OpenAudioMc -  Proximity Voice Chat  and Music without mods icon

OpenAudioMc - Proximity Voice Chat and Music without mods -----

Add custom music and voice chat to your server, without mods or downloads.

New Client - Bungeecord - Voice Chat - Notifications - Speakers - Media

Hey everyone!
It's time for another update, the biggest one until now.

As described in this blogpost it is time for OpenAudioMc to head into a new direction as it comes to its target audience and features supporting that.

Let's head over a quick changelog first and then talk about the differences in-depth.
  • [+] Added (built-in) support for DropBox media
  • [+] Added (built-in) support for Google Drive media
  • [+] Added (built-in) support for SoundCloud media
  • [+] OpenAudioMc client v6 which is faster better and nicer
  • [+] High quality and low latency voice chat (more on that later)
  • [+] Browser and in client notifications
  • [+] The Card-API (more on that later)
  • [+] Speaker set/remove commands
  • [+] Messages for URL expirations
  • [+] Bungeecord Plugin
  • [+] New backend with support for partner hosting
Voice chat
Yes! voice chat!
OpenAudioMc now supports voice chat for up to 16 people with crystal clear and low latency audio. Voice calls can be created via
Code (Text):

/oa call create <name/selector> <name/selector> <name/selector> ...
You can enter a bunch of names or a selector to invite players to the call. Every member can mute others and leave the call at their own will.
To read more about voice chat, please check out our blog article here

You can now use share links for DropBox, Google-Drive, and Soundcloud just like regular media in the commands.

You can now set/remove speakers via commands.
Try adding one with
Code (Text):

/oa speaker set <world> <x> <y> <z> <url>
or removing one with
Code (Text):

/oa speaker remove <world> <x> <y> <z>
New client
This update includes a complete client revamp!
It's fully native. If you are using a custom hosted client be sure to update it as well. For regular users, you may need to update your data.yml to point to instead of!
Here follow some screenshots.

Cards! Who doesn't love some useful information?
With the new 6.0 Cards API, developers can create cards to display real-time information on the web client like a scoreboard, team info and much more. These cards have support for hyperlinks, changeable text, form att ing and color codes.
Please see the following two screenshots for an example card and the code.

I added bungeecord to the mix after popular request.
You can now install the OpenAudioMc plugin as a bungeecord plugin to use it across your network. note that the spigot servers must not have the plugin installed. it becomes a proxy sided service

This update took months of work because it was almost a complete rewrite of the system. If you appreciate the work, please consider donating here, it helps me to keep the servers running :)

Made with love and support from those around me.
Thank you all, you're amazing.
----------, Sep 11, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 425,049
First Release: Oct 21, 2016
Last Update: Feb 3, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
172 ratings
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