Hey there folks!
Incremental update here
- Bumped NBT Api to support 1.20
- Various minor bug fixes
- Added a /oa modules command to show checksums of currently installed modules and extensions
- Various performance improvements related to server integrity checks Thanks to Mathitux from Herodia for pointing this out
- Various performance improvements and fixes for the Vistas-Client module Thanks to Mathitux from Herodia for pointing this out
- Dropped some legacy platform checks for Minehut and other providers
- Various other backend and account improvements
- Added Metrics! Server owners can now check the usage/activity of players using audio/voice chat (go to your account > My Servers > select your server)
- Added a new patreon tier which only includes extra storage, asset management, and the rest of the other perks excluding voicechat. Meant for themepark servers who wish to use more, but don't have a need for Voice Chat.
Note for vistas users
If you're updating your vistas network, make sure to grab the new module jar's from github releases or the repository!