OpenAudioMc -  Proximity Voice Chat  and Music without mods icon

OpenAudioMc - Proximity Voice Chat and Music without mods -----

Add custom music and voice chat to your server, without mods or downloads.

2.2 update! (pretty cool)
It's that time again, time for updates!
This is one of the biggest updates yet :)

Let's go through all the changes

/oa and /oam
A shorter version of the /openaudio command

You can now skip to a sertain part in a song,
for example
Code (Text):

/oa skipto @a sound1 60
will skip sound1 to the 1 min mark

Skript api
The addon "OpenAudio-Sk-Events" got merged with this plugin, that means that the skript events will now be enabled when skript is found (no addons needed)

click here for the documentation

New events
The skript api and java api got an upgrade with some more cool events (like onSoundEnd, onHueConnect, onWhisper and more)

You can now stop ALL sounds for a player
Code (Text):

/oa stopall @a
Disconnected message
The player now gets a disconnected message in chat when the web client is closed (can be changed in config)
(this feature got suggested by a user)

Added default region volume
You can now set the default volume or the music in a region
Code (Text):

/oa region setvolume spawn 50
will start the music in the spawn region at volume 50
(this feature got suggested by a user)

You can now control region sounds
We introduced the id system in the last update ( click here to read our blog post + demo commands)
But you can now also do tings like setvolume, stop and toggle for sounds in a region, simple use the id: oa_region

Example (to pause the region music):
Code (Text):

/oa toggle @a oa_region
(this feature got suggested by a user)

Openaudio can now work across bungeecord servers with one web client and the user stays connected when he switches servers

click here to learn how to set it up
(this feature got suggested by a user)

Hue connected message
The client will now receive a chat message when he/she connects theire hue lights (can be changed in config)

No more php needed (only helpfull for users who had problem with theire own web server)
You now no longer need php if you want to host it on your own web server, it's all html and js now
(this feature got suggested by a user)

Stop music on teleport
There is now an option that detects when the player teleports (portal, warp etc) and stop the music
Can be enabled in config (is disabled by default)
(this feature got suggested by a user)

Whisper api
(only for developers) you can now send json from the client to the minecraft server (includes event for java and skript)
(this feature got suggested by a user)

Improved web layout
The web layout has also seen some improvements
(Thank you Liturkey and Legoman99573 <3)

Modding the client withoud hosting
You can now change your web client without needing your own webserver.
All of these options work with public hosting.

To add a custom CSS file:
Code (Text):

/oa modding addcss <url to css file>
To add a custom JS file:
Code (Text):

/oa modding addmod <url to js file>
to change background image:
Code (Text):

/openaudio modding bg <url to image file>
(this feature got suggested by a user)

Soundcloud now playing
We added a little now playing notice in the web client for soundcloud

More efficient
Fixed a "bug" where the server does sometimes lag when /audio is executed

Oh yeah, don't forget to follow us on Twitter, Facebook or our new Blog.
You can also join the community on Discord.

That was it, stay awesome :)
----------, Mar 24, 2017
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 425,049
First Release: Oct 21, 2016
Last Update: Feb 3, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
172 ratings
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Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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