MC Pets - 3D-model pets & mounts icon

MC Pets - 3D-model pets & mounts -----

Create wonderful mounts and pets for your server

MCPets 3.0.4: PAPI support and bug fixes
Hey everyone !

After a long while focusing on my academic obligations, MCPets 3.0.4 is finally out with major bug fixes and some cool new features that you suggested ❤️

New features:
✅ Implementing support for Placeholder API (finally!). You can find information on the placeholders on the wiki: Placeholder API support - MCPets (
Hexadecimal colors are now available for naming your pet and icons in the summoning menu selection.
/mcpets revoke, /mcpets mount, /mcpets name commands are now available.
✅ Adding a PetDespawn mechanic for MythicMobs configurators to despawn a pet and override the despawn message.

Bug fixes:
✅ Fixing some mounting issues with the other player being able to mount a pet that was not their as drivers.
✅ Inventory size can no longer be superior to 54 and lower than 0, causing a corruption the database. Inventory extensions using levels can not exceed that limit either.
✅ Next page icon can now be customized like other menu items through the /mcpets item page_selector.
✅ Pet name can not be empty due to external plugins, which used to cause a corruption.
✅ A message is send to the player and in debugger if you try to evolve a pet and already have the evolution to prevent further confusion.
DismountOnDamage in the config is now fixed, as well as the SpawnPetOnReconnect.
✅ Pet name should be transferred when evolving
✅ Adding a database save for MySQL users to help supporting Bungee. There is still work to be done here for full Bungee support, I count on your feedbacks!

I hope you enjoy this one as much as you've been so far! ✨
Cheers ❤️
----------, May 7, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 46,792
First Release: Nov 14, 2021
Last Update: Aug 4, 2024
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All-Time Rating:
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