MC Pets - 3D-model pets & mounts icon

MC Pets - 3D-model pets & mounts -----

Create wonderful mounts and pets for your server


Here is the MCPets 4.1.4 build for 1.21+ spigot versions. Due to API changes and compiler upgrade, this version will not be compatible with prior Minecraft versions.

This version also introduces minor bug fixes.
----------, Aug 4, 2024

Hi ! :)

This version updates MCPets for 1.20.6 API changes and is still compatible solely with ModelEngine 4.

Minor bug fixes were introduced since last update
----------, Aug 4, 2024

Hey all!
Here goes a gew bug fixes:
- Fixing perms access on category opening command
- Categories now follow the rules fixed by InventorySize in the config.yml
- Fixing skills not working for Despawn and Taming
- Clarification of the EXP gain when you already own the evolution, or when you reach max level
- Fixing a related bug to level up and EXP
- Adding a max_health placeholder in PAPI
----------, Mar 31, 2024

Hey everyone!

Here comes another big wave of bug fixes, mostly caused by recent changes in 1.20.4 and MythicMobs/ModelEngine.

Check out the discord for the constant update logs and changes.
----------, Feb 10, 2024

Hey all! :)

This version comes with several bug fixes, highly recommended to update!
----------, Dec 10, 2023

Hey y'all!

This version patches several bugs and makes compatibility with recent changes in MEG4.

Some interesting features were added as well.

New features:
- Pet food buffs: temporary buffs using pet food, check the wiki for more info!
- Hex color support almost everywhere (please share where it doesn't work still)
- Adding `mcpets inventory <player> <pet>` command to inspect some player's inventory
- Adding PAPI support in GUI and messages

See you on the Discord!
----------, Nov 5, 2023

Hey yall! :)

Since MEG4 is out, here comes a build that is compatible with it!

Some few bug fixes as well were introduced in that build :love:

----------, Oct 2, 2023

Hey ! :)

This patch introduces a few bug fixes:
- Implementing a more optimized save system for Databases
- Fixing a spammy issue with the DismountFlyPetFlag
- Adding the inventory item to the editor
- Making the revoke command castable from the console

Cheers ! :coffee:
----------, Jul 30, 2023


Just fixing another bug that comes from much older versions.
The PetDespawnReason " MythicMob" is now handled to enable you to use Despawn: true in your mob config!

Cheers ;)
----------, Jul 27, 2023

Hey! :)

Here is a small update to fix a few bugs thanks to your feedbacks, and adding a few feature:

New features:
✅ Pet HP placeholder

Bug fixes:
✅ EXP loss on database support is now fixed!
✅ Prevent item stacking in the editor when having the same item twice registered
✅Teleporting shouldn't revoke the pet now due to chunk unloading

See you around on the Discord and cheers to y'all!
----------, Jul 27, 2023

Hey lads!

A few bug fixes on that version, not much comment here:
✅ Adding a database refresher for Bungeecord server
✅ Filled map replaced with paper for petmenu because it doesn't support local name
✅ Editor is refreshed on reconnection to prevent reconnection bug
✅ InventorySize to 0 should be supported when deserializing inventory
----------, Jul 23, 2023

Hey fellow MCPets users!

After a long period in BETA, MCPets comes back with a stable release and major updates.
But before we dive in the changelogs, I would like to thank you all for your wonderful investment and support that make these updates possible, and make MCPets a better plugin. ❤️

Know that your opinion matters to me, and all your suggestions are welcomed! So if you have any idea, make sure to join the Discord to push it so we can have a look.

What's new with MCPets 4.0.0 ?

Before diving in the long list of add-ons and bug fixes, I'd like to introduce you to the new major tool: the Editor.
Indeed, as the name stands, you can now edit MCPets configuration, pets, items, and petfood directly in game!
Yeah, you don't need the wiki anymore, you can create/edit your pets thanks to that in-game GUI.
This feature is very new, and is still technically in BETA, so any input to make it more fluid is more than welcome. ❤️

So make sure you try it out using: /mcpets editor

Now, let's dive in the long list of changes:

New features:
✅ Adding an OverrideDefaultName option for default names and showing default name (
✅ Despawn, teleports, ... remove the models automatically now
✅ Option to disable the come back to category menu through EnableClickBackToMenu option (
✅ DismountFlyPetFlag for dismounting in anti-fly regions (
✅ Reset pet stats of the previous pet once it evolves
✅ Add better saving for SQL by saving on each experience increase to fix random stats clear
✅ Adding an argument to the revoke command to revoke a player's pet through: /mcpets revoke <playerName>
✅ AutoRespawn in the config.yml: automatically respawn your pet after it's dead and that the respawn cooldown is over (default to false)
✅ Auto-Ride when swapping skin is now automatic!
✅ Adding a message for when UNLOCK pet food is used and that you already own the pet

Bug fixes:
✅ Food can not be given when reaching the maximum value threshold
✅ Adding MySQL save on any gain of EXP to prevent conflicting save issues
✅ Adding AIR items in the petfood should not happen
✅ Skins appear on resummon
✅ PetFood UNLOCK is not usable when already owning the pet, as intended now
✅ You can now look into other players pet even when categories are used
✅ Fixing a tracking issue with the AI that was causing the pet to despawn with UNKNOWN reason
----------, Jul 19, 2023

Hey !

Last version introduced a slight issue with mounting and worldguard flags.
This version offers a patch for it ! (y)

Enjoy! :)
----------, May 22, 2023

Hey everyone !

MCPets 3.1.0 is out with some major new features, namely evolution trees and new consumables!

New features:
✅ Adding an EvolutionPet mechanic to force a pet to evolve into any other pet, which enables complex evolution trees
✅ Adding an Evolution PetFood to trigger an evolution into any other pet, another way to implement complex evolution trees but in an easy fashion
✅ Adding an Unlock PetFood to unlock a pet by consuming the item, with permission check and everything
✅ Adding a DropPetItem mechanic to let MythicMobs drop any PetItem (like pet food, unlock, evolve, etc...)
✅ Adding a DropInventory mechanic to force the pet to drops its inventory content (trigger through MythicMobs)
✅Adding an ExcludedCategories section into categories so you can exclude pets that belong to another category into the one you're editing (cool to have all the pets in one category for instance, and all the mounts into another)

Bug fixes:
✅Reducing server ticks with pet's following AI improvements
✅Autoride in DismountPet flag regions should now prevent autoride

Cheers ❤️
----------, May 21, 2023

Hey again!

Turns out last post was not the correct build and forgot a major fix for categories :sleep:

----------, May 7, 2023

Hey everyone !

After a long while focusing on my academic obligations, MCPets 3.0.4 is finally out with major bug fixes and some cool new features that you suggested ❤️

New features:
✅ Implementing support for Placeholder API (finally!). You can find information on the placeholders on the wiki: Placeholder API support - MCPets (
Hexadecimal colors are now available for naming your pet and icons in the summoning menu selection.
/mcpets revoke, /mcpets mount, /mcpets name commands are now available.
✅ Adding a PetDespawn mechanic for MythicMobs configurators to despawn a pet and override the despawn message.

Bug fixes:
✅ Fixing some mounting issues with the other player being able to mount a pet that was not their as drivers.
✅ Inventory size can no longer be superior to 54 and lower than 0, causing a corruption the database. Inventory extensions using levels can not exceed that limit either.
✅ Next page icon can now be customized like other menu items through the /mcpets item page_selector.
✅ Pet name can not be empty due to external plugins, which used to cause a corruption.
✅ A message is send to the player and in debugger if you try to evolve a pet and already have the evolution to prevent further confusion.
DismountOnDamage in the config is now fixed, as well as the SpawnPetOnReconnect.
✅ Pet name should be transferred when evolving
✅ Adding a database save for MySQL users to help supporting Bungee. There is still work to be done here for full Bungee support, I count on your feedbacks!

I hope you enjoy this one as much as you've been so far! ✨
Cheers ❤️
----------, May 7, 2023

Hey everyone !

MCPets 3.0.0 has been working great so far thanks to all your feedbacks❤️
So now, here comes 3.0.2 with a lot of new things and small fixes for you to enjoy a smoother experience with MCPets.

New features:
✅ Adding a debugger using /mcpets debug. This feature will improve over time with more of your feedbacks !
Vanilla items can now be used as Pet Food
✅ Adding /mcpets petFood <foodID> <player> to give food to a player directly
✅ Preventing other users to climb on your pet
✅ Adding a MountPermission parameter in the pet config, to decide of a permission to mount a pet in addition to owning the pet
✅ Adding a DefaultCategory parameter within the category files, if it's set to true all the pets are added by default to this category
✅ Adding a tamingProgress parameter to the setLivingPet mechanic, so you can decide the default value of the taming for wild living pets.
✅ Adding a <> and <pet.level.index> to use in MythicMobs placeholders
✅ Adding tags <> and <pet.owner.uuid> to fetch the owner within MM
✅ Adding an optional MySQL prefix option in the global config.yml for better security

Bug fixes:
✅ Removing the ' character from pet names as it was causing a syntax error in SQL (this is a temporary patch)
✅ Fixing naming display in menu when the Nameable was set to false in the config.yml
✅ Experience now carries over correctly when going through multiple levels at once

I hope you enjoy this one ! ✨
Cheers ❤️
----------, Oct 16, 2022

Hey everyone !

I hope you're enjoying MCPets 3.0.0 so far ❤️

Here are a few things for bug fixes and a new command feature somebody asked for on the Discord:

/mcpets category command is now available. Check the wiki to see how to open directly a category to your players.
✅ Fixing an issue when adding an item in MCPets, it would show the help message even though everything was okay
✅ Fixing an issue on first load of the database that was throwing a warning
✅ Fixing an issue with the DespawnOnDismount feature spamming the console because it was ASync in ModelEngine, so I had to put the processing on main thread for this

Besides that, so far so good !
Enjoy MCPets 3.0.1 ✨
----------, Sep 19, 2022

After 2 long months of intense coding, MCPets 3.0.0 is finally out !
It adds a ton of new features to make your pets alive, for real.

Without further ado, let's jump into a clear list of the new features :
Pet statistics (health, regeneration, experience, damage modifier, resistance modifier, power modifier for skills)
Pet levels (tuning of the pet stats, can also add inventory extensions)
Pet food for taming, regenerating or give experience to the pet
Evolution system at given levels
✅ Respawn and revoke cooldowns tunable per level
MythicMobs placeholders, conditions and mechanics related to the usage of pet statistics for pets. Adding a @PetFromOwner targeter, check the wiki for more information.

In addition to those new features, MCPets needed a better place for communication and support, with a new Discord : Tof & Nocsy's Workshop.
The Workshop will be the new place for support for MCPets, so make sure to join it !

You can also become a Patron to support our project and get involved in the creation process through a monthly model release for patrons.

Going back to MCPets, still a few things to add.

We have one major change in the dependency system :
⚠️ LuckPerms is now a soft dependency to MCPets. It's required to use every feature that would make a use of giving/removing permissions to players. Meaning evolutions and the GivePet mechanic. If you want me to add other permission plugins support, let me know on the Discord !

Finally, I've been fixing a few issues and adding new features :

Command auto-completion in game !
✅ Fixing a bug causing the signal stick not being removed after the pet is revoked
✅ Fixing a bug causing pet skins to remove the visual name tag of the pet
Adding a lot more to the wiki and making it way clearer thanks to the BETA testers

I hope you enjoy all these !
See you around on the workshop maybe !
----------, Sep 18, 2022

Woops, I had let a debug message when a player dismounted a pet.

This version should remove the message.

Enjoy !!
----------, Aug 7, 2022

Hey guys !

ModelEngine 3.0.0 just got released, requiring a lot of internal changes for MCPets. As a result, MCPets 2.0.1 is only compatible with ModelEngine 3.0.0 release right now (use older releases for other ModelEngine versions).
If you have any doubts about the requirements, check out the wiki.

Also yeaaah, we finally have a new wiki ! Much more explanatory and clear, do not hesitate to give feedbacks using the Discord.

So, what's new here ?

  • ✅ Compatibility with MEG 3.0.0 (required for MCPets 2.0.1)
  • ✅ [fixed] Skins are now loaded correctly and the name is kept when changing skin
  • ✅ Skins are now using MythicMobs instead of Model Engine blueprints, so it enables you to much more customization !
  • ✅ [fixed] "setname" mechanic doesn't update the pet's name: PetName Mechanic to change the pet's name to the said value
  • ✅ [fixed] 9 pets in the category menu weren't showing the last one due to the pager, now it's fixed !
  • ✅ [fixed] Pet skin is not reset anymore when teleported back to the owner
Enjoy !
----------, Aug 7, 2022

Hey guys !

It's been a while since MCPets got a fresh update, but here we go with 2.0.0 !
This update engages a massive change for MCPets, with significant new features to enhance your players experience with their pets.

You can have a look at all the upcoming updates and the progress going on here :
Feel free to suggest anything through the discord !

Sadly I didn't have time to update the wiki yet, but this will come anytime soon to explain you in details how to use these features !

For those who had a previous version of MCPets using SQL support, previous data are gonna be off usage because I needed a completely new database structure and I couldn't go for a simple transfer. Sorry about that, even though it just contained players' pet names.
I do recommand you to delete your old language.yml as well, since I changed some default aspects of it for a better readability (specifically for english speaking servers).

Without further ado, let's recap everything that has changed :

Small changes & new features
You can now get the Signal Stick through multiple ways, enabling you to potentially even craft it using a side plugin (this is not included in the plugin don't get me wrong, but you can do that now with a side plugin !) :
✅ Possibility to hide the "Signal stick" even when the pet has signals available
✅ Command to give oneself the signal stick (/mcpets signalsticks <player> <pet>)
✅ Command to turn the player in hand item into a signal stick for a specific pet (/mcpets signalsticks <pet>)
✅ Option to enable the "Signal Stick from the Menu" in the config

You can now create categories of pet in the /mcpets menu ! Just create a "categoryname.yml" in the category folder, restart the server and the config will be setup automatically. Then modify it how you want !
✅ Create pet categories to show up in a menu when doing /mcpets, then it opens category menus (it'll help for selecting "living" from "cosmetic" pets)

You can now customize every single icons in the menus :
✅ Added a custom metadata (960) to the pager system
✅ Possibility to change all the icons in the interaction menu through the /mcpets item command
✅ Disable pets in worlds using the BlacklistWorld in the config.yml

You can now turn any living MythicMobs into somebody's pet using this mechanic :
✅ Add a mechanic setPet to set a certain Mythic Mobs as a Pet (so you can summon pets not only through the menu, but other processes eventually)

It's over with opening the menu by error now !
✅ Add an option to prevent the player to open the interaction menu when holding a signal stick

You wanted to get rid of the MySQL search when the plugin enables ?
✅ Option to disable MySQL from config

You wanted to spawn a pet to some player but discretly ?
✅ Add a silent check to the pet command (/pets spawn <id> <player> true -s / (-s) being the optional silent argument)

For the creators, you wanted to be able to turn off the pet following AI given specific situations ?
✅ Add mechanic to switch the pet behavior (PetFollow mechanic)

You wanted to disable the prefix in the chat ?
✅ Turn off/on the prefix in the language.yml file (just put "" if you want no prefix)

You wanted to keep using MM default names rather than MCPets naming ?
✅ Turn off default name to keep MM naming system

Inventory system
You can now store items in your pet's inventory if you make him one !
✅ Possibility to store items in the pet inventory if enabled
✅ Define default inventory size for each pet
✅ Stock inventory into the DB
✅ Icon in the pet menu interaction

Skins system
Some pets are just color variations of others, so let's create a skin system !
✅ In the pet interaction menu, you can select a skin (if enabled, syntax will be on the wiki anytime soon)
✅ Define a list of skins (models) for a specific pet (in the pet file)
✅ Permission for each skin
✅ In game menu to show the available skins

And that's it for now ! Huge stuff coming over in the next weeks/months depending of my agenda.

Enjoy ! ❤️
----------, Jul 17, 2022

Hey guys !

Quick update here to fix 2 bugs with latest build :
  • Pets would sometime stay after player disconnection, strolling around without its master. Now it's fixed !
  • Latest MythicMobs 5.0.3 build now includes the PathFinder required for the pet to follow its owner. There was an issue on MCPets side to make this happen, so now it's fixed =) !
I'm finally having more time to make more models and features for the plugins =D So maybe next release will include some juicy stuff :3

Till then, have fun !
----------, Apr 23, 2022

Hey guys !

Thanks to some reports on the last release, I've finally nailed down some very old issues the plugin used to have =)

So, here are the changes :
  • Flags now load and save properly on the server (mcpets-dismount, mcpets-despawn)
  • Teleportation of the pet used to cause the pet to despawn when it had a custom despawn skill, and now it's fixed =)
I'm now working on a way to force the pets to be able to spawn in "mob-spawing : deny" worldguard regions. Wish me luck =D

Cheers !
----------, Mar 18, 2022

Hey guys !

Finally delivering the release for MythicMobs 5.0.2.
This updates the requirements of the plugins : MythicMobs 5.0.2 is now mandatory for this version to work.

Here are other changes :
  • Flags are now named mcpets-despawn and mcpets-dismount to encounter less conflicts between plugins.
  • Fixed a bug on player changing world
  • Fixed a bug for display name to disappear on teleport
  • Fixed a bug causing pets to despawn randomly
Also, thanks to SaltyAimbOtter the code was rapidly cleaned for a better optimisation and readability.
An API class was implemented for an easier use as well.
----------, Mar 15, 2022

Hey guys !

Quick fix update and new options are now available in the config.yml file :
  • Fixing a bug with pages when you had the same title in both inventories
  • Adding an option to enable/disable automatic dismount when the player takes damages
  • Adding an option to enable/disable respawn of the pet when the player reconnect

Have fun !
----------, Feb 23, 2022

Hey guys !

We've rebranded AdvancedPet to MCPets.
This update is called 1.0.0 as it's the first stable release of MCPets under this name, but it corresponds to the very same update as AdvancedPet r1.0.6.

Note that this version is ONLY compatible with 1.18 and ModelEngine r2.3.1.

There will be more MCPets updates to come to support older version for sure (1.16 and 1.17).

----------, Jan 18, 2022

Hey guys !

This is a small patch to get the plugin work on 1.18 with ModelEngine r2.3.1.
This include a new architecture, of course, considering the ModelEngine update :
  • The models of the pet must now have a bone named tag_name if they want to be named. This bone is to be placed by the model creator. An example is given on the wiki of AdvancedPet here : (wiki link)
  • Any model that doesn't own a bone named tag_name (which is imposed by AdvancedPet for simplicity purpose) won't get their name displayed (that's how ModelEngine seems to work now)
I'm currently working on some more interesting features to come : inventory in your pets, mounting minecraft mobs and control them, etc...

Meanwhile, stay tuned and take care of you lads !
----------, Jan 14, 2022

Hey guys ! =)

I had no time for coding recently, so I just come in with this very quick update to fix mounting mobs issue.

I'll also add a 1.16.5 release on the git for this 1.0.5 release tonight =)

Bug fixed :
  • Riding a mob will no longer create weird mounting/dismount situation
Enjoy !
----------, Dec 29, 2021

Hey everyone !

After a long rush, 1.18 finally comes out publicly with several adjustments and fixes.
This version should also be compatible with 1.17.

So, let's get on what's new and what has been fixed :

New features :
  • Making a versioning following system (1.17 & 1.18)
  • GivePet mechanic to give access to a pet using the mythicmobs (givepet{id="petid"} @Target)
Bug fixes :
  • Naming both inventory (interaction & GUI) the same would use to cause the pet not to be revoked but respawned when clicking on the pet icon in the interaction menu. But this is out now !
  • Some plugins still generates a chain reaction of pets. To prevent this issue, I added a semaphore security that will revoke the pet if the chain reaction begins. This may be triggered when pets get despawned too often. Also if that feature is a trouble for you guys, please let me know, I'll try to find something else.
----------, Dec 20, 2021

Hey guys !

After a long walk through the code, I finally found out what could coz pet spawning overload, so here we go with a patch for this on 1.17 and 1.18 =)

Yes, 1.18 is now supported, but still in work. If you wanna try the 1.18 in coming builds, make sure to check out the patreon page !
----------, Dec 9, 2021

Hey !

Sorry for the third post today, the plugin got some restructuration to get better for feature updates.
However I broke renaming on last release, so here comes the patch.

Thanks to those who gave me this really quick feedback, highly appreciated <3
----------, Dec 8, 2021

Another update during the same day because I had some time to make some new quick fixes and adding a new option in the config file.

So here it goes :

New option :
  • You can now set whether or not the pet interaction menu shows a button to go back to the pet selection menu ! Have a look at the config example here, option : ActivateBackMenuIcon
Bug fixes :
  • There used to be an error stack trace on plugin disable due to ModelEngine disabling before it. This had no consequences but it has been fixed
  • Fixed an issue around Database saves (thanks to Vyrus)
----------, Dec 8, 2021

Hey everyone =D !

Thanks to your wonderful feedbacks on the plugin, we're finally out of the BETA phase Yeeeah!!

It's been a tough 2 weeks of work, but I finally come up with this major update for AdvancedPet.
However, it had me realize that the time I invested in the plugin was getting a lot, and I could afford making both this plugin and models while not losing money, which is helping a lot in these tough days.

So I decided I may open a Patreon for early updates. You guys we'll be able to support me while pushing me up for faster updates this way =)

Also we now have a wiki Yooohooo!! You can access it here.

Now, let's get into this major update and the new features/fixes that were made :

New features :
  • WorldGuard is now a softdepend, which means it's not essential for AdvancedPet to work now
  • GUI size can now be set to adaptive or fixed to a certain size for customized GUI.
  • Items representing the pets can now be custom modeled items, not heads mandatory
  • You can now configure the spawn range of the pet not just by using the Distance criterion
  • You can now configure the coming back range of the pet not just by using the Distance criterion, which stands for how close to you the pet should come back when its too far
  • /advancedpet now has an alias : /pets
  • You can now order you pet to cast MythicMobs skills using signals, pretty cool right ? (ref wiki for usage)
  • Blacklist now exists for naming the pet
  • Hexadecimal colors support for naming pets
  • Added a new permission : advancedpet.color to enable players to use colors in their pet name
Bug fixes :
  • Multiplication of pets spawning due to a conflict with RedProtect (tested in local, do not hesitate to report me stuff about it)
Known issues that needs more report :
  • Revoking pet won't really apply for some reason. May be linked to a plugin conflict. I need more feedbacks on this one
----------, Dec 8, 2021

Release 0.3.0

Hey guys =)

It's been quite a rush these days, but I had enough time cover some bugs and had some new features !
Without further ado, here comes the sum up :

New features :
  • Adding a new option into pet files which should have been here from scratch : MountType. This refer to the different possibilities over controller given by ModelEngine here. Basically, two major choices : flying or walking. Default would be on walking.
  • Adding a targeter into MythicMobs so can cast a skill at the PetOwner. For this, simply use the @PetOwner on your MythicMobs.
  • Adding a new option into config.yml : SneakMode. Basically, it says whether or not the interaction menu of the pet should be opened through the option you chose previously + sneaking or not. Default is on to false.
  • Adding MySQL support to the plugin. This is a big one for those who have a database. It's configurable from config.yml and basically gives you the possibility to store PlayerData into a database instead of multiple YAML files. For those who don't have a database, don't worry the old system remains as well ;)
Known issues that couldn't be fixed already :
  • Something causing duplication of pets on death/tp for some customers until server would eventually crash. If you encounter this issue please contact me through Spigot so we can eventually find the origin and patch it very soon =)
That's all for today's update !
Have fun =D
----------, Nov 20, 2021

Quick fix for the teleport event :
  • Mount should be dismounted on teleport to prevent stuck issue on the mount
Thanks for your feedbacks =)
Please send other possible issues to be patched.
----------, Nov 19, 2021

AdvancedPet r0.2.0

Hey everyone =D !

I'm super happy with the launch of AdvancedPet, it's evolving nicely on the platform thanks to your contributions =)

I've read through your feedbacks, and here I come with some new features, a complete rework of the config files, and some bug fixes.

So let's start with the new features :
  • Pets are now handled through separated config files, all concentrated into the "Pets" folder (you can also create subfolders to sort things out). Have a look at the updated examples, namely the otter which is offered with the plugin.
  • A new option is now available for mounts : AutoRide (true/false). This enables you to get the player on the mount when he/she summons it.
  • You can now summon a pet and attach it to a player through a command : /advancedpet spawn <> <playername> <checkPermission:true/false> (so you can chose if the player has have the permission to summon this pet basically)
  • This version is now compatible with 1.16, but hasn't been tested and won't be supported. It would be a waste of time to retrograde the code, namely because of the dependencies with ModelEngine and MythicMobs.
  • Language.yml has been updated for a better visual, namely the "Usage" lines. So I recommand you either to delete the language.yml file or only the "usage" line, it will be updated automatically if you do so.
  • Samewise, I suggest you to clean up the "Pets" field in the config.yml which is now obsolete. The global features applied to all pets will remain into it and of course still functionnal.
Considering the bugs fixed :
  • Mounts can't be mounted twice anymore ! (Thanks Fred for noticing this one ahah)
  • An error considering mob spawning not recognized by MM is now fixed (Thanks Entropy114)
  • Tweaks with mobs death/despawn is now given a patch. We'll see how it goes =)
----------, Nov 17, 2021

Hey everyone !

Some of you reported me that it was hard to get all the possibilities you could get from AdvancedPet.

To help you setup your first pet, with basic skills such as interaction, despawn skill and custom animations, I've made a quick model of an otter that would maybe help you understand what you can do basically with AdvancedPet.

The files are included in the ZIP, along with the JAR of the plugin.

Good luck !
----------, Nov 15, 2021

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 46,740
First Release: Nov 14, 2021
Last Update: Aug 4, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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