Hey there folks!
This is an update a fair few people have been waiting for. Please take some time to go through the changelog, and read the
how-to upgrade section if you're running a Vistas network.
- Players who are detected as bedrock clients (based on their name prefix) will now be shown their tokens in a title message. The prefix that gets tested for, as well as some messages related to it, can be changed in the config. Normal players can also force this title to appear by running /audio token, which finally got merged into prod.
- Another improvement for Bedrock users is the new URL. The client site defaults to session.openaudiomc.net, but server admins can now choose to use my.minecraftvoicechat.com instead! It is a bit longer, but generally easier to type for newcomers (because it contains more familiar words), please look for this setting in your server settings (within your OpenAudioMc account)
- Most of the web clients got overhauled/updated to support mobile screen sizes as well. This is most noticeable on the onboarding section, audio page, and voice chat page/settings. We also noticed that users often got confused by the login confirmation, so they now get prompted to just join into voicechat directly (if the server supports that)
- There have been some changes to the networking protocol of voice chat (between your server and our stack) which should be noticeably more efficient on large networks and is most effective within vistas deployments.
- On the topic of Vistas deployments, this update also includes some stability improvements for the vistas-server.
- Build numbers are fixed! each consecutive build/release has its own ID again in /oa state
- Other stuff: Documentation has been overhauled, mainly the installation instructions and some advanced pages. Some Patreon tiers now support a free trial period. We'll be launching a creator program soon to better facilitate streamers and the accounts platform got some UX and performance improvements.
How to upgrade
For normal servers
- Just replace the plugin jar, restart, and you're done
For legacy servers
- Update the plugin jar
- Pull a new rinaorc-legacy-users.jar from the github release and drop it in the modules folder
For bungeecord/velocity networks
- Replace the plugin jar network-wide, it isn't cross-compatible with older versions due to protocol changes.
For vistas networks
- Make sure to update the plugin jar
- Pull a new vistas-client jar from the latest github release, and put it in your servers' modules folder
- Pull a new vistas-server jar and replace your old one, the config/storage container is still backwards compatible