loading
[platform] [enhancement] Account changes will now trigger requests to flush the cache, meaning that settings will apply faster
[website] [enhancement] Documentation for logins and auth flows has been redone to include the new methods for bedrock
[website] [enhancement] The documentation site has been rewritten to NextJs to improve metadata
----------, Aug 5, 2023

Hey there folks!
This is an update a fair few people have been waiting for. Please take some time to go through the changelog, and read the how-to upgrade section if you're running a Vistas network.

  • Players who are detected as bedrock clients (based on their name prefix) will now be shown their tokens in a title message. The prefix that gets tested for, as well as some messages related to it, can be changed in the config. Normal players can also force this title to appear by running /audio token, which finally got merged into prod.
  • Another improvement for Bedrock users is the new URL. The client site defaults to, but server admins can now choose to use instead! It is a bit longer, but generally easier to type for newcomers (because it contains more familiar words), please look for this setting in your server settings (within your OpenAudioMc account)
  • Most of the web clients got overhauled/updated to support mobile screen sizes as well. This is most noticeable on the onboarding section, audio page, and voice chat page/settings. We also noticed that users often got confused by the login confirmation, so they now get prompted to just join into voicechat directly (if the server supports that)
  • There have been some changes to the networking protocol of voice chat (between your server and our stack) which should be noticeably more efficient on large networks and is most effective within vistas deployments.
  • On the topic of Vistas deployments, this update also includes some stability improvements for the vistas-server.
  • Build numbers are fixed! each consecutive build/release has its own ID again in /oa state
  • Other stuff: Documentation has been overhauled, mainly the installation instructions and some advanced pages. Some Patreon tiers now support a free trial period. We'll be launching a creator program soon to better facilitate streamers and the accounts platform got some UX and performance improvements.

How to upgrade
For normal servers
  • Just replace the plugin jar, restart, and you're done
For legacy servers
  • Update the plugin jar
  • Pull a new rinaorc-legacy-users.jar from the github release and drop it in the modules folder

For bungeecord/velocity networks

  • Replace the plugin jar network-wide, it isn't cross-compatible with older versions due to protocol changes.
For vistas networks
  • Make sure to update the plugin jar
  • Pull a new vistas-client jar from the latest github release, and put it in your servers' modules folder
  • Pull a new vistas-server jar and replace your old one, the config/storage container is still backwards compatible
----------, Jul 9, 2023

Hey there folks!
This is a really small update, to fix some minor problems.
Updating from any 6.8.* version to this one is not required because only a few select users experienced these problems.

  • Some protocol changes to fix disconnection issues
    • Patreon's and servers running without voice chat are entirely unaffected and may skip this update
    • This only affected a small amount of servers, feel free to skip this update if you were not experiencing these issues. less work for you! :)
    • Due to these network changes, please make sure that your entire network receives this update if you're using bungee-cord/velocity/vistas.
    • If you're running a custom domain then make sure that you're serving client version 1.125.37 or newer
  • The client now supports a "mini" mode, which can be enabled to be less overwhelming for new users (because most settings are not useful at all for servers who know what they are doing)
    • The navbar buttons will completely disappear unless at least two tabs are present (eg voice chat or debug)
    • This feature is currently still a Patreon exclusive because that's how all account features start off, but will be available for everyone early next week.[​IMG]

Platform updates that occurred between the last release and this one (already in production)
  • New Patreon perks are automatically assigned to your server, eliminating the setup process
  • Fixed a few bugs and voice chat issues for Firefox users
  • The client now warns users on unsupported browsers (eg, Samsung Internet)
  • Fixed a few bugs with the "Metrics" section in your server setting
  • We'll automatically mark your account as verified if you have a linked discord with the same (already verified) email address
  • The documentation is now easier to navigate and received content updates here-and-there
  • Huge client performance improvements

Closing notes
I'm sorry for the second update in quick succession, but it's a requirement to get these fixes out to those who needed them.
I'm also working on some big new updates for later this summer, where the main focus will be on redesigning the client "Audio" tab, upgrading the my-files page to have a proper file manager as well as finally bringing full feature support for bedrock players who don't have access to desktop devices. Keep an eye out on our discord for some incredibly exciting updates in the coming month ;)

Like always, please checkout our Discord for support and questions, and a big hug and thank-you to all my patreons who keep this show on the road!
----------, Jun 17, 2023

Hey there folks!
Incremental update here :)

  • Bumped NBT Api to support 1.20
  • Various minor bug fixes
  • Added a /oa modules command to show checksums of currently installed modules and extensions
  • Various performance improvements related to server integrity checks Thanks to Mathitux from Herodia for pointing this out
  • Various performance improvements and fixes for the Vistas-Client module Thanks to Mathitux from Herodia for pointing this out
  • Dropped some legacy platform checks for Minehut and other providers
  • Various other backend and account improvements
  • Added Metrics! Server owners can now check the usage/activity of players using audio/voice chat (go to your account > My Servers > select your server) upload_2023-6-10_12-5-50.png
  • Added a new patreon tier which only includes extra storage, asset management, and the rest of the other perks excluding voicechat. Meant for themepark servers who wish to use more, but don't have a need for Voice Chat.

Note for vistas users
If you're updating your vistas network, make sure to grab the new module jar's from github releases or the repository!
----------, Jun 10, 2023

Heya! Quick minor update for most of the Discord feedback over the last few days, let's get to it!

  • Minor improvements to the client onboarding on mobile devices or smaller windows
  • Fixed a command parsing error for the region edit command
  • Chat messages (from our config) now support multi-lines (using \n), and new defaults look a little like this: [​IMG]
  • Fixed an oversight where some log messages would spam the console when the voice chat notification radius was set too low
  • Insufficient permission messages now include the server that complained about them (making it easier to debug proxy vs spigot permission errors)
  • Fixed a bug where voice chat chimes wouldn't play till the end
  • Voice chat now notifies you when your microphone isn't working correctly, and has some suggestions on what to do about it
  • Various protocol changes behind the scenes to make voice chat more performant on servers with larger group calls
  • Minor changes to the onboarding experience, which is only really applicable to new users

Other broader updates for the project, not specific to this release:
  • Registration for legacy versions is now closed! Plugins running builds older than 6.8 (so 6.7.7 and before) will still work until later this summer, but new installations won't be able to register without updating to a more recent version.
  • Patreons may now have temporary rate-limit excemptions during events etc
----------, May 22, 2023

Are you coming from an older version before 6.8? Then you'll need to migrate. Full instructions on that can be found in the previous changelog, linked here

This update is small compared to the previous update which was a monolyth, but we do ship some cool new features that are especially exciting for themepark servers!

[new] Redstone Speakers!
Speakers can now be configured to work with Redstone! Requiring a signal to play, and/or resetting their play progress when signal is lost. This is really useful for shows, sound effects and can be used as a replacement for temp regions.

Here's a short example video on how to use it:
More information


Further changelog:
  • Added configuration options for speakers to change/disable their tick behaviour and interval
  • Added a configuration option to disable IP safety checks for the old patreon CDN, as some were having issues with that.
  • Fixed some issues with the old patreon cdn
  • Added a new /oa region list command, which prints the regions on your current location as well as their settings
  • Fixed a bug where the region GUI wouldn't apply settings on regions with the new format
  • The web-client now supports Croatian, thanks to hitman032 in our discord
  • Some commands like /oa link now print their links in plain text as well, making them useable through the console
  • The server now automatically apply their settings when the linking is finished, no longer requiring a manual reload
  • The server now automatically updates its settings (like base url) when updated in your account
  • Free storage has been upgraded from 50mb to 100mb
  • Fixed an issue in our sql library, causing format errors when you manually changed data using heidisql
  • Added clearer messaging when servers in offlinemode would try to start without a bungeecord server, as this is a setup we support nowadays
  • Admin messages now get logged to console and are less ugly in chat
  • Fixed a bug in the web client where default languages aren't loaded in debug mode
  • Fixed a bug where custom client url's aren't always stored persistently
----------, May 7, 2023

# Welcome!
It's been a while since our last update. I've been working on a lot of things, but I've also been busy with other projects. I'm happy to announce that we're finally ready to release a new version of OpenAudioMc. This version is a complete rewrite of the client, and a complete rewrite of the backend. It also has a lot of new features, and a lot of new things to look forward to.
Please take your time to read this changelog, as it contains a lot of information about the new version. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them on our Discord server:

# Upgrading
We have a video version of the upgrade guide at:

Uprading from previous versions is pretty straight forward, but does need some extra love and attention as we've moved to a new backend and account system.
1. Download the new plugin jar, and replace your old one (for all servers where you currently have it installed, including BungeeCord or Velocity)
2. Create an account on
3. Start your server, run [code single]/oa link[/code] and then click on that message to link your server to your new account
4. (Optional) Link your Discord and Patreon on
5. (for Vistas and 1.8.* Users) You will need to download the newest version of your installed modules.

# Links
- New documentation:
- Account:
- Discord:

# Changelog
## Client
- New & Changed
- The entire client got rewritten to React and to follow modern web standards
- Improved spatial audio
- You can now see your real-time microphone volume while changing sensitivity
- You can now see the amount of players within range and the amount of players who are talking
- Improved throughput and performance of the backend
- Improved localization
- Added a debug menu
- Deprecated DropBox and GoogleDrive
- Added a new, easier and simpler on-boarding for new users
- Redesigned the navbar and navigation
- Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the client would crash when you would try to connect to a server
- Fixed a bug where the client would crash when you would try to connect to a server with a different version
- Fixed a bug where spatial voicechat would stutter when moving a lot
- Fixed a bug where audio streams would stutter when 10 or more players were talking
- Fixed a bug where your VoiceChat settings page wouldn't show the current applied settings
- Fixed a bug where automatic volume adjustments would randomly enable itself or not apply
- Added clearer error messaging
- Fixed a bug where some messages wouldn't translate if the language file took too long to load
- The health check service should no longer reset clients on custom domains on their first timeout, except given a 5 minute grace period
- Changed UI elements to be more consistent and accessible

## Plugin
- New & Changed
- WorldGuard regions now get managed on a per-world basis. Meaning you can re-use region names between worlds, and assign global music to [code single]__global__[/code] for specific worlds.
- Region properties like Fade Time and Volume can now be managed through commands & Command blocks, no longer requiring players to work the GUI (altough they still can)
- Completely dropped Philips Hue support as their API limitations make it impossible to support it properly in combination with new browser restrictions
- Dropped browser Notification support, as it wasn't generally used and less than 1% of players even accepted notification permissions
- The old patreon Rest Direct CDN is now deprecated and has been replaced by account files. It still works but won't continue to function forever. We can help you to migrate all your files if necessary, just get in touch.
- Rest Direct is now disabled by default because of its deprecation. This speeds up boot times considerably and reduces the confusion about ports.
- Added a new setting allowing you to force-run OpenAudioMc on some offlinemode servers, improving compatibility with a lot of free Minecraft Server hosts
- Added proper NBT and speaker support for 1.19.4
- Reworked placeholder support, added a few new ones and renamed current placeholders to be more consistent
- You can now set a default fallback world for some commands when executed by the console. This defaults to "world" or the first overworld we find when updating your config.
- Players now receive a message when other players in their (configurable) vicinity are in Voice Chat, to promote more community interaction. The message, interval and distance can all be configured (or you can just disable it)
- Moderation mode now hides your input settings and adds a warning to the client, making it easier to distinguish between normal and mod mode
- Fixes
- Regions are no longer applied to incorrect worlds
- Banned voicechat accounts no-longer get their state reset without reason
- Fixed some speaker bugs for 1.19.4 where servers wouldn't detect interactions
- Fixed a bug where players would switch servers (through bungeecord) and it wasn't getting loaded in properly
- Fixed a few concurrency issues
- The API now respects client state
- Fixed some compatebility issues with Minefort

## Account & Backend
- New & Changed
- Moved to a new account system for OpenAudioMc, no longer linking it to some of my other projects
- Fingerprints are now completely removed, server linking now just goes through a magic link
- Discord linking now goes through their OAuth2 system, replacing our Fingerprint bot
- Patreons can now upload background images and other client customizations directly to their server, no longer requiring their own web server
- Patreons can now upload custom sounds directly to their server. Patreons get 10 gigabyte of storage, non-patreons will get a generous free tier as well within the following weeks.
- Patreon licenses are now a lot easier to manage
- Settings now get applied faster
- You can now disable VoiceChat on a per-server basis, no longer requires intervention from our Team
- Emails are now delivered faster and to the correct inbox
- Fixes
- Rate limits are generally more user-friendly
- Improved VoiceChat latency thanks to a new encoder
- Fixed a bug where some plugin installations would no longer receive client login requests, causing lockups
- Packet order is now maintained throughout the pipeline

## Miscellaneous
- The documentation got mostly rewritten to clearer and provide better examples
- The documentation got integrated with the main website, at
- The web client got moved from to
- Added some new documentation articles targeted at end-users, so you can easily explain how to use VoiceChat and some other client-side features
- All user data on the old account system ( will be destroyed immediately after it sunsets and completely closed down.
- We now actually have a landing page at
----------, Apr 25, 2023

This is a very minor update, bumping one of our dependencies to add compatibility for 1.19.3.

Our large 6.8 update is still being worked on and is turning out to be epic, I hope to share more details in our discord soon ;)
----------, Dec 22, 2022

Hey there!

This is a minor version bump, finally releasing some bug fixes from our discord server that have been going around for a while.

It namely resolves an issue where regions and alias could duplicate in storage containers, meaning that media might come back or revert to older versions after reboot. This update fixes that, and retroactively goes back and deletes duplicate data. This might mean that some regions will go back to their “correct” state after being bugged. Please take note of any changes during first startup
(Not half as important, but we’ve since also increased test coverage and included tests for cases like this. Not something you as the end user will directly profit from, but still cool enough to mention)

Updating isn’t required if you weren’t experiencing these issues.
----------, Oct 29, 2022

Strap in friends! We've got a big one today.

This update adds a few much-needed voice chat improvements to make it viable on larger-scale servers.
Adding moderation support was a carefully considered decision and was not taken lightly as it's a double-edged sword. I worked closely with the community in discord to see what different people needed, and what the privacy concerns of others would be. You can read the entire discussion back, starting at this link:

We ended up with a system that allows select moderators to listen in on voice chat, but only when they renew their moderation status every two minutes (this can be configured). This prevents people from lurking and reminds them that they won't be heard.

Moderation is disabled by default (to prevent abuse from admins who don't read changelogs and just update everything), and can be enabled in the config file.
Once enabled, players will see a new banner in their voice chat tab, letting them know that moderation is enabled on their current server. This isn't too useful for end servers but acts as some additional transparency as it's different from what existing users might expect from OpenAudioMc.

Full changelog:
  • The
    Code (Text):
    /oa voice
    subcommands now work on velocity servers
  • Fixed a bug where the inspect menu wouldn't detect some usernames
  • Added moderation support! You can now enable moderation in the config, allowing moderators to listen in on potentially harmful players. More info on
  • Added API methods for moderation status
  • Fixed some logging issues
  • Added improved support for the (now publicly available) require addon (
  • Fixed some SQLite-related issues while embedding Storm
  • Added a moderation banner to the client
  • Updated german client translations (by Ceddix)
  • Fixed a bug where players wouldn't be logged in the recent peer list.
  • Extended worldguard regions (two regions with the same source next to each other) will now update volume (according to settings) if the player moves from one to the other.
  • Implemented better logging and retries for some models
  • Fixed a bug where the IP override value would be ignored on some hardware configurations
  • Fixed a bug causing voicechat bans to not apply correctly

Looking ahead:
  • I'm currently working on non-proximity or spatial audio-based voice chat. This would allow normal group calls, implementation of in-game phones, etc.
  • Some parts of the backend will be overhauled this winter. This won't result in any changes for end users but will make it easier to add new features in the future as well as resolve some technical debt.
  • The account system/platform is due for a major upgrade, addressing some common complaints. (better email support, cleared up addon page, improved rest API, and more)

Closing notes
It's becoming kind of a ritual now, but I genuinely mean it every time I say it.
Thank YOU, and especially my Patreons who keep this project alive. I'm very grateful for your support, and I hope you'll continue to enjoy OpenAudioMc for a long time.

OpenAudioMc is turning 6 years old soon, and I'm very proud of what we've accomplished together.
More on that later, but for now, enjoy this update!

- Mats
----------, Sep 18, 2022


Quick update with a hand full of bug fixes as reported by our patreons.
Updating isn't required but is recommended.

  • Fixed disconnect issues related to the internal VoiceChat API, which could deadlock and force a server reboot.
  • Improved performance related to player data loading on join (for bungeecord and spigot)
  • Keys/values from data.yml will no longer appear in the config.yml (this was a bug that lead to a lot of confusion)
  • Fixed issues with some worldguard regions
  • Fixed issues with the local storage CDN, timing out after a few days of bungeecord Uptime.
----------, Aug 5, 2022

This is a minor revision without new features, instead fixing some issues related to SQLite in bungeecord as well as some concurrency issues with speakers.

Updating isn't required, especially for installations that aren't experiencing issues related to those platforms.
----------, Jul 17, 2022

This is a minor revision on the update from last monday, fixing bungeecord and velocity compatibility.
----------, Jun 17, 2022

- Dropped MapDB and migrated to Sqlite (Storm)
- Implemented dynamic modules for extra features and runtime migrations
- Client UI changes
- Added PlaceholderAPI support natively by (IOByte
- Performance improvements
- Fixed local media storage for bungeecord servers
- Fixed local media storage in playlists and random media
- Released "Vistas" server and client, a deployment setup for networks with multiple bungeecord proxies
- Fixed bugs with voicechat reconnections on some servers
- Released example addons for some plugins like Skywars and Parties
- Streamer mode now bypasses cache to allow immediate session blocking
- Major API and build setup improvements
- Re-added support for minecraft 1.8, through the legacy module commissioned by Rinaorc
- Some hosts used network proxies for virtualized servers which broke RestDirect and patreon local audio support, so you can now manually overwrite the public IP for networkig purposes
- Major UI improvements
- Added API hooks for the region system
- Increased cache file size
- Improved database performance, and fixing many related issues
- Confirmed 1.19 support
- Major build improvements - cutting the final build size inhalf

What are "Modules"?
Modules aren’t unlike the Bukkit plugin system, it’s capable of loading additional content in the form of Jar files, overwriting default services before, during or after startup. It allows us to make addons like the 1.8 support module, minigame hooks and fixes without requiring full upgrades or needing to enforce breaking changes to everyone.

We do have plans for some additional “official” modules, some of them will be releasing soon. Please join our discord ( for status updates :)

These wonderful names have been supporting the project for some time now, and are the reason why the project can continue to exist.

Archer Gaming
Darkinc. Nl
Rick Star
Michael DeJesus
Cayden Vierra
Davis Nixon
aldeao hector
Adam Hollander
The Little Brother
Jon Veach
General Bibi
Jorge Sánchez hernandez
Noa Xelo
IronSmith Builds
Manny Thomas
Raptor Gs
Travis Stauffer
Theme Park Vex
aubs mobs
Camden C
The Legends Of Disney
Leon mcfoxcraft
Austin Stiles
Justin SpielefreakJ
Logan Colyer
Maxence Wright
Dustin Gibbs
Teun Bakema
Kevin Theodose
Daniel Cooper
Rik Meinen
Lefebvre Florian
Robin Giesberts
----------, Jun 13, 2022

Howdy everyone!

We're starting the year with a small but pretty important update, containing various fixes for Velocity, Connection pooling, Speaker GC and storage.

There isn't much else to dive into, but updating is recommended.
----------, Jan 3, 2022

Hey there! C’mon and take a seat! It’s starting to become a pattern that I release a bombshell of an update around winter every year, and despite everything, 2021 is no exception.

This update has some minor quality of life improvements, but also adds some huge innovative features that people have been longing for, I promise that it’ll be worth while :)

As always, PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE UPDATING, and an insane shoutout to all my current patreons, none of this would've been possible without y'all :)

New stuff
  • * New: Local audio files!! Patreon’s can now play LOCAL audio files like plugins/OpenAudioMc/audio/welcome.mp3 by using the local: prefix ( /oa play @a local:welcome.mp3) without any web server or uploading it anywhere! OpenAudioMc automatically uploads and syncronizes it through our CDN, how aweome is that?! It’s currently a patreon exclusive, but it will open up eventually.
  • * New: Velocity has finally be implemented properly and now shares a single codebase with Bungeecord, meaning that all openaudio features will be accessible regardless of your platform!
  • * New: All new website and documentation, making it easier for players and server owners to navigate and use the plugin! Take a look
  • * New: Voicechat was always a hassle to setup, so it’s now automatic and enabled by default! Simply drop your jar in, and you’re good to go! Servers who don’t want to use voicechat can disable it in the config.
  • * New: Player movement is now smoothed out, greatly improving audio quality with speakers and voice chat and eliminating the stuttering experienced when running
  • * New: Speakers, Regions and Aliases now use a local database rather than dumping everything in the data.yml, meaning that it’s a lot faster and is a lot more efficient when handling large amounts of data
  • * New: Your config and data will now be backuped every time you update OpenAudioMc or something major changes, so you can roll back in case of an emergency without losing any speakers/regions or your account
  • * New: Added Streamer-Mode! This feature is targeted at content creators and adds extra authentication layers in the web client, making it safe to open the web client on-stream and means you don’t have to worry about leaking your session anywhere.
  • * New: Finally implemented an all new spatial audio rendering system, making sound clearer and improving audio fading over distance
  • * New: RestDirect is an all new rest-type API allowing the exchange of audio files between your server and our CDN, but also handles specific client transactions securely (to implement streamer mode, and some awesome upcoming features!)
  • * New: The plugin now automatically tries to extend free licenses if possible
  • * New: Patreons are now able to set a video background by setting their backround to a direct mp4 link (within their craftmend account)
  • * New: Moderators/Admins can now permanently disable voicechat for specific players without explicit moderation plugins like LiteBans
  • * New: Moderators/Admins can now view a players voicechat history (when they were online for the last time, last time they spoke and the last 15 players they spoke with) making it easier to handle appeals or reports
  • * New: Users with lesser internet connections can disable preloading in their webclient, saving their valuable bandwidth

  • * Changed: 3D speakers are now the default
  • * Changed: There have been major API changes due to internal refactoring and the removal of our old api (that has been deprecated for little over a year), please check your addons before updating
  • * Changed: GoogleDrive and Dropbox have been deprecated and are now considered as legacy sources. Existing links will continue to work, but support is no longer actively maintained or advertised due to changes in both platforms
  • * Changed: The rest players api has been slowed down to save on resources as the project continues to grow, there’ll be a new rest API that provides instant data before the end of the year, eventually replacing /v1 after a grace period.

  • * Fixed: common issues with the speaker garbage collector
  • * Fixed: voice chat default volume issues
  • * Fixed: some personal settings not working within your own craftmend account
  • * Fixed: a common bug where the webclient would render in the wrong language
  • * Fixed: weird rendering behaviour of notifications
  • * Fixed: patreons are now able to use their license until the end of their period when canceling their membership prematurely
----------, Dec 5, 2021

Heya everyone!
First of all, yes! this version number is stupid, but it's just a small patch that needs to get out
  • Fixed a few bugs where you would sometimes get the webclient in languages other than your own
  • We launched the all new web client last week, introducing a new UI along with many other features. This update also adds huge audio quality improvements to voice chat and 3d speakers (seriously though, it sounds SICK)
  • Users can now disable the voice chat chimes, or enable notifications if they want to see exactly who's in radius
  • Minor bug fixes related to region commands
  • Incremental API changes
  • Prepared some protocol changes for later client updates coming next week
----------, Nov 21, 2021

Howdy! How's it going?! how are the kids?!
Good? good!

Anyway, it's update time!
It's been a short while, but a lot has happened behind the scenes improving the reliability and scaling of our infrastructure. All that said, here's the changelog!

    • Fixed: A bug that caused licenses to simply disappear when switching between servers
    • Changed: Old client installations (pre-language update) have been deprecated and automatically reset/noticed
    • Fixed: The client will no longer show wrong languages to users or deny false reate limits
    • Fixed: Jetstream now supports smaller byte ranges and is faster
    • Soundcloud: Is still buggy, I hope to have fixed this later this week.
  • VoiceChat
    • Fixed: A small resource leak in event bus connections (uses less memory over time and gets rid of the annoying warning messages)
    • NEW: There's now a 150 slot license available for larger servers on Patreon!
    • NEW: Plugin ray tracing support! this means that it's now possible for voices to become muffled if one or more walls are between you and whoever you're talking to (this will be enabled as an option through the web client later this month)
  • API
    • Minor changes and exposed new methods. None of this is breaking.
----------, Oct 21, 2021

Hey everyone!

I wasn't to start off by thanking everyone for the huge wave of support and feedback over the last month. We have grown a lot in just 4 weeks time, and it's nothing but awesome!
This does mean that voicechat needs to be scaled up soon, so users who want extra slots and support the project financially can do this on my Patreon ( Thank you so much! :D

  • General
    • NEW: Admin/staff now receive real-time chat messages (in-game), warning you about maintenance, account changes, addon expiry, addon transfer, and more
    • NEW: Account/server setting changes (from the online admin panel) now apply instantly when hitting the safe button, so you no longer need to restart your server.
    • NEW: Addons can now be moved between servers in your craftmend account
    • Fixed a bug causing regions to not load when a multi world plugin is installed
    • NEW: Invalid web clients now get reset/fixed automatically, you'll receive a discord DM from our bot notifying you when your server gets patched automatically.
    • Fixed a few minor bugs with the jetstream CDN
    • Added extra statistics in the state command
    • Fixed the file CDN, causing the spigot download button to not load in some browsers.
    • Fixed the default logger for spigot 1.17 and up
    • Added japanese client language
    • Fixed a few config typo's
    • Fixed a rare but breaking NPE within bungeecord networks
  • Proximity Voice Chat
    • NEW: VoiceChat messages now appear in the title bar by default, reducing the amount of chat spam. (you can manually force the old chat behaviour in the config though)
    • Fixed a bug where licenses wouldn't activate properly after a reboot
    • Improved backend and plugin performance & responsiveness
    • The shift+f (mute/unmute) shortcut can now be disabled in-game
    • Mutes from Essentials(X) are now supported in voicechat
    • Added a timeout to the mute hotkey to prevent spam
----------, Aug 30, 2021

Hey all!

I've got some exciting news and news and changes this time! nothing too big, but it sheds some light on what's to come and where we're going.

The most important new announcements (expanding free voice chat licenses and jetstream) are made possible by our awesome Patreon supporters, they don't just help to keep the project online, but also letting us implement features and new systems we couldn't otherwise afford.

Changelog (sorted by topic) :
  • Voice Chat Changes:
    • Added new in-game chat messages, seeking to replace the extremely spammy notifications. You'll now receive messages like "Mindgamesnl and 2 others appeared in voice range" instead of getting 3 separate messages for every player.
    • New way to try voice chat: just use "/oa voice claim" to claim a key from in game, its that easy!
    • You can now mute the microphone from in-game, without lifting a finger. Hitting shift+f (or whatever you have bound as your swap-items key) toggles your microphone, just like how /mm does.
    • added the voice chat subcommand, you can run "/oa voice" to check on the state of your voice chat server (how many slots you have, how many are in use, etc) and it shows installation instructions for new servers, giving a step-by-step guide on what you need to do for new admins.
    • The spatial voice rendering now is louder and clearer
    • Fixed some issues with audio playback
    • Free licenses automatically scale based on demand, so the days-long wait is a thing of the past, there's almost always a key available as of now.
  • Media Changes:
    • Some features (like regions, speakers, and synchronization) are notorious for being extremely picky about sources and have weird behaviour with some streaming options. Jetsream is a new service build specifically for openaudiomc, and it basically acts as a streaming proxy/cdn to preload your content and adds required http headers, as well as handling byte-range streaming. This means that some of your sources will be cached for you, improving load times greatly and making music much more reliable! this is a big feature/improvement that I've been working on for quite a while and will monitor it over the coming weeks to see how it goes. Please contact me if you're having concerns or would like to blacklist your domain from being handled by jetstream.
    • Fixed issues causing weird behaviour with ambience sound.
  • Web Client:
    • Added more languages
    • Improved performance on chrome
    • Fixed two bugs related to audio pre-loading
  • Plugin/API:
    • Fixed some issues with Forge loaders like Magma and Mohistmc,
    • The core of OpenAudioMc got rewriting, favoring a scalable service loader with dependency injection over the old manual service registration and instancing. this WILL break plugins hooking into OpenAudioMc outside of the API, please contact me in the #support discord channel for help migrating your plugin before updating.
    • Implemented shared network events
    • Added more unit tests during plugin validation
  • Accounts:
    • You no longer need to link your discord when claiming an addon through the web interface (but it's still recommended).
    • Slots are being reworked over the following weeks, FREE licenses will receive more slots, Patreon tiers will be changed and current patrons will automatically be upgraded. More details about this will be shared in our discord server as time goes on.
----------, Aug 5, 2021

Hey there!

It's been a while, but I haven't been sitting still since the last update. A ton of new features/improvements have been added which is really exciting (you can read up on everything in the changelog). Voice chat will be broader available over the next week(s) (more free slots per server, more activation codes, etc) but most of this depends on the load and how it all goes. Supporters on my patreon can get extra perks and support both me and the project a lot, keeping it running for everyone and allowing me to invest more into free and accessible features.

Change log (sorted by feature)
  • Proximity Voice Chat
    • Proximity Voice Chat now is a public feature that you can activate on your server. There are a limited of free activations per day, meaning that you might have to wait before you can claim the addon for your server. you can check the Addons page on your craftmend account, or keep an eye out in our discord where new drops/waves get announced automatically. You can follow this guide/tutorial to get you started (or just read the docs)
    • Server administrators can now disable voice chat in specific world guard regions to prevent abuse or to force your player's attention on what's happening in-game. You can access these settings through the region GUI here's an early version/demo of this feature
    • The plugin will now automatically recover the connection with the voice server if something happened (reboot for maintenance, errors, whatever) meaning that you'll no longer have to restart your server or face those annoying rtp error popups.
    • LiteBans moderation support is now supported on BungeeCord networks, meaning that players with an active Mute won't be able to participate in voice chat.
    • The java API has been expanded adding new events for client connection changes, and more importantly, allowing you to mute microphones during runtime (to broadcast announcements, or to only allow certain players to talk based on permissions, while allowing everyone else to listen)
    • The web client now supports noise suppression and voice activation, which they can manually configure in the web client
    • The web client and networking system behind the scenes have been optimized to hell and back, making the client cope and perform better while there are larger player groups using voice chat near each other.
  • Speakers
    • Added a new speakers GUI (/oa speaker menu) which whill show nearby speakers, and lets you teleport to them (for when you can't find them) or delete them directly from one menu
  • Web Client
    • The web client now has a full loading screen covering the page while your personal server settings are being loaded. This means that the end-user will be presented to the web client in your custom style (messages, photos, colours) when it's loaded instead of having parts blink in while the browser is trying to keep up.
    • The web client now uses more of your custom assets to style your WebClient (using your photo, settings and colours to generate a background cover and changing more smaller text highlights)
    • Your server name now gets shown in the browser tab
    • The onboarding/tutorial for voice chat has been streamlined, making it easier to understand for newcomers and faster to use for those who already know how it works.
    • Various performance improvements for chrome-based browsers.
  • Accounts
    • You can now link your Craftmend Account within our Discord server, allowing you to claim voice chat activations for free whenever they drop in the #bot-commands channel
    • Added a free activation setup and installation guide [​IMG]
    • You'll now receive automated DM messages notifying you of important changes to your server (whenever an addon expires, etc) or when someone accesses your account.
    • You can now link your personal Patreon account, which will automatically give you your perks and rewards (like additional voice chat slots) when you support me on Patreon.
  • Smaller changes
    • the region delete command is no longer case sensitive
    • the old deprecated API's have finally been dropped
    • open audio java API events now throw exceptions when you to to register them on unsupported platforms
    • the plugin build process now uses unit tests for some internal systems
    • Setup patreon
----------, Jun 28, 2021

It's finally here!

Please check the documentation for details about the new features and how to enable them (

I'm proud to open the voice chat beta to a lot more users, but this does come at some additional costs which is why the feature won't be free forever. Please consider donating if you want to support the project and its future development.
  • Added support for Java 16 / Minecraft 1.17
  • Improved stability on servers with challenging network conditions
  • Added the /oa speaker gc command to manually trigger speaker garbage collection
  • Fixed multiple issues related to timing and synchronization
  • Fixed resource caching for the client request to static mp3 files
  • Craftmend accounts can now be linked to the OpenAudioMc discord
  • Improved speed and efficiency for Bungeecord servers running speakers and/or voice chat
  • Proximity voice chat entered public beta. It's now accessible to partners and users in the Discord community who claim a token.
  • The automatic update checker now gives proper update and announcement warnings to server administrators
  • The Java API now supports cross-platform events and moderation utilities for voice chat
  • Fixed a bug where speakers would waste resources on larger servers
  • Fixed a bug where the microphone couldn't be muted from in-game
  • Fixed a bug that prevented voice chat from enabling on bungeecord networks
  • Added Firefox support to voice chat
  • Updated branding/documentation/client theme
  • Added a debug mode to the web client. This can be opened by compiling the client through ./ dev or by manually calling enableOpenAudioDebugMode() from the browser console
  • The openaudio state manager now supports additional contexts and debugging data
  • Client interactions through the Java API are now thread-safe
  • Deprecated the old Java API and partially removed functionality
  • Improved account signaling through emails to the administrator and discord DM's through the bot
  • The bungeecord help menu can now be used through the console
  • Added auth attempts to the web client, meaning that you can instantly open the link after joining
  • The voicechat gui now shows who is talking
  • Implemented voicechat for the velocity proxy
  • The plugin now longer gives an error when you try to migrate to another craftmend account, it now simply asks you to confirm before making any destructive actions.
  • Fixed rare volume issues in chrome
  • The plugin now specifies a production/development environment and its own maven build number when requesting session tokens
----------, Jun 2, 2021

This is a minor incremental update that fixes a few problems.
  • Time synchronization is more accurate between servers and clients, this fixes some issues where it was impossible to correctly time music.
  • Account linking now supports recovery
  • Broken RTC connections now get 5 re-attempts before the failure mode is enabled
  • Speakers in worlds loaded by the plugin Multiverse now get detected correctly
----------, Apr 11, 2021

Howdy howdy, it's me again, dropping by with a super big update, please read the full changelog and closing notes before updating since there are some things you need to pay attention to when updating and some news about the current state of voicechat and its rollout.

Let's get started with the full changelog first:
  1. Worldguard `__global__` is now usable as a region
  2. Added a SoundCloud now playing widget (required by the SoundCloud TOS)
  3. Speaker Garbage Collection now automatically uses chunk scaling if there aren't too many
  4. The Speaker Set and Remove commands have been fixed for Minecraft versions above 1.12.2
  5. The Speaker ghost bug has been fixed for Minecraft versions above 1.12.2
  6. Added Playlists, JSON arrays of media links will now be loaded as a playlist and be played sequentially in Regions, Speakers and Ambiance Sounds. You can enable it manually by setting the `loop` flag in your play command.
  7. Re-added Philips hue support in the new client (with a new sleek UI as a free bonus)
  8. Time Synchronization has been improved when jumping over timezones
  9. the Java API had a small overhaul, adding new data methods, Hue API methods and voice chat hooks
  10. Node Servers (spigot based servers running under a bungee proxy) no longer request unused authentication headers, fixing issues with rate limiting on some bungee cord networks and setups
  11. Removed OpenAudioMc+
  12. Implemented [CraftmendAccounts]( to manage settings and addons like voice chat (replaces OpenAudioMc-Plus)
  13. More client messages (welcome message, button texts, global titles and more) are now accessible through your client settings on your craftmend account.
  14. Improved REST API, adding endpoints for server listings and advanced player details
  15. Added account-addon support, meaning that addons on your craftmend account will now synchronize with your servers automatically.
  16. Added Persistent Fingerprints, which can be used to automate the linking of fresh openaudiomc installations to your craftmend account and apply template settings (useful for scaling servers, like ImagineFun)
  17. Youtube URL support is more forgiving (automatically filtering broken tags and URL variables)
  18. Improved dark mode for the web client (text is more readable and accent details are more pronounced when using an all-black colour profile in your client settings)
  19. Added proximity voice chat which is super easy to use and doesn't require any client modifications (not enabled for all servers yet, please continue to read the update notes or documentation)
  20. Look-and-feel changes to the web client and login page (shifting default colours and layout to look better on smaller devices)
  21. Improved resource autoloading (its a little less trigger happy)
  22. Improved networking speed and responsiveness (more efficient internal network routing)
  23. Fixed some minor issues on bungee cord networks, which caused sessions to lock up or fail authentication with correct tokens
Proximity Voice Chat
For those who don't know, proximity voice chat is a feature that has been in the works for a really long time now. It's the simplest voice chat solution for Minecraft, requiring nothing more than the web client. Players can walk up to one another and hear each other through spatial audio.
This update contains all the required code and modules for proximity voice chat to work, but it isn't available by default. I'm slowly rolling it out (dropping invite keys in the discord every now and then) to gain insight and data on server load. It's currently unclear if it's feasible to offer this feature for free, but I'm posting frequent updates on progress in the discord. Invited users can activate the feature on their account with a button and it'll just work from there on out. Public rollout won't require another update (when it becomes available), and we'll announce that in the discord too. I hope that you understand the reasoning behind this, a voice platform like this isn't built overnight.

Craftmend accounts are here to replace the old backend infrastructure and OpenAudioMc+. Please check the documentation for more details, and please BACKUP your data.yml before migrating, in case that you do need to recover old settings or data.

Bug fixes
This update includes a hand of major bug fixes (mostly related to speakers). Please let me know if you need any assistance.

The Media documentation has been updated to accommodate and explain how to use playlists

Closing notes
This update is by far the biggest update to ever hit openaudiomc (counting by development hours) and might come as a disappointment, since I don't feel comfortable releasing voice chat to the masses yet because of uncertainties to do with pricing and hosting. OpenAudioMc is a hobby project at its core, so I need to be careful when considering extra investments like this.

Please join our Discord ( to stay up to date with the latest news, development and test invites, or consider donating ( to support the project and its future.
----------, Feb 14, 2021

Hey there everyone!
It's been a while due to personal reasons, but let's kick 2021 off with some good news (for once). The full changelog is at the end of this post, it's quite long, you have been warned.

As always, if you want to support the project and its development, please consider donating since it really does help a lot :)

The colours can be changed in OA+, as you would expect


Enjoy :)

  • Added a `chat` and `actionbar` show trigger type to display messages (more info on
  • All-new the client web-UI
  • Added plugin support for obstruction support for 3D speakers (client support coming on a later date)
  • Added velocity support (by
  • You can now disable synchronization for specific speakers by disabling their sync option in the speaker configuration GUI
  • Speakers no longer have gamemode creative as a placement requirement, making them usable on survival servers (if players have the permissions)
  • The predictive audio pre-loading system now favours recent additions to sound over popularity
  • Fixed a bug with speaker garbage collection
  • Speaker garbage collection only purges the cache by default, but you can set it to forcefully delete speakers from storage by setting `gc-strategy` to `DELETE`
  • Protocol improvements lowering the packet rttt
  • Player sessions now get reset when the socket state changes, which fixes a bug that would make some URLs not work for minutes at a time
  • Plugin initialization is a lot faster because of the updated authentication flow, this also fixes a bug where blocked accounts got into illegal states
  • 3D speakers have improved gain ratios, improving sound quality
  • Added plugin support for obstruction support for 3D speakers (client support coming on a later date)
  • The `click-to-connect` message now supports the `{url}` and `{token}` placeholders, allowing you to display the login token and URL in the chat for Minecraft-bedrock clients.
  • The web client now has a separate login screen instead of defaulting to the "invalid session" page, making it more user-friendly for bedrock clients who need to log in manually
  • Audio tokens that are freshly created now cache for a little while, making URL creation after joining a lot faster
  • Broken speakers no longer drop the skull in survival mode
  • The speaker garbage collection now runs in paired groups instead of checking every speaker at once, reducing CPU load and loosening the world-load requirement for servers with a lot of speakers (1000+)
  • Reduced overall console spam/logging (but you can enable debug mode in the `data.yml`, and it'll log everything after a restart)
  • Removed the deprecated Cards API because of its many issues and lack in popularity
  • Fixed playback issues with the traincarts integration
  • Fixed visual bugs related to the `/volume` command
  • Improved the network capacity by adding servers (on our end)
  • Fixed dependency clashing with other plugins
  • The client now synchronizes the volume with the server, which adds the `Client#getVolume()` method to the api which can be used in all sorts of cool ways
  • The media documentation now contains a guide to help you choose a media source for your specific use case
----------, Jan 8, 2021

Hey all!

Small update fixing some small issues with predictive audio and Redis, don't feel forced to update if you weren't affected.
----------, Oct 17, 2020

Hey all!
Really exciting update today :)

The goal of OpenAudioMc has always been to add smooth and seamless audio to your server. But with the internet being like it is, timing has always been a problem since files had to load before playing.
Well, not anymore!
This update adds a complex system that makes OpenAudioMc "learn" what sounds are likely to be played for a client, and preload it in the background as the player moves around the world.
Meaning that the client will have the sound ready before it even started. This works for manual sounds, but also learns from regions, trains, events and is smart enough to ignore one-off sound effects.
There's no additional setup required to get it up and running, but it might take an hour or so for openaudio to learn and discover patterns in usage to then make an efficient strategy.

(for the techies, don't worry, it also unloads the files if the player moves away or does something else)

Complete change log:
  • Implemented prefetch algorithm
  • Fixed small region bugs
  • Regions and speakers now instantly update upon opening the client
  • The show GUI now sorts based on timecodes
  • Ambience sound is more reliable
  • Overall speed and performance improvements
enjoy! :)

As always, feel free to join our discord if you have any questions, read the help site if you have any questions or donate if you really love the project as much as I love making it.
----------, Sep 22, 2020

Really small update, but this should fix issues for some of you who were complaining about drop-outs on local Minecraft servers or servers with bad ping to our backend infrastructure.
----------, Sep 8, 2020

Hey all!
Got a small update for ya including some backend improvements but also including a neat new feature for y'all to make the update worth your time
  • The web client will now default to your server logo instead of openaudio's logo, but it'll default to the player skin whenever it fails to fetch (the logo updates every 24 hours)
  • Implemented base for anonymous identities based on server hash which will be important in some upcoming backend patches (so you won't have to update when those come along)
  • Fixed a few minor issues with speakers and regions
  • Improved browser compatibility with newer chrome versions

Not too many exciting improvements for most of you, but updating is still highly recommended.
----------, Aug 27, 2020

Hey all!
A quick little update to patch some bugs which affected some of you.
  • Added health checks, the plugin now periodically checks if all services are healthy and authenticated as they should and will auto correct when this doesn't seem to be the case.
  • the /oa reload command now does a full system restart (including networking services) and not just the config.
  • A few bugs have been patched which caused issues with GoogleDrive in regions and speakers.
  • Improved API and internal structure.
----------, Aug 21, 2020

Hey all!
A quick little update which is likely unnecessary for most of you.
Some of you were reporting issues related to timeouts (the plugin not connecting correctly), which turned out to be related to the way how some hosting services handled the certificate Keystore.

This update contains a small mechanism that should circumvent this problem by connecting in a fallback mode after a failed attempt.

----------, Aug 12, 2020

Howdy folks!

Small update on the surface but it has some important changes.
  • Fixed a bug with the reconnect timer.
  • Fixed the reminder messages.
  • Implemented the new backend handler for our new hosting solution, which will be used pretty soon. Updating now means that this migration will go automatic and you won't have to worry about deadlines.
  • Just like the plugin, the client has also been updated (important for if you host your own one since you'll need to update that manually)
----------, Aug 11, 2020

Hey all!
Back again with another reasonably sized update.
Hope you like it as always :)
  • {+} You can now specify the fade time for a region through the region GUI (stand in a region, and execute /oa region gui)
  • {+} Ambiance sound made a return! You can now add a media link in OpenAudioMc-Plus, and that sound will play when nothing else is going to prevent dead silent moments.
  • {+} Youtube and Soundcloud work a bit faster due to optimizations on the backend
  • {+} Speakers now start at the correct volume from the getgo
  • {+} We now have a fully-featured API, where you can do everything from basic audio management to overriding default abstract behavior
  • {~} Fixed a bug where some hosting services timed out while connecting to our backend
As always, donations are more than welcome to keep the project running :)
----------, Aug 5, 2020

Hey all!
Early update after 6.3.3 with some improvements.
  • A bug has been fixed which caused some user assets to not load
  • Messages have been added for a notice that your session is being created as early response and a proper error message if something went wrong towards the user.
  • The client now uses our new branding style (see the spigot page for a look) and now uses a new URL scheme (a client update is required if you host one yourself!
  • Download links weren't working for everyone, now they do
  • Reduced log spam while checking migrations
  • The web client now fully adapts to the users' theme color and calculates shades based off it
  • Improved network stability
  • Add beta hooks for the show editor
----------, Jul 24, 2020

Hey all!
Back again with a minor yet important update. Let's go over the changes.
  • Added first party YouTube support! Still has some quirks which you can read about here You can still use the third party addon, it'll override OpenAudioMc's built-in decoder. For those who already had youtube from the beta, you'll now also get propper youtube error messages in-game.
  • Added a /oa show list command that simply lists the shows in your server.
  • Fixed google drive
  • Fixed some minor bugs and prepared some internal systems for a big upcoming update :)
Note! You'll need to update your web client if you host your own, you've got 5 days to do so.
----------, Jul 19, 2020

Hey folks!
Back with a minor update, but contains some important stuff nonetheless.
  • Added beta YouTube support
  • Added a notice about our rules and privacy statement which you have to accept once before the plugin will be activated on your server.
  • GoogleDrive resources now get proxied by Cloudflare and contain some extra magic to now support files larger than 200MB (which wasn't previously possible) and has a major speed bump
  • SoundCloud sources now also get cached and proxied, which results in a minor performance improvement
  • A bug was fixed which blocked Hue from working via bungeecord
  • HTTP sources now get proxied to HTTPS when the client itself is secure too, this to stay compliant with Chrome's new policies
  • Some preventative measures to quickly migrate servers in case of a major outage
Might not be anything fancy, but upgrading is still recommended :)
----------, Jul 6, 2020

Hey folks!
It's been a good while since I last posted a big update, but you can reset that counter to 0 days now.

There's a lot to go over, so let's start with a changelog and then go over some notes.

(get yourself a beverage of choice, there's a lot to unpack)
  • Rewrote documentation: Now contains more details, more articles, more examples and less of a pain in the butt to use. You can also contribute to articles since they are served from Github. Visit it at
  • Errors and tips: Staff now receives warnings in chat when a sound failed to play for them. It contains what went wrong and where so you can easily debug problems to see why your sound isn't working (which is much more useful then the useless "Media created" message you used to get as feedback) (this can be disabled in the config)
  • Region mixing: Regions can now be mixed. They used to be stuck at 100% volume, but executing /oa region edit presents you with a GUI where you can select one of the regions on your current location and change their volume, so they'll never overpower other sounds or drown them out.
  • Audio options: Media commands already supported Options, but these are now easier to use. They'll give more meaningful feedback if you configured them incorrectly (telling you what else you need to enter) but are also more forgiving towards common mistakes. Documentation and example can be read here:
  • Audio mixing: We aren't done yet with the cool new media options. You can now also add a volume tag to any of your played sounds to change it's volume (on a scale from 1 to 100%, default is 100%) to properly mix your audio.
  • Speakers: Speakers were pretty cool already, but they just got a whole lot cooler. Right-clicking on any speaker (new or existing) open the Speaker GUI that you are used to, but it now has an extra button to toggle its mode between 2D and 3D. 2D is the usual way that you are used to, but toggling it to 3D will make the speaker run in surround sound and not only change its volume, but also it's stereo panning based on your relative location. This also means you can now hear multiple speakers of the same source (so when used in surround, you can hear all nearby speakers instead of just the closest one). More information can be read here:
  • Philips Hue: Hue got some minor improvements (lights will now update faster)
  • Speaker and Region performance: got a big boost, old unused speakers will automatically get de-activated and everything now runs multithreaded. (has the side effect that speakers which got removed with worldedit may take up to 30 seconds before also being removed from OpenAudioMc). So in short, more speakers (a few thousand), less lag (which is more better)
  • Messaging: the response messages you get with the openaudiomc admin commands are 100% less trashy, with propper color formatting and feedback. (prefixes but also telling you how many players got effected by play/stop commands etc)
  • Bug fixes: Older versions were prone to have audio corruptions with slower internet connections (sounds refusing to go away because they love you oh-so-much), but they'll now get yeeted when they have to. (aka, a better experience)
  • CORS: Sources with invalid CORS headers will now be handled by a content proxy, enforcing propper SSL and other restriction settings. (lower response times for 3D speakers, and less fuss)
  • Permissions: permissions got boosted and are now properly documented here (both for bungeecord and spigot)
  • MEDIA-API-Callbacks: This feature is only useful for developers (as of now), but you can now get callbacks whenever a sound ended for a client. Super useful for when using your own show orchestration
  • TrainCarts fixes: resolved issues with the traincarts hook (read more here
  • Stability: Here's the usual notice saying in a vague way that the stability of the platform got improved. There's a lot to say about it, how I spend days optimizing connections and the network balancing but since that's propper nerd shit ill just keep it short and say its faster and more stable because that's all you really care about.
  • Storage: users with less stable servers had complaints about their changes not being saved (speaker settings, speakers themselves, or regions) but OpenAudioMc will now save all of its current settings whenever your world saves.
  • Multi world support: some of you who were having problems with multi-world plugins now have to cry less in corners since openaudiomc now waits with loading speakers/regions until their respective world got loaded.
  • Privacy and rules: wrote up this document, just to be clear

As you have read, a lot of work went into this update.
I want to thank 56738#9296 (he's in the OA discord) a ton for helping out with some of the math behind speakers and bringing a lot of useful feedback that got implemented in this update.

Also want to thank Package - VACANT FUTURE#5291 for his help testing a beta build and the support in the discord.
A lot of work went into this update, spending all the free time I had for weeks on end and it got to me at some points, but he was always in the discord keeping the spirit up and being awesome.

Show them some love in the discord when you have the time!

As for myself, I really poured my heart and soul into this update and hope that you guys will love it as much as I do. Many days and nights have been spent into this enormous update and polishing everything to make it the best it can be. Now that that's all out of the way, I can finally take my full night of sleep again. Take a virtual hug, since I'm thankful to have all of you during these times of isolation. You deserve some love too.

As always, donations are welcome, but please don't feel forced to.

Have a wonderful day, and I genuinely hope this news and update made it that little bit better.

I'll see you all in the next one.
~ Mats, Mindgamesnl
----------, May 30, 2020

Hey folks!
Small update time, once again
  • Patched some networking because some hosts were having problems with their HTTP proxy
  • Patched migrations for those who were having issues
  • Minor performance improvements and extra API features
  • Preparing some background work for a next upcoming update
  • We also released a document explaining privacy and transparent rules, nothing really changed with how we operate, just good to have
----------, May 21, 2020

This one is really useful for most of you, so here you go! :)
It's best explained in the help article at

You are very welcome

----------, Apr 28, 2020

Hey folks!
Small update

Some of you have complained about having issues with the saving and migrating of config files, that has now been fixed.

Other small changes include
  • You now get a cute hover message over the click-to-connect link, you can, of course, change it in your config
  • Performance improvements for bungee cord
  • Migrations now don't mess up things like they did
  • Tokens now get properly cleared upon shutting down and don't complain about the class loader
  • Yet more performance improvements for spigot and oa+
And if you haven't noticed, you can now choose your theme color in OpenAudioMc+ :)
----------, Apr 28, 2020

6.2 Public release
(it's pretty cool)
Howdy folks!
There we are, finally back with a big new release.
Before we unpack this new fancy update, there's something important I have to say about the direction of the project.

Up until this point, OpenAudioMc has been delivered as a "Product", meaning that you (as the end-user) downloaded the plugin, configured it just like any piece of Minecraft kit and off to the races you go.
As all of you know, OpenAudioMc has been growing a lot recently and it was very difficult for me (as an alone and independent developer) to keep up with the updates, issues, and work that had to be done behind the scenes (aka, the open audio magic). it's because of this that starting 6.2, OpenAudioMc will be seen more as a service that grows instead of something that'll eventually hit its final version. I'll get back to what this means, and I promise you it's exciting and awesome.

  • NEW! (ish): OpenAudioMc+ made a return! For those who don't know, OpenAudioMc+ is a web administration panel that you can use to manage the web-client. Your client settings (domain, messages, background, title, etc, etc) have been moved there for you (you are very welcome), aside from just settings being moved, Plus also offers you several REST-API endpoints and keys which you can use to integrate OpenAudioMc into your own website or use our authentication service to request data we have about your players (I'll get back to this shortly) Read more at Keep an eye out, a lot of new features will be added to + very soon!
  • New client: As many of you have seen, the old client recently changed its visual appearance to fit the new OpenAudioMc style, but it's gone a step further and massively improved major parts of the clients (your settings like messages and background now load instantly, messages now support Minecraft color codes and more)
  • Speakers & Regions: After popular request, the performance of Speakers and Regions got a massive bump, now being over 4 times as fast and smooth with responding to your in-game movements. They now also update immediately on teleport to make warping and other events even smoother.
  • Beefed up backend: With the introduction, we also moved over to Plus to handle major backend tasks, massively increasing our server-side performance and capacity.
  • Plugin improvements: The Java plugin got some major improvements in it's existing config file and overall reliability (the days of faulty requests, packet loss, getting stuck in illegal states and weird desync issues are over)
  • Bungee cord improvements: Servers running under the bungee cord now are a lot more responsive and give propper feedback messages to the server admin when they misconfigured something.
  • Fixed Philips hue: Cheers!
As a service?
As mentioned, OpenAudioMc will now be handled and maintained more like a service than a normal piece of software. Like always, you can still host and maintain your own (forked) web client but we discourage that now more than ever. OpenAudioMc+'s functionality is pretty barebones as it currently is but will be updated in real-time. Meaning that new features in the panel and web-client will appear without you having to do anything, as well as the roll-out of new fixes and improvements making it less work for you. If you still wish to host your own client and accept the responsibilities that come with it you can still do so, shoot me a message so I can add you to a Discord channel with status updates as for when to update your client. Keep an eye out on our Discord and my personal Twitter to stay up to date with the development of the platform, feedback is always appreciated and I'd love to hear what other features you like to see coming in the future since this opens up a lot more possibilities.

What about privacy?
Some features on the OpenAudioMc+ platform require to have a list of player states available, this is data we receive when the player joins the server and immediately delete when the player leaves the server or the server reboots. We store the following data while the player is online
  • Minecraft Name
  • Minecraft UUID
  • If the player has the web-client open
  • What the OpenAudioMc session for that player is
This data will NEVER be shared with external parties or even with other contributors to the OpenAudioMc team. If you wish to opt-out and thereby distance yourself from the features and upcoming updates of OpenAudioMc+ you can do so via the settings page. I don't see why this would be a problem for still want to give you guys the option to opt-out if you feel uncomfortable with the thought of it. I assure you and promise that this data is necessary and will never be saved for longer than (at most) 20 seconds after the player's session ended.

Other notes:
  • The default client host has been changed from app. to since that hosts the new client that isn't backward compatible.
  • You have 4 weeks to update before the old authentication routes will be discontinued
  • Your feedback is always welcome in our Discord, all I ask is for you to be respectful
  • If you love the project, please consider donating or leaving a review on Spigot.
  • I'm ever so thankful for all of your support recently on the project, I never had this much fun while working on OpenAudioMc and I adore every single one of you
----------, Apr 19, 2020

Hey all!
It hasn't been too long since the last update but we've grown like crazy.
In just the last month alone, we hit over 1000 additional downloads and had some big servers join the network (like Imagine Fun and a few festivals).

With this enormous load, we had to upscale our server infrastructure which is now ludicrously expensive and big for a small hobby project but it's required to keep the service running for free. If you love the project please consider donating at or leaving a positive review (here on the spigot page)

This update fixes a few issues that were caused by the upscaling of our backend, fixing issues with media that refused to play, packet loss or the plugin being unable to connect to the backend at all (known in the community as the Assigning stuck bug) and a few minor bugs and hints towards new users who don't understand bungeecord. (some users also reported issues with manually started sounds, those are also fixed)

I also polished some things up making speakers smoother, connecting faster (loading settings and playing the start sound) and updating regions & speakers instantly when teleporting.

I'm currently working on another large update (6.2) with some big feature requests and enhancements and keeping the project running.

If you wish to keep up-to-date with development and planned maintenance, join the Discord or follow me on twitter since I often share progress updates and announcements there.

Thank you for choosing OpenAudioMc!
Happy listening.
----------, Apr 15, 2020

Implemented network compression and fixed timeouts
----------, Mar 29, 2020

Contains some fixes related to connection issues. We have been overloaded for the last few days and upgraded our servers accordingly. Please update if you were having issues (both for bungee and spigot)

As always, donations to keep the project running are greatly appreciated:

And I launched a small one-off project, you can check it out here:
----------, Mar 29, 2020

Another pretty important update, here's the list
  • Newly created configuration files now have tons of documentation
  • The speaker GUI used to not properly save radius changes, now it does.
  • Added support for redis! Mainly a purpose build thing for with their new parties. Redis can be used to synchronize openaudiomc shows across multiple servers and run on multiple bungee's at the same time utilizing RedisBungee
----------, Mar 27, 2020

Hey folks!
It's been a while.
Over the last few months, some things broke due to google's security policy so here are some updates and fixes for connections, along with oa internal fixes.

  • Fixed speakers and region issues for 1.15 and now 1.16
  • Fixed speaker issues for 1.8
  • Shows now support mutliworld (for commands like setblock etc), please do note that if you were having issues with this, you must delete and remake the cue in the world you want the block to be placed.
  • Implemented a world loading system for speakers in other worlds that get loaded at a later point (multiverse, multiworld support etc)
  • the show command now is correctly listed and functional in bungeecord setups
  • Authentication now follows a cors-free path meaning that the client is reliable again in the most recent chrome builds and up to code
  • Fixed relay timeouts (issues where the bungee would rarely get suck and could not connect to our backend again)
  • Revamped the web client UI to be cleaner
  • Performance improvements
  • Minor (potential) bugfixes
  • Webclient authentication flow got changed, PLEASE UPDATE THE WEBCLIENT IF YOU HOST IT YOURSELF!
  • For developers: the show API got refactored due to the implementation of multiworld, please check your code. You may need to add world context to some methods.

Have a wonderful day, please check out our discord and most of all, stay safe!
----------, Mar 25, 2020

hey all!

This is a minor update to add some improvements and a new feature to shows called "loop" which will allow you to loop a show. This new feature is available via the command and the GUI.

For more info, please refer to the previous update.
----------, Nov 28, 2019

(re-upload with slightly patched build)

Hey folks!
This is another big update. let's go over them in a quick list, and then go into more detail.
  • [+] Show system
  • [+] Speaker GUI
  • [+] New timing system
  • [+] Client recommendation message (in config)
  • [~] Fixed networking issues on some hosts
  • [~] Fixed speaker commands
  • [~] Fixed performance issues
  • [~] WorldGuard region priority can be disabled in config
  • [~] Fixed connection issues
After some requests, shows are finally here!
You can now create perfectly synced timecoded shows as seen in this demo:

Shows can be used to schedule commands or other actions as a "show" and be managed individually via commands or a GUI. Shows are not effected by lag since they are properly multithreaded, meaning that TPS drops won't cause your show to get out-of-sync with your music.
For more information, visit

Speakers have been a centerpiece of OpenAudioMc for a long time. But you can now finally edit them.

Right-clicking on a speaker pops op a menu where you can change the range in which you can hear the speaker without having to replace it.


There also have been a lot of fixes. Users who previously had issues with their host and network settings may finally use openaudiomc since we now include a workaround for forced HTTP proxies.

Because of the new config values, we recommend you delete your config.yml before updating the plugin.

Client Recommendation Message
A new message the player can receive when they do not have the web-client open as a hint to do so. The maximum interval and message can be configured in the config. This message pops up when a sound is started but the player didn't have their WebClient open.

There was some inactivity on the project for the last while because I was working on my new job and OpenAudioMc encountered quite a few backend updates over the last month, many of which you won't even notice but will help to bring you a smoother experience.

OpenAudioMc is brought you completely for free and funded by my own free time and servers. If you are feeling generous and want to support the project it would as always be greatly appreciated. Unfortunately there is not much I can give you extra in return outside of OpenAudioMc itself but we do have a donator discord rank.

Thank you for sticking with me!
Cya in the next update.
----------, Nov 27, 2019

Hey folks!
This is another big update. let's go over them in a quick list, and then go into more detail.
  • [+] Show system
  • [+] Speaker GUI
  • [+] New timing system
  • [~] Fixed networking issues on some hosts
  • [~] Fixed speaker commands
  • [~] Fixed performance issues
  • [~] WorldGuard region priority can be disabled in config
  • [~] Fixed connection issues
After some requests, shows are finally here!
You can now create perfectly synced timecoded shows as seen in this demo:

Shows can be used to schedule commands or other actions as a "show" and be managed individually via commands or a GUI. Shows are not effected by lag since they are properly multithreaded, meaning that TPS drops won't cause your show to get out-of-sync with your music.
For more information, visit

Speakers have been a centerpiece of OpenAudioMc for a long time. But you can now finally edit them.

Right-clicking on a speaker pops op a menu where you can change the range in which you can hear the speaker without having to replace it.


There also have been a lot of fixes. Users who previously had issues with their host and network settings may finally use openaudiomc since we now include a workaround for forced HTTP proxies.

Because of the new config values, we recommend you delete your config.yml before updating the plugin.

There was some inactivity on the project for the last while because I was working on my new job and OpenAudioMc encountered quite a few backend updates over the last month, many of which you won't even notice but will help to bring you a smoother experience.

OpenAudioMc is brought you completely for free and funded by my own free time and servers. If you are feeling generous and want to support the project it would as always be greatly appreciated. Unfortunately there is not much I can give you extra in return outside of OpenAudioMc itself but we do have a donator discord rank.

Thank you for sticking with me!
Cya in the next update.
----------, Nov 26, 2019

Fix NPE and networking bug on bungeecord, because i messed up
----------, Sep 25, 2019

Fixes, fixes everywhere.
----------, Sep 22, 2019

While refactoring, Intellij broke something with the temp regions.
Here's a small fix.
----------, Sep 19, 2019

Another small but peacefull update.
Adds a bugfix for bungeecord and a new region option, "temp".

Using a temporary region creates, well, a temporary region that expires after x amount of seconds.
Use it like this
Code (Text):

/oa region temp <WG-region> <source> <duration>
Where duration is in seconds.

Code (Text):

/oa region temp spawn 60
----------, Sep 18, 2019

Smaller update, again thanks to the active discord community with a carefully looking eye, feature requests and willpower to break things.
  • Fixed issue on older bungeecord versions
  • Added a radius option to the speaker command
You can now use
Code (Text):

/oa speaker <source> [range]
To create a speaker with custom range
----------, Sep 17, 2019

Update time.

There where a few users in the Discord with fair and good feature requests so I implemented them.

You can now use CommandBlocks, Speakers, and Regions with bungeecord!
Just install the plugin in all of your servers and that's it :)
No config required.

Existing speakers and regions will automatically be imported into your bungeecord network, the player can switch between servers while keeping the web client open and everything will work like you'd expect it to.
----------, Sep 16, 2019


Hey everyone!
It's time for another update, the biggest one until now.

As described in this blogpost it is time for OpenAudioMc to head into a new direction as it comes to its target audience and features supporting that.

Let's head over a quick changelog first and then talk about the differences in-depth.
  • [+] Added (built-in) support for DropBox media
  • [+] Added (built-in) support for Google Drive media
  • [+] Added (built-in) support for SoundCloud media
  • [+] OpenAudioMc client v6 which is faster better and nicer
  • [+] High quality and low latency voice chat (more on that later)
  • [+] Browser and in client notifications
  • [+] The Card-API (more on that later)
  • [+] Speaker set/remove commands
  • [+] Messages for URL expirations
  • [+] Bungeecord Plugin
  • [+] New backend with support for partner hosting
Voice chat
Yes! voice chat!
OpenAudioMc now supports voice chat for up to 16 people with crystal clear and low latency audio. Voice calls can be created via
Code (Text):

/oa call create <name/selector> <name/selector> <name/selector> ...
You can enter a bunch of names or a selector to invite players to the call. Every member can mute others and leave the call at their own will.
To read more about voice chat, please check out our blog article here

You can now use share links for DropBox, Google-Drive, and Soundcloud just like regular media in the commands.

You can now set/remove speakers via commands.
Try adding one with
Code (Text):

/oa speaker set <world> <x> <y> <z> <url>
or removing one with
Code (Text):

/oa speaker remove <world> <x> <y> <z>
New client
This update includes a complete client revamp!
It's fully native. If you are using a custom hosted client be sure to update it as well. For regular users, you may need to update your data.yml to point to instead of!
Here follow some screenshots.

Cards! Who doesn't love some useful information?
With the new 6.0 Cards API, developers can create cards to display real-time information on the web client like a scoreboard, team info and much more. These cards have support for hyperlinks, changeable text, form att ing and color codes.
Please see the following two screenshots for an example card and the code.

I added bungeecord to the mix after popular request.
You can now install the OpenAudioMc plugin as a bungeecord plugin to use it across your network. note that the spigot servers must not have the plugin installed. it becomes a proxy sided service

This update took months of work because it was almost a complete rewrite of the system. If you appreciate the work, please consider donating here, it helps me to keep the servers running :)

Made with love and support from those around me.
Thank you all, you're amazing.
----------, Sep 11, 2019

A rebuild of the last version with java 8, for those who had problems.
----------, Jul 15, 2019

Hey all!

Back again with yet another update!
First of all, i know i had a LOT of updates last days, thats because i have a lot of time right now, as well as motivation!

This updates brings smoother speakers to 1.12, and fixes a lot of issues for minecraft 1.14!

1.14 is now 100% supported!
----------, Jul 15, 2019

Hey all!

Lets start of by saying that if you already have openaudiomc installed, you can skip this update.
It fixes a few things for NEW users, so if you are not experiencing problems with the last release, don't bother to update.
----------, Jul 15, 2019

Hey there!

Here is a pretty important update.
A lot of users where making note of connection issues on certain servers, this has been fixed.

This plugin update comes along with a client update, which is a bit bigger.

It not only contains UI fixess and improvements, but also a new fading system that fixes some issues with regions and makes speakers a lot smoother.

have a nice day!
Mats out.
----------, Jul 14, 2019

Hey there!

This update is for minor fixes regarding clients, connections and addons since a small part of the api has been destroyed by me boing super not smart.
----------, Jul 12, 2019

Hey again!

Here is a small plugin update to go along with the web client update that I rolled out an hour ago.

This update contains some improvements related to networking and efficiency but also fixes some things with selectors where a few people where having problems.

This update also has a new command, this is the state command
Code (Text):

/oa state
it does nothing more than print information, but the information is really useful when requesting help in the discord.

Have a nice day!
----------, Jul 8, 2019

Please see the last update for more details.
This version provides compatibility for older java versions, since some of you reported problems about that.

So here you go.
----------, May 25, 2019

Hey volks, it's me again.

This time, with a regular update,
here are the changes.

  • [+] Versions below 1.13 now have support for custom selectors. Like region=
  • [+] You can now trigger the click to connect message for a player by executing /audio <selector> via either a command block or console
  • [+] 1.14.* support got finally added and will work as expected
  • [~] The way clients are loaded is now changed an 'on-demand'. This should save resources (memory) on servers with more players and some edge-cases where the plugin gets loaded without the default class-loading-scheme
  • [~] The socket connection now forces API events to be called SYNC
  • [~] The socket connection now has better handling in it's idle state.
  • [~] OkIO got updated to a newer and more stable version
  • [~] Server version detection now happens in a quicker way and includes check for 1.14
  • [~] Older versions of minecraft (pre 1.13) now load a piece of middle ware, that can add functionality of OpenAudioMc to other commands in the future, but is not fully implemented yet.
As always, a lot of love went into this update and i hope that it shows.
Happy listening!

----------, May 24, 2019

Back again, with a minor patch.
  • Fixed: selectors for 1.13
  • Fixed: region= now actually targets the region like it is supposed to
  • Fixed: connection time-outs
Not a lot, but hope it helps <3
ly all
----------, Apr 23, 2019

Howdy folks!

It's that time again.

Plugin changes:
  • Minor improvements
  • Fixed the /oa reload command
  • Fixed region loading
Web client changes:
  • Speakers volume can now be changed via the volume slider
  • The current volume now gets properly saved
  • Volume is now shown
  • Minor improvements

Updating the plugin is recommended but not necessary.
I updated the default webclient for you, but if you use your own then you should recompile and deploy from github.

Have a wonderful day!
I love you all.
----------, Apr 3, 2019

Beep beep.. It's a heart beat!

And welcome back.
It has been almost a year since the last sign of life.

You can find fore information about what happened at the bottom of this post. But first, the change log.

5.0 and what you need to know
5.0 is a complete rewrite since the last version.
I took a good while to look at what happened and what went wrong, along with a sharp eye to see what could be improved.
The rewrite brings (as the name suggests) a complete clean and new code base, that will be the foundation for the next versions, so it's build to last and be completely modular.

Audio handling/managment has been reworked from the beginning to the end, based on a custom new system. This means that we have direct control over what happens with all sounds, and results in a smoother over all experience than ever before.

There where a lot of problems regarding the timing of sounds. Or better said, timing was the problem. to resolve this, we implemented a custom time service. this means that the system time is synced to the client and server to the millisecond, this means that quick synchronised playback is not only possible, it is reliable.
You can also keep sounds around for later use, so players that join the party later can still tune into what is going on in real time, without missing a beat.

Speakers now have been completely reimagined and fixed up.
They now work from versions 1.8 to 1.13.2 and have a special new sauce to make them reliable, and a good option for your server's audio.

Regions are still as easy as they where before.
Besides the adding of 1.13.2 support, not a lot has changed besides that they became faster and reliable.

Phillips Hue
Phillips hue support is back for another round.
Not a lot has changed since the last version, besides that they now are supported in newer browsers and go on a room-by-room selection, rather than giving the server access to all lights.

The commands are now completely changed.
The play command can be used the simple way like before, but it now supports a lot of other interesting stuff.
For more information, please take a look at the help command:
Code (Text):

/openaudiomc help
or take a look at the page

Add-ons are now a mainstream thing.
With the new OpenAudioMc-Api you can create powerful extensions to the existing plugin. like OpenAudioMc-Youtube and OpenAudioMc-Soundcloud, they add youtube and soundcloud support to all the features in the OpenAudioMc plugin. This means that youtube and soundcloud are no longer included in the OpenAudioMc project itself.

Chapter two: migrating from 4.0
As of the initial release, there is NO support for 4.0 configuration files, and the more complex commands may not work like intended. You should keep a close eye while upgrading.

Chapter three: what's next
As of writing this post, not a lot will change for 4.0 users.
All tough the old api will be taken down at some point, I do not have a fixed date yet. We advice old users who do not plan to upgrade to keep an eye out on our Discord server. Since that's where I'll post news about the future.

Chapter four: what happened
As many of you noticed, i was gone for quite a while.
All tough i won't go into the more personal details, i'm back and im here to stay. I got to know a lot of new people, and lost others. I couldn't mange to keep working on side projects (like this one) so had to let you guys down, and i'm truly sorry for the year of neglect that we have behind us. i take full responsibility for what happened. Once again, sorry..

I started working on the rewrite in the last weeks of 2018, and have been spending a lot of time into trying to give everyone the plugin and update that they deserve.

Chapter five: the bits and bops
100 commits later and a new engine, feel free to take a look :)

And if you are a developer, you might wanna check out

Chapter six: A message for you
A thank you to everyone for net letting me down when i did not mange to be the one the project needed.

The project takes a lot of time and hosting on my side.. so if you could miss a bit i would really appreciate the support on the donation page.. you can find it on the main spigot project page.

This took a lot of time, and i hope it shows. And i'm sorry if it disappoints.

And if you really want to make a change, please consider donating to organisations that really make a change like
- 113, suicide hotline

- the bill gates foundation
- and many others

Good night everyone
Thank you for all the support

Take care, and good night.

~Mats, aka Mindgamesnl
----------, Feb 10, 2019

Howdy my fellow humans!

It has been 260 days since the last release, thats waaaay to long.

But here we are, with 4.0!


What is 4.0
Change log:
  • ALL commands have been changed and old commands will no longer be supported, we did this add our new (way better) system, more info can be found over here
  • REGIONS & SPEAKERS now sync and sound realistic (they continue and dont start from the beginning once you enter)
  • ADDED JSON play command atributes to do some really advanced stuff
4.0 is a complete rewrite of everything openaudiomc related!
We will get in to the features in a few moments.
Openaudiomc-plus is a thing of the past, we changed it back to a new easy to use config file

Most if not all bugs have been fixed, from stability to performance issues.
We also added and removed a lot of features.

A list of ALL commands, api documentation and protocol can be found here

Some important notes
  • Existing regions are NOT compatible
  • Existing speakers are NOT compatible
  • Existing (old) openaudiomc-plus config is NOT compatible
  • (Most) existing commands are NOT compatible
  • Existing config files are NOT compatbile
  • The old web client is NOT compatible
  • The new web client WILL automaticly update
  • The web client can STILL be downloaded from github, its just no longer in a zip file on spigot

Documentation, new commands, new api and new client
Full documentation for EVERYTHING can be found here:

If you need any help, join us and ask away :)
----------, Feb 21, 2018

Hello again!

It has been a while but i'm back, this time with one of the biggest updates YET!

Here is a short change log (i'll explain them all later)
  • Speakers! re written, faster and more stable
  • Speakers! New selection mode
  • Speakers! Per speaker volume control
  • Speakers! Toggelable speakers (individual)
  • NEW! Groups
  • NEW! Selectors
  • Regions! World guard priorety (finnaly)
  • NEW! Mini mode
  • NEW! Wiki (for help and stuff) click here
  • NEW! Audioload is the new cool mp3 hosting site! (made by calvin)

Lets go through this list from top to bottom

Speakers have been re written to be more reliable in minecraft version higher then 1.8

New speaker selection system

This new system is used to select speakers and preform actions like setting volume, please read the full article here

Speakers can now be turned on and of
Do you wan't a to mute one speaker only? that now is possible.
Please read the full article here

NEW! Groups
Groups are back!
Now better, faster and easyer to use! groups can be used in the new Selector system which you will learn about in a bit.
Please read the full article here

NEW! Selectors
It's time to talk about selectors, THE juicy new system

Selectors are a new tool to target players, current options
  • Select players with a permission
  • Select players in a group
  • Select players in a region
Selectors can be used in ALL openaudiomc commands.
Please read the full article here

NEW! Mini mode
This update also brings a new mini mode to the table, it can be toggled on or of by the client by pressing "m" on theire key board wile in the client or pressing the mini mode button, minimode can be turned on in OpenAudioMc+
Please read the full article here

NEW! Wiki
We added a wiki to our githup page with basic examples of most of the commands, click here to open the wiki

NEW! AudioLoad
Audioload is a new website where you can upload mp3 files to use in openaudiomc, you can simply login via openaudiomc+, audioload is made by Calvin and it's pretty cool, be sure to let him know what you think about audioload :)
Click here to open audioload

Other changes
  • Our soundcloud api server got buffed
  • The audioclient now asks you to link openaudiomc+ (message goes away when you change something in the settings)
  • Jan (Mexicaantjes) updated a lot of old code and moved the project over to lombok
  • The "openaudoimc is starting up" message can now be changed in messages.yml
  • Socketio got some minor updates

Goodbye Liturkey
One of our staff members retired one week ago, we want to thank him for everything he did for this project, it was a pleasure to work with him :)
The openaudiomc team wishes you the best for your future projects.

Final words
This is one of the biggest update yet, i again want to thank Mexicaantjes for his contributions to this update.

I'm curently saving up for a socketio server upgrade (one in the US and one in the EU for faster ping)
Please consider donating if you want to help <3 click here

As always, follow us on twitter for updates and sneak peaks or join our discord to ask for help or take part in our weird off-topic conversations.
----------, Jun 6, 2017


So, we've got some new features whe hope you will enjoy.

Here is a list (more info and a tutorial can be found after this list)

(reminder, you can login here:

Ambiance sound
Some parts in your server are just to quiet, after many requests ambiance sound is added.

Ambiance sound plays when no sound is playing for x amount of seconds, it will stop when any form of audio starts so no more need to put regions everywhere.

The sound file and delay can be changed via openaudiomc+.

Keyboard shortcuts
Are you a real audio ninja?
We added special keyboard shortcuts just for you!
↑ = volume up
→ = volume up
↓ = volume down
← = volume down
H = hue menu

Theme colors and icons
OpenAudioMc+ now allows you to select a custom theme color, this wil be applied on the user box and footer, there currently are 31 colors to choose from.

You can now setup an icon for your twitter, website and youtube by entering the url's in to the openaudiomc+ settings page, a new option to hide the qrl code button can be found on the very bottom of the page.



In short
The openaudiomc+ settings page got an upgrade, the following options where added:
  • +Twitter icon
  • +Youtube icon
  • +Website icon
  • +Ambiance sound
  • +Ambiance delay
  • +Ui color
  • +Qr code toggle

As allways, i hope you guys like it <3

Cya laters :}
----------, May 18, 2017

Save New Duplicate & Edit Just Text Twitter

BIEM! Yet another update!

This update fixes the region problems that where in openaudio since the start.

I apologize that this is not the big update some of you hoped for but this dirty work needed to be done.

These fixes include
  • Overlapping regions are no longer a problem
  • Crossfading is now actualy working
  • WgRegionEvents is no longer required

But that is not all!
Other fixes
  • Join message It now works and does not spamm your chat.
  • Speakers Doubled responsiveness (10 ticks)
  • Socketio had some problems when players tried to join, this is now fixed.
  • Custom web client the web client did not start correctly
  • (again) Fixed a problem where it did not connect some times
  • Volume volume would sometimes do weird stuff on first load in a while
  • Ui the background color now fades over instead of just boem
  • Ui the user box is now a bit smaller

Thanks to:
  • Mexicaantjes: Fixes and improvements via github
  • games647: Cleaning up socketio code and maven via github
----------, May 16, 2017

So! i'm back from vacation and school started, so does the oa development sycle.

I'm sorry, this update does not add 9000 extra features (that update is comming realy soon and it's gonna be cool)

  • fixed the connection not starting
  • Broadcasts players with OP now get notified when an update is avalible or server maintenece is planned
  • Permissions all commands now have theire own permission, list is avalible here: source code/src/plugin.yml
  • fixed the connection starting multiple times
  • Oa debug more info
  • Speakers fixed some general problems
  • Speakers they do work in 1.11! just not all spigot builds (not much we can do about it)
  • Groundwork some little things for the next update (not usable yet)
  • Plugin improvements api was cleaned and so was the plugin.yml. both by Mexicaantjes
  • Speakers speakers are now more responsive
  • Speakers fixed a bug where speakers went total crap over lord and where crashing the server
Adressing questions:

Q: Bwaaaa how do speakers work!!!!
A: Read the help menu, please note that it works best with mp3 links and mc 1.8

A: /oa play @a <url> sound1 sync

Q: Why was open audio down one week ago?
A: Some reaaaaly big server problem bit it's all fixed now <3

Q: Will speakers support id's in the future
A: Yes.

Q: is this the krusty krab?
A: No this is patric

Q: Will speakers be fully updated later?
A: Yes.

Cool new addon: OpenAudio-TC
Cool new video: here

I hope you all had a lovely weekend :)

Welp, see you soon with the Theme-Builder update ;)

stay cool!

----------, May 10, 2017

Stop, speaker time!

This is an exiting new update, speakers!
Like this:

Please read the help menu for instructions on how to use them

Code (Text):

/openaudio help speaker
how to use speakers:
  1. get a speaker: /oa speaker add
  2. Place the speaker
  3. Have fun
(More commands can be found in the help menu)

New commands:
  • /oa speaker *
  • /oa debug

Users have reported problems with speakers in mc 1.11 and we are looking in to a solution

Why another release of speakers you may ask? we found that speakers coused a lot of problems and this update fixes them :3

Stay awesome! ~Matt

(btw, im on vacation rn so excuse me for late response)
----------, Apr 29, 2017

so i dun goofed.

i accidentally broke the regions in the last update and wanna say sorry to all users who depend on this funciton.

(also sneaked some other fixes in)

It is fixed and you have my apologies.

Feel free to skip this update if you don't use regions
----------, Apr 19, 2017

exiting update for y'all!

Sync if finaly here!

What is sync, why and how to use it?
One of the big problems with openaudio was that the user does not hear sound after he/she closes the client (and opens it again), leaves the server of is to late with opening the web client.

This update solves that problem for good!
Thanks to some magic (math and timers) sync can do these cool things:
  • Ensure you that your players have the sound synced and nice
  • Ensure that users hear the sound even if they join after the sound started
  • Ensure that the sound continues after the client reloads or closes the web client
And most importand of all, it is easy to use!

just add sync after the sound id and you are all good to go.

example command:
Code (Text):

/oa play Mindgamesnl sound1 sync
Example video:

We recomend user synd for things like shows, disco's or other music

Other changes
  • [fix] the hue icon does no longer show up after disabling it in OpenAudio+
  • [fix] you can now leave the start sound empty in messages.yml when you don't want it (it crashed the server before)
  • [back-end] added a proper user manager

That was it!

stay awesome and happy easter!

----------, Apr 16, 2017

Openaudiomc+? whots that? BURN IT! GET THE FLAMETHROWER WAAH!

Shh listen up grass-hopper, it's actualy pretty cool ;)

All jokes aside, openaudiomc+ is the new way of configuring your web client

OpenAudioMc+ brings you the option to add JavaScript Addons (with the improved api but we will come back to that later)
Add css options and do other sorts of cool things

Dash board
Let's first look at the cashboard (picture above)
This is the page where you will find a quick overview of your client with number of mods installed and even a list of connected players

Css addons
Don't like the default look of openaudio? go ahead and create your own css files/get some from the github page, any direct url to the file will work

JavaScript addons
So you wan't to add extra features huh? well go ahead, import anything you like :D

Just like the css mods this requires a direct url to a file (github raw will do the job)

We also added a feature for developers to add custom tray icons!
example code can be found at the bottom of this article

Experimental features
This page is currently empty but future beta tests will be listed here

Time to get in to the juicy stuff!
This is the page where most of the magic happens, change the background image or logo icon, change the title of the audio client use one of the included language presets (language for the web client) and enable or disable hue

Chat messages will be added to this page on a later date, for now you will have to use the old messages.yml.

Do you speak multiple languages? please consider making a translation for others to use <3

Well is this free? and how do i login?
Yes this is free, any one can use it (no matter what hosting you use for your web client) and you don't need an account

here is how:
1: go to:
2: Click login
3: imput the code you get after typing /oa oauth in your minecraft server
4: Click Authorize

anything else new?
yes, the plugin received some bug fixes (regarding regions and connection problems)

For developers
The example code to add something to the icon tray:
Code (Text):

//fa-soundcloud refers to which font-awesome icon to use
var myicon= new trayItem("fa-soundcloud", "myicon");
function myicon() {
   alert("yey you clicked it!");

   //remove the icon
----------, Apr 8, 2017

It's that time again, time for updates!
This is one of the biggest updates yet :)

Let's go through all the changes

/oa and /oam
A shorter version of the /openaudio command

You can now skip to a sertain part in a song,
for example
Code (Text):

/oa skipto @a sound1 60
will skip sound1 to the 1 min mark

Skript api
The addon "OpenAudio-Sk-Events" got merged with this plugin, that means that the skript events will now be enabled when skript is found (no addons needed)

click here for the documentation

New events
The skript api and java api got an upgrade with some more cool events (like onSoundEnd, onHueConnect, onWhisper and more)

You can now stop ALL sounds for a player
Code (Text):

/oa stopall @a
Disconnected message
The player now gets a disconnected message in chat when the web client is closed (can be changed in config)
(this feature got suggested by a user)

Added default region volume
You can now set the default volume or the music in a region
Code (Text):

/oa region setvolume spawn 50
will start the music in the spawn region at volume 50
(this feature got suggested by a user)

You can now control region sounds
We introduced the id system in the last update ( click here to read our blog post + demo commands)
But you can now also do tings like setvolume, stop and toggle for sounds in a region, simple use the id: oa_region

Example (to pause the region music):
Code (Text):

/oa toggle @a oa_region
(this feature got suggested by a user)

Openaudio can now work across bungeecord servers with one web client and the user stays connected when he switches servers

click here to learn how to set it up
(this feature got suggested by a user)

Hue connected message
The client will now receive a chat message when he/she connects theire hue lights (can be changed in config)

No more php needed (only helpfull for users who had problem with theire own web server)
You now no longer need php if you want to host it on your own web server, it's all html and js now
(this feature got suggested by a user)

Stop music on teleport
There is now an option that detects when the player teleports (portal, warp etc) and stop the music
Can be enabled in config (is disabled by default)
(this feature got suggested by a user)

Whisper api
(only for developers) you can now send json from the client to the minecraft server (includes event for java and skript)
(this feature got suggested by a user)

Improved web layout
The web layout has also seen some improvements
(Thank you Liturkey and Legoman99573 <3)

Modding the client withoud hosting
You can now change your web client without needing your own webserver.
All of these options work with public hosting.

To add a custom CSS file:
Code (Text):

/oa modding addcss <url to css file>
To add a custom JS file:
Code (Text):

/oa modding addmod <url to js file>
to change background image:
Code (Text):

/openaudio modding bg <url to image file>
(this feature got suggested by a user)

Soundcloud now playing
We added a little now playing notice in the web client for soundcloud

More efficient
Fixed a "bug" where the server does sometimes lag when /audio is executed

Oh yeah, don't forget to follow us on Twitter, Facebook or our new Blog.
You can also join the community on Discord.

That was it, stay awesome :)
----------, Mar 24, 2017

(Re post of the update form yesterday, may have done something stupid. No need to update if you allready have the 2.1 from yesterday)

(Oh yeah, did you know we now have a twitter?)

Whats new?
Change log:
  • Added id support
  • Added forced volume
  • Toggles (play/pause)

*Announcer*: Welcome to this introduction of the ID system
Average reader: Yeah yeah get on with it

Let's start by creating two sounds with the id's sound1 and sound2
Code (Text):

/openaudio play @a sound1
/openaudio play @a sound1
We can now use setvolume to set the volume of an individual sound, lets continue by setting sound1 to 20% and sound2 to 90%
Code (Text):

/openaudio setvolume @a 20 sound1
/openaudio setvolume @a 90 sound2


We can also pause/resume an individual sound (sound2 in this case)
Code (Text):

/openaudio toggle Mindgamesnl sound2
Average reader: Whoah thats pretty neat
*Announcer*: We're not done yet :)

We can also stop a single sound
Code (Text):

/openaudio stop @a sound1
/openaudio stop @a sound2

Q: Can there be multiple sounds with the same id?
A: Yes.

Q: Does soundcloud work with id's?
A: Yes but i recomend using mp3 files for use in shows etc

Q: Can i do the best rickroll using setvolume, id's and toggle?

That was it, let me know if you have any questions.
Cya later :)
----------, Mar 11, 2017

OpenAudioMc switched to ssl for the servers, this comes with one problem tho..

A required update :(
Don't worry! this will be the last required update!

Whats new:
  • Playlist support
  • Ssl support (when enabled in the advanced config file)

How to setup an example playlist?
follow me :D

Step one, set the first two songs
/openaudio playlist set rick 1
/openaudio playlist set rick 2

Step two, Start the playlist
/openaudio playlist play rick Mindgamesnl

(more info in the help menu)

(reupload cuz hue was broken)
----------, Feb 26, 2017

So, it has been a while but we are back! and stronger than before!

This update is a complete rewrite of.. well.. everything.

Let's start with some technical updates and work our way to the new features.

Backend updates:
  • OpenAudioMc 2.0 is no longer based on jetty, so the minecraft server does no longer host the socket server. we made a socketio server (hosted by craftmend) which handels all the trafic, this means no ALL hosts are compatible, no more stupid setup and most importand, bungeecord support
  • Better and improved api WITH java doc (see the spigot page for more info)

UI updates:
  • We removed a couple of features which where useless (like chromecast support) do you miss a feature we removed? let us know! we kan simple just add it later :)
  • New frontend, the awesome other developers (Liturkey and Legoman99573) have been working verry hard on a new ui, it's light weight loads faster and is compatible on mobile (+ it looks super sexy)
    New config system, we have changed our config system. in stead of dumping everything in one file it now gets organized in multiple files. need help with updating your old config to this one? let us know <3
  • New logo+banners. (again, thank Liturkey for this sexy new look)
  • New fancy help menu
  • OpenAudiomc should work faster and more reliable
  • SoundCloud support is now build in
  • Minecraft 1.7 now works (yeey)

A: We changed it from the old jetty platform to this with a few reasons, these are:
  • The clients stay connected EVEN after a server restart
  • All hosting companies will work with openaudio (some of them blocked the port)
  • Instant setup
  • Its awesome

A bit serious talk
Openauiomc is free and we would love to keep it this way, but we need to host multiple servers (Socketio, webservers and more) and this is expensive :(
This is why i made a donation page, everything goes to the hosting for openaudio Donation page

Any problems or questions? let us know!

And that's the end, my friend!
Bye-bye, French fry.
Later, tater!

For real tho, thx for this awesome journey until now :)

(re upload of this update since the first try did not include the files, whoops)
----------, Feb 23, 2017


Added support for Skript events:
Can be downloaded here:
----------, Jan 29, 2017

Big update (again)

  • Core rewrite Ya know all the problems with 'i can't connect :(' well they have all been fixed! :D (complete rewrite of sessions)
  • Spy mode get notified when someone connects /openaudio users spy
  • Info check if a users is connected and get more info! /openaudio users info <mcname>
  • Updated help help pages are now better
  • Events read more below
  • Hue philips hue menu and ui have been improved
  • Loading times loading times have been lowerd (loads +-60% faster)
  • Hue specific-lights add a numper after the hue set command to set a single light
  • Web settings you can now disable hue
  • Sessions security now a dubble lock! cuz why not
  • API fixes api now works! :D

Events in the new API:
Code (Java):

public void onWebConnectEvent (WebConnectEvent e ) {
    Bukkit. broadcastMessage ( "Connected: " + e. getPlayer ( ). getName ( ) ) ;

public void onWebDisconnectEvent (WebDisconnectEvent e ) {
    Bukkit. broadcastMessage ( "Disconnected: " + e. getPlayer ( ). getName ( ) ) ;
----------, Jan 28, 2017

Hey guys, first big update in a while!

  • Philips hue control the lights in your room to make the experience of your players even more immersive.
  • Hue API
  • A lot of bug fixes (a crap ton of them)
  • Improved loading time (Just that)
  • More sound playing options use /openaudio play <player> <url> stop to stop the sounds and play it single

What is hue?
Welp, watch this vid:

How do i use it?
Code (Text):

To set it to blue: /openaudio hue set <name> rgba(0,0,255,255)
To set it to green: /openaudio hue set <name> rgba(0,255,0,255)
To set it to red: /openaudio hue set <name> rgba(255,0,0,255)
To set it to white: /openaudio hue set <name> rgba(255,255,255,255)
(and yes you can mix colors)

light effects:
blink (strobe) /openaudio hue effect blink <name>
Cycle colors (strobe) /openaudio hue effect Cycle <name>
Stop effect: /openaudio hue effect stop <name>
Any problems? let me know :)
----------, Jan 22, 2017

Dear users, there where a lot of problems with the last update.
this update does not introduce any new features but a lot of bug fixes

and again


----------, Jan 16, 2017

New features:
  • Cross fading: Regions can now fade! fading behavior can be changed in settings (regions will crossfade when next to each other)
  • New command: /openaudio region bind <region name> <file> to add a sound to an existing region
  • New command: /openaudio region unbind <region name> <file> to remove the sound of an existing region (without deleting the wg region) more info can be found in /openaudio help 7!
  • Mobile support: You can now use openaudio on mobile (only in firefox) (Thx Legoman99573 for the css fixes)
  • QR code: You can now get a qr code via the settings (for opening on mobile)
  • Server Motd: your server Motd will now be displayed in the new layout (can be turned off in the server config.yml)
  • New UI: The ui has been changed
  • Fixed casting: Fixed streaming to smart tv's/google cast (it got broken in the last update)
  • SSL: When you opend openaudio on HTTPS (ssl) it would not start correctly, a temporary has been made that redirects you to http when ssl is detected

For developers:
----------, Jan 8, 2017

Change log:
  • New: Api for developers! yes finally :D you now can write your own plugins that use openaudio! just add the jar to your favorite IDE. the documentation is available here:
  • New command: /music gives the user a link (just like /audio).
  • New command: /sound gives the user a link (just like /audio).
  • New command: /muziek gives the user a link (just like /audio).
  • New command: /audioclient gives the user a link (just like /audio).
  • New command: /audioserver gives the user a link (just like /audio).
  • New feature: The folume will now fade when you use /volume.
  • New feature: Each user can now set their own fade duration (in the client settings).
  • New page: New login screen.
  • New page: Api documentation
  • New easter egg: Well, search for yourself ;)
----------, Jan 1, 2017

We at openaudiomc wish you a happy 2017 :)

Change log:

  • New feature: Session keys! you now can no longer open the audio client of a different minecraft user! if you do you will get an invalid session error. This is to prevent misuse or trolling, it can be turned of by setting enableSessions to false in the config file but i strongly recommend to leave it enabled because it will make the user experience a lot simpler
  • New feature: Settings now get saved. this means that when the user changed something in there client settings they don't have to re enable or disable it when they come back later
  • New feature: This update includes a function called 'Smart volume' when enabled the audioclient will remember your last volume-level and apply it as default for your next visit, SmartVolume can be turned off in the settings menu
  • New feature: You can now hide the player skull in the web client, it can be toggled in the settins menu on the web client.
  • New language: a french language preset has been added! (Thank you )
  • Not-really-a-new-feature-but-i-still-want-to-mention-it: There now is a OpenAudioMc discord server! a simpeler way to give suggestions or ask me or an other mod/openaudio user for help! (or just for fun ;) )

----------, Dec 31, 2016

finally some extra cool features :)

  • Changed the ugly audio message (from /audio & /connect) with a fancy tellraw message! (no need to update config) so you won't see a link in the chat, just click on the text message and it opens the browser
  • Added the "/openaudio region import <region name> <sound>" command, this assigns a sound to a existing region
  • Added the "/openaudio region get" command, this prints the sound file of your current region in the chat
  • You can now play multiple sound's at once :D
  • Fixed weird behaviour around joining and leaving the server
  • Fixed weird behavior with regions (mainly when two regions are next to each other)
  • Added a loading screen (for the web client)
  • Fixed broken login screen
  • Fixed weird behavior in the live stream box (user interface)
  • Fixed browser messages (was buggy in firefox)
  • Music fading now sounds better and is more responsive

And this update is backwards compatible with old config files (as always)

----------, Dec 16, 2016

So yeah, the last update was pretty broken :/
but this update should fix all of that :)

  • Fixed the bug with regions crashing when you enter and leave them quickly
  • Region fading is now more stable
  • Plugin automatically sets itself up for the official hosting when you install openaudio for the first time. don't worry! you can still host it yourself if you want and this update and this update should not effect users that already have own hosting
  • Added a "Pling" sound for when someone receives a message, sound is located in the "sounds" folder and can be changed with any sound file
  • A new background image that better fits in with the design
  • Fixed a few bugs with chromecast (client side)

Not a lot of new features in this update, that doesn't mean they're not coming! ;)
----------, Dec 10, 2016

New big update (it has been a while)

New features
  • New command: /connect another way to give a user the url
  • New feature: Chromecast streaming a new client designed for Googles chromecast, you will get the cast icon when a chromecast is detected on your network (settings like bg image will be automaticly applyd on the chromecast client)
  • New feature: Music fading music will now fade out (and that is pretty cool) and can be toggled from the settings modal (fading will only work when the browser is active, if the browser is not active the music will just stop)
  • Hosting , don't have your own webserver? no problem! you can use the openaudio web hosting (for free):
  • Bug fixes
  • UI : The message box now better fits in with the rest of the ui.
  • Add: Added a login page (this page will open when no user name is given and is located in php/inc/)
Chromecast demo video:
----------, Dec 6, 2016

Not a lot of new features :/
1.4.5 will be a big one though

So, what IS new?
  • Fixed the bug where the plugin would crash if you reload the server
  • Added a language config for the web client
  • Webclient now includes language presets (For German, Dutch and English) in the Messages folder
  • REMOVED the "/openaudio reload" command since it did not work correctly reload the plugin and it's better to just restart the server
  • Fixed the bug where the client would get stuck at "Hmm, we can't find you in the server."
  • (Backend) Code cleanup and most of the code and a completely rewritten core.

Code will be available on github as usual.

And someone make a COMPLETE plugin overview video which is AWESOME

----------, Nov 30, 2016

Update 1.4.3

new features
  • Added player groups
  • Added the "/openaudio group add <group name>" command
  • Added the "/openaudio group delete <group name>" command
  • Added the "/openaudio group join <player> <group name>" command
  • Added the "/openaudio group leave <player>" command
  • fixed crashes occurred when worldguard was not installed
  • Small ui fixes
  • Downgraded to Java 7
----------, Nov 25, 2016

This update includes

New in the plugin
  • a crap ton of bug fixes
  • Music now stops when you leave the minecraft server
  • Client detects when you join the server again

New in the web client
  • a new beautiful flat ui
  • settings page/tab
  • better browser compatibility

Problem, suggestion or a bug? hit me up ;-)

----------, Nov 24, 2016

The web config files are a thing of the past!
This update incudes a all new Setup Wizard!

the first time that the webclient is opened it will open a setup wizard and walk you through the steps of installing OpenAudioMc!

And i added a fancy error popup that will prompt the user to reconnect!

New commands:
  • "/openaudio reload" now you can finally reload the config without restarting the server
  • "/openaudio reconnect <name> <new ws host>" re connect a user to another OpenAudio server! (handy for bungeecord servers)
  • "/openaudio kick <name>" You can now kick a player from openaudio! this will redirect the player to google
  • "/openaudio install" show the information required for the Setup Wizard
  • "/openaudio debug <JSON>" You can now send a custom json string to the client! (handy for testing a custom/modified web client)

The setup wizard:
----------, Nov 15, 2016

So, it has been quite sometime since the last update.
Soooo, what is new?

  • Added streaming modus
  • Added /openaudio live start <stream source>
  • Added /openaudio live stop
  • New help menu
  • Bug fixes
  • New UI
And that's it for today! [​IMG]
----------, Nov 14, 2016

  • Deleted login.php
  • Fixed error reporting in index.php

Next update (1.4) will be a big one ;)
----------, Oct 30, 2016

  • Fixed some bugs with https servers
  • Added the /openaudio pause <name> <url/sound> command
  • Added the /openaudio resume <name> <url/sound> command
  • Added startup sounds
  • Added startup sound config
  • Edit: /openaudio send <name> <message> now supports spaces!

You can now pause and resume sounds!

Yeay =D
----------, Oct 24, 2016

Fixed major typo!
(the login system should work now)
srry :(
----------, Oct 24, 2016

  • Updated web client (see screenshot)
  • Messages now can be turned off
  • Messages now support color codes (&number)
  • Messages now have a little window that pops up when a message is received
----------, Oct 23, 2016

  • New help menu
  • Added the /openaudio setbg <name> <code/url/reset> command
  • Fixed a bug with the regions
  • Improved php code (by
You can now set the background image/color code with command blocks!

Example for photos
Code (Text):

/openaudio setbg @a
Example for css color codes
Code (Text):

/openaudio setbg @a rgba(1,0,0,0)
Reset to default bg image
Code (Text):

/openaudio setbg @a reset
----------, Oct 23, 2016

  • Added Audio buffer (web client)
  • Added the "/openaudio buffer <name> <url>" command
  • Added the "/openaudio playbuffer <name>" command
  • Added the "/openaudio playregion <region name> <url>" command
  • Fixed some minor bugs

What is the audio buffer?
With the audio buffer you can "preload" a sound for players with a slower internet connection​

What is Playregion?
With playregion you can start a sound for players who are in a certain region​
----------, Oct 22, 2016

Fixed a small bugg in the web client ;)
----------, Oct 22, 2016

  • Added /openaudio region create <region name> <file>
  • Added /openaudio region delete <region name>
  • Updated /openaudio help
  • Bugfixes for the web client
  • +15 awesome points!
----------, Oct 22, 2016

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 425,017
First Release: Oct 21, 2016
Last Update: Feb 3, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
172 ratings
Find more info at
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