OpenAudioMc -  Proximity Voice Chat  and Music without mods icon

OpenAudioMc - Proximity Voice Chat and Music without mods -----

Add custom music and voice chat to your server, without mods or downloads.

OpenAudioMc+ (and bug fixes)
Openaudiomc+? whots that? BURN IT! GET THE FLAMETHROWER WAAH!

Shh listen up grass-hopper, it's actualy pretty cool ;)

All jokes aside, openaudiomc+ is the new way of configuring your web client

OpenAudioMc+ brings you the option to add JavaScript Addons (with the improved api but we will come back to that later)
Add css options and do other sorts of cool things

Dash board
Let's first look at the cashboard (picture above)
This is the page where you will find a quick overview of your client with number of mods installed and even a list of connected players

Css addons
Don't like the default look of openaudio? go ahead and create your own css files/get some from the github page, any direct url to the file will work

JavaScript addons
So you wan't to add extra features huh? well go ahead, import anything you like :D

Just like the css mods this requires a direct url to a file (github raw will do the job)

We also added a feature for developers to add custom tray icons!
example code can be found at the bottom of this article

Experimental features
This page is currently empty but future beta tests will be listed here

Time to get in to the juicy stuff!
This is the page where most of the magic happens, change the background image or logo icon, change the title of the audio client use one of the included language presets (language for the web client) and enable or disable hue

Chat messages will be added to this page on a later date, for now you will have to use the old messages.yml.

Do you speak multiple languages? please consider making a translation for others to use <3

Well is this free? and how do i login?
Yes this is free, any one can use it (no matter what hosting you use for your web client) and you don't need an account

here is how:
1: go to:
2: Click login
3: imput the code you get after typing /oa oauth in your minecraft server
4: Click Authorize

anything else new?
yes, the plugin received some bug fixes (regarding regions and connection problems)

For developers
The example code to add something to the icon tray:
Code (Text):

//fa-soundcloud refers to which font-awesome icon to use
var myicon= new trayItem("fa-soundcloud", "myicon");
function myicon() {
   alert("yey you clicked it!");

   //remove the icon
----------, Apr 8, 2017
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 425,049
First Release: Oct 21, 2016
Last Update: Feb 3, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
172 ratings
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