- GuildRole internals have been rewritten from scratch and are much more efficient
- Implemented 3 new admin commands (/guild admin score setwins, setloses, and resetall) to modify the guild score for a guild
- Implemented the ability to set max allies based on a guild's tier
- For cracked servers (that I really don't support), I've made an exception and added a config option to use the default URL skull texture instead of whatever your server is trying to do. This will prevent the crash that some of them were experiencing.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the logic of adding allies being reversed
- Fixed not removing a guild from ally lists when deleted by admin
- Fixed not removing perms of members in a guild deleted by admin
- Fixed update checker not properly checking versions
- Fixed missing message when trying to buy buff without permission
- Fixed error on /g home cooldown
- Faster checking for migration stuff
- Cleaned up some legacy code
- Cleaned up announcement system internals
- Removed support for Portuguese (wasn't translated enough)
- Updated some internals for the EssentialsX Chat Handler
- Updated command handler relocations to prevent a possible issue with other plugins
- Removed the need for a 3rd party service to get the texture URLs for a player (this can be tested by simply just creating a guild and then checking out /guild list)
- Like usual, these updates have been tested to an extend. I am one person, and I can not guarantee everything works and it is bug-free. Please make a backup of all your Guild's data before updating.