MCPets 3.1.0 is out with some major new features, namely evolution trees and new consumables!
New features: ✅ Adding an
EvolutionPet mechanic to force a pet to evolve into any other pet, which enables complex evolution trees
✅ Adding an
Evolution PetFood to trigger an evolution into any other pet, another way to implement complex evolution trees but in an easy fashion
✅ Adding an
Unlock PetFood to unlock a pet by consuming the item, with permission check and everything
✅ Adding a
DropPetItem mechanic to let MythicMobs drop any PetItem (like pet food, unlock, evolve, etc...)
✅ Adding a
DropInventory mechanic to force the pet to drops its inventory content (trigger through MythicMobs)
✅Adding an
ExcludedCategories section into categories so you can exclude pets that belong to another category into the one you're editing (cool to have all the pets in one category for instance, and all the mounts into another)
Bug fixes: ✅Reducing server ticks with pet's following AI improvements
✅Autoride in DismountPet flag regions should now prevent autoride