MC Pets - 3D-model pets & mounts icon

MC Pets - 3D-model pets & mounts -----

Create wonderful mounts and pets for your server

MCPets 4.0.0 - In-game Editor!
Hey fellow MCPets users!

After a long period in BETA, MCPets comes back with a stable release and major updates.
But before we dive in the changelogs, I would like to thank you all for your wonderful investment and support that make these updates possible, and make MCPets a better plugin. ❤️

Know that your opinion matters to me, and all your suggestions are welcomed! So if you have any idea, make sure to join the Discord to push it so we can have a look.

What's new with MCPets 4.0.0 ?

Before diving in the long list of add-ons and bug fixes, I'd like to introduce you to the new major tool: the Editor.
Indeed, as the name stands, you can now edit MCPets configuration, pets, items, and petfood directly in game!
Yeah, you don't need the wiki anymore, you can create/edit your pets thanks to that in-game GUI.
This feature is very new, and is still technically in BETA, so any input to make it more fluid is more than welcome. ❤️

So make sure you try it out using: /mcpets editor

Now, let's dive in the long list of changes:

New features:
✅ Adding an OverrideDefaultName option for default names and showing default name (
✅ Despawn, teleports, ... remove the models automatically now
✅ Option to disable the come back to category menu through EnableClickBackToMenu option (
✅ DismountFlyPetFlag for dismounting in anti-fly regions (
✅ Reset pet stats of the previous pet once it evolves
✅ Add better saving for SQL by saving on each experience increase to fix random stats clear
✅ Adding an argument to the revoke command to revoke a player's pet through: /mcpets revoke <playerName>
✅ AutoRespawn in the config.yml: automatically respawn your pet after it's dead and that the respawn cooldown is over (default to false)
✅ Auto-Ride when swapping skin is now automatic!
✅ Adding a message for when UNLOCK pet food is used and that you already own the pet

Bug fixes:
✅ Food can not be given when reaching the maximum value threshold
✅ Adding MySQL save on any gain of EXP to prevent conflicting save issues
✅ Adding AIR items in the petfood should not happen
✅ Skins appear on resummon
✅ PetFood UNLOCK is not usable when already owning the pet, as intended now
✅ You can now look into other players pet even when categories are used
✅ Fixing a tracking issue with the AI that was causing the pet to despawn with UNKNOWN reason
----------, Jul 19, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 46,792
First Release: Nov 14, 2021
Last Update: Aug 4, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
73 ratings
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