Ambiance, new openaudiomc+ and more options.
So, we've got some new features whe hope you will enjoy.
Here is a list (more info and a tutorial can be found after this list)
(reminder, you can login here:
Ambiance sound
Some parts in your server are just to quiet, after many requests ambiance sound is added.
Ambiance sound plays when no sound is playing for x amount of seconds, it will stop when any form of audio starts so no more need to put regions everywhere.
The sound file and delay can be changed via openaudiomc+.
Keyboard shortcuts
Are you a real audio ninja?
We added special keyboard shortcuts just for you!
↑ = volume up
→ = volume up
↓ = volume down
← = volume down
H = hue menu
Theme colors and icons
OpenAudioMc+ now allows you to select a custom theme color, this wil be applied on the user box and footer, there currently are 31 colors to choose from.
You can now setup an icon for your twitter, website and youtube by entering the url's in to the openaudiomc+ settings page, a new option to hide the qrl code button can be found on the very bottom of the page.
In short
The openaudiomc+ settings page got an upgrade, the following options where added:
- +Twitter icon
- +Youtube icon
- +Website icon
- +Ambiance sound
- +Ambiance delay
- +Ui color
- +Qr code toggle
As allways, i hope you guys like it <3
Cya laters :}