New feature: Session keys! you now can no longer open the audio client of a different minecraft user! if you do you will get an invalid session error. This is to prevent misuse or trolling, it can be turned of by setting enableSessions to false in the config file but i strongly recommend to leave it enabled because it will make the user experience a lot simpler
New feature: Settings now get saved. this means that when the user changed something in there client settings they don't have to re enable or disable it when they come back later
New feature: This update includes a function called 'Smart volume' when enabled the audioclient will remember your last volume-level and apply it as default for your next visit, SmartVolume can be turned off in the settings menu
New feature: You can now hide the player skull in the web client, it can be toggled in the settins menu on the web client.
Not-really-a-new-feature-but-i-still-want-to-mention-it: There now is a OpenAudioMc discord server! a simpeler way to give suggestions or ask me or an other mod/openaudio user for help! (or just for fun )