- New admin transfer command! Admins can now transfer by force a guild from one member to another (/guild admin transfer <guild> <new master>.
- The /guild list GUI can now be sorted alphabetically by name and by age (the creation date from first created to last)
- The /guild members GUI can now be sorted by role, alphabetically, and join date
Bug Fixes
- Hopefully fixed an issue where you couldn't open the list or info GUI if you had a guild set to a tier that didn't exist anymore. That guild will now be set back to the lowest tier on the server.
- Hopefully fixed a rare issue with a missing language key when there was an error running a command.
- Fixed not being able to transfer a guild to an offline player
- Fixed not being able to kick an offline player
- Fixed wrong method usage in some commands
- Fixed transferring guild to self if master
- Fixed not being able to add offline players to a guild via admin command
- Fixed wrong message being sent when a player didn't exist
- Fixed List GUI not sorting properly when using "LOADED"
- /guild admin bank balance can now be ran by console
- /guild admin addplayer can now be ran by console
- All /guild admin motd commands can now be ran by console
- The syntax for "/guild admin addplayer" has been changed from "<player> <guild>" to "<guild> <player>" to fit other syntaxes
- The config has been split up into different files to prevent you from having a humongous file and getting lost in it. Roles, Tiers, and Buffs now are in their own files.
- Guild Buffs are being rewritten from scratch next update. Previous buffs won't work.
Note: This update requires langauge updates
Code (Text):
1) guild console update-languages
2) guild confirm