MC Pets - 3D-model pets & mounts icon

MC Pets - 3D-model pets & mounts -----

Create wonderful mounts and pets for your server

MCPets 3.0.0 - Living Pet Update + New Discord

After 2 long months of intense coding, MCPets 3.0.0 is finally out !
It adds a ton of new features to make your pets alive, for real.

Without further ado, let's jump into a clear list of the new features :
Pet statistics (health, regeneration, experience, damage modifier, resistance modifier, power modifier for skills)
Pet levels (tuning of the pet stats, can also add inventory extensions)
Pet food for taming, regenerating or give experience to the pet
Evolution system at given levels
✅ Respawn and revoke cooldowns tunable per level
MythicMobs placeholders, conditions and mechanics related to the usage of pet statistics for pets. Adding a @PetFromOwner targeter, check the wiki for more information.

In addition to those new features, MCPets needed a better place for communication and support, with a new Discord : Tof & Nocsy's Workshop.
The Workshop will be the new place for support for MCPets, so make sure to join it !

You can also become a Patron to support our project and get involved in the creation process through a monthly model release for patrons.

Going back to MCPets, still a few things to add.

We have one major change in the dependency system :
⚠️ LuckPerms is now a soft dependency to MCPets. It's required to use every feature that would make a use of giving/removing permissions to players. Meaning evolutions and the GivePet mechanic. If you want me to add other permission plugins support, let me know on the Discord !

Finally, I've been fixing a few issues and adding new features :

Command auto-completion in game !
✅ Fixing a bug causing the signal stick not being removed after the pet is revoked
✅ Fixing a bug causing pet skins to remove the visual name tag of the pet
Adding a lot more to the wiki and making it way clearer thanks to the BETA testers

I hope you enjoy all these !
See you around on the workshop maybe !
----------, Sep 18, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 46,792
First Release: Nov 14, 2021
Last Update: Aug 4, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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