MC Pets - 3D-model pets & mounts icon

MC Pets - 3D-model pets & mounts -----

Create wonderful mounts and pets for your server

Update R0.3.0
Release 0.3.0

Hey guys =)

It's been quite a rush these days, but I had enough time cover some bugs and had some new features !
Without further ado, here comes the sum up :

New features :
  • Adding a new option into pet files which should have been here from scratch : MountType. This refer to the different possibilities over controller given by ModelEngine here. Basically, two major choices : flying or walking. Default would be on walking.
  • Adding a targeter into MythicMobs so can cast a skill at the PetOwner. For this, simply use the @PetOwner on your MythicMobs.
  • Adding a new option into config.yml : SneakMode. Basically, it says whether or not the interaction menu of the pet should be opened through the option you chose previously + sneaking or not. Default is on to false.
  • Adding MySQL support to the plugin. This is a big one for those who have a database. It's configurable from config.yml and basically gives you the possibility to store PlayerData into a database instead of multiple YAML files. For those who don't have a database, don't worry the old system remains as well ;)
Known issues that couldn't be fixed already :
  • Something causing duplication of pets on death/tp for some customers until server would eventually crash. If you encounter this issue please contact me through Spigot so we can eventually find the origin and patch it very soon =)
That's all for today's update !
Have fun =D
----------, Nov 20, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 46,792
First Release: Nov 14, 2021
Last Update: Aug 4, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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