MC Pets - 3D-model pets & mounts icon

MC Pets - 3D-model pets & mounts -----

Create wonderful mounts and pets for your server

Out of BETA !
Hey everyone =D !

Thanks to your wonderful feedbacks on the plugin, we're finally out of the BETA phase Yeeeah!!

It's been a tough 2 weeks of work, but I finally come up with this major update for AdvancedPet.
However, it had me realize that the time I invested in the plugin was getting a lot, and I could afford making both this plugin and models while not losing money, which is helping a lot in these tough days.

So I decided I may open a Patreon for early updates. You guys we'll be able to support me while pushing me up for faster updates this way =)

Also we now have a wiki Yooohooo!! You can access it here.

Now, let's get into this major update and the new features/fixes that were made :

New features :
  • WorldGuard is now a softdepend, which means it's not essential for AdvancedPet to work now
  • GUI size can now be set to adaptive or fixed to a certain size for customized GUI.
  • Items representing the pets can now be custom modeled items, not heads mandatory
  • You can now configure the spawn range of the pet not just by using the Distance criterion
  • You can now configure the coming back range of the pet not just by using the Distance criterion, which stands for how close to you the pet should come back when its too far
  • /advancedpet now has an alias : /pets
  • You can now order you pet to cast MythicMobs skills using signals, pretty cool right ? (ref wiki for usage)
  • Blacklist now exists for naming the pet
  • Hexadecimal colors support for naming pets
  • Added a new permission : advancedpet.color to enable players to use colors in their pet name
Bug fixes :
  • Multiplication of pets spawning due to a conflict with RedProtect (tested in local, do not hesitate to report me stuff about it)
Known issues that needs more report :
  • Revoking pet won't really apply for some reason. May be linked to a plugin conflict. I need more feedbacks on this one
----------, Dec 8, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 46,792
First Release: Nov 14, 2021
Last Update: Aug 4, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
73 ratings
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