MC Pets - 3D-model pets & mounts icon

MC Pets - 3D-model pets & mounts -----

Create wonderful mounts and pets for your server

Half way to the big update !
Hey guys !

It's been a while since MCPets got a fresh update, but here we go with 2.0.0 !
This update engages a massive change for MCPets, with significant new features to enhance your players experience with their pets.

You can have a look at all the upcoming updates and the progress going on here :
Feel free to suggest anything through the discord !

Sadly I didn't have time to update the wiki yet, but this will come anytime soon to explain you in details how to use these features !

For those who had a previous version of MCPets using SQL support, previous data are gonna be off usage because I needed a completely new database structure and I couldn't go for a simple transfer. Sorry about that, even though it just contained players' pet names.
I do recommand you to delete your old language.yml as well, since I changed some default aspects of it for a better readability (specifically for english speaking servers).

Without further ado, let's recap everything that has changed :

Small changes & new features
You can now get the Signal Stick through multiple ways, enabling you to potentially even craft it using a side plugin (this is not included in the plugin don't get me wrong, but you can do that now with a side plugin !) :
✅ Possibility to hide the "Signal stick" even when the pet has signals available
✅ Command to give oneself the signal stick (/mcpets signalsticks <player> <pet>)
✅ Command to turn the player in hand item into a signal stick for a specific pet (/mcpets signalsticks <pet>)
✅ Option to enable the "Signal Stick from the Menu" in the config

You can now create categories of pet in the /mcpets menu ! Just create a "categoryname.yml" in the category folder, restart the server and the config will be setup automatically. Then modify it how you want !
✅ Create pet categories to show up in a menu when doing /mcpets, then it opens category menus (it'll help for selecting "living" from "cosmetic" pets)

You can now customize every single icons in the menus :
✅ Added a custom metadata (960) to the pager system
✅ Possibility to change all the icons in the interaction menu through the /mcpets item command
✅ Disable pets in worlds using the BlacklistWorld in the config.yml

You can now turn any living MythicMobs into somebody's pet using this mechanic :
✅ Add a mechanic setPet to set a certain Mythic Mobs as a Pet (so you can summon pets not only through the menu, but other processes eventually)

It's over with opening the menu by error now !
✅ Add an option to prevent the player to open the interaction menu when holding a signal stick

You wanted to get rid of the MySQL search when the plugin enables ?
✅ Option to disable MySQL from config

You wanted to spawn a pet to some player but discretly ?
✅ Add a silent check to the pet command (/pets spawn <id> <player> true -s / (-s) being the optional silent argument)

For the creators, you wanted to be able to turn off the pet following AI given specific situations ?
✅ Add mechanic to switch the pet behavior (PetFollow mechanic)

You wanted to disable the prefix in the chat ?
✅ Turn off/on the prefix in the language.yml file (just put "" if you want no prefix)

You wanted to keep using MM default names rather than MCPets naming ?
✅ Turn off default name to keep MM naming system

Inventory system
You can now store items in your pet's inventory if you make him one !
✅ Possibility to store items in the pet inventory if enabled
✅ Define default inventory size for each pet
✅ Stock inventory into the DB
✅ Icon in the pet menu interaction

Skins system
Some pets are just color variations of others, so let's create a skin system !
✅ In the pet interaction menu, you can select a skin (if enabled, syntax will be on the wiki anytime soon)
✅ Define a list of skins (models) for a specific pet (in the pet file)
✅ Permission for each skin
✅ In game menu to show the available skins

And that's it for now ! Huge stuff coming over in the next weeks/months depending of my agenda.

Enjoy ! ❤️
----------, Jul 17, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 46,525
First Release: Nov 14, 2021
Last Update: Aug 4, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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