Guilds [30% Sale] icon

Guilds [30% Sale] -----

[1.8.8-1.21 Support] [90+ Commands] RPG, GUIs, Land Claims, Arenas, Guild Wars, MySQL and more!

- Compile under 1.21 and confirm initial support
- New API events triggered when a player joins a war.
- Placeholder to check if a player has admin spy mode enabled.
- Members online count placeholder to the guild list GUI.

Bug Fixes
- Issue where other plugins couldn't access some war events via the API.
- Issue with hotbar switching while in a guild vault.
- Longstanding issue with the /guild list GUI failing to open due to invalid textures across versions. It now falls back to the default texture set in the plugin's config.
- Issue where some admin commands were not executable by console.
----------, Jul 11, 2024

- Added initial support for 1.20.X

Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug related to banking commands

- Currently dealing with some real life stuff, hope to be back soon.
----------, Jun 17, 2023

-Hey all, this update primarily focuses on the developer experience for those that have addons that hook into Guilds. I've spent the last week updating and implementing 1000s of new lines of Javadocs for the plugin. I've also published the Javadocs to an updated site:

The goal behind this was to give a better quality of life setup for developers working with the plugin so they had a better idea of what all was going on with the code.

This update features a decently sized cache overhaul in the backend and you should see much better performance.

Originally tested with around 150 players online, and 10,000 guilds, the previous update was using up to 9.67% of a tick and now we have no seen more than 0.03% of a tick, a 99.69% improvement overall.

- Added support for 1.19.4
- Added a new placeholder in essentials chat hook for guild tier
- Major cache overhaul for better performance

Bug Fixes
- Modified a broad range of classes that touch InputStreams to ensure that the resources are being closed properly to help protect against issues such as memory leaks
- Fixed a bug where some command suggestions would suggest players in vanish
----------, May 1, 2023

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where the syntax translation options were not showing up in the non-default language file
----------, Feb 5, 2023

- Implemented the ability to create translations for syntaxes used in commands (all of these are found in the lang files) : msg, name, player, amount, guild, new-name, motd, prefix, vault-number, arena, position, code, uses, language, new-backend
- Added support for 1.19.3
- Added a configuration option to enable Unicode / UTF-8 support for the SQL backends
- Implemented a new section for experimental features. Please read the description them first and MAKE A BACKUP FIRST before enabling them. The first experimental feature implemented is using member skull textures in the guild members gui

Bug Fixes
- Fixed /guild arena list not properly mapping the names to display to the end user
- Fixed a couple situations where a player would not be removed from the guild/ally chat
- Fixed a couple situations where interacting with bank balance could allow for very long decimal amounts
- Fixed some inconsistencies with claims in terms of their Y level on specific versions of Minecraft
- Fixed a locale issue for the rounding of decimals and guild bank balance based on where the server was hosted
- Fixed the Win/Loss Ratio placeholders throwing errors in certain situations. For guilds to be counted as valid here, they must have at least one win and one loss

- The config setting "settings.syntax-name" has been migrated to the translation files to follow the new translation syntaxes
- Removed the "carry-over" option from tiers as it caused some confusion on how it actually functioned
----------, Jan 28, 2023

This update focuses on a bunch of oversights that occurred when various features were implemented and role perms were forgotten, as well as a couple of new additions to the arenas.

- New config setting for toggling if a player should keep their inventory when they die in the arena
- New config setting for toggling if a player should keep their xp when they die in the arena
- New config setting for toggling if the inventory contents should drop on the floor when a player dies in the arena

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed /guild admin addplayer not adding guild / role perms to a player
- Fixed /guild admin removeplayer not removing guild / role perms from a player
- Fixed /guild create not applying role perms to a player
- Fixed /guild kick not removing role perms from a player
- Fixed /guild accept not applying role perms to a player
- Fixed /guild leave not removing role perms from a player
- Fixed /guild leave (as guild master) not removing role perms from all players when the guild is disbanded
- Fixed /guild delete not removing role perms from all players before deletion.
- Fixed role perms not being swapped between two members when /guild transfer or /guild admin transfer was executed
- Fixed role perms not being removed when an admin deletes a guild
----------, Nov 10, 2022

- Added support for 1.19.2
- Leaderboard arena placeholders are here! Check out the wiki to see them!

Bug Fixes
- Fixed the priority that chat listeners were running on to allow other plugins to make modifications to them
----------, Sep 4, 2022

- Added support for Minecraft 1.19

Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue on some versions of MC where clashing Adventure imports were happening
- Fixed getting the min world height on some versions of MC
- Fixed invalid lang key accessing for arena location issues
- Fixed a missing placeholder in the guild admin remove message telling the player what guild they were removed from


- Don't depend on MVdWPlaceholderAPI anymore since it hasn't been used in a while
- Libraries in 1.19 have changed. I have decided to drop Apache Commons Lang 3 (this was really only used in the update checker, item builder, and guild code generation. Please let me know if you notice any problems)
- Changed up some of the permissions for damage (please let me know if you experience any problems):
- Allies:
- Guilds: guilds.ffa.guild


- I need some people to volunteer testing on a new PR that will allow you to use a player's skull in the Guild Members GUI instead of a static item. If you are interested, please let me know.
----------, Jul 5, 2022

- Added support for 1.18.x

Bug Fixes
- Redesigned how guild roles interact with claims. The plugin will now properly check for the block-place / block-break flag and let that override the guild role permissions instead of the other way around
- Fixed an issue in 1.18 where guild claims would not go below y level 0
- Fixed a nagging error in console with announcements on newer versions of the game

- Implemented a long overdue method to get a guild by the uuid of a player
- Implemented a helper method to get a guild member by their uuid
- Implemented a new GuildSetHomeEvent

- Updated Slimjar to a personal release to fix some issues with libraries
- Removed the requirement for a player to be the 2nd highest role to have a guild transferred to them; any player in the guild can now have the guild transferred to them
----------, Jan 22, 2022

Bug Fixes

- Fixed a bug loading old challenges when using MySQL backend
- Fixed a bug where the admin upgrade command and guild tickets were not respecting perm changes
- Fixed a bug where a user would not be able to challenge another guild if their previous war ended with no user from each guild joining the war
- Fixed a bug where the guild role node for a player was not properly being applied


- Updated SlimJar dependency to fix some relocation NPEs being thrown
- Overhauled the Role + Tier permission system handling backend (please let me know if you experience any problems)
- Updated the library handle to a new version that is the result from a discussion with the library developer. There was an issue where it was checking the client locale of all players online every second without a cache. This started showing up on the main thread. It now checks less often and has a cache so it's not as intensive.
- The enum value for the team / ally chat can now be translated
- Updated XSeries to 3.4.0
- Updated Kotlin to 1.5.30
----------, Nov 7, 2021

Please make a full backup of your Guilds data before applying this update. I have tested it in some scenarios and have not had problems but I can not account for every single person.


- Implemented support for Minecraft 1.17.1

- Implemented a new GuildUpgradeEvent that is fired when a guild upgrades their tier

- Implemented a brand new ally chat feature! This comes with a bunch of new additions around the plugin including new commands. First up, "/guild chat" has been changed to "/gc" and ally chat has been changed to "/ac". These both can be toggled as well as sending messages directly through via the command

- Implemented PlaceholderAPI placeholder support inside of the guild chat and ally chat messages

- Implemented new permissions that allow players to bypass the same guild pvp checks. For same guild, the permission node is "guilds.ffa". This has been requested for awhile to allow more creativity. The next update will introduce the same feature for allies. Currently a bug in the implementation that is still being tested.

- Implemented a cost option for /guild rename

- Implemented a new placeholder to get a guild's balance in a raw format %guilds_balance_raw%

Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that caused problems for people using the API in Guilds to obtain some of the data

- Hopefully fixed a bug with some of the language keys not properly updating

- Changed the logic of guild deletion. This will now happen on-demand when a guild is deleted in-game instead of waiting for the next save interval

- Fixed a bug in admin transfer command tab completions throwing nasty console errors


- Changed some internal logic in the admin upgrade command to allow it to be ran from console
----------, Aug 11, 2021


- Implemented support for 1.17

Bug Fixes

- Hopefully fixed some issues with shared hosts blocking runtime downloading dependencies for the plugin to load

- Fixed some GUI problems on older versions of the game

- Fixed an important bug with guild upgrade logic
----------, Jun 24, 2021


- This could've been a feature or a change but I wanted to share that Guilds now uses async tab completions in the areas that I deemed it valuable. This is a super key feature in the plugin now because of the performance improvements it brings. Tab completions also create a cache after first usage to provide faster responses to the players.

- Added support for Java 16

- Added in the following events related to arenas: GuildWarChallengeEvent, GuildWarAcceptEvent, GuildWarDeclineEvent, GuildWarStartEvent, GuildWarEndEvent.

Bug Fixes

- Fixed a couple bugs with arenas where the locations of the spawns weren't verified after initial creation.

- Fixed a bug where a player was not always properly respawned in certain instances after dying in the arena.

- Fixed the plugin not loading on Java 16 in some instances


- Implemented some cleanup logic to cooldowns to make them less intrusive on server resources
----------, Jun 6, 2021

Bug Fixes

- Fixed MySQL compatibility on latest versions of 1.16.5
----------, Apr 22, 2021

Bug Fixes
- Fixed a rare bug that would allow people to be kicked that were higher roles than the person kicking

- Fixed a bug where you could not use color codes in the components introduced in the last update

- Fixed multiple bugs with the arena that occurred when people were killed from a non-vanilla source from other plugins

- Fixed a bug where when searching for a war challenge by UUID it would sometimes return null when it actually wasn't null.

- Fixed a nasty stacktrace that would occur when the plugin would shut down if you did not have Vault installed on your server

- Fixed a geographical bug that would occur with the formatting of balances based on where your server was hosted in the world

- The arena logic has been updated a bit to ensure better QOL handling

- Damage is no longer calculated before death and instead just lets the player die. When they click re-spawn, they will be sent back to their original location. (The death screen can by completely avoided by using the, per world, /gamerule doImmediateRespawn on 1.15+.)

- For the people using GroupManager or PermissionsEx, the plugin will now automatically set the async option for Vault to false to prevent the errors that would typically occur
----------, Apr 10, 2021


- By popular request, I've implemented the ability to have multiple ways to notify players about war. Instead of actionbar only (as it might clash with other plugins) you can now choose: [actionbar, title, subtitle, none]. Hopefully these other notify methods will be more suitable to everyone.

- Added support for 1.16.5

Bug Fixes

- Fixed a strange packet bug with actionbars in the old war notify system. These should no longer appear.

- Added extra safety check to a rare bug where players could transfer the guild to someone not in the guild
----------, Jan 16, 2021

Bug Fixes

- Fixed a bug preventing users from being able to eat in some WorldGuard regions

- Fixed a bug where adding an ally with a colored name would kick you from the server


- Multiple changes have been done to the GUIs in the backend. You should now see faster loading, and more reliable displays. This is not perfect yet but I'm working on it!


- Coming soon, I will be adding Brigadier support to all the commands. This will be a config option and is supposed to be pretty good. I personally like it due to the colors.
----------, Oct 8, 2020

Hotfix for weird case where MySQL didn't load when MariaDB did.
----------, Sep 4, 2020

Just wanted to say thank you for your patience with me and this update. The last few weeks of my life have been the busiest I've ever been. From moving to a new house, to starting school again in a pandemic and then coming in contact with someone who had it, life has been a mess. Anyways, onto the update!

- The claim-sign text is now configurable

Bug Fixes
- Fixed players showing up as online in the member, list, and info GUIs if they were in vanish
- Fixed not being able to eat in guild regions
- Fixed some issues with detecting 1.16 materials
- Fixed a long-standing bug with PVP issues in WorldGuard messing up damage detection
- Fixed a bug where users with ChatControlPro would see the Guild Chat twice
----------, Sep 4, 2020


- Added support for 1.16 Materials!

Bug Fixes

- Fixed a bug with not being able to add a player on the first join to the server to a guild

- Fixed actionbars not working on 1.16


- RGB support will come soon
- Pls let me know if you have any bugs
----------, Jul 4, 2020

Bug Fixes

- When using JSON, the way data is being loaded in has been changed. This fixes a long-time bug that would prevent the plugin from loading if there was a corrupted file. From now on, the plugin will just output a warning to the console (so please watch it on startup) specifying which Guild was not loaded in.

- Fixed a long-time bug of values resetting in tiers and roles when I implemented something new and it would wipe your extra ones. It will now provide a default for LOADING only. It WILL NOT save to the file, you will need to put it in yourself, this just still allows the plugin to load.

- Fixed the %guilds_formatted% placeholder from showing if the player was not in a Guild.

- Fixed a bug with wars and being able to dupe rewards.

- Fixed /g reload not accounting for changes in the language files

- Fixed the balance display in /guild info not being consistent


- Implemented a message for designing how the commands looked in the config. While it's minimal, it allowed me to make the help command display put a / character in front of each command to make it look nicer.

- Due to a few requests, I've implemented a check in the blacklist listener to check if the event has already been cancelled before running the checks. This can happen when another plugin runs their events before Guilds does.
----------, Jun 2, 2020


- Developers, this one is for you!
- Exposed the CooldownHandler in the API so you can hook into it.
- Implemented a GuildBuffEvent so that it is called when a buff is bought.

- Backend code cleanup
- Made some adjustments to building the project to prepare for some future features (claims are on the way!)

- Updated Norwegian
- Updated Czech

----------, May 20, 2020


Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with announcements running sync instead of async

- GUIs should perform 10x better now and use less RAM

- Added Greek
- Updated Spanish
- Updated French
- Updated German
- Updated Dutch

----------, May 11, 2020



- Made /guild help commands alphabetical

- Added support for {buyer} and {buff_name} in the commands that can be executed when a guild buff is bought

----------, May 4, 2020


Bug Fixes

- Fixed a nasty error that displayed when trying to parse papi placeholders when a player was offline

- Fixed the display of balance having lots of excess zeroes. Hopefully should be the last time I have to make that change but no promises


- I've attempted to add in a default language string for something in the help command to try and fix a small annoying warning with Chinese languages

----------, May 3, 2020


Bug Fixes

- Hopefully fixed a bug where unclaiming land wouldn't work unless you were in the overworld

----------, May 2, 2020



- GuildRole internals have been rewritten from scratch and are much more efficient
- Implemented 3 new admin commands (/guild admin score setwins, setloses, and resetall) to modify the guild score for a guild
- Implemented the ability to set max allies based on a guild's tier
- For cracked servers (that I really don't support), I've made an exception and added a config option to use the default URL skull texture instead of whatever your server is trying to do. This will prevent the crash that some of them were experiencing.

Bug Fixes

- Fixed the logic of adding allies being reversed
- Fixed not removing a guild from ally lists when deleted by admin
- Fixed not removing perms of members in a guild deleted by admin
- Fixed update checker not properly checking versions
- Fixed missing message when trying to buy buff without permission
- Fixed error on /g home cooldown


- Faster checking for migration stuff
- Cleaned up some legacy code
- Cleaned up announcement system internals
- Removed support for Portuguese (wasn't translated enough)
- Updated some internals for the EssentialsX Chat Handler
- Updated command handler relocations to prevent a possible issue with other plugins
- Removed the need for a 3rd party service to get the texture URLs for a player (this can be tested by simply just creating a guild and then checking out /guild list)


- Like usual, these updates have been tested to an extend. I am one person, and I can not guarantee everything works and it is bug-free. Please make a backup of all your Guild's data before updating.

----------, Apr 30, 2020



- The new Buff System is here!
- I've been working hard these past few days to completely rewrite the way Guild Buffs work. This new system is much more efficient and allows for more configuration!

- Perks:
- Unlimited Buffs (seriously, I hardcore tested this and it handled over 75,000 buffs in the config)
- Custom look and design depending on if the player has the permission or not for the buff
- The ability to set unlimited potion effects (as far as I know), including how strong they are and the length of each effect
- Way more optimized than the old system

Bug Fixes

- Fixed not properly obtaining WorldGuard PvP flag
- Fixed unclaimall command saying it was trying to migrate data
- Fixed admin delete command displaying wrong warning message
- Fixed not being added to region when joining a guild via code
- Fixed language command not properly working
- Fixed language files not supporting utf-8
- Fixed regex issue in essentials chat


- New system for loading commands
- Continued conversion from Java to Kotlin


- This jar was tested more against 1.15.2 than any other version. If errors occur on older versions of the game, please let me know so I can try to fix them


- GuildLeaveEvent no longer has a cause
- Implemented new GuildKickEvent that includes a cause for admin kicking and player kicking


- The following languages have been removed from the plugin (because they were never fully translated or barely even started):
- Hebrew
- Japanese
- Korean
- Norwegian
- Serbian
- Ukrainian

----------, Apr 18, 2020


Bug Fixes

- Fixed an issue with /guild bank withdraw taking money from the player instead of giving it
- Fixed an issue with the /guild code commands not appearing
- Fixed a bug where /guild war challenge would throw an error if there were no available arenas
- Fixed an issue with projectiles not being listened to in the arena during fights
- Fixed an issue where you could spam war invites to other guilds without cooldown


- The GUIs have been FULLY rewritten utilizing a new library to help support 1.8.8 again. Please let me know if you have any issues.
- If you are using a material in any of the GUIs that are known to have issues working across all versions of MC, they will now be replaced with a barrier to ensure the GUIs will still open.
- If you are using a material that's known to be problematic in supporting cross-version support, it will now default to a barrier block so that the GUIs will not break and still continue to open

----------, Apr 2, 2020

Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with the plugin.yml not updating the version when I pushed it causing the plugin update checker to always think there was an update
- Removed an unneeded API check in the placeholder class
- Fixed a rare WG issue
- Implemented a temp / perm-temp solution to the /guild list GUI not opening sometimes
- Fixed an issue with players not getting role/tier perms when creating a guild until they relog

- Converted the project to Gradle (easier to build)
- Modified how runtime dependencies work. Will now only download excess stuff like MySQL when using MySQL in the config
- Removed the needed for the language update command. Language files will now automatically update (let me know if you have issues)
- I converted a lot of the project to Kotlin to be cleaner and more efficient.
- Designed a new system from scratch to load the commands. Please let me know if you have any issues.
- Updated the compiled guava (fixes some issues across MC versions)
- Redesigned all the GUI backends
- Cleaned up the utilization of upgrade tickets

Note: I had to make a last-minute change to this update to make something work. Please let me know if you have issues loading the plugin.

----------, Mar 29, 2020


Bug Fixes

- Fixed a weird bug where arenas weren't loading sometimes after reboot and creation

----------, Feb 5, 2020



- Implemented a config option to modify the syntax that shows up for <guild> in the help menu in case you want to change it from the default.

Bug Fixes

- Fixed a bunch of extra syntaxes showing up when they shouldn't have

----------, Jan 15, 2020



- Implemented a feature that allows you to choose whether a player should respawn at their guild home when they die (if they have one and the option is enabled)

----------, Jan 13, 2020

I am super sorry for the constant updates to fix this pesky bug. I try to reproduce and I can't so I assume it's fixed and then someone somehow reproduces it. Thanks for your patients!

Bug Fixes

- Fixed a super rare occur of the bug previously being hotfixed still occurring in a very weird situation.

----------, Jan 2, 2020


Bug Fixes

- Hopefully squashed this stupid EntityEvent console spam some people are getting

----------, Jan 1, 2020


Bug Fixes
- Fixed console being spammed with errors for servers below 1.13.x

----------, Dec 30, 2019



- 1.15 support is here!
- Please let me know if you experience any issues

Bug Fixes

- Fixed being able to put items into the Info Members GUI
- Fixed %guilds_tier_name% not showing properly
- Fixed %guilds_motd% showing the raw placeholder when a MOTD had not been set. It will now show as an empty string like the rest of the placeholders
- Possibly fixed issue with skulls in 1.15
- Fixed damage checks not applying to Tridents, Spectral Arrows, and Tipped Arrows


- Made an adjustment to all language files (so this update you will have to update your language files) to prevent a possible future issue with one of the core frameworks inside the project
- When setting the material of an item in the GUI, in order to prevent errors from happening, it will default to a glass pane if the item you are trying to set doesn't exist

Side Note

- The way I had to handle 1.15 materials in the GUIs is super ugly. The next update I will be rewriting the GUIs from scratch. Expect different functionality and better performance

Note: This update requires language updates
Code (Text):

1) guild console update-languages
2) guild confirm

----------, Dec 30, 2019


Bug Fixes

- Fixed an issue with the wrong permission node being required for

- Fixed an issue with Cooldown Timers looking at the wrong config

- Possibly fixed issue for displaying balance in PlaceholderAPI placeholders

- MOTD commands

- Fixed an error when trying to use the admin transfer command

----------, Dec 4, 2019


Bug Fixes

- Fixed a major issue where people couldn't upgrade their guild

----------, Nov 5, 2019




- New admin transfer command! Admins can now transfer by force a guild from one member to another (/guild admin transfer <guild> <new master>.

- The /guild list GUI can now be sorted alphabetically by name and by age (the creation date from first created to last)

- The /guild members GUI can now be sorted by role, alphabetically, and join date

Bug Fixes

- Hopefully fixed an issue where you couldn't open the list or info GUI if you had a guild set to a tier that didn't exist anymore. That guild will now be set back to the lowest tier on the server.

- Hopefully fixed a rare issue with a missing language key when there was an error running a command.

- Fixed not being able to transfer a guild to an offline player

- Fixed not being able to kick an offline player

- Fixed wrong method usage in some commands

- Fixed transferring guild to self if master

- Fixed not being able to add offline players to a guild via admin command

- Fixed wrong message being sent when a player didn't exist

- Fixed List GUI not sorting properly when using "LOADED"


- /guild admin bank balance can now be ran by console

- /guild admin addplayer can now be ran by console

- All /guild admin motd commands can now be ran by console

- The syntax for "/guild admin addplayer" has been changed from "<player> <guild>" to "<guild> <player>" to fit other syntaxes

- The config has been split up into different files to prevent you from having a humongous file and getting lost in it. Roles, Tiers, and Buffs now are in their own files.


- Guild Buffs are being rewritten from scratch next update. Previous buffs won't work.

Note: This update requires langauge updates
Code (Text):
1) guild console update-languages
2) guild confirm

----------, Oct 25, 2019



- New config option for case sensative checking for blacklisted names (Thanks Jowcey)

- PlaceholderAPI now supports %guilds_motd%

- New command (/guild members) will open the GUI that displays all your members!

- Added support for MariaDB servers!

Bug Fixes

- Fixed some confusion when console commands were being ran in-game and not displaying an error message

- (Hopefully) fixed a big issue with false positives on 1.8.8 of already having a guild claim when you didn't


- The command ("/guild admin spy") now has a different permission node which is "". This was changed so you could allow people to spy on chat without giving them access to all admin commands.

- Updated Czech and Swedish translations

Known Issues

- MySQL on 1.8.8 is still not working properly. Looking for a fix.

Note: This update requires langauge updates
Code (Text):
1) guild console update-languages
2) guild confirm

----------, Oct 12, 2019



- Challenges now migrate!

- New console command! (/guild console unclaim-all) which will unclaim all guild claims on the server at once

Bug Fixes

- Fixed an issue with /guild prefix not listening to blacklist properly

Note: This update requires language file updates! Make sure you run the normal steps to update them!

Known Issue
- SQLite currently is failing to load on Spigot 1.8.8. Looking for a fix.

----------, Sep 27, 2019

- Guild Creation Date is now tracked
- Member Join Date is now tracked
- Member Last Login Date is now tracked

Guild creation date can be used in the Guild List GUI by using the {creation} placeholder in the lore.

Member join date & last login can now be used in the Info Members GUI by using the {join} and {login} placeholders in the lore.

Note: Since this was just implement, the creation times will apply to the time when the server reboots. Existing members will have their join date set to the first time they login after they join in the new update

Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issues where in some cases, the cooldown json file wouldn't be created
----------, Sep 9, 2019


Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with SQLite not loading properly on Spigot server jars in some cases

----------, Sep 3, 2019

Bug Fixes
- Fixed claims not properly checking disabled worlds
- Fixed arenas not migrating
- Fixed cooldowns not migrating

- The plugin will now disable itself if it is set to MySQL and it can't create the tables to prevent further issues

Known Issues
- Challenges are not currently being migrated. Working on something for that

----------, Aug 29, 2019

MySQL and SQLite is finally here!

First and foremost, I want to give a huge shoutout to @simpleauthority who helped make this update a possibility for the project. I had been working on a version of SQL and he came along and said "Glare you're trash, let me fix this for you", so I let him. He has gone above-and-beyond what I could ask of him and has designed a system to help make this plugin super efficient in the backend! So, again, thank you @simpleauthority so much for your kind generosity of time and effort into the project.

- Implemented MySQL storage
- Implemented SQLite storage
- Data migration is now here!

Note: Previous cooldown data will be deleted. We've implemented a cleaner system to handle cooldowns that will work better in the long-run as we scale up.

This update requires a language update.

How to update languages:
From console,
1) guild console update-languages
2) guild confirm

Migrating Data
Migrating your data is super simple. In the past few updates we've introduced some console-only commands, and this is another one of these!

The new /guild console migrate <type> is finally here!

Possible migrations:

Keep in mind that for now, the previous data will not be deleted in case something goes wrong, it is HIGHLY SUGGESTED that you run /guild console backup before doing anything.

Side-Note: This has not been tested on Bungee. We are not responsible for any kind of data loss utilizing that. We always recommend that you make a backup before trying anything not tested. That will be our next focus as that is a little more complicated. Stay tuned for that.

- {loser} placeholder for wars has been added
----------, Aug 25, 2019

  • Implemented GuildPrefixEvent
  • Implemented GuildTransferEvent
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed not being able to get the new name of a Guild on rename event

Side Note: MySQL will be coming next update!

----------, Aug 17, 2019


This update requires a language update.

How to update languages: From console,

1) guild console update-languages
2) guild confirm

  • New backup command! You can now run guild console backup from the console and follow the instructions to make a backup! (This will also be useful in the future for debugging issues)
  • Pagination Guild List is back!
  • You can now sort the Guild List by arena wins
  • The command /guild chat is now a toggle + shortcut message. You can now do /guild chat <msg> to directly send a message to the guild chat without toggling it

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed pagination buttons not showing on guild list GUI

  • The update language command has changed, it is now guild console update-languages and it is now console-only - Updated some dependencies
Side-Note: MySQL is in the works and is currently in it's testing phase!

----------, Aug 14, 2019

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a rare issue where allied names would try to display in color

  • Changed the style of logging for dependencies downloading
  • Removed some un-needed logging
Side-Note: MySQL is in the works and is currently in it's testing phase!

----------, Aug 13, 2019

- Implemented option to ignore chat colors in the length of names and prefixes
- Implemented per-buff permissions

Bug Fixes
- Fixed NPE when hitting space bar after typing the reload command

- Updated Chinese Simplified translations
- Updated Russian translations

Note: This update requires a language update.

How to update languages:

From console,
1) guild admin update-language
2) guild confirm

----------, Aug 7, 2019

- You can now specify the aliases used in the plugin
- Implemented new messages
- Implemented ability to log guild chat to console (defaulted to false)


- Fixed issue where sometimes announcements would throw a 404
- Removed some old debugs
- Messages are now sent when a player dies naturally in the arena

Note: This update requires a language update.

How to update languages: From console,

1) guild admin update-language
2) guild confirm

----------, Aug 5, 2019

  • Fixed not being able to put items into Guild Vaults

----------, Aug 4, 2019

- Fixed not being able to challenge guilds with colored names
- Fixed error being thrown if your tier permissions were empty

----------, Aug 2, 2019

- Added in the ability for post-war commands
- Added in wins / loses support for the guild list item lore
- Implemented special clicking to go back to previous page of guis
- Added in config option to run vault sync in order to support PermissionsEx again Changes

- Relocated a few libraries in hopes of fixing issues with other plugins messing with commands loading

GUI Change Showcase

----------, Jul 31, 2019

- You can now sort the List GUI by guild balance

Bug Fixes
- Fixed a possible 1.14.4 dupe bug

----------, Jul 30, 2019

Bug Fixing Update!

Hey guys, the new Guild War system is in the works! I felt this update should come out to hold you off until it's ready. I'm probably a little over 56% done with the new system and we're going to start beta testing soon! I can't wait to share it with you guys.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed telling people to use the wrong command to decline guild invite.
  • Fixed a typo in the bank withdraw message.
  • Fixed a typo in a startup error message.
  • Fixed an issue with external plugins trying to listen for GuildEvents.
  • Fixed /guild kick kicking the wrong member out of a claim region.
  • Fixed admin remove player not removing a player from a claim region.
  • Fixed WG not listening to role perms.
  • When pending invites are empty, send a message saying no invites instead of not in guild.
  • Added in a new API method to get the GuildHandler.
  • Removed deprecated API methods.
----------, Jul 8, 2019

  • New Placeholders for your chat! {GUILD_FORMATTED} and %guilds_formatted%
  • You can now completely design the style of them!

  • Sorting GUIs!
  • The InfoMemberGUI is now sorted by the member's role.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed missing key typo for admin deposit command.
  • Fixed being kicked when trying to join guild with colored name.
  • Fixed perms not being given to default tier.
  • Fixed blacklist freaking out on lore when there was nothing to blacklist.
  • Fixed a typo in the member role (change the member role back to "member" if it says "roles" right now.
  • Fixed ally commands not working for non-ops.
  • Added back in total amount to withdraw / deposit messages.
  • Removed some unused methods.
  • Switched to a new dependency loader.
  • Updated to support PlaceholderAPI v2.10.3

----------, Jun 21, 2019

The main point of this update is to do a few back-end security patches. Your safety is one of my biggest goals so I changed how a few things work. The dependencies that the plugin uses now does hash checking to make sure it's the legit jar

that I intend the plugin to use. The plugin will not run if you modify these dependencies without changing some of the code.

  • Added in new admin command (/g admin motd <guild>), displays the MOTD of a guild.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed not being able to hit self with potion or arrow (thanks rudde).
  • Fixed not being able to transfer guilds to other players.
  • Fixed plugin not loading properly on 1.8.8 servers.
  • Fixed money not being taken from guild bank when purchasing claims via claim signs.
  • A message will be sent to the guild when someone adds and removes money from the bank.
  • Removed the need for checking material types on the claim signs (will be easier to branch out in the future).
  • Added warmup bypass permission node (guilds.warmup.bypass).
Known Issues
  • We're aware that if a guild has a colored name, it can cause some issues. It will be fixed in 3.5.1.
----------, Jun 13, 2019

  • New Guild Claim Signs!
  • You can now pre-make claims for guilds to buy of any size!
  • Super easy to follow, tutorial in the config!
  • New Buff Commands!
  • You can now execute commands on the player who bought the buff and the entire guild.
  • You can run as many commands as you want for each one.
  • Note: Guild commands cover the person who clicked it too.
  • You can toggle this in the config.
  • You can customize the commands for each buff!
  • New Admin Commands!
  • You can now get and modify the balance of a guild's bank via admin commands.
  • Please note that when using admin commands to add and remove money, it does not require the admin to have the money nor does it give the admin the money removed from the bank.
  • You can now modify the home of a guild via commands.
  • Added in commands for setting, teleporting, and removing the homes of a guild as an admin.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed not being able to modify Guild Buff GUI slots.
  • Fixed wrong number of members showing when trying to upgrade.
  • Fixed damaging allies and members with bow and arrows.
  • Fixed not being able to claim on MC 1.12 and lower.
  • Fixed officers being able to demote each other.
  • Fixed being able to open vault through info GUI without perms.
  • Deprecated a bunch of API methods that will soon be removed because they are redundant.
  • Updated the PlaceholderAPI hook to handle the API changes.
  • Added in a new API method to be able to get the Guild Vault of a Guild.
  • You can now configure which guild tiers can purchase buffs in the config.
  • When you click a skull in the guild list GUI, it will now open up the GUI of that guild's members.
  • You can now utilize "/g c" as a shortcut to guild chat.
  • Added into the config the suggested RegEx for Chinese symbols / Unicode.
  • Updating the languages is highly suggested for this update.
----------, May 31, 2019

  • Brand new Guild MOTDs!
  • Guild Masters (and others (configurable)) can now set the MOTD for the guild.
  • The MOTD can be seen by doing "/guild MOTD"
  • The MOTD can also be seen if it is enabled in the "/guild info" GUI.
  • The MOTD will be sent to a player when they first login (configurable).
  • New commands + Admin Commands have been created to handle the MOTDs.
  • Make sure to update the languages for this to work (/guild admin update-language).
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where the cooldowns weren't applying to the guild sethome in the info GUI.
  • Fixed an issue where people could put items into some of the GUIs and lose their stuff.
  • The sethome command now takes from the guild bank vs the player.
  • Cleaned up some API documentation.
----------, May 24, 2019

  • Brand new Cool-downs made from scratch!
  • Limit how often a guild can buy buffs.
  • Limit how often someone can go to their guild home.
  • Limit how often someone can join a guild.
  • Limit how often someone can request to join a guild.
  • Limit how often someone can set their guild home.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue with claim commands registering twice.
  • Fixed an issue where you could create multiple guilds with the same name.
  • Fixed an issue where members would not be notified when their guild was deleted.
  • Fixed an issue where an error would throw if you try to upgrade your guild while being the top tier
  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't translate the public / private string for the guild list GUI.
  • Fixed an issue where trying to open a vault right after upgrading the guild would throw an error.
  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't join a public guild.
  • Fixed an issue where you could put items into the vault selector GUI.
  • Fixed an issue where members weren't added to claim after joining a guild.
  • Fixed an issue where members weren't removed from a claim after leaving/being kicked from a guild.
  • Fixed an issue where the blacklist wouldn't be checked if enabled.
  • Switched the plugin to load off of run-time dependencies.
  • The guild list GUI now supports {guild-tier-name} in the lore.
  • You can now configure which items show in /guild info.
  • Added in the ability to disable prefixes in the plugin.
  • Changed the names of the panes for the info GUI to be blank.
  • Added support for {display-name} in guild chat.
  • Formatted how numbers look to use commas.
  • You can now toggle in the config if it should remove the brackets around the placeholder for EssentialsChat.
Known Issues
  • There is a known issue with claims when you're using FastAsyncWorldEdit. Getting in touch with the authors for a solution.
----------, May 20, 2019

  • From this version on, you can no longer convert old data. Please use a previous version first if you still have old < 3.4 data.
  • The new GUIs have been tested to some extent, but I can't promise they are 100% flawless. Your feedback would be awesome!
  • If you downgrade plugin version from this (which you should have no reason to) Guild Vaults will most likely break due to the fix implemented to handle 1.14.x.
Side Note
  • This version has been tested under 1.14.1, but not to an extent. I have not noticed any issues but can't promise it's 100% flawless.
  • Keep in mind 1.14.1 is new and unstable.
  • New Messages!
  • New Guild Info GUI! Check it out by using "/guild info" (Best part is you can design it to your heart's desire).
  • New Guild Members GUI! You can access this from the info command.
  • New Guild Vault GUI! You can now choose from a GUI which vault to open!
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue with custom completions not showing for accepting ally invites due to a typo.
  • Fixed an issue where a guild could force another guild to be their ally.
  • Fixed an issue with accepting ally invites.
  • Fixed an issue with declining ally invites.
  • Fixed an issue where the accepting guild for an invite would get both messages (each guild should get one).
  • Fixed an issue where listing guild allies would show up with IDs vs names.
  • Fixed an issue where a user joining a guild would get double messages.
  • Fixed an issue when a guild was removed it would not remove from ally lists.
  • Fixed an issue with Chinese characters in guilds causing the plugin to not load and corrupt the guild file.
  • Fixed an issue with the wrong price displaying when upgrading a guild.
  • Fixed an issue where claims wouldn't be removed when a guild was deleted.
  • Fixed an issue where the plugin wasn't respecting the buff stacking option from the config.
  • Fixed an issue with upgrade tickets not respecting color code.
  • Fixed an issue where the guild vaults would not listen to the config for the name after creation.
  • Fixed an issue with the deposit command checking balance twice and sometimes causing issues.
  • Fixed an issue where vaults weren't saving on 1.14.x.
  • Users will now get a nice message when the server doesn't have an economy plugin rather than a nasty error.
  • The command "/guild vault" will now open up the GUI picker to choose which vault to open.
  • Updated the languages (Remember: You can always get the latest set of language files by doing "/guild update-language").
  • The default time interval for saving guilds has been reduced from 2 minutes to 1 minute.
  • The admin vault command has been updated to match the new GUIs implemented in this update.
  • Removed some duplicate methods.
  • Updated bStats to the latest version.
Future Plan
  • The goal for 3.4.7 is to fix the bug and re-enable cooldowns and warmups. Thank you for your patience.

----------, May 14, 2019

  • Vault Blacklist! You can now blacklist items from going into Guild Vaults by material, name, and lore!
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue on 1.14 where Guilds weren't saving.
  • Fixed an error that would occur when a user tried to open vault 0 via Guild Vaults.
  • Added a new message for handling when the name was declined to prevent confusion.
  • You can now specify how often in the config to save Guilds now (will still be saved on shutdown).
  • Updated the languages (Remember: You can always get the latest set of language files by doing "/guild update-language")
  • General code cleanup to optimize efficiency.
----------, May 11, 2019


  • Fixed plugin not loading when there was more than one Guild.

----------, May 6, 2019

  • New PlaceholderAPI placeholder (%guilds_max_members%) - Displays the max amount of members allowed in the Guild
  • New PlaceholderAPI placeholder(%guilds_max_balance%) - Displays the max balance a Guild can have based off their tier
  • New config option (respect-wg-pvp-flag) - You can now choose to have the plugin respect worldguard pvp flag in regions where you don't want pvp but in other regions you want to allow it between guild members/allies. Set to false by default.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where not providing a prefix on creation would bypass the prefix requirements by using the name
  • Fixed an issue where Guilds weren't being deleted in some case and would exist again after a reboot
  • Fixed an issue that happened for users using LuckPerms where it would throw errors because Vault permission handling wasn't being executed async.
  • Fixed an issue with Guild Tiers not loading properly after rebooting. This will fix about 8 different issues all-together that pertained to different parts of Guild Tiers.
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the announcements would throw a NoClassFoundError
  • Fixed an issue with Guild Roles and this covers everything that it handled.
  • Modified a certain check to make it more accurate in some instances.
  • Relocated some packages.
  • Updated the languages (Remember: You can always get the latest set of language files by doing "/guild update-language")

----------, May 4, 2019


Note: People updating from a previous version may need to the run "/guild admin update-language" from console

  • Implemented "/guild admin update-languages" which is defaulted to console-use only (can be modified in the config).
  • The use of the command is to rebuild the language files, grabbing the latest available so that you can fix missing language keys.
  • Please use the command with caution.
  • New language! (zh-HK)
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where guild and ally members were able to do damage to each using the flame enchantment on bows.
  • Fixed an issue where guild and ally members were able to damage each other by throwing harmful splash potions.
  • Fixed an issue with EssentialsChat placeholders throwing an error in some instances.
  • Fixed an issue where the command "/guild code info" was not properly showing the description in the help menu.
  • Fixed an issue with the kick command not translating in the help menu.
  • Fixed an issue where "/guild list" wouldn't work for players not in a guild.
  • The way that the help command is the plugin has been redesigned. You can now control how it looks via the language files.
  • The reason for that change is to help fight against some languages having issues with "ERROR: MISSING LANGUAGE KEY".
  • Removed some excess code that didn't need to be in the plugin anymore.
  • Changed the EssentialsChat placeholders have changed. Instead of the format being "{ESSENTIALS_GUILD_PREFIX"} (example) it's now just "{GUILD_PREFIX}". (Refer here for a better understand).
  • {guild} can now be used as an item name for the guild list gui items.
  • Updated all language files
Known Issues
  • Servers trying to use NameTagEdit with PAPI Placeholders might experience an issue from time to time. Looking for a solution.

----------, Apr 28, 2019

  • Removed some old code that got looked over in the massive update
  • Fixed an issue with guilds not waiting on WorldGuard for those using claims
  • Added two new PlaceholderAPI placeholders:
  • %guilds_id% - Displays the ID of the guild (shouldn't be needed too often)
  • %guilds_code_amount% - Displays the number of codes you have in your guild
  • Fixed an issue for cracked servers throwing errors on trying to create guilds (not fully tested because I don't have a setup for something like that but I did testing for online servers running the code a cracked server would use and had no issues)
  • To add onto that last point, you can now change the default head URL in the config if you're a cracked server

----------, Apr 26, 2019


Guilds v3.4

Massive changes are among us!

Welcome to the by far biggest update this plugin has received. Thank you for taking the time to wait it out, and get ready to have your socks blown off! This update log is going to be pretty lengthy as we take you through each step that went in to performing this massive, 3 month update.


Before you do anything, please back up your old Guilds folder. We've tested many situations on moving old data to the new data setup and have not had any issues but we can't guarantee it's 100% perfect.


Guilds has a new language system. One of the key parts of this is the ability to be translated into any language you can imagine. We use a server called Crowdin which integrates into our code and allows anyone to login, and start translating all the messages in Guilds into the language of your choice. The way it benefits us is that all we have to do is push changes to the English source file and it auto-magically will deploy to all the other language files too!


Guilds has a new configuration system! We heard your frustration of having to reset the config each time or manually add in the new config strings each time we performed an update. We'll be honest, we hated it too, that was limiting us to adding in new features, and we knew we wanted to give you guys more than we currently were. We're proud to have worked together with the development team of the major plugin called AuthMeReloaded and we now work via a new config system. This new system will allow us to automatically handle your old data and merge it into the new config for future updates. This mean no more resetting your configs!


Guilds has a new data structure! After many weeks of testing on servers of different sizes we noticed some future issues with how we had our current data back-end. We wanted to avoid any issues that were to come at all costs so we have ripped out how we handle your data and rebuilt it from the ground up. From now on, each guild will have their own file, instead of all guilds in the same file. The benefits of this is that it's easier on us to store and add new data that new features could bring down the road. This also means that you can look at the data yourself easier. Each guild is now associated by a random unique id string and then saved to a file by it's id. Doing this also helped us fix about 6 or 7 possible memory leaks that could've happened if we had let it continue going for too much longer. One thing we also realized is that with our old back-end was that it was constantly writing I/O calls that were unnecessary, from now on, the only I/O calls that will be made pertaining to the guild data is the loading and saving of them, this will increase the performance of your server in many ways.


There is a ton of new features that have been requested in the past few months. The most import one is unlimited guild vaults which of course you can control how many a guild gets by their guild tier! We've also introduced a really cool new feature called guild codes which allow you to create a code to give out to people or even post on your server's website and people can use that code to join your guild at any time!

Other Fun Stuff:

  • We had around 28 bugs fixed in this update
  • We had over 230 code changes in order to make this update happen
  • We now have a brand new Wiki! Check it out sometime!
  • We reduced the size of the plugin by over 3MB (that's a lot)
  • We've decided to remove support for 1.7.10 due to it being over 5 years old now

Closing Notes:

  • Thank you again for your time and patience for this update
  • Thank you to all who have supported this update and helped me make it what it is
  • We will be releasing a road map in the following week of what we want to do to get to v4.0, and we will ask for your input on it too
----------, Apr 24, 2019

Resource Information
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First Release: Apr 24, 2019
Last Update: Jul 11, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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